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JAN. 1, 1935 THROUGH MARCH 31, 1936" HARRY ANSLINGER'S GORE FILE Jan 1, 1935 (through) March 31, 1936 MUSEUM NOTES: Sometime back the museum ran into this article [1] which quotes Harry Anslinger himself (who himself is making reference to a written document) as its source and contains references to numerous Gore File cases. References that we have used to track down information on numerous (previously unidentified) Gore File Cases. Thus as one can imagine, we have found the article to be of no-small interest.
However, we have also wondered, exactly what was this mysterious document that Harry Anslinger himself was quoting? The answer came to us (years later), while looking over some old document boxes at the National Archives in College Park Md., where by sheer happenstance the following old Bureau of Narcotics file/record was finally located. Without question, it was the document being quoted and maybe the very same one held by the hand of Harry Anslinger during the press interview himself. But it was more than that. We quickly recognized it for what it was, in effect this was THE GORE FILE ITSELF. We repeat, we have found a part of Ansligner’s Gore File itself, NOT some write up about the file, but the actual file itself. Within it’s pages, laid exposed, ALL of Anslinger’s Gore File Cases for the time period (Jan. 1, 1935 through March 31, 1936). And while most of them consist solely of arrests records, they also contain some grisly cases --- but fear not, most of them have now been exposed as (ah) being somewhat inaccurate to say the least. NOTE: THIS IS NOT SOME WRITE UP ABOUT HE GORE FILE, BUT THE ACTUAL GORE FILE ITSELF (as located via the National Archives, College Park, Md.). ![]() [NOTE: Some transcriber errors (very) possible. If needed for historical purposes, please ask for copies of the originals. -- Also (although it makes for boring reading) we have tried to remain true to the original format of the actual documents.] ILLIGIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA [As per documents found at the National Archives (collage park, MD) --- WARNING some transcriber errors possible] ALABAMA On December 13, 1935, police at Mobile, Alabama (police officials) arrested Fred Johnson and found 43 marihuana cigarettes in his possession Johnson was sentenced to pay a fine of $100,00 or serve 90 days at hard labor. ARIZONA Phoenix On January 6, 1936, Police at Phoenix, Arizona, arrested Louis Pagurs, a Mexican, and seized 10 marihuana cigarettes. Pagura was given a suspended sentence of 180 days with orders to leave the city. CALIFORNIA San Francisco On January 16, 1935, Officers of the Division of Narcotic Enforcement, State of California, arrested Terry Doris on a charge of possession of Indian Hemp. This party (person) was selling marihuana to bell boys in various hotels in the tenderloin district for resale to guests, and was also known as a "fence” and small-time gangster. When arrested he had in his room 76 cans of marihuana, a cigarette making machine and several hundred cigarettess - ready for distribution; also three revolvers, a a quantity/number of stolen watches, etc, which he stated he had received in exchange for the drug. He was convicted and sentenced to the county jail for one year. Sacramento The Sacramento Police Department reported that in March, 1935, a 16 year old boy was in jail for burglary. He stole a revolver and was going out to stage a hold-up when he was arrested. He was under the influence of marihuana. The two men who sold the drug to the boy were sentenced to the State Penitentiary. San Quentin In July, 1935, prison authorities of San Quentin, California, learned of an effort to trade between Philip Torres, a drug addict, who attempted to sell a tobacco sack filled with prepared marihuana for smoking to another prisoner. Torres had been employed in the prison garden and when his work was inspected, several flourishing marihuana bushes were found growing on prison grounds. Salinas On July 30, 1935, raids were made at 39 Riker Street and 49 Buena Vista. Jose Guzman of the former address and A. Garei of the latter were taken into custody as the suspected growers. The marihuana field was shielded from the public by rows of corn. Porterville On August 2, 1935, Cricencio Jiminez, 43, was arrested on a charge of possession of marihuana following a raid on his ranch on the Toule River. Officers in the raiding party reported that they destroyed 75 full-grown marihuana plants on the ranch. The marihuana patch was enclosed with a high woven wire fence. Sacramento On August 29, 1935 Reyes Ramiriz, 30 was arrested. Charged with cultivating a narcotic habit in young boys to boost the demand for his marihuana cigarettes. A field of growing marihuana was found on the Southern Pacific Railroad property near Galt. The growing plants were cleverly camouflaged by corn stalks. Los Angeles On September 3, 1935, AlvardD Martinez, 74, was arrested for the possession of several thousand dollars worth of marihuana which was confiscated in a garden in Montebello Township. Stockton On September 13, 1935, Paul Rodriquez, Mexican laborer, was arraigned before Justice Cyril Kenyon and admitted possession of marihuana and was held in charge in the Superior Court. Stockton On September 13, 1935, Juan Cavarera, 35, was arrested at San Joaquin and Washington Streets. The officer reported finding 10 marihuana cigarettes in Cavarera’s possession. Sacramento On September 16, 1935, Sacramento police broke into a room at 1207 ½ Third Street and discovered a quantity of dried marihuana that would make 5,000 cigarettes. Tony Alvarez, 35, who had been pointed out to the police as a car looter, was arrested on a charge of possession of marihuana weed which was found spread out under a bed and drying on a window sill. In addition, 125 manufactured cigarettes were seized. Youngstown On October 26, 1935, Edmond Agnatio, alias Gullernue Hernandez, 53, of 33 North End Watt Street, was held in the county jail under $5,000. bond on charges of unlawfully possessing marihuana cigarettes. He and two others were arrested by local detectives, who found about 50 marihuana cigarettes in Agnatis’ possession. Stockton On November 14, 1935, George Xono, 42, Japanese, was arraigned on a charge of possession of marihuana and was remanded to jail pending a hearing. San Francisco On November 17, 1935, James Stevens, 23, was arrested/held on charges of possession and sale of marihuana cigarettes. Six other suspects were questioned in reference to the report that marihuana cigarettes were peddled from the sidewalks, in various hotels and beer taverns, and along Ellis and O’Farrel Streets, and in the tenderloin section. San Ysidro On July 15, 1935, Federico de la Vega, a Mexican, was arrested at San Yeidro, California, as he attempted to bring 5 grains of cocaine and 4 marihuana cigarettes into the United States from Tia Juana, Mexico. The case against him was dismissed by the Grand Jury. Fresno On January 6, 1936, State Narcotic Officers arrested Salvador Figerroa at Fresno, California and seized 3 marihuana cigarettes. The defendant was held for the action of the State Superior Court. On January 7, 1936, Marno Lafayette was arrested at Fresno by State Narcotic Officers in possession of 12 marihuana cigarettes and 1 ounce of marihuana in bulk. He was held for prosecution. On February 5., 1936, Julius Laredo was detained by Fresno Police as suspicious character. Nine marihuana cigarettes were found in his coat Pocket. The defendant pleaded guilty and was held for trial. On March 19, 1936, Federal and State Narcotic Agents searched the Premises in Fresno occupied by Peter Archer and found 2 ounces of marihuana concealed therein. Archer was held for action of the Superior Court. COLORADO Denver On November 27, 1935, Police at Denver arrested Andrew Chavez and seized 150 pounds of marihuana. The defendant was held for prosecution. On November 27, 1935, Denver, Colorado, police seized 6 pounds of marihuana from Henry Lopez and Joe Sarate. The defendants were held for prosecution. On November 28, 1935, Ruben Cordova was arrested at Denver for possession of 43 marihuana cigarettes. He was held for prosecution. On November 29, 1935, Phillip Angeles was arrested by Denver police for possession of 11 marihuana cigarettes. He was fined $300.00 and costs. On December 14, 1935, William Lucero and Frank E. Wasson were arrested by Denver Police while smoking marihuana cigarettes. One tin containing 2 ounces of marihuana was found in their possession. They were each fined $100.00 and costs, and an additional $25.00 each for vagrancy. On December 18, 1935, Denver police arrested Ralph Lopez for possession of 24 marihuana cigarettes. He was held for prosecution. On December 18, 1935, Miguel Chavez was arrested at Denver for possessing 11 marihuana cigarettes. He will be prosecuted. On December 30, 1935, Pete Garcia 'was arrested at Denver when he 'was found in possession of 12 marihuana cigarettes. 12 additional marihuana cigarettes were seized from his room. He was fined $300.00 and costs. On January 4, 1936, Frederico Olive was arrested on the streets of Denver with a tobacco tin containing 2 ounces of marihuana in his possession. At the time of his arrest he was attempting to sell the marihuana to a 16 year old boy. He was fined $150.00 and costs for violation of the City Narcotic Ordinance and $150.00 and costs for vagrancy. On January 9, 1936, police officers at Denver, acting upon information that Nick Flores was selling marihuana, went to his room and found one tobacco tin containing 2 ounces of marihuana. Flores was fined $25.00 and costs and sentenced to serve 90 days in the County Jail. On January 13, 1936, Charles Hernandez and Jose Dominguez were arrested at Denver for possession of 100 marihuana cigarettes and 22 ounces of marihuana in bulk. Hernandez was fined $300.00 and costs. Dominguez was released. On January 18, 1936, Henry Gregory and Charles Haigood were arrested at Denver for possession of 6 marihuana cigarettes. Gregory was fined $100.00 and costs. Haigood was already on probation on a charge of grand larceny. It is probable that his probation will be revoked. On January 22, 1936, Joe Hernandez, Trinidad Hernandez, Felix Lavero and Joe Raise were arrested at Denver for possession of 31 marihuana cigarettes and 60 ounces of marihuana in bulk. Joe Hernandez was fined $300.00 and costs; the others were fined $100.00 (each) and costs. On February 6, 1936, police at Denver arrested Louis Morales for possession of 2 marihuana cigarettes. He was fined $100.00 and costs. On the same day they arrested Victor Ruiz for possession of 2 marihuana cigarettes and Clinton Emmert for possession of 2 marihuana cigarettes. Ruiz was fined $100.00 and costs, while Emmert was fined $50.00 and costs. On February 12, 19360 Denver police officers seized 5 marihuana cigarettes from Fred Sanchez. The defendant was sentenced to 90 days in the County Jail and fined $100.00 and costs. On February 29, 1936, police at Denver seized 2 marihuana cigarettes from Anthony Martinez and Andy Alexander. Martinez was fined $300.00 and costs, while Alexander received a fine of $25.00 and costs. On March 4, 1938, Denver Police arrested Frank Arguello and Abe Trujillo, each being in possession of 1 marihuana cigarette. Both were sentenced to 30 days in jail. On March 7, 1936, John Garcia was arrested in Denver for possession of 14 marihuana cigarettes. He was sentenced to 90 days' imprisonment on the narcotic charge and fined $25.00 and costs for vagrancy. Walsenburg On September 12, 1935, following a series of crimes in Huerfano County, attributed to marihuana smokers, chief of which was an attack on Sheriff Claud Swift by a marihuana addict, which nearly resulted in his death. Sheriff Swift pulled up 75 pounds marihuana weed from a plot owned by Rito Parra. Another haul of 25 pounds was made on West 8th Street and about 10 pounds was pulled up on a ranch near Gardner. The total haul made by the Sheriff's office was approximately 200 pounds. Pueblo Park On September 26, 1935, an alleged marihuana ring consisting of 5 persons, 3 of whom were said to be "buyers" from New York City, and the others 2 farmers of Fowler, on the Santa Fe Trail, were arrested. Fifty pounds of marihuana seed was seized. A consignment of 150 pounds was reported to have been sent via railroad. Denver On November 29, 1935, three men were jailed and a quantity of marihuana was confiscated in a police drive against the sale of narcotics in the lower section of Denver. Police who were in their prowl car observed the men acting suspiciously and jumped from their car and seized a satchel which one of the men carried, and which contained a quantity of marihuana. An additional quantity of marihuana was found in the room of one of the defendants, Henry Lopez. CONNECTICUT Hartford On July 19, 1935, the first arrest in Hartford, Connecticut, by the police department and a Federal special agent was made under the authority of the new Uniform Narcotic Law which was enacted in June of this year, and which contained provision for the control, regulation, etc. of marihuana. Cigarettes spiked with Indian Hemp were found in the possession of Garland Banlett, 120 Bellevue Street. He was charged with possession and sale of cigarettes known as "reefers". He was bound over to the September term of Superior Court under bond of $1,000. DELAWARE Wilmington On January 12, 1936, one John Rhodes, said to have been a Mexican, was killed in Wilmington Delaware, by Walter Pettyjohn. When police tried to arrest Pettyjohn he attacked the police with a long knife. His struggles with the officers became so violent that the police, to save their own lives, shot and killed Pettyjohn. Both Rhodes and Pettyjohn were under the influence of marihuana when these crimes took place. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington On August 12, 1935, in a series of raids on marihuana peddlers, police arrested FLORIDA Jacksonville On March 5, 1935, 5 young men were arrested for the possession of marihuana cigarettes. Four of them received six months sentences in the county jail, and the fifth was fined $200.00 and costs. The aforesaid defendants in this case testified that they paid 750 for two marihuana cigarettes. Miami On November 21, 1935, Felix Gonzales was arrested for the possession of approximately 24 ounces of growing marihuana, and the sale of 4 cigarettes at 25cents each. Miami On February 11, 1936, Edna Smith and Abel Ramirez, were arrested for the possession of 54 marihuana cigarettes. From the report-submitted by the Federal District Supervisor for that district, it appears that the defendants were carrying on rather extensive illicit trade in marihuana cigarettes, which they sold for 20cents each. FLORIDA Miami On December 31, 1935 Police at Miami, Florida, arrested one H. V. Miller and seized from him 2 marihuana cigarettes. Miller, was fined $500.00 and costs, in default of which he was sentenced to serve 1 year in prison. On January 19, 1936, J.A. Garcia and N. Edwards were arrested at Miami following the sale of 6 marihuana cigarettes, to Federal Agents. When arrested Garcia had 3 additional marihuana cigarettes in his possession. Both defendants were sentenced to $300.00 fine or 6 months in jail. On February 1. 1936, State Narcotic Inspectors and Federal Agents arrested Abel Ramirez, alias Abel Americus, at Miami, for attempting to sell 11 Marihuana cigarettes to one of the Agents. A search of his residence resulted in the discovery of 10 ounces of marihuana. He had previously sold 5 marihuana cigarettes to this Agent. Ramirez was sentenced to serve 1 year in prison. Nancy Lee Drake was arrested at Miami on February 2, 1936, for selling 22 marihuana cigarettes to State Narcotic Agents. She was sentenced to pay a fine of $500.06 and costs, in default of which she will serve 1 year in prison. On February 3. 1938, Edna Smith, alias Edna Schauder, was arrested at Miami following the sale of 54 marihuana cigarettes to State Narcotic Inspectors. She was held in default of bond awaiting trial. On February 3, 1936, Felix Gonzales was arrested at Miami for selling 4 cigarettes to a State Narcotic officer. He was sentenced to 1 year in the Raiford, Florida, Penitentiary. On February 11, 1936, Frank Ovinnio was arrested at Miami charged with selling 2 marihuana cigarettes to a State Officer. He was held in default of bond awaiting trial. GEORGIA Columbus In September, 1935, a large amount of marihuana was seized in Columbus, which was confiscated and placed in sacks. The investigation was based on information received from the Chief of Police at Columbus that the soldiers at Fort Benning were being supplied with marihuana cigarettes. Columbus On September 4, 1935, Federal agents, aided by local police, raided the premises at 2104 Second Avenue and arrested Mrs. Ida Strickland, 56, and her son Eugene Strickland. They were charged with possession and sale of marihuana. The net weight of the marihuana purchased for cigarettes was 1/2 ounce, dried marihuana 10 pounds, chopped up and found in sack 4 pounds, growing marihuana including green stalks and branches 125 pounds. In a field a space of about 10’ x 30' was entirely covered by marihuana plants. With the prepared marihuana and that found growing, at least 10,000 cigarettes could have been manufactured, these cigarettes selling two for 25cents. The defendants were arraigned in Police Court at Columbus on September 5, 1935, and were held under bond of $1,500. GEORGIA Columbus On June 2. 1935, learned that W. E. Layne was peddling marihuana cigarettes to soldiers at Fort Banning, Georgia. Layne was arrested and 27-pounds of marihuana was found in his possession. He was sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment. TERRITORY OF HAWAII HONOLULU On January 20, 1936, Lloyd R. Evans was arrested at Honolulu for possession of 1 marihuana cigarette. No action was taken against the prisoner, as he aided police -in making a case against Joseph A. Sylva, the peddler from whom he purchased the marihuana. On January 25, 1936, Joseph A. Sylva was arrested at Honolulu following the sale of 3 marihuana cigarettes to Narcotic Agents and local police. He was held for trial by the Honolulu Police authorities. ILLINOIS Chicago On March 11, 1935, a report submitted by local police for the calendar year 1934, shows 31 arrests for possession of marihuana and 31 convictions. Joliet On August 16, 1935, convicts in Northern Illinois Penitentiary were said to have been sold marihuana cigarettes by (Inmate) Midget Fernekes, a notorious murderer wanted in New York and-Pennsylvania Waukegan Tom Bostan, Jr., Chicago On November 22, 1935, James Weaver, 40, and a man who identified himself as William Alred, 28, a high school janitor, were arrested on complaints that they were selling marihuana cigarettes to young people of high school age. Alred had 30 marihuana cigarettes in his pocket when apprehended. The Board of Education ordered a sweeping investigation and promised vigorous prosecution. INDIANA Bluffton On October 3, 1935, Frank Contres and Albert Galban, Mexican beet workers, were sentenced to serve thirty days at the Indiana State Penal Farm INDIANA Ft. Wayne On March 12, 1936, Louis Duppe and George Robinson were arrested at Fort Wayne for possession of 9 pounds of marihuana. They were held for prosecution. KANSAS Wichita On August 15, 1955(sic 1935), Tuan Gonzales was arrested at Wichita, Kansas, possession of 7 tobacco tins containing an undetermined amount of marihuana. He was sentenced to imprisonment for a period from 1 to 5 years. On November 16, 1935, Alfred Gibson was arrested at Wichita for possession of 5 pounds of marihuana. He will be prosecuted. KENTUCKY Covington On July 12, 1935, two men, ages 23 and 25, were bound over to the Hamilton County Grand Jury in Cincinnati Municipal Court on a charge of possessing marihuana cigarettes, or "muggles". The two men were picked up in Newport, Kentucky. One of the men, Rochae is said to have purchased the marihuana on Lower Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky. LOUISIANA New Orleans On January 14, 1935, Federal agents boarded the SS MUNPLACE upon its arrival at the Damaine Street Wharf. They made a thorough search of the vessel and crew and found about 9 pounds of marihuana in a burlap sack on the forward deck, New Orleans On August 20, 1935, Miguel Henriques, Mexican, owner and operator of a grocery store, was placed under arrest by local police. One hundred and fifteen marihuana cigarettes were found in a large pasteboard box behind one of the counters. After Henriquest arrest, he grabbed a revolver from counter and attempted to shoot himself. A detective grabbed around the waist and Henriques fired five ineffectual shots at his own stomach and then tripped on a stairs leading into another room. Another detective entered the room to assist in disarming Henriques. Henriques got away, grabbed a' large butcher knife from a nearby counter, and stabbed himself three times above the heart. He was sentenced to from 5 to 10 years imprisonment. New Orleans On February 11, 1936, there was a raid on an alleged marihuana den at 1300 Burgundy Street. Four hundred rolled cigarettes, a quantity of prepared weed and a bread box containing quantities of the plant were found by local police after they had battered down a reinforced door LOUISIANA Now Orleans On June 22, 1935, Police at New Orleans seized 3 marihuana cigarettes from Edward Rovire. Rovire was sentenced to from 5 to 10 years' imprisonment. On August 20, 1935, Miguel Henriquez was arrested at New Orleans for possession of 115 miarihuana(sic) cigarettes. He was sentenced to from 5 to 10 years’ imprisonment. On September 20, 1935, Joe Revone was arrested at New Orleans for possession of 3 pounds of dried marihuana and 40 pounds of marihuana seed. He was held in default of bond awaiting trial. Lulling On October 2, 1935, State Narcotic Officers raided the "Lone Star Plantation" near Lulling, Louisiana, and seized approximately 8 pounds of dried marihuana and 1/2 pound of marihuana seeds. They discovered a number of marihuana plants growing and destroyed these. The owner of the plantation, Joe Cazalls, New Orleans On December 12, 1935, Allan L. Acy was arrested at New Orleans by a Narcotic Agent in the presence of a State officer and found to be in possession of 11 marihuana cigarettes. The defendant admitted that he had been peddling the cigarettes at the rate of On February 16, 1936, police at New Orleans seized 20 marihuana cigarettes from "Blackie” Siai, who was arrested and prosecuted. On February 29, 1936, Police officers and Narcotic agents arrested Charles Widener and Leslie Funk at Now Orleans following the purchase of 2 marihuana Cigarettes. The defendants were reported to be selling these cigarettes for one Pete Capro, a well known drug dealer. They were held for prosecution. On March 1, 1936, Police officers accompanied by Federal Narcotic agent at New Oreans searched the premises occupied by Nick Sacco. 175 marihuana cigarettes and approximately 1 pound of loose marihuana were seized. Sacco was arrested and held for prosecution. MARYLAND Baltimore On June 2, 1.0,35, Isaac Perez, 36, a Puerto Rican Baltimore On October 11, 1935, Arthur Jones, MARYLAND Baltimore On November 16, 1935, Cheater Chalk and Raymond Rodgers were arrested at Baltimore for possession of 67 marihuana cigarettes, On November 18, 1935, On November 25, 1935, Baltimore Police arrested Lee A. Williams for possession of 40 marihuana. cigarettes, weighing 567.5 grains, net, and one package of loose marihuana On March 1, 1936, Raymond Rodgerat previously implicated in the seizure of marihuana at Baltimore on November@16, 1935, mentioned above., was arrested at Baltimore in possession of 1 marihuana cigarette. He was sentenced to 6 months in the House of Correction Baltimore On November 22, 1935, Augusto Perez, 25 year old Puerto Rican, was sentenced to hang on charges of criminal assault on a 10 year old girl. Perez entered a plea of not guilty on grounds of temporary insanity caused from smoking marihuana cigarettes. The defendant, however, was sentenced to death in the criminal court by Chief Judge Samuel K. Dennis. Baltimore On December 10, 1935, Agnes Henson, MICHIGAN Detroit On October 24, 1935, acting upon information that several marihuana peddlers were selling marihuana cigarettes to soldiers at Selfridge Field, Michigan, Narcotic Agents at Detroit, accompanied by an Army Corporal observed one Ose Abraham, On October 25, 1936 , the same Narcotic Agents, accompanied by an enlisted man from Selfridge Field, went to the Harris Grill in Detroit and there purchased 3 marihuana cigarettes, from Alee Mohammed, alias Lee Mo, and William Handerson. The defendants were held for prosecution. Flint On January 1, 1936, Police at Flint, Michigan, arrested Louis Morales for possession of 48 grains of marihuana. Morales will be prosecuted. Saginaw On January 10,, 1936, Oscar Williams was arrested at Saginaw, Michigan, for possession of 4 marihuana cigarettes. He pleaded guilty and was placed on probation for three years. On the same date Saginaw Police arrested one Irios for possession of 4 marihuana cigarettes. He was held for prosecution. MISSOURI Kansas City On January 12, 1936, Marley Martinez, Hermn Augustus Tally and Frederick Paris Harrington were arrested at Kansas City charged with possession of 23 marihuana cigarettes. Each defendant was fined $250.00 MISSISSIPPI Clarksdale On November 12, 1935, Henry Lewis, NEW JERSEY Asbury Park On June 6, 1935, police arrested Jack Bell, in whose possession they found about 100 marihuana cigarettes. Bell stated that he NEW JERSEY Greenwich Township Gloucester County On January 3, 1936, County Police, acting on information that someone in the locality was distributing marihuana cigarettes, searched the premises occupied by George Williams and found approximately 60 pounds of marihuana in bulk concealed therein. The defendant was hold In default of bond awaiting trial. NEW MEXICO Chimayo On February 10, 1936, Manuel D. Martinez was arrested for the possession of marihuana. When he was apprehended a large sack of marihuana was found concealed beneath an old mill. The cache weighed close to 15 pounds. Three other men associated with him , one a brother, were charged with murder and assault with intent to kill, and resisting an officer. NEW YORK New York City On January 22, 1935, detectives investigated information received from an official at Governors Island that marihuana cigarettes were being sold to soldiers of Fort Jay, in the vicinity of the Battery. A Mexican was said to be supplying the enlisted men with "reefers". The detectives proceeded to 25 Bowery. A purchase from Joe Lopez (Mexican) of 12 marihuana cigarettes was made by Patrick Keenan. Keenan and Lopez were placed under arrest and were later sentenced, Lopez to the New York county Penitentiary, Welfare Island, and Keenan to six months in the work house. New York City On April 26, 1935, a raid by local narcotic squads in New York City resulted in the arrest of four men charged with having in their possession 1,500 marihuana cigarettes. The seizure took place at an “incense-perfumed apartment” at 245 West 51 Street. Those arrested said they were George Mingo, 29, an actor; William Miller, concessionaire; William Scarborough, drug clerk; and Kenneth McCormick, 22, salesman. New York City On June 7, 1935, city police found marihuana growing in a yard of a deserted tenement house owned by the National City Bank of New York. The confiscated marihuana filled 20 burlap sacks. New York City On June 7, 1935, police confiscated a field of Mexican marihuana. It was said there was sufficient quantity of the weed to make 10,000 cigarettes. The entire crop was destroyed. The field evidently had first been cultivated with care in the rear of 59 Herzle Street in the Brownsville section. New York City on July 16, 1935, a large patch of marihuana weed was found growing wild in the grounds of the Welfare Island Penitentiary, and was promptly destroyed. It was believed that the weeds were being grown by prisoners assigned to duty outside the cell blocks. Buffalo On September 13, 1935, the local police department destroyed a patch of growing marihuana behind a garage at 11 Tennessee Street. The woman arrested at the Tennessee Street address gave her name as Mrs. Edna Swiatek, 42 years old. She was arraigned in a city court on the morning following her arrest on the charge of possessing marihuana. Mrs. Swiatek told the police that she planted the weed herself. The Patch was about 201 x 40’. Rochester On October 8, 1935, hundreds of dollars worth of narcotic marihuana weeds were confiscated in the back yards of the Charlotte Precinct. In a 15' x 40’, lot at 4575 Lake Avenue, a quantity of marihuana sufficient to make 5,000 cigarettes was destroyed by saturating the crop with kerosene, later firing it. Three hundred pounds of cut, dried and bundled marihuana weed were found in the rear of 273 River Street, enough to "spike" 15,000 marihuana cigarettes. Five more cut and died bundles of the narcotic weed were found in a garage at 31 Lakeland Avenue, which was confiscated and sent to the property clerk's office in police headquarters. Another patch of growing marihuana weed 5’ x 12’ was found at 15 Hincher Street. This also was confiscated and burned. The trail was first started from the properties of one DiMassino who lives at 17 Hincher Street. NEW YORK Binghamton On January 14, 1936, Alfonso Reynolds, Buffalo On February 26, 1936, police at Buffalo, New York, arrested Chauncey P. Graham and seized 36 marihuana cigarettes. These cigarettes had been sent to him through the Mails by Margaret Griffin of Cleveland, Ohio. Graham was held for trial. NORTH CAROLINA Greensboro On September 29, 1935, one year each on the roads was the punishment meted out to Eugene Cox, Jr. and J. Speed Williams, following their conviction for possession of marihuana. The weed was growing in Williams’ window box; the dried and crushed weed found in his apartment. The stuff found in cigarettes sold by Cox, and seeds found in Cox’s possession, were of marihuana products. OHIO Cincinnati On July 12, 1935. a quantity of marihuana cigarettes was found concealed in the lining of an oven in the home of Rex Rentz at 1208 Republic Street. Rentz was placed under arrest. Two young girls, sisters, 15 and 16 years of age, and two men found in Rentz’ apartment at the same time, were fined $15. and costs by Judge Alexander on charges of possessing marihuana. Cincinnati On July 12, 1935, three men were arrested on the charges of possessing marihuana and indictments were brought by the Hamilton County Grand Jury. At the same time, Dudley Outcalt, Washington County persecutor, announced that the ten persons previously indicated would be tried shortly. Cincinnati On July 15, 1935, four men were arrested in an apartment at 753 West 9th Street, and were held for the Grand Jury on charges of possessing marihuana cigarettes. Two male minors of the same address were sent to the juvenile House of Detention. OHIO Columbus On September 12, 1935, Clyde Marshell and Ville Lee were arrested at Columbus, Ohio, following the sale of 8 marihuana cigarettes to Police. They were fined $300.00 each. Toledo On September 13, 1935, Toledo Police destroyed a field approximately 60 square feet in size planted with marihuana. The owners of the field Hilario Ortega and Antonio Jimnez, were each sentenced (to a) year in prison. On the same date police discovered a field of growing marihuana about 30 x 110 feet in size and destroyed it, arresting the owner, Harold H. Taylor. Taylor was released on bond pending trial. The Police then destroyed a field of marihuana 50 x 60 feet in size belonging to Jesse Perezs. This person has not yet been apprehended. Youngstown On October 22, 1935, Police officers at Youngstown, Ohio, arrested Edmond Ignatis and seized 100 marihuana cigarettes. Ignatis was sentenced to serve from 1 to 5 years in the Penitentiary. Cincinnati On November 11, 1935, Cincinnati Police seized 21 marihuana cigarettes from Palmer McCudden. The defendant was sentenced to serve from 1 to 5 years in prison. Massillon On the night of November 18, 1935, two young men while in a beer garden at Massillon, Ohio, decided to buy some “Reefers” (marihuana cigarettes). They purchased a small quantity of marihuana for $.50 from two Mexicans and rolled them into cigarettes. One of the young men a short time later collapsed on the street. A physician and Police were called. The other young man took the Police to the house where the marihuana had been purchased. There they discovered about ii pounds of marihuana concealed in the premises and arrested two Mexicans, Marino Hartado and Florentine Cruz. These defendants are being hold in default of bond awaiting trial. Cincinnati On December 10, 1935, Clarence Higgins was arrested at Cincinnati in possession of 39 marihuana cigarettes. He was fined $500.00 and costs. $250.00 of the fine was suspended. However, he was unable to pay the balance and was committed to the County Jail, where he will remain 165 days, unless the fine is paid. Mt. Gilead On February 24, 1936, Police at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, raided the premises occupied by Joe Diaz and found about 50 stripped marihuana plants in the back yard of the house. Although convinced that Diaz was growing the plant elsewhere, officers were unable to locate the field. Diaz resisted arrest and was so charged (and) received a total fine of $1700.00. OKLAHOMA Sapulpa On May 6, 1935, Ira Hubartt, charged with possession of marihuana PENNSYLVANIA Malvern & Howellville During the Spring of 1935, reliable information was received to the effect that a field located on the Lincoln Highway near Malvern, and another one located on the Swedeboro and Paoli Road near Howellville, were under cultivation for The field discovered at Swedeboro and Paoli Road near Howellville was found to be under control of a Mexican named Michael Ruiz, who operates a truck garden on his property but was apparently cultivating a quantity of marihuana as a side line. Ruiz had about an acre and a half planted with marihuana. Statistical report furnished to the Governor of Pennsylvania by State Bureau Narcotic Drug Control relative to Marihuana a seized and destroyed during the calendar year 1935 Malvern On July 9, 1935, police found a field of about one acre used for raising marihuana located near Marvern, Chester County, Pennsylvania. The marihuana had been planted in uniform rows and had been cultivated to increase production. It was seized, cut down and destroyed by burning. The officers estimated the amount destroyed, usable for smoking, to have been about 150 pounds. The owner was arrested, prosecuted and convicted under the State Marihuana Law, and sentenced to serve one year in the Chester County Jail and fined $300. Howellville On July 16, 1935, Police found a field of about one half acres used for raising marihuana located near Howellville, Langeleth On August 13, 1935, a field of about three acres used for raising marihuana was located near Langeloth, Washington County, Pennsylvania. The marihuana was planted in uniform rows and concealed by the planting of several rows of corn around the outside of the marihuana field. It was seized, cut down and destroyed by burning. The officers estimated the amount destroyed, usable for smoking, to have been about 250 pounds. The owner was arrested, prosecuted and convicted under the State Marihuana Law, receiving a sentence of 3 months in the Washington County jail and fined $500. At the time the man was arrested the officers searched his residence and found about 10 pounds of marihuana prepared for smoking, which was also seized and destroyed. Quarryville On August 22, 1935, information was received that marihuana was being raised in a field near Quarryville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The officers Goosetown On November 11, 19.35, a field of about 5 acres used for raising marihuana was located in the mountains near Goosetown, On searching the small sheds near the field the officers found about two pounds of marihuana prepared for smoking and about two pounds of marihuana seed in glass jars. The seeds were seized and destroyed by burning. Lebanon On November 21, 1935, Henry Liles On searching the residence of Henry Liles, at the time of his arrest, the officers found about two pounds of marihuana prepared for smoking and about one-half pound of seed. The marihuana and seed were seized by the officers and destroyed by burning. General It is estimated the officers of the State Bureau of Narcotic Drug Control seized at least 30 Pounds of marihuana in the form of cigarettes and small amounts in bulk, which It is also estimated that an additional 200 pounds of marihuana, usable for smoking, was destroyed by growers before the State and Federal officers could locate the marihuana fields. Harrisburg On January 8, 1936, the sale of marihuana cigarettes to boys in the CCC Camps in Lebanon county, was broken up PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh On February 14, 1936, Jose Rodriequez was arrested by Pittsburgh Police for possession of 402 grains of marihuana. He was first fined $10.00 and costs, but was rearrested by police and taken before an Alderman, who held him for the Grand Jury under bond. At present he is confined in the County Jail in default of bond. RHODE ISLAND Providence On January 2, 1935, local police arrested 20 “floaters”, American tramps, who discovered marihuana growing along the waterfront in the vicinity of the gas holder and adjacent to the tanks of a large oil distributing company. Some of these plants were 8’ high. The men dried the marihuana after it was harvested, ground it in small coffee mills, and sold the "reefers" A resolution was, introduced in the Rhode Island Legislature containing a request for a moderate appropriation for the purpose of exterminating marihuana throughout the State. SOUTH DAKOTA Pierre On October 7, 1935, two citizens of Pierre were stopped by a police officer when he saw the men carrying a suspicious looking box. Examination showed he box to contain marihuana. The men were taken to City Hall, where they stated they saw the weed growing along the highway and gathered it, not knowing its possession was against the State statutes. TEXAS El Paso On January 30, 1936, the first El Paso arrest under the State Narcotic Law, was made by the local police who raided a room in a tenement at 807 Tays Street and arrested Jovita Gutierrez, 29. Five pounds of marihuana leaves and 19 marihuana cigarettes were seized. A 16 year old boy arrested with the woman was turned over to the immigration officials. San Antonio On July 8, 1935, Alfredo Farelle was arrested near San Antonio when Police discovered a field of marihuana plants growing on his farm. 1/8 "acre of marihuana, containing 18 growing plants, and weighing 200 pounds, were destroyed. The stalks ranged from 12 to 14 feet in height. The seed had been planted in the Spring of 1935 and had been extensively cultivated by the owner. The defendant was held for prosecution El Paso On November 28, 1935, Police in El Paso while patrolling in the vicinity of a box factory, saw a Mexican crossing the Rio Grande River from Mexico into the United States and upon approaching him the Mexican dropped two sacks containing 7 1/2 pounds of marihuana end fled back into Mexico. On December 7, 1935, Mr. and Mrs. Bernedino Hernandez were arrested as they entered the United States from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, when Customs officers discovered two sacks containing one pound each of marihuana concealed in their automobile. The defendants will be prosecuted. San Antonio On December 12, 1935, Police in San Antonio arrested Richard Gonzales, alias “Tony” and seized 15 marihuana cigarettes. He was released on bond, pending trial. Dallas On December 18, 1935, Police at Dallas arrested L. Perry for Possession of 20 marihuana cigarettes and approximately 5 ounces of loose marihuana. He will be prosecuted. San Antonio On December,21 ' 9 1935, Francisco Gonzalso.was arrested at, Sam Antonio for possession of 2 pounds of marihuana. The weed had been prepared for smoking and was considered of a very high grade. The defendant was held in default of bond awaiting trial. UTAH Salt Lake City On September 30, 1935, a marihuana smoking party was broken up by police. Park Robb, 22 and another young man and a girl were in the group. Two older men were also held ![]() [NOTE: Due to download times, it is impossible for us to show ALL actual pages, AND in addition transcriber errors are (very) possible. Thus if needed for historical purposes, please ask for copies of the originals on CD rom format. ] (January 1935 to March 1936 )
(D) indicates dried. (G) indicates growing. WARNING: Some transcriber errors are possible. If using for historical research please ask for copies of the original documents. ========== FOOTNOTES: [1]- Published in various newspaper Sunday supplement section throughout the country; Oakland Tribune (Oct 11, 1936), Charleston Daily Mail, etc. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE