BEFORE THE D.E.A. -- THERE WAS THE BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY Dr. Harvey W. Wiley ![]() HARVEY W. WILEY Originator of the Wiley Laws (America’s first Drug Laws) --- Was he a Sinner or was he a Saint? HISTORICAL PRECURSOR: There are some who believe that America’s Narcotic Police --- just came into being a few years ago. That the problems associated by Medical Cannabis prohibition just started a few decades ago. WRONG --- the evil Narc’s have been with us for a much, much longer time. This author is of the opinion that the serpent Eve met in the Garden of Eden might have been a narcotics agent. [After all, it all fits, Lie to the people, create untold suffering, prevent Cancer victims from obtaining proper medication . . . . etc.] Let’s just look at their historical names: Today the narc’s are known as the D.E.A. [Drug Enforcement Agency], who server as and are an integral part of the Department of Justice. However, this present reincarnation only started around the year 1972. Before that they were known as the F.B.N. (Federal Bureau of Narcotics), which strange enough was integrated as part of the Treasury Department. Now there are those who would argue that these were two totally separate agencies; that one agency was abolished and another created. However, when one sees a situation where whole departments are taken (intact) and moved from one agency to another. Let’s just say that even the Narc’s (who lie a lot) are having trouble with that one. In any case the F.B.N. only came into existence (by an act of congress in 1930. Before then it was known as the Federal Bureau of Prohibition. That’s right, the “Federal Bureau of Prohibition”, such as in Al Capone, Frank Nitti, Elliott Ness and his Untouchables etc., etc. But this Bureau (also integrated as part of the Treasury Department), proved to be short lived. The Narc’s were only able to park themselves there from 1920 to 1930. Before that they were known as the Federal Bureau of Chemistry -- (Under the Department of Agriculture) -- Era 1862 – 1919. And before that they were known as the . . . only the devil knows, but they were around under one name or another, of that you can be assured. Let’s stop here, as this is where Mr. Wiley (be he sinner or saint) enters the picture. THE GLORY AND THE MYTH According to present-day government websites The Formation of USDA's Division of Chemistry “In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln founded the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), . . . which in 1901 became the Bureau of Chemistry.Harvey W. Wiley FDA Consumer magazine The Centennial Edition / January-February 2006 “Pioneer Consumer Activist “. . .In the 1880s, when Wiley began his 50-year crusade for pure foods, America's marketplace was flooded with poor, often harmful products. With almost no government controls, unscrupulous manufacturers tampered with products, substituting cheap ingredients for those represented on labels: Honey was diluted with glucose syrup; olive oil was made with cottonseed; and "soothing syrups" given to babies were laced with morphine. The country was ready for reform … and for Wiley. . . .”AND NOW FOR THE UNCENSORED (FULL) TRUTH: Humm! Great story, ---- Makes him sound like Mother Teresa, ---BUT here’s what really happened. First, Wiley did not, ---- ‘just leave his government post’ in 1912, as the governmental websites would lead you to believe. No, instead he was (quite literally) kicked out of office, (in the words of Donald Trump, You’re Fired) ------ something about using his office for improper lobbing activities and misappropriation of Federal Government funds, etc. The newspaper headlines around that time, all read something like: CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNEWhich all sounds a lot like our present day headlines, (the narcotics laws have a tendency to do those kind of things), but our all time favorite headline belongs to the Atlanta Constitution, which was: ATLANTA CONSTITUTIONYeah! ‘You see’, ‘anyone who opposes Wiley or his Wiley laws’, --- ‘well you see’, -- ‘they must be Dopers’ . . . etc. That’s the reason why they oppose the Wiley laws, because they're Dopers . .. etc. All of which really does sound very familiar to us today. In fact this seems to be the favorite weapon of modern day Medical Cannabis prohibitions. And as an aside; Boy if only this museum had a fifty-dollar bill every time we’ve been called drug abusers by someone trying to discredit the museum, --- Well let’s just say at this point, we long ago wold have been financially capable of funding our very own cancer research center. [3] And that is no lie. But then maybe we shouldn’t put too much play into this. From the newspaper stories we’ve been able to dig up, it was rather an innocent activity. Some might even term it, “Business as Usual” at the Old Government Building etc., etc. Just keep in mind that government web-sites are not too keen about telling uncomfortable facts about the origin of the drug laws, especially as they relate to the anti-Medical Cannabis laws. AND Wiley (in effect) created the first of the Federal anti-Medical Cannabis laws. And soon others (some of which he had a hand in) would follow, until we find ourselves with the present day situation. Cancer Victims being denied ALL access to Medical Cannabis. THE PURE FOOD AND DRUG ACT: Which now brings us to Dr. Wiley’s most famous creation, “The Pure Food and Drugs Act” of 1907. Which at the time of its passing, it was touted as simply a ‘Consumer’s Right to Know Act’. As it now mandated that a list of (what were then thought of as DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES and their percentages there-of clearly listed on the products label. And hey, who could be against that. Due to the nature of this museum, we can attest to the accuracy (at least principle) of these words. “America's marketplace was flooded with poor, often harmful products. With almost no government controls, unscrupulous manufacturers tampered with products, substituting cheap ingredients for those represented on labels: Honey was diluted with glucose syrup; olive oil was made with cottonseed; and "soothing syrups" given to babies were laced with morphine.So once more, who could be against a law that affirms the “Publics Right to Know.” Even Libertarian types can think of it as an anti-Fraud act. The problem was that this act as written (of and by itself) opened up a Pandora’s box of evil. One that Wiley, most assuredly, must have been aware of. Some would say (although they provide no proof) that he planned it that way, that he NOT Harry Anslinger was indeed America’s first Drug Czar. The act (while not perfect) of and by itself, created a simple way for federal regulators to monitor who was/was not using Medical Cannabis. SOON THE TAXMAN CAME. Then came modifications to the Act, additional requirements which were soon mandated. Many of which (while not outlawing Cannabis directly) would make (ah how shall we say it), they were doing Reefer Madness, long before Reefer Madness was cool. As a good example: In the Bureau of Chemistry’s own (1914) report entitled “Investigation (dealing with "Rosa Maria" or "Juanita") in the State of Texas, particularly along the Mexican border.” [4] Obvious references to the Act AND its use to control (via Taxation) imports of Medical Cannabis into this country are made. [5] In fact the very nature of this report implies that somehow, somewhere (Obviously the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1907) had now been modified sufficiently to give them the green light to even investigate the matter. As well as to (out and out) threaten local merchants with legal action. AGAIN – this was done under the auspices of the “Pure food and Drug Act.” The Harrison Narcotics Law (passed in 1914) was at first, “only a registration act” and did NOT include Medical Cannabis in any way shape or form. Now, whether Dr. Wiley (himself) had an evil hand in what was to come (over 700,000 arrests in the U.S. take place over Marihuana) is irrelevant. Here the only point being made, is that that our (present day) government web-sites (for obvious reasons) are practicing a form of censorship by not TELLING ALL THE TRUTH. Nowhere do they mention that it was Dr. Wiley –(thanks to the way he wrote and then implemented American’s first nationwide drug act) of and by himself, was the one who first created and then opened up the Pandora’s box that we now find ourselves with. So why are they telling us only parts of the truth, I think we all know why. As it has been said before, --- The narc’s don’t always have to lie to mislead the American people, sometimes all they have to do is tell only parts of the truth, --- Those parts of the truth that they find convenient for us to know. The government websites however, do give us some insight into the tactics that Harry Anslinger and later Drug Czars would later put to equally good use: To bring his cause to the public, and with a budget of $5,000, Wiley organized in 1902 a volunteer group of healthy young men, called the Poison Squad, who tested the effects of chemicals and adulterated foods on themselves. Women banded together, notably in the Federated Women's Clubs, for political clout. Major canners became supporters of the legislation and voluntarily abandoned the use of questionable chemicals. Finally, the battle was won on June 30, 1906, when President Theodore Roosevelt signed the Pure Food and Drugs Act, largely written by Wiley, who was then appointed to oversee its administration.A weapon that he seemed to maintain right up until his departure – as one website wrote about Wiliy’s departure from power: “A headline of the day read: WOMEN WEEP AS WATCHDOG OF THE KITCHEN QUITS AFTER 29 YEARS.” HARVEY WILEY – A POST SCRIPT” Of Harvey W. Wiley gravesite, it has been written: “When he died in 1930, at age 86, Harvey Wiley was given a patriot's funeral at Arlington Cemetery”On the other hand, of Harry Anslinger (who most people consider America’s first Drug Czar and) originator of the anti-Medical Cannabis Laws, as per [7] it has been written: ![]() “The Virtual Flowers feature (to which condolences to the family are posted) has been turned off for this memorial because it was being continually misused.” --- It had something to do with emptying ones bladder somewhere, etc. So one guess that history has not been too unkind to Mr. Wiley. Our only compliant here is that not ALL the truth about how the creation of the anti-Medical Cannabis laws is being told. =========== FOOTNOTES: [1]-- According to a Government website – [2]-- According to a Government website - [3]- In the interest of fairness and balance, we ourselves have also adapted the same “Bumper Sticker” tactics. Examples; We don’t refer to the “War On Drugs”, it’s the “War On Blacks” (which is actually a more truthful expression); We don’t refer to “Cancer Patients” but rather to “Cancer Victims” as a means of implying that the narcotics laws are preventing proper medication (which is also a more truthful expression) etc. [4]-- 1914 - Report of investigation in the State of Texas, particularly along the Mexican border, of the traffic in, and consumption of the drug generally known as "Indian hemp," or cannabis indica : known in Mexico and states bordering on the Rio Grande River as "Marihuana, " sometimes also referred to as "Rosa Maria, " or "Juanita." Author: Smith, R. Publication: Washington : Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry, - Year: 1917 [5]— Although this report was published well after the passage of the Harrison Narcotics act, -- that act did NOT include Medical Cannabis in any form. [6] -- 1910 - U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers’ Bulletin 393 Habit-Forming Agents: Their Indiscriminate Sale and Use A Menace to the Public Welfare By L.F. Kebler, Chief, Division of Drugs, Bureau of Chemistry. --- Actual Author H.W. Wiley, Chief, Bureau of Chemistry. [7]-- HOWEVER, this other one has pictures of his gravestone etc. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE