The Pen Ts'ao (The Herbal)

HEMP - page (with illustration/medical description) of hemp plant from the [1234 AD Edition] Cheng-Lei Pen-ts’ao*.

Column 5 (right most column)

[1,2] Medical Cannabis [4,5] is spicy when eaten [7-8] but has poison [9-13] good for the five organs, to bring the bodies Yin Yang into balance.

Column 4
[1,2 ] Medical Cannabis [3,4] stop eating [4,5] let go [eat more] [9-12] you will see white ghosts [13] walking around [14-20] and eat long enough, you will know how to talk to the Gods.

Column 3
Plant has grown and is good on July 7th, when plant can be picked.
(Note: The hemp plant grows to maturity within 2 to 6 months, but usually in 4 months. Given the fact that planting season is probably (after winter) in February, this statement should actually translated as -- The plant should be picked just at the right time of maturity).

Column 2
[1] Not a major drug, but it [2,3] tastes good [4] is not rough [5, 6,7] and is NOT poison [8] Can help many middle -- Helps much your energy, your whole body -- stops sweat (because of cold) and leaves the water from the body, urine

Column 1 (left most)
[1] Skin . . stomach . . . forever . . . women . . . with baby . . . long hair . . . can be . . . medicine . . time.

WARNING: -- As will be shown in another section, Chinese makes us of the concept of ‘Compound Words,’ or two different words that when put together, form a totally third concept. Additionally, cultural language usage must be taken into account.

For example, the first character (Column 2 from left) physically translates into ‘Son” (such as he is the son of his father). But Culturally speaking, (here in this case) can have two different meanings. [A] It could be translated into the physical hemp seeds themselves. Or [B] it actually means -- the son is NOT as tall or important as his father. Thus the true translation is actually -- ‘Medical Cannabis is not a major drug.’ Here we’ve decided to use definition B, but please keep in mind that Column [2] can just as easily read;
“Hemp seeds tastes good are not rough nor poisonous, helps restore your energy, stops sweating and helps your urinary system.”

(aka) The Great Herbal
The Pen Ts’ao The Materia
Medica Sutra . . . etc. . . .

The origin of the Chinese pharmacological book "The Herbal", has been lost in history and is now the subject of numerous myths and legends. The most colorful one being the one that the Red Emperor Shen Nung (2,000 BC) was its originator. But WARNING: No actual pre-50 AD, original copies of Shen Nung’s ‘The Herbal” are still known to exist. The earliest known copies (something that can pass a radio-carbon dating test), are only approximately 2,000 years old, written sometime around 50 AD. However, logic dictates that it would have been impossible for such a book (which literally lists hundreds of herbal medicines), to have simply sprang up overnight. It obviously was taken from historical sources and additionally these editions are said to acknowledge their actual origin.

The presently used version of the Pen Ts’ao was actually written (or re-edited) by the great medical textbook writer, Li Shi Chen (1517-1593) ---- The following version Chinese/English (1936) consists solely of a reference list of its basic medical drugs.

*At the present time, the museum is trying to obtain an actual translation of the 1234 Edition.

The Pen Ts'ao

The Pen Ts'ao - Introduction

The Pen Ts'ao pg.192

The Pen Ts'ao pg.323

The Pen Ts'ao pg.326


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