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Chester-Beatty VI (Medical) Papyrus (1,300 BC): Medical Cannabis is mentioned at least twice within the Chester Beatty VI (Medical) papyrus scroll. In general, while the papyrus scroll is not complete, those pages that do exist are in very readable condition. Almost all writing is on the Retro side, while the Verso is almost blank. [Estimates assume that the whole scroll (if complete) would measure some 4.4 feet long, 8 inches tall.] Note, CB-VI is a shorten version of Chester Beatty VI] The following is taken from --- No. VI (British Museum 10686) ![]() Cannabis in crushed seeds form: Treatment for a colorectal illness. ![]() Translation: [Censored --- The subject matter is kind of gross, fit more for the ‘Journal of Colorectal Diseases,’ and as the author wishes to keep this a family book . . . please look it up elsewhere.] Demotic script verses Egyptian hieroglyphics: Basically there’s no difference between the two. Demotic (the root word for Democracy) also know as “the peoples script” is nothing more than a simplified (easier to write down) form of hieroglyphics. As can be seen the actual CB-VI papyrus scroll is written in Demotic, but custom dictates that (modern day translators) first create a fully hieroglyphic version of the text. In addition, Egyptian hieroglyphs look a lot cooler. All plates courtesy of the British Museum of London. Quality digital images may be obtain from their website (no commercial use allowed) free of charge or you can request copies from the museum. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE