Did the Ancient Hebrews, the chosen of God, make use of Medical Cannabis?
A quick scan of various (pro-Medical Cannabis) Internet websites, seem to state something as follows:
That the ancient Hebrews used Cannabis (Vapors) in their ancient temples -- said reason being so that they could get high and write the Old Testament --- or something like that. --- In effect that half the old testament prophets were stoned out of their gourds etc.
But what is the truth, what is probable, and what is simply myth?
Did the Ancient Hebrews Make Use of Medical Cannabis? The problem here is that to the best of our knowledge, the ancient Hebrews ‘simply’ didn’t write any medical textbooks per say. Or at least, none that we have been able to locate. Thus, we are forced to rely solely on what is written in the Old Testament for information.
Fortunately for us, several of the writings within the Old Testament are of-and-by themselves, medical texts. Some sections, also act as a sort of Materia Medica. Leviticus chapter 14 (dealing with infectious skin diseases) serves as a good example, one which sounds like it came right out of an apothecary shop:
Leviticus 14
3 - The priest is to go outside the camp and examine him. If the person has been healed of his infectious skin disease,
4 - the priest shall order that two live clean birds and some cedar wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop be brought for the one to be cleansed.
5 - Then the priest shall order that one of the birds be killed over fresh water in a clay pot.
6 - He is then to take the live bird and dip it, together with the cedar wood, the scarlet yarn and the hyssop, into the blood of the bird that was killed over the fresh water.
7 - Seven times he shall sprinkle the one to be cleansed of the infectious disease and pronounce him clean. Then he is to release the live bird in the open fields.
[More about washing, clothes, hair, bathing the individual etc.]
Scarlet Yarn -- (a.k.a. red string) Is mentioned throughout the Old Testament, mostly for use on special clothes etc. Here its sole use seems to be as a medical applicator for the ointment.
Clean Water / Birds Blood -- No one knows of any medical properties attributed to Birds Blood, one assumes that it along with the water, was there primarily as a liquefying agent.
Hyssop -- Was used during the late 19th/early 20th Centuries for its medical properties to treat respiratory ailments, bronchitis etc., rheumatism, and inflammations of the ear, chest and still in use for coughs and sore throat medicines today.
Cedar-Wood -- Its oil has traditionally been used as a sedative and antiseptic agent, as a treatment for anxiety, cystitis, lung conditions, acne and dandruff.
O.K., granted, there is a lot of religious hocus pocus involved, but still the formulation [as given] does act as a skin disinfectant.
Surely, it would be most convenient to have some ancient Hebrew medical textbook stating --- ‘so many oz's of Medical Cannabis will cure such and such an illness’ etc. However, as stated elsewhere the Hebrews simply didn’t write any --- which begs the QUESTION: Why didn’t the ancient Hebrews write any Medical Textbooks -- or did they?
A good question given the fact that the Hebrews were a literate people. However the answer seems to lie in exactly how many people did know how to read and write. According to 2nd Chronicles:
II-Chronicles 34:
14- [While repairing the] . . . temple of the LORD, Hilkiah the priest found the Book of the Law of the LORD that had been given through Moses.
15- Hilkiah said to Shaphan the secretary, "I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the LORD." He gave it to Shaphan.
18- Then Shaphan the secretary informed the king, "Hilkiah the priest has given me a book." And Shaphan read from it in the presence of the king.
19- When the king heard the words of the Law, he tore his robes.
21- "Go and inquire of the LORD for me and for the remnant in Israel and Judah about what is written in this book that has been found. Great is the LORD's anger that is poured out on us because those who have gone before us have not kept the word of the LORD; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written in this book."
29- Then the king called together all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem.
30- He went up to the temple of the LORD with the people of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests and the Levites-all the people from the least to the greatest. He read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant, which had been found in the temple of the LORD. “
In other words, the whole Hebrew Nation literally, LOST ALL known written copies of the Bible. Which implies just how few people really were literate back then. Now taking into account that those few, who could read and write, had other more worldly (or heavenly) things to write about at the time, its easier to understand why no why no one actually did.
If one equates Cancer Victims with Jews and those who persecute Jews with the Narc’s, one can come to some interesting conclusions.
Some fifteen years or so ago (when the author was first learning about Medical Cannabis antiques), I received some disturbing reports. Although I can provide no solid evidence, [A] it appears that the narc’s were going around to various antique stores throughout the country and buying up anything that once contained Medical Cannabis. Their purpose being to destroy them and thus hopefully destroy any evidence of their existence.
Additionally various other objects dating back to the Reefer Madness Era have gone missing. As an example, according to the following newspaper article:
Capt. Joseph M. Schmucker Writes About Evils of Weed.
To Distribute Copies In Schools.
Capt. Joseph M. Schmucker of the Williamsport Police Department who for the past year has been off giving lectures on the evils of marihuana to high schools, temperance unions and other civic groups throughout the state. Announced last night he has prepared a five page pamphlet entitled “The Marihuana Menace.”. . . It is Schmucker’s aim to have a copy sent to all schools in the state and later to distribute the pamphlet to all who may desire them. They will be free of charge he said. ---Dec. 22, 1938 Gazette Bulletin [Williamsport Pa]
Great, but after a good faith search of the Williamsport area (libraries, schools, local government agencies etc.), this museum has come to the conclusion that; ---NO known copies of this pamphlet are still in existence. Whether by accident, happenstance or deliberate destruction, who knows, but this along with numerous other reefer madness era “Golden Wonders” (from Georgia to Oregon) have ceased to exist.
Now one can accuse the narc’s of (how shall we put it) having an interest in seeing to their destruction, but . . . But going back to the Jews; as stated elsewhere, one of the first things that a civilization does upon obtain the ability to read and write is to put their medical knowledge into book form. Additionally, remember where the Dead Sea scrolls were found, the land of Israel is a nice hot dry area allowing for proper preservation of paper.
However, the Jews, just like Cancer victims today, had their enemies. Peoples who had it in their self vested interest to destroy anything and everything Jewish: Something that would have been an easy task during their deportation and captivity in Babylon.
However this is not to give up hope, just like we are hoping to one day find a copy of Mr. Schmuckers, 'The Marihuana Menace', pamphlet somewhere. We should also expect that some day, some archeological dig in the future will stumble over some previously unknown Hebrew medical textbooks. And if so, in all likelihood Medical Cannabis will be there.
According to Christian teachings:
Matthew 8:
1 - When Jesus came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him.
2 - And then a leper approached, did him homage, and said, "Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean."
3 - He stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, "I will do it. Be made clean." His leprosy was cleansed immediately.
8 - The centurion said in reply, "Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed.
13 - And Jesus said to the centurion, "You may go; as you have believed, let it be done for you." And at that very hour (his) servant was healed.
14 - Jesus entered the house of Peter, and saw his mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever.
15 - He touched her hand, the fever left her, and she rose and waited on him.
16 - When it was evening, they brought him many who were possessed by demons, and he drove out the spirits by a word and cured all the sick,
17 - to fulfill what had been said by Isaiah the prophet: "He took away our infirmities and bore our diseases."
28 - When he came . . . to the territory of the Gadarenes, two demoniacs who were coming from the tombs met him. They were so savage that no one could travel by that road.
29 - They cried out, "What have you to do with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the appointed time?"
30 - Some distance away a herd of many swine was feeding.
31 - The demons pleaded with him, "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of swine."
32 - And he said to them, "Go then!" They came out and entered the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea where they drowned.
Granted, here (according to Christian teachings) we are talking about the son of God doing all the above. But similar faith based healing examples can also be found throughout both the old as well as new testaments. In fact, almost ALL societies at one time or another have relied heavily (at least on the concept) of faith based healing.
No accident then that 50% of Babylonian/Assyrian medical writings (some of the earliest known to exist), consists of magical spells and charms. Even in Western Europe, up until the 16th Century, accepted faith based medicine as an integrated part of their general medicine.
This is no place to get involved in the ‘placebo affect’, nor the province of ‘divine intervention.’ What is important, in fact a must for the reader to understand is the importance that faith-based-healing has played throughout history. Priests were expected to be Doctors, and Doctors were expected to have at least some religious knowledge.
Did the ancient Hebrew’s make any medical use of the Hemp Plant? The answer (at least as we see the facts) is, sort of YES, but only in a limited form. Let’s look at the facts -- as objectively as possible:
GEOGRAPHY - First we know for a fact that both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia on either side of them (see respected sections of this book), made use of the hemp plant for its medical uses. This fact alone would make it all but impossible for the Hebrews NOT to have known about Medical Cannabis.
ARCHEOLOGY - While NO, no one has found any Medical Cannabis antique medicine bottles from this time period, still there does seem to be sufficient archeological evidence that Industrial Hemp was being cultivated in the area for its oil and fiber.
EGYPTIAN CAPTIVITY - While in the land of Egypt, surly at least some Hebrews, would have gone to medical school and thus have learned the rudimentals of the plants medical uses.
However, it would be impossible not to make note of the fact that the Hemp plant available to the ancient Hebrews was in all probability a weaker variant of Industrial hemp. All fine and well for cloth, etc., but not of that much use for medicines. This is not to say, that it wasn’t used.
Let us take a look at the most widely quoted biblical section used today by pro-medical cannabis advocates.
Dealing with an Anointing Oil:
Exodus chapter 30
22 - God spoke to Moses, saying:
23 - You must take the finest fragrances, 500 [shekels] of distilled myrrh, [two] half portions, each consisting of 250 [shekels] of fragrant cinnamon and 250 [shekels] of fragrant cane,
24 - and 500 shekels of cassia, all measured by the sanctuary standard, along with a gallon of olive oil.
25 - Make it into sacred anointing oil. It shall be a blended compound, as made by a skilled perfumer, [made especially for] the sacred anointing oil.
26 - Then use it to anoint the Communion Tent, the Ark of Testimony,
27 - the table and all its utensils, the menorah and its utensils, the incense altar,
28 - the sacrificial altar and all its utensils, the washstand and its base.
29 - You will thus sanctify them, making them holy of holies, so that anything touching them becomes sanctified.
30 - You must also anoint Aaron and his sons, sanctifying them as priests to me.
31 - Speak to the Israelites and tell them, 'This shall be the sacred anointing oil to me for all generations.
32 - Do not pour it on the skin of any unauthorized person, and do not duplicate it with a similar formula. It is holy, and it must remain sacred to you.
33 - If a person blends a similar formula, or places it on an unauthorized person, he shall be cut off from his people.
Did the Anointing Oil talked about in Exodus Contain Cannabis?
The answer here seems to be YES. Let us look at the chemical formulation given:
Liquid Myrrh
500 shekels (~25 pounds)
Sweet Cinnamon
250 shekels (~12 pounds)
Sweet Calamus
250 shekels (~12 pounds)
500 shekels (~25 pounds)
Olive Oil
1 gallon
Some biblical versions give the formula as:
You must take the finest fragrances,
Distilled Myrrh
500 shekels (~25 pounds)
Fragrant Cinnamon
250 shekels (~12 pounds)
Fragrant Cane
250 shekels (~12 pounds)
500 shekels (~25 pounds)
Olive Oil
1 gallon
To be blended / compound by a skilled perfumer/apothecary.
In this case, whether Hemp is/is not in the formula is all dependent on the science of entomology. Many have now come to believe that Fragrant Cane or Sweet/Fragrant Calamus is in actuality Medical Cannabis, also known in the ancient Hebrew as Kaneh Bosem (note spelling variations of Kaneh Bos, Keneh Bosem, etc., exist). The following quotation appears on numerous websites:
FRAGRANT CANE - [Keneh Bosem in Hebrew]
Ancient sources identify this with the sweet calmus. This is the sweetflag or flag-root, Acoras calamus which grows in Europe. It appears that a similar species grew in the Holy Land, in the Hula region in ancient times. Other sources apparently indicate that it was the Indian plant, Cympopogan martini, which has the form of red straw. On the basis of cognate pronunciation and Septuagint readings, some identify Keneh bosem with the English and Greek cannabis, the hemp plant. --- [MORE]
 The Living Torah pg442
But maybe Chris Bennett, does the most detail job of bring up the Hemp--Keneh Bosem connection:
Are there references to cannabis in the Old and New Testaments?
Cannabis in the Old Testament
For more than a century various researchers have been trying to bring attention to potential cannabis references within the Old Testament. . . . A British physician, Dr. C. Creighton, concluded in 1903 that several references to marijuana can be found in the Old Testament. Examples are the "honeycomb" referred to in the Song of Solomon, 5:1, and the "honeywood" in 1-Samuel 14: 25-45".
The strongest and most profound piece of evidence was established in 1936 by Sula Benet, a Polish etymologist from the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw. Benet later stated that: "In the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament there are references to hemp, both as incense, which was an integral part of religious celebration, and as an intoxicant". Through comparative etymological study, Bennett documented that in the Old Testament and in its Aramaic translation, the Targum Onculos, hemp is referred to as q'neh bosm which (variously translated as kaneh bosem, keneh bosem, kaniebosm ) . . .
Benet's etymological research regarding the Hebrew terms q'eneh bosem' and q'eneh' was based upon tracing the modern word 'cannabis' back through history to show the similarities between the cognitive pronunciation of cannabis and q'eneh bosem' and as well as compared the term to the names used for cannabis by contemporary kingdoms, such as the Assyrian and Babylonians terms for the plant 'qunubu'. . . .
This use of an Indo-European word in the Semitic language shows that the ritual use of cannabis came to the Hebrews from foreign sources and as an item of trade, it retained the core aspects of its original name. . . . "Chrismation was ...a mode of administering healing balms . . . Cannabis sativa (kaneh bosm, usually translated "aromatic cane") is combined with perfuming spices (cinnamon, cassia, and myrrh) in oil.
Note how the pro-Cannabis supporters use logic and reason to build their argument. By contrast, those who oppose the concept seem to base ALL their arguments solely on geography, and religious faith. They feel that Keneh Bosem was in fact (X, Y or Z) because such and such a plant grew in that area at the time; AND that Medical Marihuana is against the law (and therefore dirty), thus the ancient Hebrews couldn’t possible have been using HEMP -- end of story.
The following [taken from the following website -- http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Bible/calamus.htm ] seems to the best represent their viewpoint.
The Bible and Marijuana?
One of the favorite attacks . . . hurl . . . is that the King James mistranslates the word "calamus" in Exodus 30:23. According to Nave's Bible Dictionary, calamus is "A sweet cane of Palestine . . . "An ingredient of the holy ointment - . . . " The 48 King James translators were educated men . . . were extremely proficient in the Hebrew and Greek Languages. The calamus was mixed with cinnamon and myrrh to form an oil for anointing purposes. It is ridiculous to twist the Word of God in order to justify smoking pot!
Some modern "scholars" have claimed that the King James translators mistranslated the Hebrew word "qaneh" (pronounced "Kaw-neh"). They did not. It amazes me how ignorant many of today's self-professed "scholars" are. These "scholars" claim that in Exodus 30:23, "calamus" was actually "kineboisin" --which is the Hebrew word for cannabis (hemp, or marijuana). Where did this "scholarly" information come from? Suspiciously, there are only a couple sources of this NEW information. There are a few different claims, but the most recent and weighty was allegedly from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1980. Even more suspicious is the ridiculous claim that a few people have found a NEW truth that theologians and translators have missed for thousands of years. . . .
Allegedly, in 1903, the British physician Dr. Creighton was the first to determine that several references to cannabis can be found in the Old Testament. Interestingly, no one can seem to document this claim. Then again in 1936, etymologist Sara Benetowa (of the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw) allegedly discovered the connection between kaneh-bosem in the Old Testament, and the original Semitic Hebrew origins of the word cannabis. Again, where's the proof of these allegations? Anyone can say anything; but without proof, it is only conjecture at best.
I have a big problem with a few things here. First, are you going to believe a doctor and an etymologist over tens-of thousands of theologians and translators throughout history? Second, there are NO proofs of these claims. Third, there is absolutely nothing in the Bible which permits substance abuse...
[---- More dealing with how the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is PRO-HOMOSEXUAL ---- thus the University has an alternative motive for their statements, and how sinful smoking is etc.]
While the above quotation was heavily edited but keeps its main arguments. The author, really believes that Medical Marihuana is a sin, and thus Cancer Victims shouldn’t be using it. But lets look at his points one by one.
About Dr. Charles Creighton --- With reference to his article “On Indications of the Hashish-Vice in the Old Testament” By C. Creighton, M.D., appearing in the 'JANUS, 1903, p. 241-246' [See Article] I will leave it to the reader to determine its viability.
Etymologist Sara Benetowa - True anyone can say anything, but let’s look at exactly what Etymology is. It is the study of words, where they came from, how they came into being etc. The general idea is that although languages change with time --- some words and sounds simply don’t. Example: the sound patterns for blood, water, mama, papa, cannabis etc., historically seemed to always remain the same. Thus, through the use of these words, it is possible to trace whole language patterns back through history and even physical geography. Again, anyone can say anything, but most modern-day scholars recognize etymology as a legitimate science.
The claim that Calamus and Kaneh-Bosem are two totally separate spices of plants. TRUE, but the issue here is NOT whether calamus and Kaneh-bosem are one and the same plant, but whether the right plant made it into the king James bible.
That the translators of the King James Bible were proficient in the Hebrew and Greek Languages. Probably true, but these translators could only act upon the information that they had at the given time. As stated elsewhere in this chapter before the invention of the printed press ALL books were hand transcribed. Unfortunately, during these transcriptions words were changed, others were added, subtracted etc.
That Hebrew University has a hidden (pro-gay) agenda. This museum is not qualified to state one way or another, whether a hidden agenda at the Hebrew U. exists, I do know that they have issued numerous statements, stating that their researchers have found reference to Medical Cannabis going back to 1,600 BC in Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, and Roman writings. Proof of which can be found elsewhere in this chapter.
That the word of God is being twisted. One can only reply to this allegation with the obvious -- isn’t it “twisting the bible” NOT to tell the truth.
That smoking is wrong for you --- Thank God, at least we can all agree on one thing, DON’T, but as anyone can see from all the antique medical bottles in this book, Cannabis has traditionally been an ORAL not a smoking medicine. It is the illegality of Cannabis, that is preventing it from being put back up on pharmaceutical shelves.
Obviously, emotional and modern-day political feelings play a role in accepting or not accepting, the role Cannabis has played in ancient Hebrew history. Even if the Cannabis in question was of the low-grade Industrial Hemp plant. But because etymology is at the center of the debate, we must never forget that NO ONE TODAY can really speak ancient Hebrew. Yes, yes, I know a lot of people who speak MODERN-DAY Hebrew, but it’s not the same stuff that was being spoken back then. Even if the sound patten were the same (which in all likelyhood it isn’t), still its verbal context and slang would be very different from anything understood today.
The myth(s) go something as follows:
That the ancient Hebrews used Cannabis (Vapors) in their ancient temples -- said reason being --- so that they could get high and write the Old Testament --- or something like that . . .
In writing this section, the author feels somewhat like a treacherous dog. I can already hear people say, ----Hey, just who’s side are you on anyway. And in fact, there are many out there, that really want to believe that the ancient Hebrews made use of Cannabis incenses, not just for its medical/Industrial uses, but also for spiritual reasons.
However, after some research into the matter (granted using 2nd and 3rd hand translational accounts), this author has come to the concussion that the ancient Hebrews -- DID NOT use Cannabis, at least not for any religious or spiritual reasons. Yes, they did use the plant for cloth, food and medical purposes, but no ancient Hebrews were going around out there breathing cannabis vapors trying to get high. Here are the facts the way we see them:
The Shear Volume factor:
First, no one is saying that it isn’t at least theoretically possible to get high (whatever that means) from inhalling hemp fumes. The following newspaper story give proof to that:
CHICAGO TRIBUNE - Sep 24, 1910 pg 9
“Firemen Find Hasheesh While Fighting Hemp Blaze”
Seventy-five firemen were temporarily put out of commission yesterday morning while fighting a blaze in the plant of the Deering Harvester Company, Clybourn avenue and Diversey boulevard.
They will not be taken before the trial board, however, to answer for apparent intoxication, as it was due to inhalling a narcotic arising from piles of hemp which were ablaze. The fire started in the hemp mills of the plant early in the morning. The first detachment of firemen to arrive went into the mills, only to stagger forth a short time later overcome by the fumes of the burning hemp. Others who followed them met the same fate. A short time later firemen were sitting and lying about on the ground near the mills utterly unable to account for their strange sensations.
The solution of the strange antics of the city fire fighters was not given until several hours afterward, when it was learned that the men were overcome from the fumes of the burning hemp. In the smoke was a narcotic which is famous in far eastern countries for its intoxicating effect. When the hemp burned the firemen inhaled the hasheesh arising from the product and immediately assumed all of the characteristic of intoxicated persons.
The loss was about $15,000." ---CHICAGO TRIBUNE - Sep 24, 1910 pg 9
However, let’s be realistic, these incense rituals mostly look place outside in the open air. Can one imagine the shear volume of plant matter that would be needed for such a task? And this from a people that were (presumably) out in the desert somewhere. What is it that John Stossel would say, “Give me a brake”.
Antidoctal Factors: Recently a survey of several local Head-Shops (small retail stores that sell smoking pipes, posters of rock-stars, naked ladies etc.), found that only one of them carried (artificial scented) Cannabis Incenses. Inquiring about the product, I was told that there is little demand for the product and that the (artificial odor) didn’t match anyway. Humm! While the argument could be made that due to the present legal status of Medical Cannabis, that people simply don’t want to advertise. However, a more logical conclusion is that the odor of burning Cannabis, while tolerated, simply isn’t all that great.
Historical Factors: Traditionally Cannabis has always been an oral medicine, NOT a smokable substance. That wouldn’t come until Arab coffee houses were created and in the U.S. until the creation of the anti-Medical Marihuana laws. Thus one must question the very thought of someone trying to obtain anything by breathing in vapors etc. Let’s just say that at best this would have been very inefficient. If the ancient Hebrews were up to something, logic and reason dictate that it would have been more efficient, not to mention easier for them to have simply orally digested the substance.
Archeological Evidence: Archeological evidence found in what we now term the land of Israel, shows that Medical Cannabis was indeed used. Example:
Albany (NY) Times Union, May 20, 1993
“The first physical evidence that marijuana was used as a medicine in the ancient Mideast was reported Wednesday by Israeli scientists who found residue of the drug with the skeleton of a girl who apparently died in childbirth 1,600 years ago.
The researchers said the marijuana probably was used by a mid-wife trying to speed the birth, as well as ease the pain. Until now, the researchers wrote in a letter to the journal Nature, "physical evidence of cannabis (marijuana) use in the ancient Middle East has not yet been obtained."
The seven researchers -- from Hebrew University, the Israel Antiquities Authority and the National Police Headquarters forensic division -- said references to marijuana as a medicine are seen as far back as 1,600 B.C. in Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek and Roman writings. But physical evidence that the hemp weed, cannabis sativa, was used for that purpose has been missing.
The researchers' examination of an undisturbed family tomb near Jerusalem dating to the fourth century AD indicated the girl, about 14, died because her pelvis was too small to permit normal birth."
However, almost all physical archeological evidence comes from the Roman/Greek era, or roughly around 600 years after the ancient Hebrews were doing, whatever it is that they were doing. Thus, without any solid proof, the whole thing boils down simply to how one interprets certain biblical words and the context in which they were written.
Scholarly Factors: Granted there are various scholars, some with very impressive credentials, that claim the Hebrews did make use of Cannabis. But where is there proof? All physical evidence of Cannabis use seems to come from the early Christian era, not the Mosses Era. Also ignoring the fact that (in all likelihood) we are talking about Industrial Hemp NOT Medical Cannabis, still I’ve not been able to locate even one scholar who can provide any physical evidence of actual (Mosses era) non-medical use.
No Written History: Granted few people could read and write during the time of Mosses, but still that wouldn’t have held true during the Greco-Roman era --- Yet no one wrote (even in historical context) that such and such a thing had taken place. To our knowledge there is no mention of recreation Cannabis use in that area up until a few hundred years after the time of Christ?
Formulation Factors: According to the old testament:
Exodus chapter 30
34 - God said to Moses: Take fragrances such as balsam, onycha, galbanum, and pure frankincense, all of the same weight, as well as other specified fragrances.
35 - Make the mixture into incense, as compounded by a master perfumer, well-blended, pure and holy.
36 - Grind it very finely, and place it before the Ark of Testimony in the Communion Tent where I communicate with you. It shall be holy of holies to you.
37 - Do not duplicate the formula of the incense that you are making for personal use, since it must remain sacred to God.
38 - If a person makes it to enjoy its fragrance, he shall be cut off from his people.
Note that NO mention of Cannabis is made, and (unfortunately) all other facts lead to the conclusion that of those incenses that could have had hemp as one of the ingredients. That the percentage used would have been so small as to be irrelevant. Not much there to talk about -- if you get my drift.
CONCLUSION (The Vaper Myth):
After extensive investigation into the matter, one must conclude that the ancient Hebrews, what-ever-else you believe. Simply didn’t use Cannabis Vapors to help them write the old testament.
Granted, without question this author believes that “Keneh Bosem” and Hemp are one and the same, and thus the Hebrews did make use of the plant. But other than in medicines, oils, food, cloth etc., that means nothing. For example, the author has a coat made out of Hemp, but that doesn’t mean he’s smoking it; it’s being used solely as a coat to keep him warm. Thus no old testament prophets were going around using cannabis to write the old testament etc.
JEWISH MEDICINE (after jesses):
Due to the touchiness of the subject, I might as well get right into it. Are Jews a racial/ethnic group, a national group, or just a religious group? Some say this, others say that, but for purposes of this book, we will treat Judaism solely as a religious grouping -- why? SIMPLE, so that from here on in, we can view all their contributions to medical science, as being integrated into whatever local country, whoever it is that it is, and whoever happens to be living in at the time. Think of it as making it a lot easier for this museum to put this historical section together.
[A]- Other then hearsay from various antique dealers at the time, I can provide no solid evidence to this effect. However, all their stories did seem to match, thus proving some validity to the story.
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