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Select observations on English bodies of eminent persons in desperate diseases first written in Latin by Mr. John Hall ... ; after Englished by James Cook ... ; to which is now added, an hundred like counsels and advices, for several honourable persons, by the sam Published Date: 1679 By (Author) John Hall ![]() ![]() ![]() COUNS. XXV. Vlcers of the Bladder. For her by another eminent Physician. Take Mastick wood {ounce}iii. Sarsaparilla {ounce}vi. Liquoris {ounce}ii. after rightly prepared, boyl them in four gallons of Wort till a gallon be wasted; then strain out the Ingredients, and add a gallon of fresh Wort to it. After ready, use it for ordinary drink. Take of the four greater cold Seeds, each {ounce}ss. Seeds of Plantain, Water-lillies, and Hemp, each {dram}iii. boyl them in Barly-water lb vi to lb iii. to which add Plantain water lb ss. Penidies, sufficient quantity to sweeten it; and make an Emulsion. Take Troches of Gordon {ounce}ii. make a Pouder. Take of the Emulsion first in the morning, also an hour before supper, and at night going to bed, half a pint or little less; and in the morning and night-draughts, put in as much of the Pouder as will lie on a shilling. --- pg 228 COUNS. LXVI. Mother. For the Right Honourable, the Lady Katherine Brook, for Hysteric Vapours, which did much afflict the Head and Neck, by Dr. Bates, and others. Sept. 12. 1666. was prescribed what follows: . . . . Take Flowers of red Roses, Elder, each M i. Betony, Rosemary, Cowslips, each M ss. Hemp seed {ounce}i. Juniper berries {ounce}ii. Persia Nuts 12. ther, and besprinkle them with Rose-vinegar, and boyl them in Cream lb iss. to the wasting of the Serum; after strain them, and add Oil of Amber {dram}iss. and make an Ointment. The part of the Head pained being shaved, was anointed twice a day, by which she found much advantage. -- pages 284, 285 Our thanks to EEBO [Early English Books Online] for much of the enclosed material. WANT TO KNOW MORE: Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format.