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A verye excellent and profitable booke conteining sixe hundred foure score and odde experienced medicines apperteyning unto phisick and surgerie, long tyme practysed of the expert and Reuerend Mayster Alexis, which he termeth the fourth and finall booke of his secretes ... Translated out of Italian into Englishe by Richard Androse. Published Date: 1569 By (author) Girolamo Ruscelli ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() An excellent preseruatiue against the Pestilence and Dropsey. TAke one ounce of the iuyce of gréene nuttes, of the iuyce of Agrimony halfe an ounce, of the iuice of Rew thrée drams, of the iuice of Isope thrée ounces, of the iuice of Hempe foure ounces, meddle them togither, then take of the saide mixture halfe an ounce, of Mumia halfe a dramme, of Sugar Candy halfe an ounce, of Sugar Rosate one dramme, make a lectuarie, of the which, dissolue in good wine the quantitie of a Chestnut, or else in Buglosse water, or of the flowers of Marygolds, and many nights when you go to bed, vse to drinke therof. To stop the bloud of the Matrix, and of the vrine, and of wounds, and to heale the blacke pimples or wheales in the legs. IN the midst of Maye distill through a Limbecke the leaues of an Oke: and of the water giue sixe ounces vnto the sicke to drinke, and he shall be healed of the sayde griefes, and if in the said water you wet the Tow of Hempe, or peeces of linnen, and wash the pimples or red legges inflamed, the medicine wil be effectuous. To kyll wormes in the eares. TAke of the séedes and gréene leaues of Hempe, & taking out the iuice, put thereof warme into the eares, and you shall sée the effect. Or else, take the Gawle of a Bull, of clarified Hony, of eche lyke quantitie, and boyling it in an earthen vessell, meddle it well togither, and reserue it in a Viall of Glasse, and when néede requireth, being a little warme, put thereof with wooll into the eare, first cleansing the eare from filthe. Our thanks to EEBO [Early English Books Online] for much of the enclosed material. WANT TO KNOW MORE: Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format.