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The surgions directorie, for young practitioners, in anatomie, wounds, and cures, etc. shewing, the excellencie of divers secrets belonging to that noble art and mysterie. Very usefull in these times upon any sodaine accidents. And may well serve, as a noble exercise for gentle-women, and others; who desire science in medicine and surgery, for a generall good. Divided into X. parts. (Whose contents follow in the next page.) / Written by T. Vicary, Esquire, chyrurgion to Hen 8. Edw. 6. Q. Mary. Q. Eliz. Publication Date: 1651 By (author) Thomas Vicary ![]() ![]() For a vehement Cough in young Children. Take the Juyce of Parcely, powder of Commin, Womens milke, and mixe them together; then give the Child to drinke thereof, and afterward make this Oyntment following: Take the seed of Hempe or Flaxe, and Fennycrick, and seethe them in common water, then presse out with your hands the substance of the Hearbs, which you shall mingle with Butter, and so annoynt the Childes brest with it as hot as may be. - page 310 Our thanks to EEBO [Early English Books Online] for much of the enclosed material. WANT TO KNOW MORE: Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format.