Chapter 3 - (2nd Edition)

The Eureka Axe Murderer
The Great Cover Up!

DENVER POST - Feb. 24, 1935
"Killer Drug’ Marihuana Blamed for Violent Crimes" By Kenneth Clark

The Eureka (Calif.) Axe Murderer --- Harry Anslinger’s Gore File Cover-up
For those of you out there who are faint at heart, worry not, there WAS NO Eureka Axe Murderer.   That’s right, the Eureka Axe Murderer never existed, although you would have been hard pressed to have stated that during the high point of Harry Anslinger’s Reefer Madness campaign.

Perhaps it would be best to begin by quoting what others (during that time period) were saying about him.   – Again, keep in mind that although at one time he was one of Harry Anslinger’s favorite Gore File cases, that everything said about him was a total fabricated hoax.   [Please just skim read the following]

”It happened in California. A man under the influence of marijuana actually decapitated his best friend. Then, coming out from the effects of the drug, he was as horrified as anyone could be at what he had done.” -- Heath Magazine Oct 1938

“One is Harry D. Smith, chief of the Federal narcotic division, the other William G. Walker, head of the State bureau. . . . "Here is a case of a man who actually decapitated his friend with an axe recently up in Eureka, and then, coming out of the effects of the drug [of Medical Marihuana], was as horrified as anyone else over what he had done.” -- S.F. Examiner Nov. 7, 1933 pp4.

”In California a young man who indulged in these convivial cigarettes went berserk, grabbed an ax, and decapitated his best friend. ---[Book] Narcotics: America's Peril by Will Oursler (1952)

“In Eureka, California, an addict under the influence of marihuana decapitated his best friend.   Coming out of his drugged condition, he was horrified at what he had done.” ---Inside Detective (Magazine) Nov 1937

“. . . the unfortunate boy at Eureka, Ca. who, insane from the drug, seized a butcher's cleaver and cut off the head of his best friend.   They found him---or rather he found himself--when he regained his senses, with the decapitated face staring up at him from the floor of his blood-smeared room!” -- Real Detective (Magazine) - April 1935

California. A man while under the effects of Marihuana decapitated his best friend, then corning out of the influence of the drug was amazed and horrified to see what he had done. --- Finger Print & Identification Magazine March 1938 pp3

“A California, frantic with the stuff, actually decapitated his best friend.” -- The Eagle Magazine Nov. 1941

“The weed acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and renders users capable of various acts of violence; a California man decapitated his best friend while under the violent spell of the smoke, . . “-- News Week August 14, 1937

"A man under the influence of Marihuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone over what he had done." -- 1940 Drug Demon

“Practically every article written on the effects of the marihuana weed will tell of deeds committed without the knowledge of the culprit, while he was under the influence of this drug.   There are many arguments for and against this statement, and many cases reported which uphold it, and still others which contradict it.   Our opinion is that both arguments for and against are correct because of the inconsistency of the action of this drug on individual victims.   The reactions resulting depend to a large extent on the innate characteristics of the individual.   The person who is so unfortunate as to come under the influence of this drug, in many cases, becomes the unwilling offender of the law because the central nervous system has become affected, as is the case with other habit-forming drugs.   As a representative case, note the tragic predicament of this Californian.   "A man under the influence of marihuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone over what he had done" ---[Quoting - W. G. Walker, Chief, Division of Narcotic Enforcement, San Francisco, California, July 1, 1934] --- 1937 Congressional Testimony -- Marihuana - A More Alarming Menace To Society Than All Other Habit-Forming Drugs

The chief of the narcotic enforcement bureau in California reports: “Marihuana has a worse effect than heroin.   It gives men the lust to kill, unreasonably, without motive ---- for the shear sake of murder itself.   In Eureka, Calif., a man under the influence of marihuana actually decapitated his best friend and then coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone else over what he had done.” --- Denver Post – Feb 24, 1935 Sec 3 page 2

“The Chief of the Narcotic Enforcement Bureau of California in a report to the Federal Bureau gave an interesting example of this "Marijuana", he wrote, "has a worse effect than heroin.   It gives men the lust to kill, unreasonably, without motive - for the sheer sake of murder itself.   In Eureka, California, a man under the influence of marijuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone else over what he had done." ---Health Officer - Dec. 1936
Here the reader should note the validity of the above quoted news sources, everything from the Loyal Order of Eagles to NewsWeek magazine.   Hell, it even made it’s way into the Congressional Record.   Something that explains how Anslinger was able to get away with it for so long.   In fact it wasn’t until well AFTER Anslinger’s death that anyone even noticed that it was a hoax.

AS PROOF OF THIS FACT, let’s look into the museum’s work into this matter (something to which the author played a key role in).   While we go over this, please keep in mind that by definition, the Narcotics police are government agents, and thus automatically have the mantle of authority.   This means that it is up to us to provide proof that the Narc’s are lying, not the other way around.

Here are the facts the way the museum sees them:
  1. First, notice that NONE of the above mentions, make any references to names nor dates.   Also a sign of a fabricated Gore File Case.
  2. The sole source of ALL information concerning the case is the California Bureau of Narcotics and specifically William G. Walker its head.
  3. To the best of our knowledge, first mention of the story was made by Narcotics Chief William G. Walker on Nov. 7, 1933 (S.F. Examiner), and that the words, "recently occur" were used.
  4. While the story changes a bit, (according to the teller), a ghastly decapitation/murder was involved, close to or in the City of Eureka California.
Thus (making reference to the above), logic and reason dictate that such a gruesome act would have made the local papers, especially in (a then) small town like Eureka California.   And that it would have happened (recently) before Nov. 7, of 1933.

So why didn't it?   Extensive research by this museum curator [including hours upon hours of looking at Eureka newspaper archives] as well as by various other historical societies and librarians, have all come to the same conclusion --- nothing, there is no mention.

The following reply to our inquiries is typical:
Reference Department Humboldt County Library Subject: Marijuana related butchery It seems that your information would be considered urban legend these days.   We have searched extensively through newspapers and other periodicals from the time.   Searches have included the indexes of writings we have from the time also.   There is no mention of this case.   According to the couple [of] historians [that] we have contacted there was also very little marijuana use in this area at the time.   If something like this had happened, it would have been printed in the papers. . . . “
In addition, various Humboldt County governmental groups: Coroner, Sheriffs office, police, etc., have also been contacted.   Most did not respond, but those that did simply stated that they knew nothing about the case, etc.

All of which, of-and-by itself, proves nothing (remember, it is up to us to prove the negative – and it can always be said that we just haven’t look in the right place yet.   However it should raise a few eyebrows.   How can so much be said about such a grisly crime in so many places that no one knows anything about locally?

It should also be noted, that we also made contact with various (present-day) California statewide authorities as well as various (semi private) governmental police unions, and narcotics groups. ---- Same results, few of them actually got back to us, and those that did stated that they knew nothing about the incident.

Normally, the investigation by this museum into the Eureka Axe Murderer would have ended at this point, --- labeled something like “Case Unsolved”. ---- Again, it is up to us to prove that the Narc’s are lying, not the other way around.   And how does one go about proving the negative?   To prove the positive, that an incident actually happened, it only takes one newspaper article.   However to prove the negative, it doesn’t matter how many newspapers you look at, it can always be said that, “You just haven’t looked in the right place yet. ”   Very seldom do you find a smoking gun, yet this is one of those few times.



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