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THE MAD DOG RAPIST OF OAKLAND CALIF. YET ANOTHER ONE OF HARRY ANSLINGER'S FAKE GORE FILE CASES: This is yet another one of Harry Anslinger’s “Golden Wonders,” taken directly from the Gore Files that now bare his name. According to the DEA (then known as the Federal Bureau of Narcotics) the "Mad Dog Oakland Rapists" (our wording not theirs) forced his landlady to . . . . Name: - John Picadura - Location: - Oakland, Ca. Date: - March 25, 1940 What the Narc’s were claiming 1940 - M 33 Forced his landlady, Mrs. M. Delisle to smoke marihuana, and frequently raped her. Arrested -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1940 - J. Piadura - M - 33 - Forced his landlady, Mrs. M. de Lisle, to smoke marihuana and raped her frequently. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Oakland Tribune [S]- March 25, 1940 p1 - “Marijuana Crop Leads to Arrest” “The Window box greenery that John Picadura, 33, dreamy-eyed guitar teacher, lavished such tender care upon, got him into trouble. [S]- Aug 16, 1940 p16D - “Jury Acquits Guitar Instructor on 2 Counts” [Key-finder - Case #F40] And according to the initial Newspaper account: ![]() Marijuana Crop Leads to Arrest The window box greenery that John Picadura 33, dreamy-eyed guitar teacher, lavished such tender care upon, got him into trouble --- lots of it --- today. Four State narcotic agents testified before Municipal Judge Frank W. Dunn that the window boxes had a bumper crop of marijuana and Picadura was held to answer to the Superior Court on felony charges. The story also hinges on the detective work by two daughters of Mrs. Marie de Lisle, 43, manager of the boarding house at 1106 Eddy Street where Picadura lived. The two daughters, Mrs. Norman Wissner, 19, of 7?5 Eight Avenue, and Mrs. Margaret Ku?, 22 uncarthed some of the dried marijuana leaves in Picadura’s bureau they testified. State Narcotics Agent Ralph Armstrong confirmed the find. Events leading up to the denouement came when Mr. De Lisle became ill and was hospitalized. Her case was diagnosed as marijuana poisoning. She told physicians that Picadura offered to teach her how to play the guitar and then pilied her with cigarets. And Mrs. De Lisle’s daughters turned sleuths to discover what Picadure was using for “making” [ ] him home-made [ . ] . All of which makes for a very juicy story. Thus, as one can imagine, Harry Anslinger himself became very interested in the case. NOTE ALL Documents as per the National Archives – College Park Md. Some doctoring of the documents has been made to obtain quicker download times. If needed feel free to contact the museum for actual documents. ![]() Office of District Supervisor District No. 13 State of California and Nevada Confidential Treasury Department Bureau of narcotics Federal Office Building San Francisco, Calif. March 27, 1940 In re: Arrest of John Picadura, Violation State marihuana Law. Mr. H.J. Anslinger Commissioner of Narcotics, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: Herewith clippings from San Francisco papers relative to the prosecution of one John Picadura for violating of the State marihuana Law and other charges. For your information will state that this man was arrested by State narcotic Officers in San Francisco on March 20, 1940. The arrest was brought about on complaint made by Mrs. Temple de Lisle and her daughters, the Picadura had given the mother, Mrs. Temple de Lisle, marihuana and induced her to use the marihuana, thereby unduly influencing her. Acting upon this complaint, the State Officers went to Picadura’s place of abode which, incidentally, was in the same hours of the complainant, and found in his possession two bindles, each containing a few grains of marihuana, and a marihuana plant, about 3 or 4 inches high, growing in a flower pot. Very truly yours, Joseph A. Manning District Supervisor JAM:G Encl. ![]() April 17, 1940 ELMLH 0480-36-1 In re: John Picadura Mr. J.A. Manning, District Supervisor, San Francisco, Calif. Dear Mr. Manning: Reference is made to your letter of March 27, 1940, relative to the above name person, with which you transmitted clippings from San Francisco papers. While it is realized that in this sort of a case it may be difficult to ascertain the true facts, please advise what further developments there were, if any, which might add to our knowledge of the subject marihuana and crime. Very truly yours, H.J. Anslinger, Commissioner. fb ![]() Office of District Supervisor District No. 13 State of California and Nevada E: MLH 0480-36-1. Treasury Department Bureau of narcotics Federal Office Building San Francisco, Calif. April 30, 1940 In re: John Picadura Mr. H.J. Anslinger, Commissioner of narcotics, Washington D.C. Dear Sir: Reference is had to your letter of April 17, 1940 relative to the above named individual and my letter of March 27, 1940 transmitting a newspaper clipping advising of Picadura’s arrest in which it was alleged that he had persuaded a woman to smoke marihuana and took advantage of her while she was under the influence of the same. In reply, please be advised that there is nothing additional that would add to our knowledge of the subject marihuana and crime. The status of the case against Picadura is contained in a report from Narcotic Inspector George B. Coffill, dated April 30, 1940, which reads as follows: “The following information relative to the above name subject was obtained from the office of the State Narcotic Division, San Francisco, Calif. “On March 25, 1940 Picadura was held to answer on the charge of violating Section 11036 Health & Safety Code in Municipal Court, Dept. 12, before Judge Frank W. Dunn and on March 26, 1940 he was held to answer on the rape charge in Municipal Court, Dept. 10, before Judge Theresa Meikle.Very truly yours Joseph A. Manning District Supervisor JAM:G HOW FAKE IS THIS GORE FILE CASE? Let’s look at the facts the way this museum sees them. According to Newspaper accounts & the statements taken from Anslinger’s own Gore File; the Mad Dog Rapist of Oakland Calif., was accused of the following:
HOWEVER, according to a follow up article: as per the Oakland Tribune of Aug 16, 1940 p16D: ![]() “Jury Acquits Guitar Instructor on 2 Counts” “A jury of six men and six women in San Francisco Superior Court today acquitted John Picadura, 33, guitar instructor, of charges of statutory assault and possession of narcotics. The jurors debated only 20 minutes on the story of Mrs. Walter de Lisle that Picadura had seduced her after blowing marijuana smoke down her throat. Meaning that “the Mad Dog Rapist of Oakland Ca.” Was acquitted (found innocent) of ALL the above stated crimes. And the reader should note that we do not live in an Islamic Society where rape is considered the norm. Here in his case, it appears that NO SUCH CRIME TOOK PLACE. And most significant was the fact that he was also found innocent of growing Marihuana on his windowsills. NOTE: Something that would be a bit hard to do were they actually Hemp (Marihuana) plants. Something that of and by itself, puts into question how and why, this case even made its way into the Anslinger’s gore file. After all, weren’t these supposed to be examples of bestial crimes committed as a direct result of and while under the influence of Marihuana? Yet, many years after the fact, reference to it was being made not only by the INEOA (International Narcotics Enforcement Officers Association), by the U.N. (United Nations) itself. --- Shame on you all, especially the U.N. FAKE GORE FILE CASE -- No. 40
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