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THE HALF MOON BAY, MARIHUANA FARMERS What the Narc’s were claiming 1939 - In September, 1939, two peddlers of Marihuana were arrested in San Francisco, one of whom informed the officers that, to his knowledge, 1500 cans of Marihuana had been sold last year, by “his connection”, This peddler was followed to his source of supply, by State Narcotic Inspectors, and a man who was cultivating marihuana on his ranch at Half Moon Bay (a Mexican) was arrested. After making a seizure of Marihuana (in cans), - a portion of which were found buried on the ranch – the inspectors uncovered patches, approximating an area of about three-quarters of an acre, where old stalks of marihuana and seeds were found in the earth, - indicating that these well concealed patches had been used to cultivate the weed. -- Calif --Dept. Penology, Report for the year 1939 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: The Times (San Mateo) [S]-October 4, 1939p6 - “Coast Rancher Held On Narcotic Charge” Half Moon Bay, Oct, -- Antonio Gamazza (spell off), 39, half Moon Bay, was held to answer to superior court by Justice of the Peace Manuel Bettencourt today on a charge possession of marihuana. Gamazza was arrested last week by state narcotics agents. [Wanted]- October 11, 1939p1 “Narcotic Agents Defy Armed Coast Rancher In Marihuana search” County News Service Oct. 11.-- Agents of the State Division of Narcotic Enforcement today continued their search for more hidden fields of marihuana despite threats of one rancher who yesterday drove them away at the point of a rifle. Armed with a search warrant issued by Justice of the Peace M.J. Bettencourt, eight agents this afternoon planned to invade the half Moon Bay ranch of Fred Faustina who yesterday said he “would like to use his 30-30 gun on them. Tony Gamazza, coast rancher who is free on $2500 bond to the superior court on charges of possession of narcotics, will be charged with growing the cultivating marihuana, a felony, on the basis of a hidden field uncovered yesterday.[S]-October 13, 1939 p15 - “Hunt Delayed For Marihuana” HALF MOON BAY, Oct. 13, Agents of the state division of narcotic enforcement today temporarily abandoned the search here for a field of marihuana believed hidden in remote canyon sections back of Half Moon Bay and concentrated their efforts on a new case in San Francisco, according to Paul Madden chief of the bureau.[S]- Dec. 12, 1939 p12 - “Probation Opposed In Marihuana Case” REDWOOD CITY, Dec. 12. -- Sentencing of Tony Garmazzo of Half Moon Bay, convicted of possessing marihuana, was postponed one week after Paul Madden, chief of the state narcotics division, appeared in court and protested Gamazzo’s application for probation. Madden said he wished to introduce evidence that Gamazzo was growing the narcotic. Superior Judge Maxwell McNutt said such a charge should have been filed before Gamazzo was convicted but delayed sentence to permit the district attorney’s office to consider reopening the case. ![]() [Key-finder - Case#CA34]
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