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THROWING A GLASS AT A BARTENDER What the Narc’s were claiming 1939 - M Threw glass at bartender while smoking marihuana just bought from peddler. Arrested --- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1939 - M - Threw glass at bartender while smoking marihuana just bought from a peddler. Arrested --- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 During the month of October, 1939, at Treasure Island, (site of the golden Gate International Exposition) a young man twenty-three years of age, stepped into a tavern and, in the presence of an Inspector of the San Francisco Police Department, who was close at hand, picked up a water glass and threw it at a bartender, cutting him over the eye. This man was identified by his fingerprints and found to have been twice arrested for peddling Marihuana cigarettes, and on a previous occasion, in Los Angeles, had fired shots at a passing autoist who had spattered mud on his automobile. He was apprehended at that time by State Highway Patrol officers and was seen throwing two guns over the side of his automobile as he was forced to the curb. At the time of this assault at Treasure Island, he was out on bail on a charge of selling Marihuana cigarettes. He was sentenced on the Marihuana charge pending against him, and was sent to San Quentin prison for the term prescribed by law. --- MARIHUANA - State of Calif. Dept. of Penology, Narcotic Enforcement (excerpt from report for the year 1939) NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: NONE [Key-finder - Case#CA32] SAN QUENTIN PRISON RECORDS: Buford McFatridge -- aliases Buford Leonard San Quentin Prison ID = 64240 ![]() ![]() MUSEUM COMMENTARY: This case deals with the Great “Throwing a Glass” at a bartender capper. Okay, Okay, I know what you're thinking, Boy this must have really been a real slow and boring day for the Gore File. Well the truth is a bit more complex if somewhat interesting. Harry Anslinger himself retired as head of the Bureau of Narcotics (today known as the DEA) around 1962, but his hand picked successor Gieordano was a real toddy if ever there was one. So much so that he quickly jumped at the opportunity to help out his old boss, who at the time was now working with the United Nations to impose World Wide Reefer Madness. As per the (official UN publication) “Bulletin On Narcotics” - 1966 Issue 2.[1] “Through the kindness of Commissioners Anslinger and Giordano of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics, an opportunity was afforded to review various authenticated Case Reports in the files of the Bureau as typical of the relationships of various crimes committed by individuals after use and while under the influence of marihuana (usually smoked). As representative, table 3 reports details on 69 such cases.[2] This objective evidence supports published statements of the association between the use of marihuana and various types of crime. “Gieordano’s role in all this was simple, he ordered his clerical stuff to go through the bureaus old files and locate such case; -- In other words, go through the Gore File. And on paper, this should have been a real easy task, as allegedly, the Bureau of Narcotics file cabinets were supposedly full of such cases. The problem being (I myself have gone through those files, now located at the National Archives in college park Md.), that those cases, in yet another myth from the Reefer Madness Era), just didn’t exist. Oh, yes, there’s lots and lots of stuff about Victor Licata and the so-call “Girl Slayers.” But file folder after file folder . . . ah, no. Thus, the Bureau’s clerks were no doubt hard pressed to actually find anything of value. Which is why (or how actually), the great “Throwing a Glass” at a bartender capper got into the act. Simply put, they were having trouble finding enough suitable cases for the report. However, it should be noted (as per his San Quentin Prison records), that his occupation was that of a “Waiter.” . . . humm, throw a glass at a Bar-tender . . . probably more to this than meets the eye. FOOTNOTES: [1]- http://www.undcp.org/bulletin/bulletin_1966-01-01_2_page004.html -- Marihuana and crime By James C. MUNCH Ph. D. [2]- Not true at all as many of the cases are repeats on one another, and quite a few of them are also what we now term, Fabricated or Fake gore file cases. All pictures – Courtesy of www.Ancestery.com
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