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HARRY ANSLINGER'S GORE – FLORIDA FLORIDA - TEMPORARY WEBSITE – LOCATION OF FUTURE WEBSITE ![]() Due to lack of material resources, at the present time we can only post this temporary website dealing with the STATE OF FLORIDA during the Reefer Madness Era. It is our hope to have a full website for the state running sometime in the future. But (again) due to lack of resources this will be a long while. For now we hope that this quickie will be of some help to researchers into the era. ![]() To this day he is still known as the "MARIHUANA FIEND", the "KID WITH THE AXE", etc. And during the Reefer Madness Era the Narcotics Police would turn his name into a legend. For he was accused of committing a crime that was so hideous, it is said by many to have lead to the creation of the anti-Medical Marihuana laws which are still with us to this very day. But . . . THERE WAS ONLY ONE PROBLEM – HE WAS INNOCENT. DID YOU KNOW: That there was a serial Axe murderer operating in the Tampa area at the time?WHY, one must ask, were these (above) facts NOT brought out by anyone? Not by Harry Anslinger and his Bureau of Narcotics, and not by a number of people in positions of authority who knew the truth -- all of the truth.
Name: - Victor Licata - Location: - Florida - Date: - Oct. 17, 1933 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Oakland Tribune - Oakland, Ca. [Oct. 17, 1933] - "4 of Family Slain In Mystery Attacks" Helena (Daily) Independent - Helena, Montana [S-Feb. 21, 1930 pg. 1] "Murder of Child Blamed on Drug” TAMPA DAILY TIMES - FL. [--Oct 17 or 18, 1933 pg. 1] "Crazy Youth Slays Family" [e Oct 18, 1933 pg. 1] “Dream Slayer talks in Cell” (Licata tells reporter how he killed five) [e Oct 18, 1933 pg. 1] ”Joint Funeral For 5 Victims” [e Editorial - Oct. 18, 1933] "Stamp Out This Weed Of Flaming Murder" [wanted Oct 20, 1933 pg. 11] Editorial - against Medical Marihuana. "Stop This Murderous Smoke" [--Oct 20, 1933 pg. 11] "Final Rites For 5 Slain" [--Oct 31, 1933 pg. 1] "Report Shows Ax Slayer of Family Insane" [--Nov. 3, 1933 pg. 5] "Order Commits Slayer Licata" TAMPA Morning Tribune [--Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1] "Crazed Youth Kills Five of Family With Ax in Tampa Home" [--Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 8] "Logan To War on Marijuana Traffic Here" St. Petersburg Evening Independent [--Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1] - "Son Held in Tampa Slayings" Key West Citizen - Key West, Florida [S-Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1] “Denies Slaying of Family; Says He Had Dream” Gore File [See Reefer Madness Newspaper Index pamphlet for more references] [Key-finder - Case #001] ![]() FLORIDA'S UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES SALES MIAMI, FLA - A seizure of marihuana of international significance was effected near Miami, Fla., on October 9, 1937. An old oil drum containing 53 1/2 pounds of the drug was found on the beach where it bad been landed and buried in September by Capt. William Hood, British subject, resident of British Honduras, master of the Honduran schooner Alert, and Octavio Carrillo, a Mexican, both of whom were arrested. The marihuana is alleged by the defendant to have come aboard the vessel at Baca La Chica, British Honduras, in two sacks which came from Xcalat, Mexico, and was removed from the vessel before it came through quarantine at Miami. --- TRAFFIC IN OPIUM & OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS 1937 POSSESSION FLORIDA - Jacksonville On March 5, 1935, 5 young men were arrested for the possession of marihuana cigarettes. Four of them received six months sentences in the county jail, and the fifth was fined $200.00 and costs. The aforesaid defendants in this case testified that they paid 750 for two marihuana cigarettes. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File GROWTH FLORIDA - Miami On November 21, 1935, Felix Gonzales was arrested for the possession of approximately 24 ounces of growing marihuana, and the sale of 4 cigarettes at 25cents each. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION FLORIDA - Miami On February 11, 1936, Edna Smith and Abel Ramirez, were arrested for the possession of 54 marihuana cigarettes. From the report-submitted by the Federal District Supervisor for that district, it appears that the defendants were carrying on rather extensive illicit trade in marihuana cigarettes, which they sold for 20cents each. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION FLORIDA - Miami On December 31, 1935 Police at Miami, Florida, arrested one H. V. Miller and seized from him 2 marihuana cigarettes. Miller, was fined $500.00 and costs, in default of which he was sentenced to serve 1 year in prison. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File SALES FLORIDA - On January 19, 1936, J.A. Garcia and N. Edwards were arrested at Miami following the sale of 6 marihuana cigarettes, to Federal Agents. When arrested Garcia had 3 additional marihuana cigarettes in his possession. Both defendants were sentenced to $300.00 fine or 6 months in jail. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File SALES FLORIDA - On February 1, 1936, State Narcotic Inspectors and Federal Agents arrested Abel Ramirez, alias Abel Americus, at Miami, for attempting to sell 11 Marihuana cigarettes to one of the Agents. A search of his residence resulted in the discovery of 10 ounces of marihuana. He had previously sold 5 marihuana cigarettes to this Agent. Ramirez was sentenced to serve 1 year in prison. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File SALES FLORIDA - Nancy Lee Drake was arrested at Miami on February 2, 1936, for selling 22 marihuana cigarettes to State Narcotic Agents. She was sentenced to pay a fine of $500.06 and costs, in default of which she will serve 1 year in prison. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File SALES FLORIDA - On February 3, 1938, Edna Smith, alias Edna Schauder, was arrested at Miami following the sale of 54 marihuana cigarettes to State Narcotic Inspectors. She was held in default of bond awaiting trial. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File SALES FLORIDA - On February 3, 1936, Felix Gonzales was arrested at Miami for selling 4 cigarettes to a State Narcotic officer. He was sentenced to 1 year in the Raiford, Florida, Penitentiary. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File SALES FLORIDA - On February 11, 1936, Frank Ovinnio was arrested at Miami charged with selling 2 marihuana cigarettes to a State Officer. He was held in default of bond awaiting trial. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File MUSEUM NEWSPAPER INDEX: NO, this index of (what may or may not be) Reefer Madness Newspaper articles is NOT COMPLETE and in fact is anything but. At best it should be thought of as a starting point for historical scholars doing research into the origin of the anti-Medical Cannabis laws. TAMPA DAILY TIMES - FL. [e]- Oct 17, 1933 pg. 1+10] "Crazy Youth Slays Family" – Licata Gore File Case [e]- (around Oct 19, 1933) – “Marajuana Joints and Dealers Listed For Clean-up Drive By Law Agencies” [wanted]- Oct 20, 1933 pg. 11] Editorial - against Medical Marihuana. "Stop This Murderous Smoke" possible date error [e]- Oct 31, 1933 pg. 1] "Report Shows Ax Slayer Of Family Insane" EVENING INDEPENDENT - ST. Petersburg, Florida [S/e Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1] “Son Held In Tampa Slaying” (Gore File Case-Florida Articles relating to the Victor Licata murders. Mentioned by Anslinger in his July, 1937 American Magazine article “Marijuana, Assassin of Youth” pg. 19, in the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act hearing held April 27 through May 4, pg. 23, in his 1961 book “The Murderers” pg. 38, etc…) JACKSONVILLE JOURNAL - Jacksonville, Florida [Wanted - Oct. 27, 1933] “The Workings of a Good Law” (Editorial about a Marijuana arrest and seizure.) KEY WEST CITIZEN - Key West, Florida [S Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1] “Denies Slaying Of Family; Says He Had ‘Dream’” (Gore File Case-Licata) TAMPA MORNING TRIBUNE - Tampa, Florida [S Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1&8] ”Crazed Youth Kills Five Of Family With AX In Tampa Home” (Gore File Case-Licata) [S Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 8] “Logan To War On Marijuana Here” (Gore File Case-Licata) [S Oct. 15, 1945 pg. 1] “5 Dangerously Insane Escape Chattahoochee” (Gore File Case- Licata) [S Oct. 16, 1945 pg. 4] “Murderer Escapes” (Gore File Case-Licata-Editorial) [S Dec. 07, 1950 pg. 10] “AX Killer Ends Life In Prison” (Gore File Case-Licata) TAMPA DAILY TIMES - Tampa, Florida [S/e Oct. 17, 1933 pg. 1&10] "Axman Kills 4 Tampans” (Gore File Case--Licata) [S/e Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1&4, c. 6] “Dream Slayer Talks in Cell” (Gore File Case-Licata)(Licata tells reporter how he killed five) [S/e Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 2] “Marijuana Joints and Dealers Listed For Clean-up Drive By Law Agencies” (Gore File Case-Licata) [S/e Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1&4, c. 5] ”Joint Funeral For 5 Victims” (Gore File Case-Licata) [S/e Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 6] "Stamp Out This Weed Of Flaming Murder" (Gore File Case-Licata-Editorial) [S Oct. 19, 1933 pg. 1] “Thousands View Victims Of Maddened Ax Slayer” (Gore File Case-Licata [s Oct. 19, 1933 pg. 2] “Rewards for Marijuana Convictions Announced” (Gore File Case-Licata) [s Oct. 19, 1933 pg. 3] “Axmen’s Toll 19 Lives Here” (Gore File Case-Licata) [s Oct. 19, 1933 pg. 5] “Kin To Defend Dream Slayer” (Gore File Case-Licata) [s Oct. 20, 1933 pg. 11] “Final Rights For 5 Slain” (Gore File Case-Licata) [s Oct. 21, 1933 pg. 12] “Licatas Plan Insanity Move” (Gore File Case-Licata) [s Oct. 31, 1933 pg. 3] “Board Reports Licata Insane” (Gore File Case-Licata) [s Nov. 02, 1933 pg. 5] “Alienist Says Licata Insane” (Gore File Case-Licata) [s/e Nov. 03, 1933 pg. 5] "Order Commits Slayer Licata" (Gore File Case-Licata) [Wanted Oct. 20, 1933 pg. 11] - "Stop This Murderous Smoke" (Editorial) ST. PETERSBURG EVENING INDEPENDENT [e]- Oct. 18, 1933 pg. 1] - "Son Held in Tampa Slayings" DAILY DEMOCRAT [ ] - “Florida man to grow killer drug, marijuana for birds.” December 19, 1937, p. 1 A FLORIDA WEBSITE COMING -- ONE OF THESE DAYS: We wish that we had the ability to run a complete website on this state, but due to limited resources, this is not a possibility at this time. For now, we hope that this partial material will be of some help to students of the Reefer Madness Era. ---- (Hint) if you make a financial donation to the museum it might help to speed things up a bit. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE