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ILLINOIS ![]() In the 1930's our federal government launched a massive dis-information campaign " with the goal of demonizing the use of Medicinal Marihuana. As part of this campaign, Harry Anslinger (the then drug czar), had his agents create (a sort of) gore file. One consisting of case example after case example of very brutal crimes committed " While Under the Influence of," and as a direct result of the use of Medical Cannabis, by its drug addicts. Below are those (State of Illinois) cases that we have been able to locate. WARNING: This museum has done extensive research into many of Anslingers Gore File cases and has found many of them to be wanton. Some were complete works of fantasy (meaning they totally created and never actually took place), while others (while having some bases in truth), had the facts so heavily distorted as to qualify them for the term "FABRICATED". Please be warned that some of them (especially those that took place before the "Holiday of Horrors" affair in early 1936) may not exactly be all that the narc's claim them to be. Name: - Alejo Ineges Agredano - Location: - Chicago, IL. - Date: - Nov 16, 1947 What the Narc's were claiming Illinois - On the night of November 4, 1947, at Chicago, M., a narcotic agent, after negotiating with an intermediary, Ralph Hicks, for the purchase of five pounds (2 kilograms, 268 grams) of marijuana or a total of $500 was taken to a point near the intersection of Loomis and Polk Streets where AGREDANO appeared with the marijuana. When the agent attempted to place him under arrest, AGREDANO drew a pistol and the agent was compelled to shoot him, the bullet going through his left arm and penetrating the chest cavity. AGREDANO died of these wounds on November 5, 1947 -- The Drug Hang Up, America's Fifty-Year Folly by Rufus King Quoting the TRAFFIC IN OPIUM AND OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS In June 1946 Alejo Inees Agredano was arrested by customs officers at San Antonio, Tex., in a case concerning some 33 pounds (14 kilograms, 969 grams) of marihuana. He was arrested by the Chicago, Ill., police in March 1947 in connection with a seizure of 60 pounds (26 kilograms, 216 grams) of marihuana. The files of this Bureau also indicate a connection between AGREDANO and ROGALIO CANDANOSA and ARTURO RUIZ, apprehended on August 19, 1947, by customs officers at Eagle Pass, Tex., in possession of 72 pounds (32 kilograms, 659 grams) of marihuana destined for Chicago, Ill. AGREDANO'S criminal record showed numerous other arrests and a conviction for grand larceny. On the night of November 4, 1947, at Chicago, Ill., a narcotic agent, after negotiating with an intermediary, Ralph Hicks, for the purchase of 5 pounds (2 kilograms, 268 grams) of marihuana for a total of $500 was taken to a point near the intersection of Loomis and Polk Streets where AGREDANO appeared with the marihuana. When the agent was compelled to shoot him, the bullet going through his left arm and penetrating the chest cavity. AGREDANO died of these wounds on November 5, 1947. A coroner's jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide and commended the agent for his courage. -- TRAFFIC IN OPIUM AND OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE [S]- Nov 16, 1947 p35 - "Drug Suspect Dies; Shot Near Home by U.S. Agent" "Alejo Agredano, 54, a Mexican, 804 S. Loomis st., died yesterday in Mother Cabrini hospital of wounds suffered Nov. 4 when he was shot near his home by Vance Newman, a federal narcotics agent. Newman said he fired when Agredano, a narcotics suspect drew a pistol. Five pounds of marijuana were found in Agredano's possession. An inquest was schedule for tomorrow morning. " MUSEUM COMMENTS: Without a lot of (very independent) research into the specifics of this one individual case, it would be impossible to determine EXACTLY what really happened. Was it an act of self defense on the part of a narc, or a wonted act of murder (and then a cover up) on his part? --- We know from our studies of Reefer Madness-ology, that the narc's lie a lot. They also plant drugs, guns, etc., on their victims. We also know that (historically speaking) Medical Marihuana distributors have a tendency to be on the non-violent side of things. However (again), without a lot of research (looking into whether Mr. Agredano had a violent background), it is all but impossible to determine what really happened. [Key-finder - Case #8] Name: - Robert Conroy - Location: - Chicago, IL. - Date: - Nov 21, 1936 What the Narc's were claiming ![]() 1937 Chicago -- Male 24 Attacked woman. Was Arrested. -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1937 - R. Conroy, - Chicago - m - 24 - Attacked woman. -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: CHICAGO TRIBUNE [S]- Oct 24, 1937 p1 "Torture Rapist Gets Sentence of 199 Years" "After deliberating less than half an hour a jury in the Criminal court of Chief Justice Cornelius J. Harrington yesterday found Robert Conroy, an ex-convict, guilty of rape and fixed his punishment at 199 years in prison. This penalty is the severest permitted by the Illinois law. Testimony at the trial showed that Conroy climbed into the room of Miss [name withheld], 38 year old choir singer, at 4752 Lincoln avenue and not only raped her, but tortured her with a knife, a pair of shears, and the sharp hook of a clothes hanger after robbing her of $55. . . more . . " MUSEUM COMMENTS: There doesn't seem to be any mention of Marihuana anywhere. We don't know the how or why this case made its way into the Gore File. [Key-finder - Case #15] Name: - - Location: - Joliet, IL. - Date: - Aug 1935 What the Narc's were claiming Joliet, Ill.; Convicts in Northern Illinois Penitentiary were said to have been sold marihuana cigarettes by a notorious murderer---wanted in New York and Pennsylvania, but committed for life in Illinois. A convict became so obstreperous that an investigation was made of his cell, which led to the discovery of particles of marihuana, and later to a flourishing garden of the weed in an abandoned stone quarry, which was the source of supply. -- Oakland Tribune (Newspaper) Oct. 11, 1936 "Don't be a MuggleHead" Joliet On August 16, 1935, convicts in Northern Illinois Penitentiary were said to have been sold marihuana cigarettes by (Inmate) Midget Fernekes, a notorious murderer wanted in New York and-Pennsylvania for killing, but committed for life from Convicts at Joliet, Illinois, and San Quentin, California, were discovered growing it in prison garden patches. Cultivated plots have also been found-and destroyed-in such unexpected districts as Coney Island and the so-called "jungle" near Brooklyn bridge. ---Physical Culture Magazine - Feb. 1937 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: CHICAGO TRIBUNE [S] - Aug 16, 1935 p20 --- " Marijuana Weed Patch found at Joliet; Dug up", Guards from the Joliet penitentiary were busy with shovels and pitchforks yesterday turning under a 10 foot by 15 foot bed of marijuana weed discovered in an obscure nook of the old prison quarry. Three convicts who were found smoking cigarets they had made from the leaves were in solitary confinement. Presence of the narcotic weed in the prison was discovered by Capt. J. R. Carpenter, who recognized the odor of the smoke as he passed along a cell block. The weed grows wild near Joliet and presumably the bed in the quarry was started by seeds blown there by the wind. " MUSEUM COMMENTS: Although this seems to be a BIG-NOTHING case to most of us, this one case (along with similar case in San Quentin Ca.) seemed to have been blown totally out of purporting. With the narc's making it sound as if; IT WAS THE MARIHUANA that responsible for making the inmates into criminals in the first place. Name: - Policeman Jerome McCauley - Location: - Chicago, IL. - Date: - Jun 1936 ![]() What the Narc's were claiming In Chicago, two marihuana-smoking boys murdered a policeman. -- Detective World - Dec. 1947 In Chicago recently two boys murdered a policeman while under the influence of marihuana. -- 1937 Congressional Testimony In Chicago, two marijuana smoking boys murdered a policeman. -- American Magazine " Marijuana, Assassin of Youth" By H.J Anslinger - July 1937 In Chicago, Illinois, two boys murdered a policeman, and stated that they did it while under the influence of MARIHUANA. -- The Union Signal (WCTU) Jan. 30, 1937 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: [Note, no mention of Medical Marihuana use was made] [This Must be the case, it is the only one that fits] CHICAGO TRIBUNE [ ]-Jun 26, 1936 pg 11 -- " Move to Indict 2 parolees in Police Slaying" Murder of Policeman Jerome McCauley on May 29, -- killed the policeman while being pursued after several holdups. Andrew Bogacki 25 years ; Paul Jenkot 26 yrs also Frank Korczykowski 27 [ ]- Aug 2, 1936 pg 1 -- " Two Killers to Die; Third Gets 199 Yrs." [ ]- Aug 4, 1936 pg 15 " Three Deputies Discharged for Killers Break" [ ]- Aug 16, 1936 pg 17 -- " Policeman Wins Hero Award for Shooting Killer" [ ]- Sep 29, 1936 pg 11 -- " Police Slayer Sentenced to 199 Years in Prison" [ ]- Oct 21, 1936 pg 1 -- " Two Slayers of Policeman die in chair" OR Charles Walz, 18, Anthony Grecco, 19 CHICAGO TRIBUNE [ ]- Feb 20, 1929 p1 - " Policeman's Slayers Die in chair" Name: - William Allred or Aired - Location: - Chicago, IL. - Date: - Nov. 23, 1935 ![]() Some years ago, a U.S. Senator got up in front of a press conference and stated that a census study had shown that there were tens of thousands senior citizen hard cord Heroin users in our country. However, (to everyone's embarrassment), when people actually checked into the facts, it turned out that one (we repeat ONE) elderly lady had been asked if she ever used Heroin and (probably without even understanding the question) answered that YES she always used it. --- Somehow this one (and only ONE) elderly lady was mathematically extrapolated into "tens of thousands" etc., etc. . . . and of such things are legends born. Harry Anslinger however, didn't even need that much to create one; -- This one being the legend of the HIGH SCHOOL JANITOR. And (as can be seen from the quotations below) quite a legend it was. Soon, this one individual became the subject of magazines, pulp fiction novels, Old Time Radio programs, and yes (as can be seen above) even comic book supper villains. SPELLING OF THIS LAST NAME: The newspapers seem to spell his name in various ways, Allred, Aired, etc., however according the 1930's census it was spelled ALRED. The census also states that William Alred -- In 1930 he lived in Alton Township Illinois, was 23 years of age at the time, race white and was unmarried. What the Narc's were claiming "Not long ago a high school janitor in Chicago was arrested charged with selling marihuana cigarettes to pupils. -- Oakland Tribune (Newspaper) Oct. 11, 1936 "Don't be a MuggleHead" Chicago On November 22, 1935, James Weaver, 40, and a man who identified himself as William Alred, 28, a high school janitor, were arrested on complaints that they were selling marihuana cigarettes to young people of high school age. Alred had 30 marihuana cigarettes in his pocket when apprehended. The Board of Education ordered a sweeping investigation and promised vigorous prosecution. -- ILLIGIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA (aka, Anslinger's Official Gore File Jan 1935 to April 1, 1936) A typical way of introducing this weed to a group of young people is generally brought about in the following manner: One of them may encounter one of these peddlers, or as discovered in one Midwestern city, a school janitor was the distributor of the cigarettes for a group of peddlers on the outside. The youngster is told of the indescribable thrill resulting from a few puffs of these homemade cigarettes. He is usually told that it is "something different and causes no harm," but is a "real kick." He whispers this around to his closer friends and he is delegated to procure one or more of the cigarettes. -- INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL DIGEST Sep, 1937 And this is the stuff that is being sold "just around the corner" from high schools in almost every state of the union! Indeed, in one Chicago school the janitor was charged with peddling "reefers" within the school itself! -- Assassin of Youth (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine And this is the stuff that is being sold "just around the corner" from high schools in almost every state of the union! Indeed, in one Chicago school the janitor was charged with peddling "reefers" within the school itself! -- Moloch Of Marihuana (1945) Robert James Devine All Chicago truant officers, teachers, and other school employees were called on some weeks ago to cooperate with the city police in stamping out the marihuana smoking which recent disclosures had shown to be gaining among the school children of the city. The immediate reason for this action was the raid on an alleged marihuana flat, a luxurious apartment said to have been furnished with Oriental divans, where vicious literature was strewn about. It had been reported that boys and girls were visiting the place at all hours, and leaving there in a state of daze or hilarity. The raid resulted in the arrest, as a peddler of narcotics, of the owner of the apartment, the janitor of one of the city high schools. He was in the apartment at the time of the raid and had a number of marihuana cigarettes on him. -- The Union Signal (WCTU) Jan. 1936 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: HAMMOND TIMES - Hammond, Indiana [S]- Nov. 23, 1935 p3 - 6 Drug Peddlers Under Arrest LaCROSSE- WI [S]- Nov. 24, 1935 p9 - "Marijuana Den Target of Raid" [Key-finder - Case #55] NOTE: We have asked the school board where he worked for a picture of him, but for whatever reason, they didn't want to provide us with one. (NOT a Federal Gore File Case) Name: Richard Loeb / Nathan Leopold (Victim = 13 year old Bobby Franks) - Location: Stateville Penitentiary, IL. - Date: - 1923-1939 What the Narc's were claiming More recently in another city, during my lecture accompanying the film, I mentioned the Loeb and Leopold murder of Bobby Franks and the later murder of Loeb at Stateville Penitentiary. I suggested that both of these crimes were connected with the use of reefers. A man stood to his feet in the audience and asked if he might speak. I invited him to the platform so that he might speak into the microphone. Said he: "I have spent most of my life in penal institutions. I committed murder when I was sixteen years of age and only recently have been released from Stateville Penitentiary. I was there when Loeb was killed by a fellow prisoner. I knew that marihuana was being used within the walls of the prison and other prisons where I was confined. Much of my time at Stateville was spent as an orderly in the prison hospital. And in that capacity I have seen scores of inmates hospitalized because of marihuana addiction inside the institution." This man had become a Christian following his release from prison. -- Assassin of Youth (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine Sexual desire flames into fires of passion, undeniable, uncontrollable. This is the second phase of reaction. The most debasing perversions are invited and practiced whether the users of the drug be school children meeting in basement rooms, or college youths in groups within or outside the campus; or whether they be prison inmates who have secured quantities of the drug through trusties. Marihuana has been grown on prison farms, unknown to the officials, and taken inside the walls to the inmates. When it is realized that under its influence prisoners fall just as desperately in love with each other as they would with members of the opposite sex outside, one can believe the startling stories of debaucheries which take place within such institutions. Even a fleeting remembrance of the recent death of one of the murderers of little Bobby Franks will recall that it was the refusal of another inmate to submit to his demands for unbelievable perversions that led to his death by stabbing, in the Illinois State Prison. -- Moloch Of Marihuana (1945) Robert James Devine NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: THE LANDMARK - (Statesville N.C.) [S- Sept 27, 1928 pp7] " Darrow Says It Is " Lot of Bunk" [S-Aug 18, 1924 pp6 ] " Stern-Faced Alienists Say boys Are Not Mentally Sick " Stevens Point Daily Journal -(Wisconsin) [S-Jan 29, 1936 pp5] " Loeb's Slayer Enters Plea of Self-Defense" Chronicle Telegram [S-Mar 26, 1928 ] " Lost in Oblivion of State Prison" Clearfield Progress (Clearfield PA) [S-Jan 31, 1936 pp6] " Killer of Loeb in Prison Fight" " Loeb's Sentence Ended by Death" Doylestown Daily Intelligencer (Doylestown PA) [S-Jan 5, 1953 pp8] " News Highlights" Helena Daily Independent [S-Feb 7, 1936 pp7] " Stone Walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage" Indiana Evening Gazette [S-Jan 29, 1938 pp1] " Loeb's Violent Death Stirs Prison" Syracuse Herald (New York) [S-Feb 1, 1936 pp16] " Inquiry Links Leopold to Loeb Murder" AND MANY MORE MUSEUM COMMENTS: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL GORE FILE CASE, however so many people think that it is, we felt if necessary to include it here. However, extensive research of newspapers and other sources, shows no mention of Medical Marihuana at any time. It is our feeling that Medical Marihuana played NO part in these crimes. [Key-finder - Case #NO85] Name: - Location: - Elgin IL. - Date: - Feb 18, 1965 What the Narc's were claiming Illinois - Elgin, Ill., Feb 18, 1965---During an attempted robbery, two men attacked their victim with a baseball bat, Making him at least ten times on the head. Later, when the suspects were arrested, one stated they both had smoked marihuana just before attacking their victim. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: COURIER NEWS [s]- Feb. 18, 1965 P1 - Elgin man Beaten, Left near Death [s]- Feb. 19, 1965 P1 - Beating Victim On Critical List [s]- Feb. 20, 1965 p3 - Cohen Still In Critical condition [s]- exact date unknown - Cohen Asks $420,000 In Beating [Key-finder - Case #99] ![]() ILLINOIS UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES Try as we might, the museum has NOT been able to actually verify that any of the following actually took place. NOTE; this does not mean that such or such an incident DID NOT TAKE place, only that up until now we have not been able to locate any actual evidence (other than what the narc's are saying) that they actually did. GIRL JUMPS FROM WINDOW [Editorial NOTE - Extensive research of both the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Defender fail to turn up anything -- High probability that this incident simply did not occur ] ![]() Then another suicide is chalked up. Actually this has occurred, as in the case of a young girl in Chicago, who hurled herself several stories from an apartment building where a reefer party was in full swing. The death of this youth was a poignant example of how fantasies, apparently harmless, have their tragic results -- On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle Rowell THE sprawled body of a young girl lay crushed on the sidewalk the other day after a plunge from the fifth story of a Chicago apartment house. -- American Magazine - Marijuana, Assassin of Youth By H.J Anslinger - July 1937 There was that little school-girl in Chicago, having hard work to pass her exams, in Algebra, etc., and told by "reefer" addicted school-mates that she could pass anything, and would be "out of her troubles in no time" if she would smoke "reefers." She was-so far as this world is concerned. Cannabis-crazed, she stepped out of a fifth-story window, and dashed her brains out on the pavement below! ---War with the underworld 1946 A mother in the city of Chicago, sobbingly watching her once-lovely daughter dying as a result of the "reefer racket," told authorities that, to her knowledge, not less than fifty of her daughter's friends were virtual slaves to the power of marihuana. -- Assassin of Youth (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine HIGH SCHOOL, youngsters who turn to banditry for thrills, girls who leap from skyscraper windows, striplings who chop their parents to death --THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY - June 29, 1938 A high-school girl had heard some whisperings concerning the "kick" offered by the new kind of cigarette; after smoking a reefer, she was able to dance long without fatigue; time became elastic and in her state of exhilaration all else seemed inconsequential; studies were entirely neglected, she became despondent, but a few puffs of her faithful cigarette brought relief; finally, coming to full realization of her school problem, she deliberately walked to an open window and leaped to her death. -- American Journal of the Medical Sciences - 1938 pg 351 There are numerous cases on record like that of the young girl who heard about a new thrill, a cigarette with a "real kick" which gave wonderful reactions and "no" harmful after-effects. With some friends she experimented at an evening smoking, party. Other parties followed and then, when she was behind with her studies and greatly worried about her grades, suddenly, under the influence of this deadly drug, she walked to and through an open window. -- DETECTIVE WORLD (Magazine) - Dec. 1947
HIGH SCHOOL REEFER VENDORS ![]() In Chicago the press has said: -- "Shocked by disclosures of dope being; peddled to high school students, police and school officials of Chicago yesterday lunched a double-barreled drive against the traffic in habit-forming drugs ...."Informed that peddlers of marihuana, held by crime fighters to be as vicious as narcotics or opiates, are making their headquarters near high schools, Superintendent of Schools Bogan ordered his district superintendents to launch an investigation and submit reports. Lieutenant William Cusack, head of the narcotic squad, revealed the marihuana weed is being grown domestically-plots of ground being devoted to it within a few miles of Chicago. . . . He has sent 197 peddlers of it to jail, deported 50 persons to Mexico for selling the weed, seized 167 pounds of marihuana and 183,000 cigarets---within the past year. -- The Union Signal (WCTU) Feb 1935 The marihuana, in cigaret form, had been procured in this case, from the man who kept a school supply store just around the corner from the school. (If any of my readers wish to locate any the source of supply of marihuana ciqarets in his or her city let him look first within a block of the high school! This storekeeper sold chocolate bars and gum; milk and school supplies. The children initiated into the "reefer" group pooled the candy and milk money given them by fond parents, and purchased a supply of "Mary Warners". The lower-than-skunk storekeeper in this case, supplied them with a basement room, which he had furnished with a couple of old mattresses and other needed pieces of furniture. Here he could guarantee them freedom from interference for hours at a time. He had even sent his wife and family away on an extended visit to make sure that his illicit operations would not be discovered. Here the youngsters played at being married. Rings stolen from the ten-cent stores served to bind the mock ceremonies which permitted unbridled lusts to have full sway. Probing by the juvenile judge resulted in shamefaced girls sobbing out sordid stories disclosing many nights of debauchery and degradation. Sometimes these young girls would be too drunk to leave the basement where they had staged their "parties" and so had to stay all night. Each party was a continuous round of dissipation, drunkenness and drugs. The stories of the girls varied according to the number of marihuana parties they had attended. Some of them said they had started their wrongdoing because they lost control of themselves after smoking a few "Mary Warners". One said she had gone ahead even though she knew it was wrong, because she "loved" her boy friend and was afraid that some other girl would take him from her. One boy, 16 years of age, just before he was called to testify, took his "girl" by the arm and said: "Don't worry, kid. I've been in this mess before and I can tell whether it's serious or not. They won't do anything to us. All they'll do is tell us to be good." But the little girl was really afraid. She had heard something said about a doctor and a physical examination. Poor child, the marks of her serious adventures were stamped upon her for life. All but one of her little girl friends were in her unfortunate class. The sole exception was found just in time to save her from the same fate as the others. The story itself reads like many other records of almost any juvenile court. But no amount of repetition or callousness can take away the tragedy and misery of each individual case. Detailed evidence in court describes such parties as are staged by young boys and girls who have learned to smoke marihuana cigarets. --- RELIGIOUS DIGEST Dec. 1937 - "THE MENACE OF MARIHUANA" By Robert James Devine "Investigation of the sale of drugs to, school children in the M----- school district was ordered last night after a boy of fifteen had attacked his father, a music teacher, with a knife while crazed with marihuana cigarets. Only the father's quick action in wresting the weapon from the youth saved the parent from death or serious injury. After hearing the boy's story the officers arrested the owner of the school store and the clerk from whom the boy said he bought the cigarets." -- The Union Signal (WCTU) Feb 1935 Let me tell of one case that the Rev. Mr. Devine tells about in his book called "The Moloch of Marihuana." "The marihuana in this case had been obtained in cigarette form from a man who kept a school store just around the corner from the school. He sold chocolate bars, gum, milk and school supplies. The children initiated into the "reefer" group pooled the candy and milk money given them by their parents and purchased a supply of "Mary Warners." The storekeeper provided the youngsters with a basement room which he furnished with a couple of old mattresses and other furniture. Here he could guarantee them freedom from interference for hours at a time. He had even sent his wife and family away on an extended visit to make sure that his illicit operations would not be discovered. "HERE THE YOUNGSTERS PLAYED AT BEING MARRIED. Rings from the ten cent store served to bind the mock ceremonies which permitted unbridled lusts to have full sway. When the juvenile judge probed the girls, they sobbed out sordid stories disclosing many nights of debauchery and degradation. Shamefaced, they testified that sometimes they would be too drunk to leave the basement where they had staged their parties and so had to stay all night. Each party was a continuous round of dissipation, drunkenness and drugs. Some said they had started their wrongdoing because they lost control of themselves after taking a few puffs of a "Mary Warner." One said she had gone ahead even though she knew it was wrong because she loved her boy friend and was afraid some other girl would take him. One boy, sixteen, took his girl by the arm and said, 'Don't worry kid. I've been in this mess before and I can tell whether it is serious or not. They won't do anything to us. All they'll do is to tell us to be good!" One girl in giving evidence in front of her parents said: "My father works nights and I knew I was safe if I got home by one-thirty on my mother's club nights." --- Book 1939 - Enemies Of Youth The marihuana, in cigarette form, had been procured in this instance from a man who kept a school supply store just around the corner from the school. This storekeeper sold chocolate bars and gum, milk and school supplies. The children initiated into the "reefer" group Pooled the candy and milk money given them by fond parents, and purchased a supply of "Mary Warners." The lower-than-skunk storekeeper in this case supplied the youngsters with a basement room, which he had furnished with a couple of old mattresses and other furniture. Here he could guarantee them freedom from interference for hours at a time. He had even sent his wife and family away on an extended visit to make sure that his illicit operations would not be discovered. Here the youngsters played at being married. Rings stolen from the ten-cent stores served to bind the mock ceremonies which permitted unbridled lusts to have full sway. Probing by the juvenile judge resulted ,in shamefaced girls sobbing out sordid stories disclosing many nights of debauchery and degradation. Sometimes, so these young girls testified, they would be too drunk to leave the basement where they had staged their "parties" and so had to stay all night. Each party was a continuous round of dissipation, drunkenness and drugs. The stories of the girls varied according to the number of marihuana parties they had attended. Some of them said they had started their wrongdoing because they lost control of themselves after taking a few "puffs" of a "Mary Warner." One said she had gone ahead even though she knew it was wrong, because she "loved" her boy friend and was afraid that some other girl would take him from her. One boy, sixteen years of age, just before he was called to testify, took his "girl" by the arm and said: "Don't worry, kid. I've been in this mess before and I can tell whether it's serious or not. They won't do anything to us. All they'll do is tell us to be good." But the little girl was really afraid. She had heard something said about a doctor and a physical examination. Poor child, the marks of her serious adventures were already stamped upon her for life. All but one of her little girl friends were in her unfortunate class. The sole exception was found in time to save her from the same fate as the others. -- Moloch Of Marihuana (1945) Robert James Devine In Chicago a school supply store was discovered selling reefers to boys and girls, some of whom had become temporarily blinded by the weed. -- American Mercury - Dec 1935 In Chicago, according to newspaper reports, a school-supply house sold marihuana to high-school boys and girls for five cents per cigarette. --- The truth about narcotic Drugs 1943 The marihuana, in cigarette form, had been procured in this instance from a man who kept a school supply store at around the corner from the school. This storekeeper sold chocolate bars and gum, milk and school supplies. The children initiated into the "reefer" group pooled the candy and milk money given them by fond parents, and purchased a supply of "Mary Wamers." The lower-than-skunk storekeeper in this case supplied the youngsters with a basement room, which he had furnished with a couple of old mattresses and other furniture. Here he could guarantee them freedom from interference for hours at a time. He had even sent his wife and family away on an extended visit to make sure that his illicit operations would not be discovered. Here the youngsters played at being married. Rings stolen from the ten-cent stores served to bind the mock ceremonies which permitted unbridled lusts to have full sway. Probing by the juvenile judge resulted in shame-faced girls sobbing out sordid stories disclosing many nights of debauchery and degradation. Sometimes, so these young girls testified, they would be too drunk to leave the basement where they had staged their "parties" and so had to stay all night. Each party was a continuous round of dissipation, drunkenness and drugs. The stories of the girls varied according to the number of marihuana parties they had attended. Some of them said they had started their wrongdoing because they lost control of themselves after taking a few puffs" of a "Mary Warner." One said she had gone ahead even though she knew it was wrong, because she "loved" her boy friend and was afraid that some other girl would take him from her. One boy, sixteen years of age, just before he was called to testify, took his "girl" by the arm and said: "Don't worry, kid. I've been in this mess before and I can tell whether it's serious or not. They won't do anything to us. All they'll do is tell us to be good." But the little girl was really afraid. She had heard something said about a doctor and a ' physical examination. -- " Assassin of Youth" (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine Another Chicago paper stated: "Dope peddlers lurk near Chicago high schools with abundant supplies of narcotics for gullible teen-age students, school principals complain. At one school, students have told their principal they can purchase 'reefers' from push-cart peddlers who ostensibly sell luncheon frankfurters. Purchases are also made from agents in alleys, parks, hallways, hotel rooms, and even, in at least one case, from the head usher in a theater. The school principals are alarmed by the increasing addiction to narcotics. They agree that the ironclad rule of 'no-smoking' discourages the 'reefer' smoker until classes are dismissed. After that, the peddlers take over. We've had the police chase them away, but they always come back." -- " Assassin of Youth" (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine
POSSESSION OF THE EVIL WEED, LEADS TO OTHER CASES Illinois - 1936 - William Barnett of Chicago, ILL., was arrested for the possession of marihuana. At the time of Barnett's arrest he was in possession of a letter from Pete Gurralo, alias Joseph Fierro, of Mankato, Minn., offering to furnish marihuana in any quantity from 1 pound up. On Sep. 22, 1936, Balli, alias Tom Gurrola, killed a man at Albert Lea, Minn. Following the murder he escaped from prison and fled to the farm of his father. He was identical with the man who offered to supply marihuana to Barnett. When the officer went to the farm to apprehend him, he found 6 or 7 bushels of marihuana contained in a sack and two cardboard boxes, and concealed under a haystack -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1936) September 1, 1936, William Barnett, 721 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, was arrested for possession of Marihuana. At the time of his arrest he was in possession of a letter from Pete Gurrola of Mankato, Minnesota, offering to furnish Marihuana in any quantity from one pound up. On September 22, Guadalupe Balli, alias Tom Gurrola, killed a man at Albert Lea, Minnesota. Following the murder he escaped from prison and fled to the farm of his father. A representative of the sheriff's office went to the farm to apprehend him but he was not there. While searching the premises, they found a quantity of Marihuana concealed in a sack and two cardboard boxes, about 6 or 7 bushels, and covered by a haystack. --- Review of the Illicit Traffic In The United States and the Philippine Islands In 1936 FIGHT BROKE OUT What the Narc's were claiming Illinois - 1938 Chicago - Male Broke nose J. N. by striking with gallon clay jug and pulled knife. Police officer then destroyed growing crop nearby. Was Arrested. -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1938 - J. Arrga, - Chicago - m -Broke nose J.N. by striking with gallon clay jug; Pulled knife. Police officers then destroyed growing crop nearby. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 PART OF AN INTERNAL NARC MEMO
POSSESSION, BEING A MUSICIAN ILLINOIS - Waukegan Tom Bostan, Jr., WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE