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HARRY ANSLINGER'S GORE – MARYLAND MARYLAND - TEMPORARY WEBSITE – LOCATION OF FUTURE WEBSITE ![]() Due to lack of material resources, at the present time we can only post this temporary website dealing with the STATE OF MARYLAND during the Reefer Madness Era. It is our hope to have a full website for the state running sometime in the future. But (again) due to lack of resources this will be a long while. For now we hope that this quickie will be of some help to researchers into the era. Name: Augusto Perez - Location: - Maryland - Date: - June 12, 1936 Magazine accounts: See Inside detective Nov. 1937 [Key-finder - Case #65] Name: - Location: - Baltimore, Maryland - Date: - Oct 1936 ![]() Baltimore.-On October 2, 1936, Baltimore City police raided two locations at which several hundred pounds of green and dried marihuana were stored and arrested Joseph Martinez and Ruben Sanchez. Further investigation by local and Federal officers led to discovery of a farm located near the city where large quantities, of growing plants were found to have been cultivated between rows, of corn, under circumstances leading to a belief that a carefully planned cultivation of the weed had been carried on for 2 or 3 years previous. The harvesting of the crop had been proceeding for several days prior to discovery, trucks carting the leaves -and tops into Baltimore, where the drying, grinding, and packaging processes were carried out. The defendants were convicted and sentenced to jail terms and large quantities of the growing plants and dried bulk marihuana were confiscated and destroyed. - AKA the Corn Field affairNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: CHICAGO TRIBUNE: [ ] - Oct 4, 1936 pg 17 - “Find Marihuana Crop Hidden in Middle of Corn” Inside Detective Magazine [**]- Nov. 1937 – pg. 16 "Thrill-Mad Youth is faced with a sinister menace in MARIHUANA DEVIL'S DRUG! - best description ever. [See Museum Section on -- The Legends of Reefer Madness] According to legend, criminals everywhere were hiding their Medical Marihuana plants in the middle of Corn Fields. More power to them ]
[Key-finder - Case #69] Name: [*Name withheld] - Location: - Annapolis MD. - Date: - June 1967 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: BALTIMORE SUN [S]- June 13, 1967 pg “College Student Is Found Dead” *See Newspaper article for name of Student [Key-finder - Case #67] ![]() MARYLAND UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES UNION WORKERS ON STRIKE Maryland - October 1936, the chief engineer of a vessel arriving at Baltimore complained to the Federal narcotic office that the crew of his vessel were using some unknown narcotic that was so virulent in its effects on the men that the officers were obliged to protect themselves by carrying blackjacks to ward off attacks. The narcotic agent made an extensive investigation and ascertained that a fireman, aged 22, was a marihuana user, and that two of the seamen on the ship had purchased a bag of dried marihuana while ashore in the Canal Zone and smuggled it aboard the ship where it was consumed by members of the crew. Officers of the steamer said these men were “under the influence of this narcotic throughout the trip to Baltimore and that their conduct bordered on the mutinous." -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1936) Baltimore, Maryland - October 12, 1936, the chief engineer of a steamship complained to the Federal Narcotic Office here that the crew of his vessel were using some unknown narcotic that was so virulent in its effects on the men that the officers were obliged to protect themselves by carrying black jacks to ward off attacks. The narcotic agent made an extensive investigation and ascertained that the fireman, aged twenty-two, was a Marihuana addict and that two, of the seamen on the ship had purchased a bag of dried cannabis while ashore in the Canal Zone and smuggled it aboard the ship where it was consumed by members of the crew. Officers of the SS said these men were "loaded up" with this narcotic throughout the trip to Baltimore and their conduct bordered on the mutinous. --- Review of the Illicit Traffic In The United States and the Philippine Islands In 1936 Baltimore, Md. 1936. The chief engineer of a vessel arriving at Baltimore complained to the Federal narcotic office that the crew of his vessel were using some unknown narcotic that was so virulent in its effects on the men that the officers were obliged to protect themselves by carrying blackjacks to ward off attacks. The narcotic agent ascertained that a fireman, aged twenty-two, was a marihuana user, and that two of the seamen on the ship had purchased a bag of dried marihuana while ashore in the Canal Zone and smuggled it aboard ship, where it was consumed by members of the crew. Officers of the steamship said these men were "under the influence of this narcotic throughout the trip to Baltimore and that their conduct bordered on the mutinous." --- The Traffic In Narcotics By H.J. Anslinger 1953 Oct 1936 chief engineer of a vessel arriving at Baltimore complained to the Federal narcotic officer that the crew of his vessel were using some unknown narcotic. Officers were obliged to protect themselves by carrying black jacks. -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1936) SMUGGLING BALTIMORE, MD. On October 31, 1938, customs officers at Baltimore, Md., seized 1 kg. 899 gm., net, of marihuana from Augustine Rios and Joe Rodrigues, seamen on the Brazilian steamship Parnahyba coming from Santos. Subsequently, sentences of 2 years were imposed on each of the defendants. Customs officers at Baltimore, Md., on August 20, 1939, purchase through a Puerto Rican I kg. 899 gm. Of marihuana which they obtained on the Brazilian steamship Ayuruoca. On November 20, 1939 Concalo R. Nascimento, the man who delivered the marihuana, was sentenced to serve 1 year and 1 day in a Federal penitentiary. Customs officers at Baltimore, Md., on July 15, 1939, seized kg. 41 gm., net, of marihuana which they found concealed on the steamship Pocone, coming from Santos, Brazil. Ownership of the marihuana was not ascertained. SALES MARYLAND - Baltimore On October 11, 1935, Arthur Jones, colored, was arrested POSSESSION MARYLAND - Baltimore On November 16, 1935, Cheater Chalk and Raymond Rodgers were arrested at Baltimore for possession of 67 marihuana cigarettes, POSSESSION MARYLAND - Baltimore On November 18, 1935, POSSESSION MARYLAND - Baltimore On November 25, 1935, Baltimore Police arrested Lee A. Williams for possession of 40 marihuana cigarettes, weighing 567.5 grains, net, and one package of loose marihuana POSSESSION MARYLAND - Baltimore O n March 1, 1936, Raymond Rodgerat previously implicated in the seizure of marihuana at Baltimore on November 16, 1935, mentioned above., was arrested at Baltimore in possession of 1 marihuana cigarette. He was sentenced to 6 months in the House of Correction --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION MARYLAND - Baltimore On December 10, 1935, Agnes Henson, MUSEUM NEWSPAPER INDEX: NO, this index of (what may or may not be) Reefer Madness Newspaper articles is NOT COMPLETE and in fact is anything but. At best it should be thought of as a starting point for historical scholars doing research into the origin of the anti-Medical Cannabis laws. BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN [S]- Mar 21, 1931 p1 - Louis Armstrong Gets Six Months for Dope (ANP) [S]- Mar 21, 1931 p1 - Harlem Musicians Fall for Dope in Mexican Cigarettes [S]- Mar 28, 1931 p8 - “Reefers” Contain Drug Not Dope, says Narcotic Bureau [S]- Apr 25, 1931 p9 - Harlem’s “Deadly Reefer” Cigarettes are Only Plain Hemp [Malay, mahammedan ] [S]- May 30, 1931 p5 - “CHI. Youngsters Now Fall for Reefers” [S]- Apr 2, 1932 p3 - Are Pansies People? [About Gay People] [S]- May 27, 1933 p9 - Gets 18 years in first Reefer Murder Here [S]- Sep 23, 1933 p4 - Philly Reefer Smokers Face Hard Winter [S]- Sep 23, 1933 p19 - Third Sex Goes in for Nudism at Costume Party Labor Day [Say Stuff] [S]- Nov 4, 1933 p1 - “Pittsburgh Cops in Raids Seeking Doped Cigarettes” [S]- Dec 9, 1933 p18 - Rialto Gossip [about a song] [S]- Jan 20, 1934 p1 - Reefer habit Has Spread to N.Y. School children [S]- Feb 3, 1934 p9 - Reefer Smoker? Your’re a Moron, Says Physicians [Panama Cannel study] [S]- Oct 13, 1934 p24 - “Reefer Stuff” [Fictional Story] [S]- Nov 24, 1934 p10 - “Rhode Island - Cops find dope farm on city owned land [S]- Dec 8, 1934 p1 - School Children in Reefer Raid [S]- Dec 15, 1934 p3 - “Agents Trap Man, Woman in Reefer Raid at Harrisburg” [S]- Mar 30, 1935 p1 - Boston Raids 3 Places in Sudden War on Reefers [S]- Apr 27, 1935 p16 - “Scottsboro Ruling used in Ky. Trial” [S]- Aug 31, 1935 p10 - Acres of Reefer Plants Found in Pennsylvania [S]- Mar 14, 1936 p11 - “Things Theatrical” [S]- Aug 8, 1936 p13 - Police Find N.Y. Has Own Reefer Crop [S]- Oct 17, 1936 p17 - Arrest of 6 Puts End to Reefer Ring [S]- July 31, 1937 p20 - Senate Okays Tax Bill on Reefer Smoke Dreams [S]- Dec 11, 1937 p1 - Had $1,500 Worth of cigarettes [S]- Dec 11, 1937 p15 - Afro Health Talk - pure Reefer Madness [S]- Feb 19, 1938 p13 - Offer Reefers as Murder Defense - The girl slayers from a black perspective [S]- Mar 26, 1938 p1 - Reefers [S]- Mar 26, 1938 p 10 - Philly Bans Reefer Film -- [the use of marihuana weed] [S]- Apr 2, 1938 p15 - “Bride, 14, Kills Reefer-Mad Hubby” [Houston -- Mary Lee Anderson. 14 - year old bride, blamed “reefer” cigarets for the death of her husband, Willie Anderson, 26, in juvenile court here last Friday, while on trial for murder. Claiming self-defense, she said she killed her husband when he advanced on her with a butcher knife while under the influence of “reefers” She was exonerated. ] [S]- Apr 2, 1938 p14 - 2 Nabbed in City-Wide Drive Against Reefers” [S]- Apr 23, 1938 p14 - Federal Man Nabs Youth for Reefers” [S]- Jan 14, 1939 p 2 - Police Suggest Forbes Slayer Smoked Reefers” [S]- Jun 1, 1940 p3 - Reefer Craze Seen Dying Out in Eastern Cities” [good pix] [S]- Oct 18, 1941 p6 - Experts Clash Over Lindsey’s Sanity [S]- Feb 22, 1947 pM12A - Anything for a Thrill - great jazz pictures [S]- mar 31, 1951 p12 - Charges Startle Court [Trenton police gave six murder suspects reefers -- Truth serum ] Hornel murder case FREDERICK POST - Frederick, Maryland [S]- Aug 12, 1915 pg. 8] “Texas Menaced by new Dope Weed” [S]- April 04, 1928 pg. 6] “The canary Murder Case” fictional story [ ]— April 09, 1930...convicted of conspiracy to distribute MARIJUANA in Carroll County for Us part.....agents confiscated more than a ton of MARIJUANA, million in cash and other.. [ ]— April 12, 1930...are stored or uses, possession of MARIJUANA, possession of MARIJUANA with.....in Carrol County for distribution of MARIJUANA. He received the maximum.. [S]- Aug. 18, 1933 pg. 4] “In New York” [N.W.R.] [S]- May 08, 1935 pg4] “In New York” [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct 26, 1936 pg.4] “Wild Tobacco” Editorial [S]- Jan. 21, 1937 pg.1] “Convict Admits Trooper Murder” Gore File [S]- Jan 23, 1937 pg. 10] “Given Life Term” Gore File [S]- Aug 3, 1937 pg.4] “Feagaville WCTU [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 9, 1937 pg.1] “US Moves to Curtail use of Marijuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct. 06, 1937 – “Mariajuana plants at antietam burned” [S]- Oct 12, 1937 pg. 6] “Federal men Start War on Giggle Smoke” [S]- Oct. 22, 1937 pg.4] Radio “MARIJUANA and Crime" WJZ-NBC (Anslinger) [S]- Feb 10, 1938 pg.4] Local WCTU Meets” [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb 16, 1938 pg.1 ] “Two Women Guilty in $2.10 Robbery” [S]- May 05, 1938 pg.10] “Reefer Reported Sold” [S]- May 11, 1938 pg.1] “WCTU to Hold Convention May 12” [N.W.R.] [S]- May 14, 1938 pg. 8] “Convention of WCTU Held” [S]- July 02, 1938 pg. 9] “Health” MED [S]- July 05, 1938.pg. 4] “Health” By Dr. Morris Fishbein Cannabis Indica to the Doctors, It’s Dynamite to society” Med. [S]- Aug. 02, 1938.pg. 4] “The MARIJUANA Evil” radio notice of [S]- Oct. 07, 1938 pg. 7] “Missionary Society Meets” [S]- Nov 8, 1938 pg. 1] “Detectives Seize 17 in Marihuana Raids” [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec. 09, 1938 pg. 4] Film “Hollywood” [S]- Feb. 13, 1939 pg. 7] “Urbana Aid Society” (WCTU) [N.W.R.] [S]- April 15, 1939 ] WCTU meeting [N.W.R.] [S]- May 15, 1939 pg.4] “Woodsboro WCTU Meets” [N.W.R.] [ ]— June 24, 1939...Five men were arrested on a raid on a MARIHUANA "farm" were held today for.. [S]- Sept. 01, 1939 pg. 16] short on marihuana bill [S]- Sept 26, 1939 ] “marihuana on Battlefield” [S]- March 08, 1940 pg.4] “Buckeystown WCTU” [S]- Nov 15, 1941 pg.1] “12 Year Curriculum Favored by Group” PTA [N.W.R.] [S]- Jan. 21, 1943 pg.1] “Gene Krupa Accused on Narcotics Charge” [S]- Feb. 25, 1943 pg. 5] “Krupa Pleads Innocence” [S-July 9, 1943 pg.6] “Peteakos Arrested” [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec 12, 1952 pg.1] “Held on bond” [N.W.R.] NEWS - Frederick, Maryland [S]- Oct. 08, 1908 ] “Use for Deadly Weed” [S]- Feb. 28, 1930 pg.1] “General Shakeup Narcotic Bureau made by Lowman” (anslinger) [N.W.R.] [S]- April 09, 1930 pg. 12] “For Prohi Job” (picture of Anslinger) [S]- Dec 13, 1934 pg.1] “Urges Uniform Laws to Combat US Drug Evil” [N.W.R.] [S]- Jan. 22, 1935 pg. 4] “In New York” [N.W.R.] [ ]- Aug 2, 1937 pg. 2] “Feagaville WCTU” meeting [N.W.R.] [S-Sept. 09, 1937 pg. 7] “Anti-Marijuana Rules are issued by Treasury” [S]- Oct. 12, 1937 pg.9] “Federal Men Start War On Giggle Smoke” (picture) [ ]— October 16, 1937...and Clark expedition? 2. Cannibas, MARIJUANA. and Hashish are: cities in..of the expedition. i Cnnnibas. MARIJUANA and Rev. James j hashish aro 3.. [S]- Aug 11, 1944 pg.5] “New market WCTU” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept. 02, 1948 pg. 1] “Cleanup is promised in Hollywood” [S]- Sept. 18, 1948 pg. 8] “18 Are Accused of Marijuana Ring” [N.W.R.] [ ]— February 22, 1949...causes violent stimulation similar to MARIJUANA, he added. The warden declared.. [S]- Aug 10, 1951 pg.3] “Weed Grows Wild” [N.W.R.] short [S]- Sept 15, 1951 pg.10] “Calls State Park Prostitutes Haven” [S]- Sept 21, 1951 pg.1] “Brewery Worker Held on Marihuana Charge” [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec 16, 1952 pg. 6] “Held on Bond” [N.W.R.] SALISBURY TIMES - Salisbury, Maryland [S]- July 1, 1930 pg.1] “Col. Woodcock Takes Oath as New Dry Chief” [S]- Jan 20, 1943 pg. 1] “Gene Krupa nabbed by law after Performance” [S]- Jan 25, 1952 pg.10] “Thousands of Teen-Agers Fall into Stupid Life of Drugs” [S]- Jan 28, 1952 pg. 4] “Evaluate Drug Rumors, Police are told” DENTON JOURNAL - Denton, Maryland [ ]— July 09, 1937...subjects. These subjects were Tobacco, MARIHUANA, and Major Health Points a.. [ ]- Sept. 03, 1937 pg.6] “Fighting Marihuana” [S]- July 9, 1938 pg.1] “Public Health board Met Last Tuesday” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 3, 1938 pg. 6] “Fighting Marihuana” A PROPER MARYLAND WEBSITE COMING -- ONE OF THESE DAYS: We wish that we had the ability to run a complete website on this state, but due to limited resources, this is not a possibility at this time. For now, we hope that this partial material will be of some help to students of the Reefer Madness Era. ---- (Hint) if you make a financial donation to the museum it might help to speed things up a bit. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE