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DURING THE REEFER MADNESS ERA HISTORICAL NEW YORK NEWSPAPER ARTICLES The following is a listing of newspaper articles that (for the most part) this museum has been able to obtain. Some of them might be of interest to historians – NOTE that it should be thought of ONLY as a starting point and is far from complete. In addition many of us would question whether or not some of these articles should have been included – (note that “NWR” means NOW WORTH READING) WARNING: --- ERRORS (dates, newspaper, article titles etc.), are very possible. Again, think of this index solely as a starting point. ![]() ONEONTA DAILY STAR - Oneonta, New York [ ]- July 13, 1934...See Soda Springs Sun [e-July 26, 1934 pg.6] [ ]— July 23, 1934...in East India as bhang, in Mexico as MARIJUANA, and in Arabia and the United.. MIDDLETOWN TIMES HERALD - Middletown, New York [S]- July 10, 1945 pg. 2] “16 Arrested for Narcotics charge” [S]- July 23, 1945 pg. 1] “Police Discover Marihuana Plant in Garden here” [S]- May 21, 1946 pp 4] “Fair Enough” [NWR] about driving THE POST STANDARD – Syracuse New York [S]- June 21, 1938 pp8] “Girl Serving Life Guilty in robbery” (Ethel Sohl) [S]- Nov 27, 1948 pp2] “$30,000 Marijuana Shipment Seized” [S]- Feb 19, 1950 pp2] “Illicit Narcotics Traffic on Upsurge”[NWR] [S]- Feb 3, 1967 pg.1] “Find Physician and Wife Slain” [Gore File] Dr. Archie clayton Case. SYRACUSE HERALD – Syracuse New York [S]- Feb 13, 1910 ] short about corn remedy - Med [S]- July 25, 1913 p10] Med – corn remedy [S]- Nov (or Dec) 14, 1913 pp1] Med – Corn remedy [S]- April 12, 1914] “Med – Corn Remedy [S]- April 17, 1915 p11] “Weeds Cause Insanity” [S]- Aug 3, 1919] “What Happened After the Gay victory Ball” [S]- Dec 7, 1919 p8] “Huge Increase of Dope Alarms U.S. Drug Traffic Now $10,000,000 a Day!” Cool Read [S]- Feb 6, 1920] “Hashish Smoking Grows in Alarming Proportions Among Youth in Chicago” By Owen L. Scott [S]- Jan 10, 1932 p1] “Dope Cigaret Sales Again Stir Police” [S]- Nov 20, 1932 p1] “Negro is Held in Marihuana cigarette Raid” [S]- Nov 21, 1932 pp8] “Denies Guilt In Inquiry of Dope Cigaret” [S]- Dec 5, 1932 pp3] “Two Jailed as Marihuana Ring Leaders” [S]- Dec 6, 1932 pp6] “Marihuana Grown on Farm In Geddes Owner Held in ‘Muggles’ Cigaret’ Inquiry” [S]- Jan 31, 1933 ] “Marihuana Case Jury is Selected” [S]- May 6, 1935 pp24] “In New York” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 26, 1935] “Buffalo War on Marihuana Drug Opened” [S]- Feb 9, 1936 p47] “Police Wage Ceaseless Fight to Perils of Smoking Marihuana” [S]- May 14, 1936 p11] “Balanced Meals with Less Amount of Food is Held Only Safe Way to Reduce” (Dr. Lee Rice) [S]- Aug 17, 1936 p ] “Police Burn $300,000 In Marihuana” (Picture) [S]- Mar 21, 1937 p1] “Sale at Cornell of Marijuana Cigs Charged” [S]- Mar 22, 1937 pp 7] “Cornell quick to Deny Sale of Marijuana” [S]- Mar 23, 1937 pp.5] “McNaboe and Cornell Men In Verbal Tilt” [S]- Apr 11, 1937 pp 4D] “Mrs. O.J. Mowry is District Leader for Federation” [S]- Apr 15, 1937 pp2] “State Narcotic Control bill Sent to Lehman Sets Up New Bureau” [NWR] [S]-June 2, 1937 pg. 21] “Permanent Aeronautic Commission bill Bead” [NWR] [S]- June 6, 1937 pp8A ] “Lehman Signs Bill Creating Drug Bureau” [S]- Aug 12, 1937 pp6] “US to Prosecute Marihuana Violations” [S]- Sep 16, 1937 pp32] “Legion Due for Peaceful Convention” [American Legion] [S]- Sep 19, 1937 pp 3C] “Marihuana Traffic Under Ban on Oct 1.” [S]- Nov 11, 1937 pp26] “Marihuana War is On” [NWR} [S]- Nov 14, 1937 pp5] “Japan Gains Laid to China Narcotic Use” (Dr. La Roe) [S]- Feb 11, 1938 pp 5] “Girl Blames Crime Career on Reefers” [S]- Feb 12, 1938 pp 12] “Court Speeds Trial of 2 Girls Charged with Bus Murder”t [S]- Feb 22, 1938 pp 5] “Western N.Y. Drive Against Marihuana Centers on Buffalo” [S]- Feb 26, 1938 pp 12] “US to Open New Drive on Drug Addicts” [S]- Mar 24, 1938 pp 9] “Geraniums Found in Marihuana Hunt” [NWR] [S]- Mar 28, 1938 pp 10 ] “Current Viewpoints” [S]- Apr 28, 1938 pp 20] “Florida Revokes Marijuana Permit” [NWR] [S]- July 9, 1938 pp 24] “Schenectady Police Destroy Marijuana” [NWR] [S]- Jun 11, 1938 pp 21] “Marihuana Madness” (Full Page) By Dr. Arthur La Roe [S]- Sep 28, 1938 pp4] “Marijuana Suspect Held In Gun Chase” [S]- Sep 30, 1938 pp 3] “Weed, Police Seized is not Marihuana” [NWR] [S]- Oct 2, 1938 pp 4C] “Man Police Stopped with Shot Denies he was Disorderly” [S]- Oct 8, 1938 pg 2] “Chlorine Ave. Man Sentenced 60 Days by Judge Walsh” [S]- Oct. 22, 1938 pg. 18] “Marijuana Weed, Found by Highway, Burned by Police” [S]- Dec 22, 1938 pg. 10] “Ton of Marihuana Seed Seized Here, Burned at Dump” [S]- Feb 6, 1939 pg. 5] “Federals nab 30 in N.Y. City Narcotic Raids” – 50 Treasury Agents Seize $2,500 Marijuana and Heroin [S]- Aug 6, 1939 ] “State College Investigates Horse Death” [NWR] [S]- Aug 13, 1939 pg. 3] “Marijuana Found Growing Wild in Heart of Toronto” [extremely poor copy, can not read] [very poor copy]- Aug 13, 1939 - “WaterTown Burns More Marihuana” [S]- Sep 1, 1939 pg. 2] “Carry marijuana Seeds” [NWR] [S]- Sep 20, 1939 pg. 6] “Raiders Seize Huge Supply Of Marijuana” [S]- Sept 21, 1939 pg. 1 “ Seized Marijuana and Scene of Raid” [S]- Sep 28, 1939 pp 24] “Fred Betts Says:” [S]- Oct 2, 1939 pg. 8] “Disarmament Advocated as Way to Peace” W.C.T.U. Convention Is Told That Is Only Remedy of World Disease” [NWR] [S]- Feb 24, 1940 pg. 3] “Marihuana’s Crime Link Is Described” [S]- Mar 27, 1940 pg. 15] “Walter Winchell – The Man on Broadway” (about a Radio program) [S]- Mar 27, 1940 pg. 21] “Drug Office To Open Here” – Center narcotics Drive on Use of Marihuana [S]- April 3, 1940 pg. 6] “Pleads Guilty On Marihuana Plant Charge” [S]- June 17, 1940 pg. 2] “3 Women Convicts Hunted in Escape From Jersey Prison” [HOT Bonny Sohl Story] [S]- July 5, 1940 pg. 8] “Tea Cigarets sold As Marihuanas Bring Arrest for Larceny” [S]- July 10, 1940 pg. 8] “Wild Marihuana Destroyed in State” [S]- July 20, 1940 pg. 12] “Crime Prevention From High Chair on Is Urged by Judge” [NWR] [S]- July 25, 1940 pg. 13] “How High School Students are decoyed into becoming marihuana Addicts” By Dr. Arthur La roe [S]- July 30, 1940 pg. 1] “9 Seized on Coast for Narcotics Sale” [S]- Aug 2, 1940 pg. 15] “Curbon Drugs Drives Used To Thievery” [S]- Aug 4, 1940 pg. 10] “Marihuana Found” [S]- Oct 29, 1940 pg. 13] “$5,000 Marijuana Hoard Holds Trio” [S]- Dec 22, 1940 pg. 8] “Utah Wars on Marijuana” [NWR] [S]- Mar 2, 1941 pg. 19] (something about a Dr. Killdare Book by Max Brand) [S]- May 26, 1941 pg. 6] “Marihuana Suspected in Cigaret Sales” [S]- May 27, 1941 pg. 6] “Police Inquiry On Marihuana Is Halted here” [S]- June 30, 1941 pg. 6] “Six Months Marihuana Term Given” [S]- Aug 1, 1941 pg. 29] “Sheriff Plants Marijuana To Show Its Appearance” (pix’s) [S]- Aug 11, 1941 pg. 11] “Wars on Marijuana” (Indianapolis, Ind., Stamp out Marijuana) [S]- May 26, 1942 pg. 10] “Marijuana Den On Coast Raided” [S]- Feb 4, 1943 pg. 17] “Destruction of 9,000 Acres of Marihuana Includes 370 in N.Y.” [S]- Feb 25, 1943 pg. 2] “Mrs. Parrott On Trial for Aiding Escape” [S]- Feb 26, 1943 pg. 5] “Soldier Excused From Testifying in Mrs. Parrott’s Trial” [S]- Feb 28, 1943 pg. 3] “Quick Acquittal of Ursula Parrott Like Ending of One of Her Own Fiction Stories” [ ]- Mar 6, 1943 -- [S]- May 18, 1943 pg. 22] “Arrest 5 Suspected of Marijuana Sales” [S]- Oct 5, 1943 pg. 11] “Buffalo Police Hold Pair on Charges of Selling Marihuana” [S]- Nov 1, 1946 pp1] “U.S. Nabs Seven In Marijuana ring” [S]- March 28, 1951 ] “Most Vicious Racket” [S]- June 14, 1951 pg.2] “Dope” -- EVENING GAZETTE – Port Jervis, New York [--June 30, 1870 ] “The Origin of Various Modern appliances” Cannabis mentioned [S]- Jan. 03, 1880] Ad for Craddock & Co.] OLEAN DEMOCRAT – Olean, New York [ ]- Jan. 06, 1887... Ad for Dr. H. James Cannabis India. [--Jan. 13, 1887] Ad for Dr. H. James Cannabis Indica Jan. 20, 1887... Ad for Dr. H. James Cannabis India [S]- Dec 27, 1888 ] “Walking Egypt” [N.W.R.] NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS – [Wanted] - October 11, 1958; p. 2 “Find marijuana tree in apartment; marijuana found in 3 places” KINGSTON DAILY FREEMAN – Kingston N.Y. [S]- June 10, 1938 pg 1 “Huge Marihuana Supply in New York” NEW YORK (Journal) AMERICAN: – [ ]- Oct. 18, 1934 - pg.23 -Brooklyn's Narcotic Farm - Marijuana Field" [ ]- June 7, 1935 - "Peddler's Dope Grows in Back Yard" - may be wrong. [ ]- April 6, 1937 - Editorial Page - "Crusade Against Marihuana - may be wrong. [ ]- June 6, 1937 - (sunday) Marijuana Spray Spoils Dope Ring's $5,000,000 dream. [ ]- Feb 21 19(between 1930-1937) - U.S. Ban Sought on Marihuana. [S]- Feb 24, 1965 “College Marijuana: Can Graduate to Dope Addiction” [Harry Truman Library] SARATOGIAN – (Saratoga, N.Y.) [ ]- Sept. 9, 1936 - exhibit at a local flower show: “Marihuana Plant exhibit at Flower Show of Katrina Trask Garden Club” NEW YORK DAILY WORKER: – [Wanted]- (1940, in Solomon, 1968: 288). - Smoking of the weed is habit-forming. It destroys willpower, releases restraints, and promotes insane reactions ... Robberies, thrill murders, sex crimes and other offenses result NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: – [e]- Dec 28-1940]- Health Advice (section) – “A Drug and Insanity” N.Y. MIRROR: – [Wanted]- “Loco Weed, Breeder of Madness and crime” - Sunday Supplement - Dec 11, 1933 pg.1 - IN DEC. 1933 the New York Mirror, a tabloid, ran a story headlined "Loco Weed, Breeder of Madness and Crime." SUNDAY MIRROR (New York) – [**]- “Smash Huge Marijuana Ring” Sunday, Feb 15,1945 - not worth reading NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE – [e]- Jan. 26, 1937] "Back-Yard Hashish" By Scrdmasax (see American Legion yr. 1962) NEW YORK POST HERALDED – [NEED]- Professor Flies High and Crashes, all on wings of Marihuana (After 200 years at the bottom of ink bottle - April 7, 1938 NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE – [ ]- Hemp How grown - Oct 1 (II) 1899 pg.7 C.3 [ ]- PEACE EFFORTS EDITORIALS Hemp and rebellion (E) - Nov 16 1899 pg.8 C.2 [ ]- Tariff Hemp duties hurt trade - Sept 7 1898 pg.9 C.4 [ ]- Tariff bill Congress committee hearings Flax, hemp and jute interests - Jan 3 1897 Pg.3 C.1 [ ]- Tariff Wilson bill Flax, hemp and jute workmen protest - Dec 15 1893 pg.2 C.5 [ ]- Ford. Isaac Nelson, correspondence Bahama hemp - Jan 19 1891 pg.3 C.1 [ ]- Flax and hemp growers in council - May 9 1889 pg.3 C.5 [ ]- Flax and hemp manufacture, new processes - May 15 1889 pg.2 C.4 [ ]- Flax and hemp culture--letter - March 25 1876 pg.4 Col. 5 [ ]- Hashish, drug - Sept 24 1882 pg.10 Col. 2 [ ]- Hashish Mental effect - Jan 17 1898 pg.9 Col. 3 [ ]- Drug, hashish party - Sept 24 1882 pg.10 Col. 2 [ ]- Hemp trade notes - Aug 12 1900 pg.5 Col. 5 [ ]- Hemp, Statistics - Jan 8 1900 pg.4 Col. 1 [ ]- Hemp corner Break - Oct 3 1900 pg.2 [ ]- Cannabis Co Charges 1901 - Sept 21 1901 pg.1 Col. 5 [ ]- Taft, William H. Hemp anecdote - May 4 (S) 1902 pg.8 Col. 4 NEW YORK TIMES: – [ ]- Monkey Labor in Kentucky Hemp Fields; R.O. - Willis's Letter to The Times New York Times Jan. 13, 1887 Page:2 Column:6 [ ]- Monkeys Trained to Pick Hemp - New York Times Feb. 17, 1887 Page:1 Column:6 [ ]- Monkeys Used in Hemp Fields; Knights of Labor Advised to Boycott-Editorial New York Times Feb. 17, 1887 Page:4 Column:5 [S-Jan 7, 1854 pp2] Short on Indian Hemp [NWR] [S-Jun 25, 1876 pp8] “Fifty Six Years an Invalid” [NWR] cannabis mentioned [S-Feb 3, 1894 pg 220] “Smoking hasheesh” [S-Sep 15, 1895 pg 26] “After Eating Hasheesh” [S-Jan 6, 1901 pp18] “Doctors of Ancient Mexico” [ ]- Marine Vessels-Rockland-Rockport Lime Co.; Fire in hold of boat; 10 firemen overcome by burning hemp New York Times March 19, 1905 Page:1 Column:2 [S-Jun 23, 1906 pp3] “House Votes to Expose Secrets of Drug Trade” (about the pure food and drug act of 1906) [S-Aug 9, 1907 pp6] “Calls Consumption Cures Murderous” (Cannabis mentioned once) [S-Dec 7, 1908 pg 4] “Suicide Used Hasheesh” [S-May 1, 1910 pp3] “Warning Against Drugs” (Cannabis mentioned once) [Wanted May 10, 1914] article by Dr. Silvey [S-May 13, 1914 pp10] “Poisoned cigarettes” [non-reefer madness Must reading] [S-July 29, 1914 pp6] “Muzzles the Dogs All the Year Round” [S-July 27, 1921 pp5] “New Drug Law Raid Yields 60 Arrests” [S-Aug 31, 1919 pp25] “Tells of Plunder under Carranza” (negative on the Mexican government) [S-July 27, 1921 pp3] “New Drug Law Raid Yields 60 Arrests” [e Jan. 22, 1922 pg.9] “3 Held in Hashish Raid” [e Jan. 11, 1923] “Marihuana is newest Drug” [S-Feb 21, 1925 pp2] “Kill Six in A Hospital” [S-May 10, 1922 pg 1] “Egypt Forbids Drug Traffic to Prevent Growing Evil” [S-May 10, 1925 ppE2] “Mexico to join US in Fight on Drugs” [e Nov. 7, 1925 pg. 9] Jailed On Drug Charge” [e Nov. 8, 1925 pg.26] Find No Hasheesh Farm [S/e Nov. 13, 1925 pg.4] “Finds Hashish Field in Long Island City” [e Nov. 15, 1925 pg.22] “Hashish Field in City is being Destroyed” [e Dec. 29, 1925 pg.10] “Mexico Bans Marihuana” [S-Nov 3, 1926 pp39] “Narcotic Survey’s Results in Louisiana” [S-Nov 21, 1926 ppE3] “Marijuana Smoking is Reported Safe” (Panama Canal Zone study) [ Articles “Plight of Kansas” ] Get [e July 6, 1927 pg.10] “Mexican Family go insane” Five said to have been stricken by eating marihuana. [S-Oct 7, 1928 ppN4] “Boy, 16, Says Man sold Narcotic cigarettes” [S-Oct 16, 1928 pp33] “Sold Drugged Cigarettes” [S-Dec 26, 1928pp 16] “Held for Possessing Marihuana” [S-Sep 9, 1929 pp10] “Smoking Marihuana Upheld in Panama” [S-Mar 25, 1930 pg 20] “Soldier Held in Drug Case” [S-Mar 5, 1931 pp 20] “Blames Smuggling for Narcotics Grip” (Wickersham committee) (Pearson Hobson) [S/e Sep. 16, 1931 pp37] "Government Will Ask States to Ban Growing of Marijuana - AP [e]- Dec 23, 1931 - "SAYS OUR DRY LAW AIDS NARCOTIC EVIL" [Not Reefer Madness] [S/e-Dec 4, 1932 ppE6]- Cuba Growing Marihuana – [S-Dec 13, 1932 pp9] “Tombs Doctor Holds Narcotic Laws Cruel” [S-Jan 11, 1933 pp15] “Adolph Spreckels Held” [NWR] [S-July 23, 1933 ppBR7] Book Review “Gunmen and Ranchers” (get page 16) [S- Aug 15, 1933 pp17] “Mourned in Chicago” [NWR] [S/e-Dec. 3, 1933 -pgE6] “Dope Ring Specialized in Mexican Marijuana” [S-Mar 18, 1934 ppE7] “His Appetite Betrayed Kansas Second Messiah” [NWR] [S-Apr 11, 1934 pp23] “Painless Dentistry Existed 1,000 Years Ago; Mexican Indians Had Mushroom Anesthetic” [NWR] [S-July 15, 1934 pp3] “Mexico Bars Action on Johnson Speech” [NWR] [e Sept 16, 1934 pg.6E] Editorial “Use of Marijuana Spreading in West” - “Poisonous weed sold freely in pool halls and beer gardens” [e Oct. 6, 1934 pg.4] “West Indians Riot after Colon Killing”– 1 star [e Oct. 8, 1934 pg.36] “Narcotic Cigarettes seized as 3 are held” [e Oct. 18, 1934 pg. 4] “Narcotic Garden Found in Brooklyn” – 1 star [e Oct. 19, 1934 pg. 5] “Narcotic Bonfire routs Officials” [e Oct. 20, 1934] Brooklyn and Baghdad - New York Times [e Oct. 30, 1934 pg.3] “Orders for narcotic traced to CCC camp” [S-Dec 9, 1934 pp5] “15 Are Taken in City” [S-Dec 11, 1934 pp2] “Narcotic Arrests Are Raised to 793” [NWR] [S/e Jan. 20, 1935 pp28] “Rhode Island to end weed as drug source” [S/e Jan. 23, 1935 pp38] Seized For Selling Opiate To Troops [S/e April 14, 1935 ppE6] “New Mexico Moves to Ban Marijuana” [S/e July 17, 1935 pg.8] "Marijuana Patch at jail” [S-July 28, 1935 pp7] “No common Cause in soldiers Suicides” (Panama Canal) [S-Aug 3, 1935 pp11] “Army Accuses Editor in Panama of Libel” [S-Sep 15 or 11, 1935 ppE9] “Letter to the editor (sick, sick, sick) CM Goethe” [S-Sep 26, 1935 pp26] “Ft. Clayton Insane Called Numerous” [S-Sep 28, 1935 pp17] “Rounsevell on Stand in canal Zone Trial” [S-Oct 16, 1935 pp9] “Canal Zone Inquiry Urged” [S-Oct 27, 1935 pp1] “Stein Found Dead as Police Hunt Him in Schultz Murder” [S-May 3, 1936 ppN6] “Cruise Ship Sails with Club Group” [NWR] [S/e July 24, 1936 pp6] “Police Study Marijuana To Kill Growing Crops” [S/e July 28, 1936 pg.16] SEIZE MARIHUANA CROPS - [S/e Aug. 14,1936 pg.12] POLICE BURN TEN TONS OF MARIJUANA [S/e Aug 19, 1936 pg.16] SPECIES OF THE MARIJUANA WEED [S-Aug 29, 1936 pp28] “Seized narcotics Burned by Police” [S-Sep 29, 1936 pp11] “Texas Leads in Arrests” [S/e Oct. 4, 1936 pg.3] “Marihuana farm found in Maryland” [S/e Oct. 28, 1936 pg.27] POLICE RUSE TRAPS 10 IN MARIJUANA RAID [S-Dec 6, 1936 pp55] “Narcotic Addicts Reduced in Nation” [S-Jan 1, 1937 pp19] “News of the Stage” (the play Marihuana) [S/e Jan. 3, 1937 Sec. 3, pg.6D] “Campaign Battles Marihuana Weed” [S-Jan 10, 1937 pp88] “Program Outlined for Board Session” [S-Jan 22, 1937 pp24] “News of the Stage” [S/e Feb. 5, 1937 pg.18] "State Clubwomen meet" [S/e Feb. 21, 1937 pg. 25] “World Group to push fight on Marijuana” [S/e March 22, 1937 pp24] "Two Colleges Deny Marijuana Invasion" [S-Mar 28, 1937 pp80] “Arts and Industry Theme of Exhibit” [S-Apr 2, 1937 pp12] “Asks Texas Narcotic Ban” [S May 4, 1937 pp26] “War on Marihuana urged on parents” [S/e May 13, 1937 pp28] “Pennsylvania Women Hear Civic Appeals” [S-Jun 9, 1937 pp28] “WCTU Asks Ban on Engineers Liquor” [MWR] [S/e Aug. 3, 1937 pg.4 C.5] Signs Bill to Curb Marihuana - [N.W.R.]. [S-Aug 22, 1937 pp22] “Nurse Attacked, slain in Hospital” [NWR] [S-Dec 26, 1937 pp67] Mrs. Bass Is a Valiant Leader In a Notable Fight on Narcotics” [S-Jan 13, 1938 pp8] “Says Boys Use Hypnotic Drug” [NWR] [S-Jan 15, 1938 pp18] “Clubs to Restrict Legislative Fights” [NWR] [S-Jan 31, 1938 pp12] “Drive on Narcotics Sped by Treasury” [need]- Feb. 6, 1938 pg.3 C.1] - "30 Persons Seized in Narcotic Raids" [S-Feb 10, 1938 pp42] “Use of Narcotics Laid to Mrs. Sohl” [S/e Feb. 11,1938 pg.46] “Mrs. Sohl Admits Hold-up Shooting” [S/e Feb 12, 1938 pg.7] “Parents Feared Mrs. Sohl Insane” – (She describes girl’s strange behavior – expert explains effects of marijuana) (James Munch testimony- must read) [S/e Feb 13, 1938 pp.26] “Insanity Stressed in Mrs. Sohl’s Case” [S-Feb 15, 1938 pp3] “Mrs. Sohl Blamed by Girl in Murder” [S-Feb 16, 1938 pp1] “Two Girls Guilty in Hold-up Slaying” [S-Feb 24, 1938 pp3] “Narcotic Seller Gets 10 Years” [NWR] [S-Mar 23, 1938 pp25] “Puts Liquor Toll High” [S-Mar 26, 1938 pp5] “Marijuana Film Barred” [NWR] [S-Apr 19, 1938 pp22] “Clubwomen Urge Firearms Control” [S-Apr 19, 1938 pp17] “Narcotic Sale Described” [S/e Apr. 30, 1938 pp.1] “16 indicted here in marijuana ring” [S-May 1, 1938 pp15] “Staff of G-Men Will be Reduced” [NWR] [S-May 3, 1938 pp12] “Seize Narcotic on transport” [NWR] [S-May 8, 1938 pp89] “Triennial Beckons Federated Women” [S/e May 23, 1938 pg.20] “Sale of Marijuana Fought by Arrests” [S/e May 24, 1938 pg.21] “Westchester Hunts Marijuana Sources” [S/e May 25, 1938 pg.11 C.3] “Bail Set for Captives in Marijuana Raid” [e June 14, 1938 pg.17 C.4] “MARIJUANA FILM BARRED” [e June 16,1938] “Girl Slayer convicted” [S/e June 17, 1938 pg.8] “WPA Uproots Marijuana” [S-Jun 26, 1938 pp37] “Regents Ban Films on Narcotics” [S-July 1, 1938 pp9] “Cleared of marijuana Charges” [S-July 7, 1938 pp7] “Police Get Marijuana Samples” [S/e July 29, 1938 pg.9 C.7] "$125,000 in Marijuana Will be Burned Today. [S/e Aug. 11, 1938 pg.19 C.7] "Burn Ton of Marihuana" - [N.W.R.] from Canada. [S/e Aug. 14,1938 pg.28 C.6] “Marijuana Ring Broken” - [N.W.R.] [S-Aug 14, 1938] “Higher Soars the Swing Fever” Radio/Music [S-Aug 18, 1938 pp22] “marihuana crop Found” [S-Sep 09, 1938 pp10] “Wild Marijuana Burned” [S-Sep 16, 1938 pp16] “Big Marijuana Patch Destroyed” [S-Sep 25, 1938 pp46 ] “Civic League of new Rochelle” [-- Oct. 11, 1938 pg.7] Forum on the News to Hear Roosevelt- [N.W.R.] [S-Oct 26, 1938 pg.10 ] Third Term Debate is Held at Forum - (The menace of marijuana was discussed by H.J. Anslinger) [S-Nov 6, 1938 pp45] “”Westchester Sees 30,000 Dewey Lead” [NWR] [S-Nov 18, 1938 pp4] “Rumrich Admits He used narcotic” [S-Nov 20, 1938 pp48] “This Week’s Events of Interest to Club Women” [S-Dec 1, 1938 pp1] “Third Spy guilty; Jury Urges Mercy” [S-Dec 11, 1938 pp134] “The Marihuana Problem” (book Review) [S- Jan 21, 1939 pg.17] "Women's Clubs Ask Curb on Road Signs" [S- Feb. 6, 1939 pg.3] "30 Persons Seized in Narcotic Raids" [S-Mar. 5, 1939 pg.4 Sec. 4] “Federation Names Committee Heads” – (Mrs. Sporborg is Appointed as chairman of marihuana campaign workers) [S-Mar 12, 1939 pp96] “Fiesta in Manhattan” (book Review) [NWR] [S-Mar 17, 1939 pp25] “Books of the Times” (book Review Fiesta in Manhattan) [S-Apr 23, 1939 pp90] “The Growth and Meaning of American Jazz” [MWR] [S-Apr 23, 1939 pp66] “US Prison Plant is Being Expanded” [S-Apr 23, 1939 pp52] “Law Held Archaic for School Health” [S-May 20, 1939 pp26] “Tax collections Declined in April” [NWR] [S-Aug 13, 1939 pp32] “2 Held on Narcotic Charge” [S-Aug 13, 1939 pp15] “Prison Welcomed by Puerto Ricans” [S-Aug 22, 1939 pp29] “US Revenues off $50,335,020 in July” [S-Sep 17, 1939 pp99] “The Drug Traffic Loosely Indicted” [S-Sept 28, 1939 pg.26] Says Prohibition is on way back [S-Oct 4, 1939 pp30] “WCTU Demands Peace Above All” [NWR] [S-Nov 11, 1939 pp16] “Crazed Man Puts Subway in Uproar” [S-Nov 26, 1939 pp40] “Two Held on Narcotics Charge” [NWR] [S-Dec 31, 1939 pp29] “New York’s Busy Department of Health” [NWR] [S-Feb 8, 1940 pp26] “About New York” [NWR] [S-Apr 21, 1940 pp52] “City Clubs Chart Legislative Study” [S-Jun 9, 1940 pp41] “Dr. Millikan Reveals New Study on Cancer” MED [S-June 30, 1940 pp 76] “Marijuana Mystery by Mary Stimson” (Book Review) [S-July 28, 1940 pp52] (cartoon – Mexican nazi marihuana user) [S-Oct 8, 1940 pp23 ] “Not from The Marijuana Department” Ad [S-Oct 20, 1940 pp98] “Not from The Marijuana Department” Ad [S-Nov 17, 1940 pp57] “Reported From the Field of Science” (The Marihuanas) [S-Jan 4, 1941 pp30] “Friend of Girl Suicide Cleared” [S-May 15, 1941 pp15] “Held in Narcotic Sales to Army” [S-Aug 21, 1941 pp19] “Catnip cigrettes Are Sold in Harlem” [S-Aug 26, 1941 pp39] “Seaman Arraigned for Murder at Sea” [S-Sep 21, 1941 ppBR27] “The Current Scene” (book Review) [NWR] [S-Nov 28, 1941 pp10] “Harlem Problems Occupy the Mayor” (Marihuana Conference) [S-June 11, 1942 pp21] (Display Ad) for book [NWR] [S-Nov 6, 1942 pp23] “Thomas M. Farrell” [S-Dec 29, 1942 pp26] “The Play” [NWR] [S-Jan 1, 1943 pp25] “Deserter Linked to Reefer Ring” [S-Jan 9m 1943 pp11] “Miss Parrott Named in Soldier’s Escape” [S-Jan 21, 1943 pp23] “Gene Krupa is Arrested” [S-Jan 23, 1943 pp28] “Soldier Indicted Here” [S-Feb 23, 1943 pp24] “Defense Move Made by Ursula Parrott” [S-Feb 28, 1943 pp43] “Ursula Parrott Acquitted by Jury” [S-Mar 31, 1943 pp21] “Admit Marihuana Guilt” [S-Apr 28, 1943 pp25] “Soldiers Escape Penalty” [S-May 19, 1943 pp20] “Krupa Sentenced in Drug Case” [S-July 1, 1943 pp13] “Gene Krupa Is Found Guilty” [S-July 3, 1943 pp15] “Krupa Gets 1 to 6 Years” [S-Aug 10, 1943 pp15] “Krupa Is Released on Bail” [S-Oct 14, 1943 pp23] “35 Pounds of Marihuana Seized” [S-Nov 21, 1943 ppBR32] (book Review) The Dark Stain [S-Dec 29, 1943 pp19] “To Burn Seized Drugs” [S-Feb 5, 1944 pp19] “Marijuana Camp Sales Fought” [S-Apr 5, 1944 pp12] “Three Held in Thefts of Dependency Funds” [NWR] [S-July 16, 1944 pp SM18] “Inquiry Into Boogie Woogie” [S-July 20, 1944 pp21] “7 Seized in Drive on Harlem Gangs” [NWR] [S-Sep 25, 1944 pp19] “Jive Jumps From Dumps” [S-Oct 15, 1944 pp12] “Cuba Tops Narcotic Rate” [S-Dec 16, 1944 pp30] “Marijuana Valued at $238,400 Is Seized” [S-Jan 1, 1945 pp21] “Shot Carrying Marijuana” [S-Jan 12, 1945 pp22] “Experts Discount Marijuana as Big Factor In Crime but Drive only will Be Pressed” [S-Jan 31, 1945 pp22] “Marijuana Traffic is on the increase” [S-Feb 2, 1945 pp32] “Six are Indicted in Marijuana Case” [S-Mar 22, 1945 pp13] “Police Seize Three, $10,000 in Narcotics” [S-Mar 31, 1945 pp17] “News of the Screen” [NWR] [S-May 24, 1945 pp20] “4 in Family Sentenced” [S-Apr 26, 1945 pp25] Guilty in Marijuana Case” [S-Apr 27, 1945 pp21] “Assails Medical Journal” [S-July 10, 1945 pp13] “Night Club Dope Ring Believed Smashed; Jazz Band Players Among 24 Arrested” [S-Nov 23, 1945 pp1] “82 Seized in Night on Felony Charges in Fight on Crime” [S-May 12, 1946 pp138] “Book Ad” (Narcotics and Drug Addiction) [S-Aug 11, 1946 pp35] “Boy Scouts to Aid Ragweed Campaign” [S-Aug 11, 1946 pp 128] “Deadly Weapon by Wade Miller” Book Review [S-Aug 28, 1946 pp37] “Book Review” (Really the blues” [S-Nov 3, 1946 pp171] “Book Review – Men Against Crime by John J. Floherty [S-Dec 21, 1946 pp34] “Sentenced in Narcotic Cases” [S-Jun 9, 1947 pp2] “Opium Traffic Rises; border Seizures up” [S-July 24, 1947 pp24] “Jersey Marihuana Destroyed” [Wanted]- Sep 5, 1977 - "Files Show Tests For Truth Drugs Began in O.S.S." THE TIMES / TROY RECORD – Troy N.Y. [S]- April 21, 1943 pg. 3 ] “5th Columnists in Garden” [NWR] [S]- June 9, 1943 ] Marijuana is used in a crossword puzzle [NWR] [S]- June 11, 1943 pg. 23 ] “Zoot suit Situation Near Anarchy” [S]- June 22, 1943 pg. 10] “Hoodlums” Letter to the Editor about the Zoot suit’s [S]- July 1, 1943 pg. 9] “Krupa Convicted” [NWR] [S]- July 1, 1943 pg. 1] “Krupa Convicted” [NWR] [S]- July 3, 1943 pg. 1] “Krupa Gets Prison Term” [NWR] [S]- July 9, 1943 pg. 19] “Gene Krupa’s Valet Arrested by F.B.I. [S]- July 9, 1943 pg. 19] “Gene Krupa’s Valet Arrested by F.B.I. [S]- Sept 3 pg. 7] “Officials War on Sales of Hashish In Middle East” [S]- Oct 20, 1943 pg. 20] “Mission Society Meets” http://news.nnyln.org/index.html TICONDEROGA SENTINEL – Published weekly in Ticonderoga NY [S]- Nov 10, 1927 pp 5 - “Weed Drives Widow, Four Children Insane” [S]- Dec 3, 1936 pp 15 - “Lights of New York” [S]- July 22, 1937 pp 6 - South Ticonderoga” [S]- July 29, 1937 pp 8 - Vicinity Correspondence - South Ticonderoga” [S]- Oct 7, 1937 pp 3 - “South Ticonderoga” [S]- Dec 2, 1937 pp 7 - “South Ticonderoga” [S]- Feb 10, 1938 pp 6 - “South Ticonderoga” [S]- Oct 13, 1938 pp 1 - Deadly Marijuana Weed Is Found In Keeseville Area” [S]- Oct 20, 1938 pp 1 - “Troopers Destroy Crop of Marijuana Weed At Keeseville” [S]- Oct 27, 1938 pp1 - “Troopers, CCC Vets Destroy 2,500 Lbs. Marijuana Weed” [S]- Sept 28, 1939 pp 7 - “Knockout to Jaw Saves Patrolman in fire Trap” [NWR] [S]- July 11, 1940 pp 8 - “Destroy Marijuana” [NWR] [S]- June 28, 1945 pp 2 - “? The Question Mark” http://news.nnyln.org/index.html PLATTSBURGH SENTINEL – Plattsburgh, NY [S]- Dec 6, 1889 pg 2 - “The Action of Popular Sedatives” Med [S]- Jan 8, 1892 pp 6 - “Good Health - Popular Corn Cures” Med [S]- June 19, 1914 - “Weed That Cause Insanity” http://news.nnyln.org/index.html POTSDAM HERALD RECORDER – Published weekly in Potsdam NY [S]- July 28, 1937 pp1 “Narcotic Evil Discussed” http://news.nnyln.org/index.html LAKE PLACID NEWS – Published weekly in Lake Placid, NY [S]- Dec 16, 1932 pp 10 - “Public Must Use Care in selection of Drugs” [Cannabis NWR] [S]- Sept 16 [or 18], 1938 pp7 - “Field Marijuana” [S]- Sept 30. 1938 pp4 - “Find Marijuana Growing Near Here” [S]- Nov 18, 1938 pp1 - “Fine Farmer For Storing Marihuana” [S]- Aug 18, 1939 pp5 - “Mrs. Frenya’s Brother dies In Newark, N.J.” [S]- July 19, 1946 pp 6 - “Destroy $25,000 Worth of marijuana” [NWR] [S]- April 28, 1950 pp - “Here and There by E.S. Dyer” http://news.nnyln.org/index.html THE ADIRONDACK NEWS – Published weekly in St. Regis Falls, NY [S]- AdironackNews1892-Feb-26pp3 – “A New opiate” [Mariguana] [S]- July 31, 1926 pp 2 - “Where Hemp Grows” [S]- AdironackNews1930-March-26pp2 – “Cincinnati has Opened Campaign on Loco Weed “ [S]- AdironackNews1931-Dec-12-26pp4 – “Cincinnati has Opened Campaign on Loco Weed” [Same story as March 26, 1930] [S]- AdironackNews1932-Jan-16pp2 – “Cincinnati Has Opened Campaign on Loco Weed” [Same story as march 26, 1930] http://news.nnyln.org/index.html ADIRONDACK RECORD – Elizabethtown Post Published weekly in Ausable Forks, NY http://news.nnyln.org/index.html [S]- Jan 20, 1938 pp 7 - “Cigarette Sellers Arrested” [NWR] [S]- Oct 6, 1938 pp 1- “Marihuana found by state Police” [S]- July 27, 1939 - Short {NWR] [S]- July 12, 1951 pp1 - “Sheriffs to Assist in Drive to Get Rid Marijuana Menace” AdirondackRecord1951-07-12 http://news.nnyln.org/index.html CANTON COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER – Published weekly in Canton, NY [S]- Aug 6, 1907 - “Queer Smokes: [S]- Dec 2, 1919 - “A Strong Narcotic” [S]- July 10, 1934 pp2 - Film Ad [S]- Oct 8, 1935 pp 7 - “W.C.T.U. Column -- Drink or Dope--Stop the source!” [Greensboro, N.C. Newspaper reports ] [ ]- Feb 9, 1937 pp3 -- [NWR] [S]- July 6, 1937 pp 7 - “Origin of Hemp” [S]- Nov 16, 1937 pp6 - “Urges War Against Marijuana Traffic” [S]- Oct 26, 1937 pp 7 - “W.C.T.U. column - Marihuana Magnifies Person’s Ego” [S]- Aug 16, 1938 pp 7 - “W.C.T.U. column - High School Marihuana Raids find 300 Guilty” [article Chicago Herald-Examiner] [S]- Jan 11, 1938 pp 8 - “Church and Society” [S]- June 7, 1938 pp 3 - “W.C.T.U. column - Puts Liquor Toll High; Marihuana Is Terrible Problem” [S]- Oct 11, 1938 pp 3 - “W.C.T.U. column - Marihuana Makes Youth Problem” [S]- Aug 1, 1939 pp 1 - “F.J. McLaughlin, Foe of narcotics, Passes” [S]- Aug 1, 1939 pp 4 “Marihuana!” [S]- Oct 1, 1940 pp 7 - “Foot Bath of Marijuana Places Owner in Prison” [S] - Feb 11, 1947 pp 6 - “Young Heroes Battled Death---AND WON” [American Weekly, comic books and marihuana Weird Menace of marijuana” [S]- Jan 15, 1952 pp5 - “Dr. James M. Hepburn Addresses Rotary on Narcotics” http://news.nnyln.org/index.html FORT COVINGTON SUN – Published weekly in Fort Covington, Franklin County, NY [S]- May 5, 1938 - “Medal Awarded at Speaking contest Here Friday Night” http://news.nnyln.org/index.html FULTON PATRIOT – Published weekly in Fulton, NY [S]- FultonPatriot1940-April-11pp “Don’t Take my Word for it” [S]- FultonPatriot1941-Jan-30pp “Baptist” [S]- FultonPatriot1942-March-12pp “Hannibal” [Short] [North Hannibal Grange held a regular meeting Saturday evening. Mrs. Seth Kampel was appointed assistant lecturer. The Grange drafted a resolution in regard to the elimination of the marijuana weed to be presented to Pomona Grange; http://news.nnyln.org/index.html LOWVILLE JOURNAL AND REPUBLICAN – Published weekly Lowville NY [S]- June 20, 1901 pp 6 - “A Daring Lawyer” [Cannabis] Cannabis Court Defense [S]- LowvilleJournalRepub1915-07-15pp7 “Mexico today a land of unspeakable terror” [S]- LowvilleJournalRepub1926-04-15 “Hasheesh Wave Sweeping South, Says Dr. Simon” http://news.nnyln.org/index.html MALONE FARMER – Published weekly in Malone, NY [S]- June 20, 1906 - “Hasheesh” WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE