Let’s Hear it For Ohio
OHIO - CASES Anslinger’s Official Gore File
[Jan 1935 through Mar 1936]
On October 11, 1936 the Oakland Tribune (along with numerous other newspapers), carried a “Sunday Magazine” supplement, which contained the following story; “Don't be a MuggleHead” by Hugh Pendexter. In it is found the following:
"Whereupon he [Harry Anslinger, America’s first Drug Czar] produced the latest Federal record of marihuana seizures, dating from January 1935 to March 31, 1936. Here are some facts gleaned from the record . . ."
Where upon the Drug Czar goes on to quote, crime after crime associated with the use of Medical Marihuana. Which (in another article) he goes on to quote as being as deadly as a coiled rattle snake. Some of the reports mentioned crimes are quite benign -- such and such arrested for selling . . others of a very brutal nature.
Today this report (part of Anslinger’s Gore File) makes for interesting reading, --- But only for historical reasons. Below (after many years the museum was finally able to obtain a copy) is a listing of those incidents related to the state of Ohio.
All of the below are taken directly from Harry Anslinger’s Official Gore File. Note that this is not a write-up that someone did about the Gore File but the ACTUAL GORE FILE itself.
OHIO - Cincinnati On July 12, 1935. a quantity of marihuana cigarettes was found concealed in the lining of an oven in the home of Rex Rentz at 1208 Republic Street. Rentz was placed under arrest. Two young girls, sisters, 15 and 16 years of age, and two men found in Rentz’ apartment at the same time, were fined $15. and costs by Judge Alexander on charges of possessing marihuana. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO -Cincinnati On July 12, 1935, three men were arrested on the charges of possessing marihuana and indictments were brought by the Hamilton County Grand Jury. At the same time, Dudley Outcalt, Washington County persecutor, announced that the ten persons previously indicated would be tried shortly. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO -Cincinnati On July 15, 1935, four men were arrested in an apartment at 753 West 9th Street, and were held for the Grand Jury on charges of possessing marihuana cigarettes. Two male minors of the same address were sent to the juvenile House of Detention. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO -Columbus On September 12, 1935, Clyde Marshell and Ville Lee were arrested at Columbus, Ohio, following the sale of 8 marihuana cigarettes to Police. They were fined $300.00 each. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO -Toledo On September 13, 1935, Toledo Police destroyed a field approximately 60 square feet in size planted with marihuana. The owners of the field Hilario Ortega and Antonio Jimnez, were each sentenced to a year in prison. On the same date police discovered a field of growing marihuana about 30 x 110 feet in size and destroyed it, arresting the owner, Harold H. Taylor. Taylor was released on bond pending trial. The Police then destroyed a field of marihuana 50 x 60 feet in size belonging to Jesse Perezs. This person has not yet been apprehended. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO -Youngstown On October 22, 1935, Police officers at Youngstown, Ohio, arrested Edmond Ignatis and seized 100 marihuana cigarettes. Ignatis was sentenced to serve from 1 to 5 years in the Penitentiary --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO -Cincinnati On November 11, 1935, Cincinnati Police seized 21 marihuana cigarettes from Palmer McCudden. The defendant was sentenced to serve from 1 to 5 years in prison. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO -Massillon On the night of November 18, 1935, two young men while in a beer garden at Massillon, Ohio, decided to buy some “Reefers” (marihuana cigarettes). They purchased a small quantity of marihuana for $.50 from two Mexicans and rolled them into cigarettes. One of the young men a short time later collapsed on the street. A physician and Police were called. The other young man took the Police to the house where the marihuana had been purchased. There they discovered about 11 pounds of marihuana concealed in the premises and arrested two Mexicans, Marino Hartado and Florentine Cruz. These defendants are being held in default of bond awaiting trial. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO --Cincinnati On December 10, 1935, Clarence Higgins was arrested at Cincinnati in possession of 39 marihuana cigarettes. He was fined $500.00 and costs. $250.00 of the fine was suspended. However, he was unable to pay the balance and was committed to the County Jail, where he will remain 165 days, unless the fine is paid. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
OHIO -Mt. Gilead On February 24, 1936, Police at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, raided the premises occupied by Joe Diaz and found about 50 stripped marihuana plants in the back yard of the house. Although convinced that Diaz was growing the plant elsewhere, officers were unable to locate the field. Diaz resisted arrest and was so charged and received a total fine of $1700.00. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File
[1] – See Addendum D for the complete list.
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