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![]() [ Ouachita Correctional Prison ] MARIHUANA INCARCERATION ----THE ECONOMIC COSTS TO OKLAHOMA’S TAXPAYERS ADDENDUM - D THE PRISON LABOR INDUSTRIES: The following is ALL taken from the 1982, Dept. of Correction’s, Annual Report for that year. It perhaps best their side of the story. Our own side of (what we term) using Medical Marihuana prisoners as ‘Slave Labor’ is self explanatory. During the fiscal year 1981, the Oklahoma State Industries (OSI) Programs continued to make significant advances in improving its operations. These advances were in the areas of: the volume of sales; new product introduction; new facility expansion; and improved productivity. Employment of Inmates The number of inmates that were employed in FY-81 was approximately 500. It is a primary goal of OSI to create a realistic work environment in which inmates can acquire skills that will be marketable when they return to society and instill in the inmate acceptable work habits and attitudes. A major advance toward this goal was accomplished in FY-81 when we introduced a new Incentive Pay System in which the inmates are paid, based on four factors:
OSI’s sales (including the agriculture operation) are shown below for the past four years. Sales have continued to expand at a substantial rate in all areas with the exception of license plates to the Tax Commission. The reduced sales to the Tax Commission in FY-81 were a direct result of the introduction of the 5-year license plate in FY·80. ![]() [ Canning Plant, SCC ] ![]() Oklahoma State Industries is now completely self-supporting. In addition, we have estimated that during FY·81 , the Department of Corrections and our other customers saved approximately $600,000 through the purchase of our products. This savings figure is based on a comparison of similar items in the private sector. Facilities Expansion Completed in FY-81 was a 24,000 sq. ft. new furniture warehouse and furniture tear-down factory at Joseph Harp Correctional Center. The Mattress Factory at OSP was relocated to a new site at asp due to the new building program. Preparation of Plasma building facilities to accommodate an upholstery operation at Stringtown was initiated during FY-81 and will be completed during the first half of FY-82. In addition, a new 15,000 sq, ft. Metal Fabrication building was designed and wilt be built at Conner Correctional Center in FY·82 to expand our Metal Fabrication capability. ![]() [ Beef cattle, grown for supplying food to Correctional Centers] The Agriculture program’s objectives are to provide gainful employment and training for 225 inmates assigned to various agricultural programs. These 225 inmates work to produce food for the inmate population, raw materials for use in industrial operations and feed to support livestock and poultry production. The Department operates 15,675 acres of land devoted to beef, dairy, swine, poultry, field crops and vegetable production. This production is located at six units: Howard C, MeLeod Correctional Center, McAlester Trusty Unit, Lexington Assessment and Reception Center, Stringtown Correctional Center, Jess Dunn Correctional Center and Oklahoma State Reformatory, Accomplishments for FY 81 in various agriculture departments consisted of: Dairy -
(2} A new packaging and dispenser system for the delivery and serving of milk to all units by use of plastic throw-away five gallon bags was installed. (3) An irrigation system for full utilization of all waste water from the dairy department was purchased, (4) The Dairy at Oklahoma State Reformatory was phased out during FY 81. The high producing cows and all dairy heifers were transferred to the dairy department at Oklahoma State Penitentiary. Young low producing cows and steer calves were transferred to the beef department. Beef-
(2) Automatic creep feeders were purchased and a creep feeding program for baby calves was initiated at all units. (3) A program of full utilization of growth hormones for increased rate and efficiency of gain on beef animals for slaughter was initiated. (4) Two permanent metal livestock corrals for handling and caring for beef and dairy cattle were constructed. (5) Beef production increased 15% during fiscal year 1981. Poultry -
(2) Plastic roll-up curtains on cage laying house windows were installed for insulation against cold weather. Farm -
(2) Two new ponds were constructed and five old ponds were cleaned and enlarged for livestock water. (3) The replacement program for farm vehicles and agriculture equipment was continued on schedule. (4) Twenty-two miles of new fence was constructed. (5) The use of herbicides for weed control in crop production and pasture programs was increased. (6) The repair and maintenance program on farm buildings and equipment was continued. Incentive Pay The new incentive pay system for inmate workers assigned to agriculture programs was initiated during FY 81. The primary goal was to create a realistic work environment in which inmates can acquire skills which can be used upon return to society, and instill in the inmate acceptable work habits and attitudes. ![]() [ Modern farming equipment is used to increase efficiency ]