(Reefer Madness Era) NEWSPAPER HEADLINES ![]() UTAH NEWSPAPER INDEX If anyone needs any proof that Utah stood alone during the Reefer Madness, all one need do is look over it’s historical newspaper headlines. In just about every other state:
However, it is interesting to note that (irregardless of what came when), Utah-anians seemed to have been all too aware of what was going on around them. This can also be seen by the number of “Marihuana as a Legal Defense” uses made in criminal court. These (as can be seen by the examples below), consisting of criminals trying to excuse their actions by stating that they were under the influence of Medical Marihuana at the time they were committing their crimes. --- In other words it appears (now looking back at it with twenty-twenty hind sight, that they were playing the system. “But Judge, don’t blame me, blame that Medical Marihuana peddler in that school yard who made me an addict. . . etc.” ==== UTAH NEWSPAPERS ===== [Last update Nov 27 2016]
OGDEN STANDARD [S]- OgdenStandard1922-12-24p4- “The One Wicked Drug the Lawmakers Forgot” [S]- OgdenStandard1923-03-23p4- “Drugs Worth $300,000 Fired” [S]- OgdenStandard1924-04-02p2- “Make Loco Weed Into Narcotics” [S]- OgdenStandard1925-02-21p2- “Flood of Bills on Last Day Gives Plenty of Grist for utah Legislative Mill” [S]- OgdenStandard1925-03-10p13- short [S]- OgdenStandard1925-07-20p12- “Mexican Held in Drug Sale” [S]- OgdenStandard1925-12-05p4- “Marijuana is New Narcotic Grown in West” Colorado [S]- OgdenStandard1926-05-18p3- “Law Forbidding Narcotic Asked” [S]- OgdenStandard1926-11-06p8- short [S]- OgdenStandard1926-11-08p6- “Three Sentenced in Narcotics Case” [S]- OgdenStandard1926-11-18p6- short [S]- OgdenStandard1927-01-25p2- short [S]- OgdenStandard1927-02-08p2- short [S]- OgdenStandard1927-02-11p6- “Three Receive Jail Sentences” [S]- OgdenStandard1927-12-05p12- “Police Seize Narcotic Tins” [S]- OgdenStandard1927-12-16p24- “Dies From Using Mexican Drug” (AP) ![]() DIES FROM USING MEXICAN DRUG "Detroit, Dec. 16. -- (By the Associated Press) -- Widespread sale here of marihuana weed, described as a dangerous drug, the sale of which is not covered in federal regulations, has led to the drafting of an emergency ordinance to halt its use. Officials were stirred to action yesterday by the death of Neil Moore, 21, described as addicted to the use of marihuana. Subsequent investigation revealed the open sale of the Mexican weed in cigaret form." [Museum Editorial] Despite what the narc's were saying, a quick check on his death certificate (via www ancestry com) shows that he died of an overdose of ‘some kind of barbiturate”. You figure?? [S]- OgdenStandard1928-03-13p2- “Drive Is Begun Against Dope” [S]- OgdenStandard1928-04-22p1- “Marijuana Brings Long Jail Term” [S]- OgdenStandard1928-06-14p2 - “Story of Jail beating told” nwr [S]- OgdenStandard1928-11-28p2- “Campaign Against Narcotic Started” [S]- OgdenStandard1929-03-23p8- “Decision Made in Brief Time” [S]- OgdenStandard1929-03-25p6- “Virgil Thomas Given Sentence” - Marihuana Defense [S]- OgdenStandard1929-09-10p5- “Narcotic Plant Raiser Arrested” [S]- OgdenStandard1930-02-10p2- “Mexican narcotics Seized By Officers” [S]- OgdenStandard1930-02-14p7- “Mexican Given Fine or Term” [S]- OgdenStandard1930-02-14p28- “Former Meat Plant Buyer Kills Self” [S]- OgdenStandard1930-03-01p8- “Youth Avers Mexican Weed Drove Him Mad” [S]- OgdenStandard1930-04-25p15- short [S]- OgdenStandard1931-03-08p10- short [S]- OgdenStandard1931-05-12p2- “Boy Prowlers Use Dope Police Declare” [S]- OgdenStandard1931-07-05p4B- Fictional Novel - Sold to the Gent with a chin mole” [S]- OgdenStandard1931-09-04p2- “Idaho Stages War On Marijuana Weed” [S]- OgdenStandard1931-09-05p1- “Jail Plot Feared For Delivery of Dope Farm Trio” [S]- OgdenStandard1931-09-05p4- Editorial - “A Crop Of Marijuana” [S]- OgdenStandard1931-09-10p2- “Three Guilty in Weed Case” [S]- OgdenStandard1932-07-05p3- “Wild Prisoner Becomes Quiet” [S]- OgdenStandard1932-07-09p8- “Captive Again Becomes Wild” [S]- OgdenStandard1932-07-20p12- “felony Cases Filed in Court” [S]- OgdenStandard1932-11-21p1- “Youth Admits He is guilty of Slayings” [S]- OgdenStandard1932-12-16p4- short [S]- OgdenStandard1933-02-03p7-“Dope Cigaret new menace to Students” [S]- OgdenStandard1933-04-08p8- short [S]- OgdenStandard1933-04-15p2- short [S]- OgdenStandard1933-04-19p10- “Drug Suspects Will Make Pleas Thursday” [S]- OgdenStandard1933-05-03p3- “Two Men Released in Narcotics Action” [S]- OgdenStandard1933-07-14p15- “Indians Had Peyote” [S]- OgdenStandard1933-09-15p14- “Oregon Opens War on marihuana Peddlers” [S]- OgdenStandard1934-08-11p8- “Arrest Brings Felony Charge” [S]- OgdenStandard1934-12-18p7- “Inquiry Pushed As Two Killed” Oklahoma Gore File [S]- OgdenStandard1935-03-04p- “Term Ordered In State Case” [S]- OgdenStandard1935-07-25p6- Editorial “Too Much discipline” [S]- OgdenStandard1935-08-17p- “Drug Plowed Under By prison Guards” Illinois [S]- OgdenStandard1935-09-11p3- “Justice Belated As Prison Term Served” [S]- OgdenStandard1935-09-29p- Fictional Novel [S]- OgdenStandard1935-11-17p1- “Progress Seen in drug Fight” [S]- OgdenStandard1936-02-11p5- “New Mexico County Keeps Slaying Pace” [S]- OgdenStandard1936-03-27p10- “London Sees Greater marijuana Smoking” [S]- OgdenStandard1936-05-12p8- Lee Rice San Antonio Tx mention [S]- OgdenStandard1936-05-18p5- “Excuse Rejected At Court Session” [S]- OgdenStandard1936-08-12p3- short [S]- OgdenStandard1936-09-30p11b- “Marijuana Grows Wild In Marshes” [S]- OgdenStandard1936-10-25p34- “The Weird Mystery of the Phantom Killer and the Headless Dead” [S]- OgdenStandard1936-11-29p25- short (UP) [S]- OgdenStandard1937-02-17p1- Salt Lake Dope Ring Disclosed” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-02-18p5- “Women Join Drive On Dope” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-02-19p5b- “Bed Yields Cache” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-03-04p3- Faith Needed WCTU told” - short mention [S]- OgdenStandard1937-03-14p1- “Priest Guards New Plant Til He Learns Name” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-04-20p7- Youth course in character is Advocated” - short [S]- OgdenStandard1937-05-31p10- “Marijuana Use In Schools Spreads” (UP) [S]- OgdenStandard1937-07-27p4- short - New York day by day” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-08-024p6- “Drug Agent Gets 90 days” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-09-08p12- “Spinach Turns Out As Marijuana” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-09-09p8- short [S]- OgdenStandard1937-09-09p12- “Marihuana Gets Crime Blame” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-09-12p11- “War on Dope to Start Soon” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-09-17p10- “Dope Grown In Beet Fields of Southern Idaho” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-11-12p3- “Marihuana War Is On” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-11-30p3- “Prepares First Marihuana Case” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-12-06p1- short (AP) [S]- OgdenStandard1937-12-14p1- “Federals Nab Marihuana in Ogden Arrest” FEDERALS NAB MARAHUANA IN OGDEN ARREST[S]- OgdenStandard1937-12-14p7- “Federals Nab Gay In Ogden” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-12-15p9- “Hearing Set in Narcotic Case” [S]- OgdenStandard1937-12-23p16- “Agents Fight Dirtiest Drug” ![]() AGENTS FIGHT DIRTIEST DRUG Renew Determination to Stamp Out Use of Marihuana With the marihuana case of Joe Pacheo, 41, awaiting consideration by a grand jury, federal agents today announced renewed determination to stamp out illegal use of "the dirtiest, deadliest drug that ever came". The phrase was used by Scott B. Matheson, assistant United States district attorney for Utah, following a hearing late Wednesday before United States Commissioner John A. Sneddon at which Pacheo was ordered held for the grand jury under $1,500 bail. "IT'S TRUE" Pacheo assertedly ran amuck with a hooked beet knife in an Ogden rooming house 10 days ago. Detectives Henry G. Allred and D. B. Ballantyne claimed they found a tobacco can and 12 cigarets containing marihuana under Pacheo's mattress when they arrested him. "It's true, what the officers say," was the defendant's only comment at the hearing. "This marihuana is the dirtiest, deadliest drug that ever came," Matheson remarked. "If you'd seen what I have seen among high school kids—" IMPETUS TO DRIVE R. C. Belnap, federal narcotics agent who examined the evidence in Pacheo's case, said recent inclusion of marihuana under the Harrison act had given impetus to the drive against it throughout the country. [S]- OgdenStandard1938-02-10p3 - “Marihuana Users Visit Weber …..” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-02-16p2- “Killer Girls Get Life Term” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-03-03p2- shorts [S]- OgdenStandard1938-03-05p4- Editorial “Reefers Go to School” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-03-27p1- short [S]- OgdenStandard1938-04-11p8- “.Lawes To Tell Marijuana Evil” - Old Time Radio [S]- OgdenStandard1938-04-12p14- short [S]- OgdenStandard1938-04-28p1- short [S]- OgdenStandard1938-05-01p10- “Dope Seized On Ship” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-05-22p3- “Negro Is Held On Marijuana Charge” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-05-26p7- “Idaho to Battle Marihuana Weed” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-05-28p8- “Ordered Held In Dope Case” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-06-11p1- “Attacker Pleads Guilty; Is Given 5-Year Sentence” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-06-12p16b- “Justice Speeds In Martin Case” [Marihuana Defense][S]- OgdenStandard1938-06-15p2- short [S]- OgdenStandard1938-06-27p4- “New York” by Dale Harrison - short [S]- OgdenStandard1938-07-25p3- “The Family Doctor by Morris Fishbein” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-08-12p6 - “Finds Marijuana Patch” Cleveland [S]- OgdenStandard1938-08-26p3- “Reefer Weed Found in Davis” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-08-28p16- “Weber Jail Holds Accused Japanese” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-09-07p2- “Trio Proposes Drive Against Dope Plant” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-09-08p1- “S.L. Harvests Reefer Crop” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-09-12p12- “Narcotic Weed to be Removed” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-09-13p7- “County Orders Destruction of Dope Weed In Plain city” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-09-23p2b- “Garland Man Faces Reefer Growing Rap” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-05p5- “Box Elder by David H. Mann” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-06p6- The Family doctor” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-06p12- “Mowers Harvest Marijuana Crop” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-17p3- “Reefer Trial Gets Underway” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-18p5- “Jury Disagrees In Drug Trial” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-19p1- “Dope Suspect Nabbed Here In Police Raid” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-19p2- “Narcotics Ring Suspect Seized” (from pg.1) [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-20p4- “Narcotics Case Hearing Is Held” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-20p11- “Gem State Prison Farm Former Marihuana Haven, Warden Says” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-21p1- “Drug Hearing Set Saturday” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-22p1- “Narcotics Case Term Imposed” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-10-26p1- “Ogdenites Face Federal Counts” short [S]- OgdenStandard1938-11-02p10- “State Sets Retrial of Marihuana Case” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-11-04p10- “Negro Center Uplift Cited” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-11-22p1- “Pair Awaiting Dope Sentence on Guilty Plea” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-12-05p9- “In State Use Weed Dope” [S]- OgdenStandard1938-12-12p2- shorts [S]- OgdenStandard1939-01-05p2- “Marijuana Trial Reset for Jan. 18” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-01-15p10b- short [S]- OgdenStandard1939-01-19p5- “Marijuana Case Draws Crowd” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-01-29p5b- Ad Junior JC’s [S]- OgdenStandard1939-02-01p10- Kiwanians - short [S]- OgdenStandard1939-02-02p12- “Kiwanis Adopts Safety Slogan” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-02-19p13- short book review [S]- OgdenStandard1939-03-05p3- “Pledges Taken by Lewis Club” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-03-13p6 - “Term Devoted To Crime Study” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-03-30p10- “Dope Leads to Prison Terms” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-04-02p4b- short [S]- OgdenStandard1939-04-09p3b - “Mail Association Women Hear Talk On Evils of Dope” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-04-17p10- short [S]- OgdenStandard1939-04-18p5- PTA Retains Official Staff” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-05-12p3- “Club Women Told Nippons Using Dope” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-05-17p16- “Officer to Tell Marijuana Peril” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-05-21p4- PTA Slates Ogden Classes” short [S]- OgdenStandard1939-06-04p13b- short [S]- OgdenStandard1939-06-23p8- short [S]- OgdenStandard1939-06-25p16b- “Marihuana to be Destroyed” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-06-26p2- “Rail Crews Will Kill Marihuana” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-08-23p7- “Weed Eradication Crews War On Idaho Marihuana Crop” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-08-24p7- “Peace Officers Conclude Meet” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-08-31p9- “Blamed For Marijuana” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-09-05p5- short nwr [S]- OgdenStandard1939-09-10p11- “Suspect Held In Slaying of Ogden native” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-10-27p6b- “Officer Explains Marihuana Evils” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-11-03p1b- “Dozen Enter Speaker Meet” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-11-28p3- “PTA To Hear Police Officer” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-11-30p3- “PTA Hears of Dope Situation” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-12-03p10- “PTA Meetings” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-12-06p5- “Malad PTA Meet Scheduled Thursday” [S]- OgdenStandard1939-12-10p7b- “Officer Speaks On Marijuana Spread” short [S]- OgdenStandard1939-12-12p5b- short [S]- OgdenStandard1952-01-23p6- “Teen Agers Seek Thrill, Become dope Addicts PROVO [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1935-08-16p1- “Joliet Ill - JOLIET, III., Aug. 1C (U.R)— The source of supply for marijuana smokers at Joliet penitentiary was plowed under today. A 10 by_15 foot bed of the narcotic weed was found near the old prison quarry after guards discovered three convicts smoking marijuana ciganets.[S]- ProvoEveningHerald1936-04-20p6- Pix Blue Mt. [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1937-02-18p1- “Narcotic Ring In S.L. School” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1937-04-21p3- “Marihuana and Its Influences” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1937-05-03p6- “Liquor, Marijuana Menace to Youth Parent-Teacher Convention Is Told” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1937-07-15p4b- “Youth of Nation Menace by Weed” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1937-12-01p1- “Dope Ring Leader Is Under Arrest” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1938-03-28p2- “Marijuana Dose Proves Fatal” - Death due to Marihuana? MARIJUANA DOSE PROVES FATAL[S]- ProvoEveningHerald1938-04-28p5b- “Runaway Trusties Now in Solitary” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1938-05-01p3- short [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1938-08-03p5- short [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1938-09-08p7- “Seize Marihuana” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1938-10-20p3- “Marihuana Peddler Arrested in Ogden” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1938-11-06p1- “Odd Fellow Envoy Sounds Warning On Crime Growth” [S]- ProvoEveningHerald1939-02-26p7- cool Movie Ad - Must see [S]- ProvoDailyHerald1967-12-18p2- “Double Stabbing In Nephi Hospitalizes Californians” Double Stabbing in Nephi Hospitalizes CaliforniansTREMONTON CITY BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER [S]- Mar 21, 1940 p3 - “Our School News” [letter] BROAD AX Vernal Express [Wanted]- 1931-07-09 1931-07-09 "Loco Weed" [Wanted]- 1950-01-05 Another Year of History Section [S]- 1898-10-29 A Bad Mexican Habit DAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER [S]- Sep 13, 1929 - “Jury Decrees Death Penalty For Nicholas Diaz” [pure RM] [S]- Oct 31, 1929 - “Slayer Escapes Death Penalty [S]- Jan 5, 1934 - “Use of Loco Weed Growing” [Walker] [S]- Jun 19, 1937 - “Marihuana Growers Bond Fixed at $2,000” DESERET NEWS [S]- 1877-10-17 “Patent Medicines and Secret Remedies” [Med Chlorodyne] [S]- 1881-12-07 “Mixed Spice” [Med Corn remedy] GARFIELD COUNTY [Wanted]-1931-07-17 "Loco Weed" [S]- 1930-07-11 “Subjects in Three continents Now Have Nothing to Do With Murder” [S]-1937-05-28 Who's News This Week GVT [Wanted]-1898-10-28 A Bad Mexican Habit [Wanted]-1898-10-28 Page 3 [S]- 1904-09-02 Dangerous Mexican Weed to Smoke [Wanted]- 1904-09-02 Page 2 KANE COUNTY STANDARD [Wanted]- 1931-07-17 "Loco Weed" [Wanted]- 1934-01-12 Use of Loco Weed Growing [S]- 1934-11-30 "Ma-Ri-Hwa-Na" [S]- 1938-01-07 LLL Entertained [S]- 1938-06-03 Federated Women's Clubs Hold Interesting Meetings [S]- 1939-11-24 East and West Millard County Chronicle / Progress [Wanted]- 1931-07-09 "Loco Weed" [S]- 1937-01-07 Lights of New York [S]- 1938-09-16 Marijuana Likely to Cause Insanity [S]- 1938-10-06 Marijuana Long in Use [S]- 1939-04-21 - “Youth Assassin Picture to be shown at Avalon” MORGAN COUNTY [ ]- 1931-07-16 "Loco Weed" [ ]- 1935-01-24 Ma-Ri-Hwa-Na [S]- 1938-08-12 Marijuana Cured like Tobacco [ ]- 1939-11-10 East and West MURRAY EAGLE [S]- 1930-07-03 “Rich Assassin Rules Millions” [NWR] [S]- 1936-08-06 Motorist Fined $50 on Reckless Charge [S]- 1937-03-04 Here & There [S]- 1938-08-11 Think [S]- 1940-03-14 MA-RI-JUA-NA [S]- 1941-02-13 Under the Capitol Dome [S]- 1941-03-06 Under the Capitol Dome [S]- 1951-11-23 News Views [S]- 1955-09-01 Is Dope Someone Elses' Problem? [S]- 1959-11-19 Murray, County Officers Nab Dope Suspect NEWS ADOCATE [S]- 1930-02-06 Marijuana Possession Charged in Complaint [S]- 1930-05-01 Carbon Sheriff Holds Marijuana Suspect [S]- 1930-05-08 Court Notes [S]- 1930-12-04 Carbon District Court Convenes; Three Given Penitentiary Terms [Wanted]- 1931-02-05 Court Notes [Wanted]- 1931-07-09 "Loco Weed" [S]- 1932-01-28 Sheriff's Assailant Given Long Term in State Prison [crime committed while under the influence of liquor and marihuana] PAROWA TIMES [Wanted]- 1925-08-12 Telegraphic Tales for Busy Readers [S]- 1931-07-10 "Loco Weed" [S]- 1934-12-07 Seek to Stamp out Rule of Marihuana [Wanted]- 1937-05-28 Who's News This Week [S]- 1937-10-29 Literary Club Visited by State President [Wanted]- 1938-08-12 Marijuana Cured like Tobacco [Wanted]- 1938-08-12 Marijuana Long in Use [Wanted]- 1938-09-23 General Items [S]- 1939-04-07 A National Authority Endorses "Assassin of Youth" [Leroy Bowcry captain wichita Kn] [Wanted]- 1939-10-13 East and West PIUTE COUNTY [S]- 1934-10-05 Opium Smoking in U. S. Shows Big Increase [Wanted]- 1934-10-12 Opium Smoking in U. S. Shows Big Increase [S]- 1938-11-18 Marysvale News Reel [S]- 1939-08-18 Federal Agents Clamp down on Tax Racketeers [Wanted]- 1942-02-27 Agriculture in Industry RICH COUNTY [Wanted]- 1931-07-17 "Loco Weed" [S]- 1936-12-04 Woman Slashed [Reefer Madness] [S]- 1942-02-27 Agriculture in Industry RICHFIELD REAPER [S]- 1935-05-02 Women Urged to Support Curbing Use of Narcotics [S]- 1937-03-04 Dope Peddlers Prey upon Youth [S]- 1938-03-10 The Marijuana Menace [S]- 1940-11-14 Aliens Violating Marihuana Law May be Deported THE ROOSEVELT STANDARD [S]- 1914-09-28 Marihuana Weed Will Cause Insanity [S]- 1914-11-23 Marihuana Weed Will Cause Insanity [S]- 1927-09-01 Weed Drives Widow, Four Children Insane [Wanted]- 1931-07-09 "Loco Weed" [Wanted]- 1934-10-04 "Ma-Ri-Hwa-Na" [S]- 1938-05-05 Club Projects [Wanted]- 1939-10-05 East and West SAN JUAN RECORD [S]- 1931-05-28 J. J. Winters Makes Sensational Capture Thompsons Burglars [Wanted]- 1937-05-27 Who's News This Week [S]- 1937-08-19 Floyd Gibbons' Adventurers' Club [S]- 1939-08-24 These Changing Times SOUTHERN UTONIAN [Wanted]- 1925-08-14 Telegraphic Tales for Busy Readers Tooele Transcript Bulletin [S]- 1905-07-14 Dangerous Mexican Weed to Smoke SALT LAKE CITY [S]- SaltLakeTribune1922-02-04p16- “Revenge Motive Police Assert” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1923-12-07p24- “Marihuana Is Narcotic” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1926-03-11p24- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1926-03-12p24- “Frank Rojas Denies Peddling narcotics” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1926-03-24p22- “Offer of Leniency Buys Drug Witness” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1926-03-27p20- “Drug Peddler Found Guilty” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1926-05-13p11- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1926-05-18p3- “Sheriff Wants Ban of Law Placed on Sale of marijuana” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1926-11-03p6- “How to Keep Well” by Dr. W.A. Evans [S]- SaltLakeTribune1926-11-28p61- “Shooting at Random in an Amazing Vengeance War On Society” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1927-01-020p11- “Drastic Drug Law Proposed” short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1927-03-25p6- “Drug Habit Penalizes Addict in the End” or How to Keep Well, by Dr. Evans [S]- SaltLakeTribune1927-07-15p7- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1927-07-16p22- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1927-11-26p18- “Arrest of Dope Trafficker May Unearth Ring” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1927-12-07p11- “Officers Find Stolen clothes” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-03-04p8- “Bondsman Pays Fine For Missing Defendant” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-03-06p10- “Two Taken In Raid” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-03-07p7- “Complaint Issued” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-03-13p18- “Whisky, Arms Taken In Raid” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-04-18p12- “Marijuana Possession Brings Fine Of $50” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-04-27p7- “New Narcotic Charge Substitutes Old One” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-05-09p4- “Found Not Guilty” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-06-13p20- “Narcotic Charge Made” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-06-15p4- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-06-22p7- “Had Barred Cigarets, Claim” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-06-30p17 - “Marihuana Possession Brings Fine of $100” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-07-28p24- “Marijuana Seizure Lands Suspect in Salt Lake Jail” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-07-29p20- “Jim Denitos Charged With Serious Crime” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-08-17p18- “Accused Marijuana Seller Under Arrest” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-09-03p18- “Car Falls 300 Feet, Man’s Back Broken” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-09-23p22- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-11-09p20- “Huge Drug Haul Made at Helper” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-11-15p8- “Narcotic Prosecution Delayed for Analysis” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-11-28p30- “Wife, Husband Jailed on Charge of Selling Marijuana to Deputy” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-11-29p26- “Marijuana Owner Enters Guilty Plea” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-12-16p8- “Marihuana Weed Control Sought” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-12-16p14- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-12-28p24- “One Marihuana Cigaret Brings Big Day Which Ends in Prison” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-12-29p6- Editorial - “Something Different” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1928-12-30p - “A Home Grown New Drug That Drives Its Victims Mad” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-01-03p5- “Possession of Marihuana Brings Suspended Sentence” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-01-04p23- “Marihuana Owner Freed by court” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-01-21p16- “Officers Make Arrest On Marihuana Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-01-22p14- “Drug Case Hearing Set” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-01-30p19- “Bond Over” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-01-31p11- “Sheriff Holds M. Montis” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-02-02p26- “Police Arrest Mexican On Mariauana Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-02-18p2- “Jury Convicts One On Drug Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-02-20p21- “Faces Dope Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-02-21p25- “Court Releases Ross Roja” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-03-07p28- “Eye Treatment Prevents Arrest Of Drug suspect” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-03-08p18- “District Court Convicts Helper Man on Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-03-09p30- “Drug Suspect Must Face Trial” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-03-19p24- “Woman Receives Court Leniency” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-03-21p26- “Court Suspends Sentence Time” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-03-22p36- “Judge Holds Drug Suspect” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-03-23p13- Jury convicts Young Robber” [Marihuana Defense][S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-04-14p12- “Vendor of Drug Gets Cell Term” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-04-17p30- “Court Frees Drug Suspect” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-04-20p30- “Judge Considers Case” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-04-21p5 - “Held For Trial” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-08-29p4- “Growing Loco Weed Count Against Man” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-09-07p11- “Suspect Admits Slaying” [Marihuana Defense][S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-09-08p11- “Jury Decrees Death Penalty For Murderer” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-09-10p2- “Officers Visiting Farm Discover Marihuana Crop” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-09-10p5- “Narcotic Plant Raiser Arrested” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-09-21p7- “Convicts Drug Possessor” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-09-24p12- “Sheriff’s Force Holds Marihuana Suspect” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-09-27p11- “Marihuana Case Defendant Flees, Forfeiting $200” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-10-02p18- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-10-20p8d- shorts [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-11-01p36- Detectives Files Charge Against Alleged Knifer” [Marihuana Defense][S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-11-02p28- “Pair Deny charges In Stabbing Frays” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-11-19p5- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-11-20p28- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-12-14p26- “Judge McConkie Speaks to Exchangeites on Juries” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1929-03-07p20- “Alleged Sale Of Marihuana Jails Franco” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-01-07p3- “Police Seize Cans of Drug and Liquor” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-01-10p21- “Marihuana Suspect Held on Open Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-01-11p2- “Officers Search Clearfield House” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-02-14p5- “Indian, White Man Held for Fighting” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-03-23p8- “Drug Handler Loses Appeal” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-05-01p23- “Carbon Officers Learn Suspect Has Long Record” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-08-29p7- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-08-31p4x- Exposing Traffic in Dope the worlds wickedest Evil all Over the globe today” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-09-10p20- “Drug Charge dismissed” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-09-11p2- Marihuana Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-09-14p5- - Exposing Traffic in Dope the worlds wickedest Evil all Over the globe today” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-09-14p6d- “Prison Term meted” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-09-31p4- “Exposing Traffic in Dope the worlds wickedest Evil all Over the globe today” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-10-10p30- “Prisoner Freed When Detectives Lose Evidence” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-10-19p8d- “Parrish Names Seven State Prisoners” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-10-26p2- “Exposing Traffic in Dope the worlds wickedest Evil all Over the globe today” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-10-28p26- “Pardons Board Saves Slayer” [Marihuana Defense][S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-11-16p8d- “Prisoners Paroled At Board Meeting” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-11-29p8- “Five Seized by Narcotic Raiders” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-12-04p10- “Three Receive Prison Terms” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-12-13p8- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1930-12-25p20- “Judge Sets Trial” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-01-18p8d- “Marijuana Sale On Street Charged” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-01-20p22- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-01-21p8- “Drug Suspect Freed” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-02-16p4- “Gets Prison Term” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-02-19p10- “Marijuana Blamed In Assault Case” [Marihuana Defense][S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-03-08p7- “War on Marihuana” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-03-15p9- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-05-12p26- “Police Open War On Drug Peddlers” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-05-24p14b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-07-14p8- “Rum Charges Accuse Four” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-08-06p8- “Judge Frees Suspect” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-08-11p16- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-08-14p11- “Mexican Officers Seize narcotics” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-08-23p8- “Murder Drug That Gives Gunmen Courage to Kill” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-08-30p2- “Patch Holds Fortune in Drug Plant” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-09-05p24- “Sheriff Raids Narcotics Farm; Arrests Three” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-09-07p9- “Sheriff Watches to check Jail Rescue” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-09-10p8- “Three Admit Guilt In Marijuana Case” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-09-25p12- “Trio Deny Dope Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-10-04p1- “Marijuana Brings Farmer’s Arrest” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-10-14p14- “Immigration Director Deports Dope Suspect” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-11-01p12- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-11-08p8- two shorts [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-11-26p13- “Man Faces Sentence” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-12-01p6- “Court Sentences Man” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-12-14p3- “Sheriff Seizes Narcotics in Tobacco Tins” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1931-19-13p8- Texas Holds Suspect for Mary Jane” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-01-23p20- “Accused man Denies Intent to Kill Sheriff in Jail Raid” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-02-24p1- “Shot Perils Financier, hurts Girl” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-02-24p3- “Bullet of Gunman Misses Capitalist; Girl Tells Story” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-03-20p2b- “Police Hold Man in Probe of Marihuana” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-03-20p12b- “Two Hurt in Prison Feud; One Knifed” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-03-21p5- “Victim of Prison Battle Recovers” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-03-25p26- “Hospital Guards Baby With Parents in Jail” Hospital Guards Baby With Parents in Jail[S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-04-04p6- “Murder on the roof” novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-04-05p3- “Jury Convicts Woman of Having Marihuana” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-04-17p14- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-06-12p1b- “Narcotic Possessor hears Prison Sentence” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-07-01p6- “Three Taken for Alleged Thefts” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-09-18p7c- “Mail Readers at Prison Have Very Important Work” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-11-06p2c- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1932-12-28p18- “Four Men Arrested As Holdup Suspects” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-01-24p16- “Six Men Held For Quiz After Marihuana Raid” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-01-25p10- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-02-16p18- “Convicted By Jury” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-03-19p10b- “Marihuana Law Is Questioned” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-03-21p3- “Marihuana Law Is Held Valid” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-04-09p8- “Narcotic Suspect Held” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-05-17p7- “Marihuana Case Appeal Based on Place of Comma” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-05-21p9b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-06-18pb9- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-07-13p10- “Narcotic Owner Pleads Guilty, goes to Prison” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-09-04p13- “Pair Freed of Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-09-20p8- shorts [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-10-06p5- “Drug Possession Charged” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-10-14p21- “Narcotic Suspects Held” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-10-15p12- “Drive Launched to Cut Number of Weed Users” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-10-22p7b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-10-23p5- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-10-29p12b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-10-31p9- “Police Seize Narcotic Cache, Arrest Three” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-11-03p7- “Marihuana Defendant [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-11-20p14- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-11-29p8- “suspect Bound Over” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-12-10p10b- “Four Men Sentenced to State Prison Terms” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1933-12-19p18- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-01-20p5- “Suspect Denies Narcotic Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-01-21p11- “Suspect Denies Charge of Marihuana Possession” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-01-21p12b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-02-04p11- “Held For Investigation” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-02-06p3- “Hearing Waived” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-02-07p20- “Marijuana Suspect Held” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-02-11p8b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-04-01p12- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-05-20p8b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-06-03p2b-short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-06-28p7- “Sentence Imposed” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-06-28p16- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-07-10p18- “Transient Relief Nurse Near Death in Hospital, Victim of Knife Attach” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-07-11p26- “Knife Attack Suspect Held” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-08-05p2c – short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-08-17p22- “Narcotic Hearing Set” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-09-19p7- shorts [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-09-27p13- “Jury Convicts Man” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-10-02p11- “sentenced To Prison” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1934-11-25p10- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-01-20p4- two shorts [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-04-24p6- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-04-28p13- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-07-02p6- “Narcotic Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-07-03p8- “Charges Denied” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-07-18p3- “Trial continued” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-07-31p3- “Pleads Guilty” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-09-24p13- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-09-29p12b- “Alleged Marijuana Deal Jails Couple” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-10-27p5c- “How to Keep Well” by Dr. Irving Cutter [S]- SaltLakeTribune1935-11-17p2- “Gain Reported In US Battle On Marijuana” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-01-28p8- “Held for Parole” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-01-28p16- “Faces Charge” - Carl Martinez [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-01-30p- “Admits Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-02-22p18- Ad - Utah Wages War on Marihuana [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-02-23p5- “Utah Carries On Marihuana War” (Continued from Preceding Page)[S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-03-04p6- “Youth Questioned In Plot at Jail” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-03-06p16- “Files Dope Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-03-21p20- “Pleads Not Guilty” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-03-29pC7- “Marijuana Smokers Increase in London, vice Probe Reveals” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-04-14p22- “Charge Dismissed” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-07-28p11- “Held for Investigation” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1936-09-20p12- “to Fight Marijuana” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-01-31p17- “Officers Nab Theft Suspect” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-02-06p- “Narcotic Suspect Held” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-02-18p17- “Three Facing dope charges” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-02-19p10- “Dope Suspect Pleads Guilty” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-02-20p34- “Dope Peddler Gets Sentence” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-03-16p20- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-04-21p1- “Women Strike At Social Evils and Ask cure” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-08-22p17- “Davis County Up Against $10,000 Claim” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-09-29p27- “Idaho Falls Police Hold Narcotics Suspect” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-10-31p7- “Drive Against Marihuana Gains Results” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1937-12-03p15- “Narcotic Suspect Denies Charge” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-01-01p9- “Officer Urges Narcotics Law Changes to Reduce Crime” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-02-16p11- “Two Girls Get Life Terms $2.10 Holdup Murder” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-04-01p3- “Sailor Runs Amuck” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-05-06p25- “Federal Court Judge Dismisses Jury” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-06-12p13e- “Marihuana Serious menace to Public” by Dr. Irving Cutter” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-01p7- Movie Ad” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-18p12- “Lost Lady” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-19p18- “Lost Lady” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-20p28- “Lost Lady” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-23p16- “Lost Lady” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-26p8- “Sheriff Finds Marihuana Near Kaysville” Pix [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-27p25- “Lost Lady” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-27p30- “Marihuana count Faces Farmer” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-08-29p5- short “Marihuana Farm” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-09-03p19- “Narcotic Figure Jailed by Court” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-09-05p13- “Lost Lady” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-09-18p8- Odds and Ends” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-09-23p12- “Where the Reefers Grow” pix [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-10-14p34- “Club Protests Open Creek” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-10-19p6- short “Hung Jury” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-11-06p1b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-11-20p1b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-11-22p22- short “Fiery Session Discusses Park Meters” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-12-02p29- “Health Officer to Give Talk on Diseases” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-12-03p34- “Pentolgist Urges Campaign To Curb Marihuana Uses” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-12-13p6- Narcotic Addicts Hopeless, California Officer Asserts” - Walker Narcotic Addicts Hopeless, California Officer Asserts[S]- SaltLakeTribune1938-12-13p10- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-01-22p11- “Penalty Levied In dope Case” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-03-10p15- “Marihuana Goes Up in Smoke” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-03-23p14- “Ex-Felon Will Be Deported” [Marihuana Defense][S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-04-20p1- short “Utah clubwomen . . .” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-05-21p45- “Save our Boys and Girls” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-06-12p18- “Woman Set Free In Narcotic Quiz” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-06-16p30- “Marihuana Suspect Waives Hearing” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-07-24p6- “Love comes Last by Julie Moore” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-07-24p7- “Love comes Last by Julie Moore” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-07-25p10- “Drug, Habits and Addicts Reviewed by Utah Educators” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-07-25p15- “Love comes Last by Julie Moore” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-07-28p15- “Love comes Last by Julie Moore” - serial novel [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-08-08p10- “Two Accused of Beating US Witness” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-08-09p14- “Released On Bond” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-08-10p4- “Bill Aids Dope Probes” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-08-13p3b- “Hearing Continued” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-08-13p7d- “Marihuana on US Land” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-08-25p26- “Farmer Faces Charges” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-10-08p1b- “Released on Bond” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-11-01p22- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-11-03p25- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-11-15p25- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-11-19p1b- short [S]- SaltLakeTribune1939-11-26p16b- “Federal Court Imposes Sentences on Eight Law Violators” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1967-12-18p4b- “Double Stabbing Leaves 1 Poor, 1 Satisfactory”: [S]- SaltLakeTribune1967-12-19p13- “Sheriff Probes Juab Knifing” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1967-12-20p3d- “Juab Checking Material in Knifing Probe” [S]- SaltLakeTribune1967-12-23p30- “Chemists Report Material in Car Marijuana” WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE