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HARRY ANSLINGER'S GORE – WISCONSIN WISCONSIN - TEMPORARY WEBSITE – LOCATION OF FUTURE WEBSITE ![]() Due to lack of material resources, at the present time we can only post this temporary website dealing with the STATE OF WISCONSIN during the Reefer Madness Era. It is our hope to have a full website for the state running sometime in the future. But (again) due to lack of resources this will be a long while. For now we hope that this quickie, quickie will be of some help to researchers into the era. WISCONSIN A factor that seems rather odd to many as it seems that states where Industrial Hemp was actively being cultivated had few if any Gore File cases; Whereas the opposite was true of states with no Industrial Hemp growth. Name: Charles Dirschel - Location: - Wi. - Date: - Sep 10, 1939 ![]() What the Narc’s were claiming Wisconsin - 1939 So. Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Male - Drank brandy and smoked 2 marihuana cigarettes; arrested for reckless driving, speeding, injuring 4 persons before driving into a ditch. Mind blank at time of arrest. -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: OSHKOSH DAILY NORTHWESTERN: [ ]—Sep 11, 1939 p2 – “Weekend accident toll takes five victims in State” RACINE JOURNAL TIMES: [ ]—Sep 11, 1939 p23/5 – “Weekend Toll 7 in State” Drunken Motorist Hits Automobile After Wild Ride” Accidents and drownings caused seven deaths in Wisconsin during the weekend. . . . .Among accident victims who were confined to hospitals today were Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Marinello and their daughters, Rose, 8, and Virginia, 6. Their injuries were inflicted in a collision between their automobile and a machine driven by a drunken motorist who previously had sent a dozen automobiles into ditches on Highway 36 between Wind lake and Milwaukee. Sheriff’s deputies said that the driver of the weaving automobile carried a license bearing the name of Charles Dirschel, 32, South Milwaukee. He was treated for face lacerations and then taken to county jail. Two Drowned. Marinello was reported in “poor” conditions with a brain concussion and fractured vertebrae. His wife also was said to have a brain concussion. She was reported to be in “fair’ condition. Rose suffered a fractured right leg and Virginia a fractured left shoulder. . . .. . FACTS AS WE SEE THEM [Key-finder - Case #012]
![]() WISCONSIN'S UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES MURDER In Wisconsin, last March, an Indigent person suddenly shot a man while under the influence of MARIHUANA which he had been in the habit of smoking. --- The Union Signal (WCTU) Jan. 30, 1937 [date would have been March 1936] MUSEUM NEWSPAPER INDEX: NO, this index of (what may or may not be) Reefer Madness Newspaper articles is NOT COMPLETE and in fact is anything but. At best it should be thought of as a starting point for historical scholars doing research into the origin of the anti-Medical Cannabis laws. APPLETON POST CRESCENT - Appleton, Wisconsin [--Feb. 4, 1920 pg.4] “Health Talks” By William Brady M.D. Med (cannabis mentioned) [S]- Jan 20, 1921 pg.8] “Police Solve Mystery of Egyptian Murders” [ ]— Sunday, November 18, 1923...is charged with illegal possession of MARIJUANA, illegal possession of an.. [S]- Feb. 18, 1926 pg.4] “My First Shot of Hasheesh” (kind of funny) [S]- Aug. 14, 1926 pg.1] “Andrews Perfects Plans For War on Rum Runners” (Anslinger) [N.W.R.] [S]- Apr 23, 1928 pg.7] “The Canaky Murder Case” (fictional story hashish) [S]- May 29, 1929 pg. 7] “Cheese Moisture Bill is Passed” (Hashish) [N.W.R.] [S]- April 8, 1930 pg. 2] “For Prohi Job” (picture of ansliger) [S]- June 13, 1930 pg.13] “Ancient Foreign Cult Founded on Intrigue” – about the old man of the mountain [S]- July 01, 1930 pg.10] Harry J. Anslinger mention [N.W.R.] [S]- July 29, 1930 pg.2] “Heads of Dope Rings nabbed by U.S. Agents” (anslinger) [S]- Nov 21, 1932 pg. 1] “Boy Confesses Slaying Three, Other Crimes” [S]- Jan. 20, 1937 pg.1] “Officer Slain After Escape of Ex-Convict” Gore File [S]- -Jan 22, 1937B pg.2] “Forced to Drive Police Killer” Gore File [S]- Jan. 22, 1937 pg.1] “Slayer of Policeman Given Life Sentence” Gore File [S]- Feb. 11, 1937 pg.6] “A commendable Task” (Womens Federation) [S]- March 31, 1937 pg. 13] “Club Leader Tells Women They are Responsible for Meeting Problems of Today” [ ]— September 16, 1937...or cocaine, which is delusion, and MARIJUANA which is madness. But the work.. [S]- Oct. 29, 1937 pg.25] “Federal Agents Start Warring on Narcotic Menace” [S]- Feb 17, 1938 pg. 18] “Spend More Money for Child Welfare, Kiwanis Club Told” [S]- Mar 1, 1938 pg. 8] “Women in the news” [S]- Mar 9, 1938 pg. 4] “Probe at Fond Du Lac” [N.W.R.] [S]- March 22, 1938 pg. 12] “Recreation Programs Help Prevent Crime, doctor Says” ; American Legion [S]- April 11, 1938 pg. 5] “Today’s Radio Highlights” [S]- April 15, 1938 pg. 6] “Back to the Pump” [N.W.R.] [S]- April 20, 1938 pg.16] “Doudna Warns High School Students Against Trying Marijuana, Alcohol” [ ]— May 02, 1938...in the afternoon and a roomful of MARIJUANA smokers at night, tells of.. [S]- July 12, 1938 pg.1] “Indian Under Arrest on Narcotics Charges” [S]- July 13, 1938 pg.2] “Marijuana Weed Growing Wild in Beloit District” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 22, 1938 pg.17] “Dopey Weed” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 27, 1938 pg. 1] “Michigan Youth is Sentenced as Robber” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 3, 1938 pg.1] “Men Facing Charges of possessing Marijuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 8, 1938 pg.12] “State Health Board Wants Change in Marihuana Law” [S]- Sept 9, 1938 pg.21] “High School Graduates Are Entering Colleges” [S]- Sept. 10, 1938 pg.1] “Testifies Racine School Children Smoke Marijuana” [S]- Sept. 14, 1938 pg.13] “Woman’s club at Marion Maps Program for Year” [S]- Sept. 17, 1938 pg.1] “Sentenced and Fined For Selling marijuana” [N.W.R.] [ ]- Sept. 22, 1938.pg. 21] “Wisconsin’s Health” by Dr. C.A. Harper Med. [S]- Sept. 27, 1938 pg.10] “Institute Speakers Charge Home, School, Community with Duty of Curbing Crime, Liquor Violations” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 30, 1938 pg. 10] “Reelect All State Heads of WCTU” [S]- Oct. 05, 1938 pg.19] “Women’s Home Missionary Society” a short [S]- Nov 7,1938 pg.6] “In Old New York” [N.W.R.] [S]- Nov 26, 1938 pg. 6] “Personal Health Talks”– (Cannabis & corns) [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec 10, 1938 pg.5] womens meeting [S]- Jan 24, 1939 pg.7] “Teachers’ Tenure Law Repeal Asked In Assembly Bill” [N.W.R.] [S]- Mar 9, 1939 pg. 1] “Labor Pease Act Approved by Assembly” [N.W.R.] [S]- Apr 25, 1939 pg.7] “Bill Will Enable Hay Fever Victims to Breathe Easier” [N.W.R.] [S]- Apr 26, 1939 pg.10] “Approves bill on confab Expenses of Rainbow Vets” [N.W.R.] [S]- April 29, 1939 pg.2] “Major Measures Before Solons in approaching Weeks” [N.W.R.] [S]- May 02, 1939 pg.6] “The art of making laws” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 08, 1939 pg.5] “Weed Found in County Identified as Marijuana” [S]- July 17, 1939 pg.6] “The Gleaners and the Strewers” [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug 5, 1939 pg 2 - “New Books List Provides Material for Every Mood” [Rowell book] [NWR] [S]- Aug. 17, 1939 pg. 11] “Knockout to Jaw Saves Patrolman From Blaze” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 30, 1939 pg. 7] “Over 200 Persons Attend Travelog at Marion Gymnasium” [S]- Oct 7, 1939 pg.4] “About 500 New Laws Passed During Legislative3 Session” [ ]— October 18, 1939...by Stanford, "On the Trail of MARIHUANA" by Rowell, "The Saber Tooth.. [S]- Nov. 27, 1939 pg.24] “Treasury Men Stumbled on Clue to Pendergast Graft” [S]- Jan. 19, 1940 pg.5] “Church woman Topic At Meeting of Aid Society at Seymour” [S]- Jan 24, 1940 pg. 3] “Marihuana Weed Is Topic of Talk Before Seymour Woman’s Club” -- [S]- Feb 21, 1940 pg.7] “Col. Holden Speaks At Lions Meeting” [N.W.R.] [S]- May 4, 1940 pg. 6] “Personal Health Talks” [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug. 27, 1940 pg.3] “Finds Marijuana and Orders it Destroyed” [N.W.R.] [ ]- Sept. 20, 1940.pg.2] “State 7th in Liquor Dealers” BELOIT DAILY NEWS - Beloit Wisconsin [e]- Feb. 10, 1938 pg.1] “Authorities Warn Against Spread of Marijuana Habit After Janesville Arrests” - Insanity, Degeneracy and Violence Follow Use of Weed -- south Beloit school acquaints pupils with dangers-- seize janesville peddler [e]- Feb. 11, 1938 pg.1] “Faces Death in Chair Because of Drug Smoke” - Girl Testifies Marijuana Cigarets Made Holdup Killing ‘Seem Right’ -- Note there seems to be a second article - about Minneapolis, Minn.- [e]- Feb. 16, 1938 pg.1] “Dope Peddler Gets 9 Months” Janesville Man Admits He Sold Marijuana Cigarets. One of Gomez’ customers, a 23-year-old youth, became insane from the effects of the drug. [e]- Feb. 18, 1938 pg.1] “Gets Life Term” Ms. Sohl - Gun girl gets life sentence. FOND DU LAC COMONWEALTH REPORTER [Wanted] -- March 8, 1938 [ article - stated that narcotic cigarettes were sold to youth of the city; 3 peddlers were discovered; police say dozens of men and women are smoking marijuana. [Wanted] -- March 9, 1938 - an article appeared about the U. S. Narcotics Bureau launching an inquiry into traffic in marijuana; 60 men and women admit smoking the dope. [Wanted] -- September 9, 1938 - Under the subject heading "Agriculture" on that says marijuana was found growing in the wild in Calumet and Green Lake Counties; Federal agents failed to find any supplies of the drug in Fond du Lac. JANESVILLE DAILY GAZZETTE - Janesville Wisconsin [e]- Feb 9, 1938 Pg 1 - “Local “Reliefer” Held for Selling Marihuana - Police Call U.S. Agents” (5-star) Must read- these guys went nut’s. [e]- Feb. 10, 1938 pg.6] Editorial: “Marihuana” [e]- Feb. 10, 1938 pg.1]- “Marihuana Is Blamed for Bus Murder” [e]- Feb. 16, 1938 pg.1] “Gomez Jailed for Marihuana Activity here” [Wanted]- Feb 16, 1938 pg.1] “Young Women Are given Life for Slaying Drive” (AP) report [e]- Feb. 18, 1938 pg.4] “Marijuana Replaces Texas Desperado as Enemy No. 1” MILWAUKEE SENTINEL: [Wanted] Sept-5-1938 MONROE EVENING TIMES - Monroe Wisconsin [e]- Jan. 7, 1938 pg.6] "Killed To Become 'Gun Molls'" [e]- Feb. 10, 1938 pg.4] "Their Lives at State" [e]- Feb. 16, 1938 pg.1] "Two Girls Sentenced to Prison for Life" DAILY NORTHWESTERN - Oshkosh, Wisconsin [S]- Dec 6, 1897 pp8] “Smuggling the mariguana” [Oldest NEWSPAPER mention of marihuana”] [ ]— July 11, 1927...of foreign control held by Harry J. ANSLINGER and federal wine control.. [S]- Feb. 22, 1929 pg.4 ] Mexican Cigrets Found to Be Drugged” [ ]— July 29, 1930...million dollars, according to Harry J. ANSLINGER, acting for the narcotic [S]- Nov. 21, 1932 pg. 1] “Two Youths confess They Are Criminals” --- [S]- Sept 8, 1933 pg. 22] “My New York” by James Aswell [S]- Oct 17, 1933 pg. 16] “Insane Youth Slays Five of the Family” Gore File VICTOR LICATA, LA CROSS TRIBUNE & LEADER-PRESS [S]- Feb 15, 1938 pg 3 - “An Impending Danger” [Editorial] [some gore] OSHKOSH NORTHWESTERN - Oshkosh, Wisconsin [S]- March 10, 1934 pg. 9] “Serious charges Against Guards at One Prison” [S]- Mar 14, 1934 pg. 14] “Many Doings at Prison Revealed by Former Inmate” [S]- March 16, 1934 pg. 3] “Women inmates Given Drinks of Liquor Stated” [S]- May 22 1934 pg. 14] “How to Smuggle Liquor is Told to Commission” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 5. 1934 pg. 8] “Scanning New Books” – The Hundredth man - BOOK [S]- Oct. 11, 1934 pg. 9] ] “My New York” by James Aswell [S]- Dec. 10, 1934 pg. 1] “More Details on Narcotics gangs coming” (Anslinger) --- [S]- Dec. 17, 1934 pg. 4] “Warns of Marihuana” (Anslinger picture) [S]- April 23, 1936 pg. 5] “State Proceeds with Trial of William Grimm” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 19, 1936 pg. 7] “Group Urges Campaign against Growing of Marijuana Derivative” PTA [S]- Nov 25, 1936 pg. 10] Film Marihuana [S]- Jan. 12, 1937 pg. 5] “Police Seeking Source of Marijuaa-Doped cigarets” [ ]— January 22, 1937...MURDER, GETS LIFE Monroe, jMieh. ALCIDE (Frenchy) BENOIT, confessed.....by Icy Conditions of the Highways BENOIT CONFESSES.. [S]- Dec. 15, 1937 pg. 6] “A Deadly Traffic” (from the Milwaukee Sentinel) [S]- Feb. 11, 1938 pg. 12] “Big Apple is Blamed for Mrihuana spread” [S]- -Feb. 14, 1938 pg.4] “Blames Dope for Murder” (ethal sohl) [S]- Feb 26, 1938 pg. 2] “Census of Addicts part of narcotics Drive by treasury” [S]- March 12, 1938 pg.7] “Use of marijuana Not Common Here, Authorities Aver” [S]- March 15, 1938 pg. 6] “Laxity Invites Trouble” [S]- March 21, 1938.pg.6] “Fighting a Dangerous Drug Evil” Editorial [S]- March 25, 1938 pg. 7] “Declares Marijuana Situation in State is not Serious Problem” PTA [S]- April 2, 1938 (or 1936) pg. 13] “Daily Carelessness Causes More harm than do narcotics” [S]- April 20, 1938 pg. 11] “Students Have Chance in Life, Asserts Doudna” [S]- June 30, 1938 pg. 4] “Speaks Against Narcotics use” [S]- July 12, 1938 pg.15] “Sold Indian Love Medicine, is Held” [S]- July 22, 1938 pg. 4] “Dopey Weed” [N.W.R.] [S]- -Aug 15, 1938 pg.1] “Oshkosh Gets Legion Session” (American Legion) [S]- Aug. 22, 1938 pg. 5] “Will Educate Police to Identify Marijuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept. 02, 1938 pg.18] “Mitten Presses Marijuana Fight” [S]- Sept 3, 1938 pg. 11] “Mexicans Held on Dope Charge” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 8, 1938 pg. 16] “No Evidence of Marihuana Weed Discovered Here” [S]- Sept. 10, 1938 pg. 1] “Racine Pupils Named Users of Marijuana” [S]- Sept. 12, 1938 pg. 4] “Marihuana Weed is found Growing Wild in Oshkosh” [S]- Sept. 13, 1938 pg. 4] “Police to Investigate Report Marihuana is growing wild in City” [ ]--Sept 13, 1938B pg.5 ] Two Given Terms, Fine for Possession of weed” [S]- Sept. 16, 1938 pg.4] “Weed Growing Wild Here not Marijuana Declares Scientist” [S]- Sept. 22, 1938 pg.10] “Drives to eradicate Marijuana in State Assailed by Harper” AMMA [S]- Sept. 23, 1938 pg.10] ”Hemp no new plant in Wisconsin, Does not justify Furor” [S]- Sept. 26, 1938 pg.6] “Marijuana Menace” (from the Minneapolis Tribune) Am Legion [S]- Sept. 30, 1938 pg. 5] “Two Given Terms, Fines for Possession of Weed” [S]- Oct. 01, 1938 pg. 4] “Meet Marijuana Evil Promptly, Urges Loomis” Radio [S]- Oct. 10, 1938 pg. 7] “Marijuana Cache to be investigated by State” [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct. 17, 1938 pg. 8] “Endeavor Society Meets at Church” [--Nov. 18, 1938 pg. 1] “Rumrich Confesses Smoking Marijuana” poor copy [S]- Dec. 22, 1938 pg. 4] “Recipe for Longevity Revealed as Marihuana” [S]- Jan. 24, 1939 pg. 9] “Repeal of Tensure Law is Sought in bill in assembly” [N.W.R.] [ ]— January 30, 1939...American Agent." Drugs Walton, "MARIHUANA; America's New Drug Problem.. [S]- Feb. 16, 1939 pg. 8] “Seek Solution of Problem” (WCTU) [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb 24, 1939 pg. 1] “Catlin Labor Bill Held up” [N.W.R.] [S]- April 25, 1939 pg. 11] “Measure Passed by State Solons to Ban Ragweed” [S]- April 26, 1939 pg. 13] “Nine Measures Are signed by governor” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 8, 1939 pg. 20] “Notice! Property Owners” [N.W.R.] [ ]— June 10, 1939. ragweed . . presented to MARIJUANA that is not sown or.. [S]- June 22, 1939 pg. 22] “Marijuana Problem” Kiwanians [S]- Aug. 21, 1939 pg. 10] “Watch Your Health” Smoking out the Marihuana Habit” [ ]— September 25, 1939...in any other manner distribute opium, MARIJUANA, or other drugs commonly known.....house, or other place where opium, MARIJUANA, or any other habit-forming.. [S]- Feb 21, 1940 pg. 11] short [ ]— March 16, 1940..MARIJUANA Robert Loppnow, Herbert Clark.. [S]- Sept 11, 1940 pg. 11] “Omaha Musician Admits Possession of Marihuana” [S]- Oct 14, 1940 pg. 7] “Drinker’s License Law is Proposed” OSHKOSH DAILY NORTHWESTERN - Oshkosh, Wisconsin [S]- Nov 3, 1931 pg.10] “My New York” by James Aswell – [N.W.R.] [S]- Nov 21, 1932 pg.1] “Two Youths Confess They are Criminals” [ ]— July 05, 1934...a person but a new drag: right name, MARIJUANA. "With a Reckless by John.. [S]- July 13, 1934 pg.10] “Watch Your Health” Drugs must do all they claim [N.W.R.] [S]- June 22, 1939 pg. 22] “Marijuana Problem” Kiwanians – Dr. Charles B. Holman [S]- Aug 21, 1939 pg. 10] “Watch Your health” – Smoking out the marihuana Habit [S]- Sept 25, 1939 pg. 10] legal notice - [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct 3, 1939 pg.4] “Plan for $75,000 Emergency Fund is okayed by Council” [S]- Oct 6, 1939 pg.17] “Legislative Review” [S]- Oct. 7, 1939 pg. 10] ordinance [S]- Feb 21, 1940 pg. 11] “Waupaca County Farm Institutes Announced” [N.W.R.] [S]- Mar 16, 1940 pg. 4] something about a school contest [N.W.R.] [S]- July 19, 1940 pg. 11] “Message to Garcia” [N.W.R.] [S-Aug. 31, 1940 pg. 4] “Take Omaha Musician on Narcotics Charge” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sep. 11, 1940 pg.11] “Omaha Musician Admits Possession of Marihuana” [S]- Dec. 28, 1940 pg. 7] “American Indian Lore” [N.W.R.] [ ]— March 07, 1946...of possession of dangerous drugs and MARIJUANA. Officers said they arrested.. SHEBOYGAN DAILY PRESS - Sheboygan, Wisconsin [S]- June 15, 1909 ] “Odd Diet Turns Cows to Rubber” [S]- Oct. 18, 1909 ].”Here an emperor died” ignor [S]- May 10, 1910] “Harmful Remedies” Med Cannabis mentioned. SHEBOYGAN PRESS - Sheboygan, Wisconsin [S]- Sept 23, 1915 pg. 8] “New Source of narcotic” short [S]- Dec 19, 1916 ] “Marihuana Mexican Drug found among Militiamen on Border” [ ]— February 18, 1924...by the expression, Mary J. L. 1 A., MARIJUANA, a Mexican smoking weed, is.. [S]- Feb. 22, 1929 pg. 16] “Buffalo Students Discovered Using Drugged Cigarets” [S]- March 27, 1930 pg. 11] “Large Field of Candidates Considered for Dry post” [S]- July 29, 1930 pg. 13] “Government Smashes Five Narcotics rings” [S]- March 16, 1934 pg. 2] “charges of Cruelty made at Workhouse Investigation” [S]- Dec. 10, 1934 pg.2] “Authorities Arrest Two Big Shots” (fm pg.1) [S]- Jan 2, 1935 ] editorial section “Two Drug Addicts” [S]- Jan 7, 1936 pg. 1] “Confession Is Repudiated By Accused Man” [S]- June 03, 1937 pg. 12] “Marijuana in Schools” [S]- Aug 5, 1937] press quote – editorial section [--Aug. 12, 1937 pg. 15] “Nature’s Wonders Too Great” [e-Sept. 11, 1937 pg. 15] “Charge man With Raising Marihuana” [N.W.R.] [ ]— October 16, 1937...and Clark expedition? 3. Cannibas, MARIJUANA, and Hashish are: cities in.. [ ]— January 27, 1938...could supply so much wanted materials. MARIJUANA, a deadly narcotic wood, is.. [ ]— January 30, 1938...community service for youth, the MARIHUANA weed, campaign, the campaign.. [S]- Jan 31, 1938 pg. 8] Club meeting announcement [S]- Feb. 10, 1938 pg.8] “Girl’s Crime Career Blamed On Marihuana” [S]- Feb. 16, 1938] “The Road To Crime” Editorial [S]- Feb. 23, 1938] “Commendable Action” Editorial- Woman’s clubs mentioned. [S]- Feb. 28, 1938] Cartoon – “Look What’s Going On Behind Your Back, Uncle” [S]- June 22, 1938 pg.1] “Marihuana Drug is perial Needing Cooperation of the Government” poor copy [S]- July 13, 1938 pg. 6] “Beloit Seeks Volunteer Aid in Dope Fight” [S]- July 20, 1938 pg. 13] Film Assassin of youth cool poster [S]- July 21, 1938 pg. 24] “Marihuana Film At Van Der Varr” [ ]— June 22, 1938...adopting narcotic law which . .MARIHUANA, .and this act prohibition of MARIHUANA, [S]- July 27, 1938 pg.4] “Marihuana Fought As Evil In Papers Thirty Years Ago” [S]- Aug. 15, 1938 pg. 1] “Strict Neutrality is Urged by State Legion” [S]- Aug 31, 1938 pg. 12] “Large Supply of Mairhuana Burned” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept. 01, 1938 pg. 10] “Four Persons Arrested In Drive Against Marihuana” [S]- Sept. 02, 1938 pg. 11 ]”Find Patches of marihuana at Milwaukee” [S]- Sept. 06, 1938 pg. 4] “Patch of Marihuana Destroyed Near Waldo” [S-Sept. 07, 1938 pg. 2] “Marihuana field Found By Officers In Racine County” [S]- Sept. 08, 1938 ] Editorial “Now We Sense the Danger” [S]- Sept. 09, 1938.pg. 6] “State Engaged In Fight to Kill Marihuana Evil” [S]- Sept. 10, 1938] “Woman Tells of Wide use of Marihuana by children” [S-Sept. 17, 1938 pg. 4] “Woman Sentenced At Janesville On Marihuana charge” [ ]— September 21, 1938.. MARIHUANA is the same as Indian hemp.. [S-Sept. 30, 1938 pg. 21] “State Chapter of W.C.T.U. Holds Annual Election” [S]- Oct. 01, 1938] (poor copy) “Marihuana Menace Is Topic of Attorney General Loomis” Radio [S]- Oct. 13, 1938] “Problem of Marihuana One that must be Met, Says Attorney General Loomis” Radio Poor Copy [S]- Oct. 25, 1938 pg. 15] “Talk On Marihuana Scheduled On WHBL” Radio [--Jan. 24, 1939 pg. 15] bill to outlaw marihuana [S]- Jan. 25, 1939 pg. 9] “Definite Ban On Marihuana Is Considered” [ ]— February 02, 1939...have laws prohibiting the use of MARIHUANA? [S]- Feb. 22, 1939 pg. 2] Marihuana Is Target of Bill In Legislature” --- [S]- April 27, 1939] “Outlawing Marihuana” Editorial [S]- July 12, 1939 pg. 4] “Renewed Efforts Being Made by Federal Government for Control of Marihuana Sale” [S-Sept. 05, 1939 pg. 10] “Buffet Supplier To Open Activity of Local Court” catholic [S-Sept 8, 1939 pg. 2] “Birds Blamed for Marijuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept. 19, 1939 pg. 4] “Cows on Marijuana Spree” [S]- Oct 13, 1939 ] “A Lesson To Learn” (J. Edger Hoover) [S]- Oct. 25, 1939 pg. 10] “Crime Prevention Is Topic of Woman’s club Speaker” [S]- Nov. 16, 1939 pg.9] “Territory of W.C.T.U. Too Extensive, Charges Editorial” [e-Dec. 19, 1939 ] Marihuana Curb Asked – short [N.W.R.] [S]- Jan. 26, 1940 pg. 2] “Treasury Agents Lead Campaign Against Law Violators” [N.W.R.] [S]- May 23, 1940 ] Effects Of marihuana -- Editorial [ ]— July 17, 1940...more than times as effective the MARIJUANA have been isolated br some.. [S]- July 18, 1940 pg. 12] “Public Enemy – Doubled” short [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug 20, 1940 ] “This is time for action” [S]- Aug. 21, 1940 pg. 4] “Marijuana Innocently Planted” [N.W.R.] [ ]— November 30, 1940...recently by a bomb. Although the name "MARIHUANA" commonly is applied to one.. [S]- Dec 19, 1940 pg. 19] “Utah Wars on Marijuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb 11, 1941 ] “Marihuana Grown in Wisconsin” Editorial [S]- Aug 4, 1942 pg. 2] “What are thoughts of Condemned Murderess” [S]- Jan 20, 1943 pg. 4] “Gene Krupa is Linked with Marihuana Case” [S]- Oct 18, 1944 pg. 3] “Marihuana in Weeds” [ ]— August 13, 1947...90-day sentences for possession of MARIJUANA. Couple maintains musicians.....responsible for leaving the sack of MARIJUANA and papers found by the police.. [ ]— November 12, 1947 MARIJUANA valued at except for a small.....highway [S]- Aug 12, 1948 pg. 21] short [ ]— September 01, 1948...Film Star Mitchum Nabbed In Raid On MARIJUANA Party Military May Act To End.....narcotics charges today in a raid on a MARIJUANA party. "This is the bitter end.. [ ]— September 02, 1948...the big people in Hollywood with MARIJUANA and other narcotics. "We have.....agent Robin Ford, 31. Police said a MARIJUANA smoking party was going on at.. [ ]— December 22, 1948...time duty invesllgatlng the city's MARIJUANA problem ... [ ]— December 24, 1948...for engaging in a series of wild MARIJUANA smoking parties. Robert.....were taking part in sex, drinking and MARIJUANA -orgies "for the thrill of it.. [ ]— January 10, 1949...guilty today of conspiracy to possess MARIJUANA and were ordered to appear for.....for the second [scribed finding two MARIJUANA Britain appeared to be massing.. [ ]— February 09, 1949...on a charge of conspiracy to possess MARIJUANA cigarettes, Actress Lila Leeds.....convicted with Mitchum on the MARIJUANA possession charges, also was.. [ ]— June 22, 1949...Racine Youth Is Put On Probation in MARIJUANA Case Kenosha. Wis... [ ]— July 23, 1949...Shortly before the Robert Mitchum MARIJUANA case broke, he hired a.. [S-Sept 6, 1949 pg. 1] “Source of marijuana Found; Arrest Seven” [S-Jan 12, 1950 ] “Marijuana Flat Raided in Chicago Police Arrest four” [ ]— June 08, 1950...learning he was a drug addict. tried a MARIJUANA cigarette at a party one she.. [S]- Sept 15, 1950 pg. 5] short Robert Devine [S]- Oct 20, 1950 pg. 9] “Marijuana to be Picture’s Subject at Youth Center” Robert Devine DAILY PRESS - Sheboygan, Wisconsin [ ]— May 10, 1910...Victor infant relief (chloroform, CANNABIS Mrs. Winslow's soothing sirup.....known as Piso's cure for consumption" (CANNABIS indica and "Shilo's cure.. STEVENS POINT GAZETTE - Stevens Point, Wisconsin [S]- June 19, 1912] “The Pool of Flame” fictional story (Hashish) STEVENS POINT JOURNAL - Stevens Point, Wisconsin [S-May 14, 1892] “Sure Cure for Corns” (Cannabis) Ladies Home Journal STEVENS POINT DAILY JOURNAL - Stevens Point, Wisconsin [S]- Nov 17, 1883 or 1882 ] “A Hashish House in New York” Harper’s Magazine [S]- May 14, 1892 ] “Sure Cure for Corns” [S]- Sept 29, 1896 ] “A Remarkable Pipe” (hashish in Africa) [S]- April 20, 1905 ] “Danger in Mexican Plants” [S]- Mar 26, 1908] “Drug Deadly to its users” (Hashish) [S]- June 29, 1912] “The Old Man of the Mountains” (Hashish) [S]- Dec 23, 1912 pg. 1] “Animal Used to Test Drugs” (Hashish [S]- Aug 6, 1914] “Secret Societies” (Hashish) [S]- Aug 13, 1915] “Old man of mountain article hashish) [S]- Dec 19, 1927] “High School Pupils Use Mexican Dug” [S]- May 29, 1929 pg.10] “Fight Narcotics” [N.W.R.] [S]- Mar 14, 1934 pg1] “Former Inmate Is WorkhouseQuiz Winess” [S]- Mar 22, 1934 pg. 2] “Receives Sentence on Narcotic Charge” [S]- Mar 23, 1934 pg. 8] “Graft Charges Filed Against Penal Chief” [S]- Aug 31, 1934 pg. 10] short [N.W.R.] [S]- April 23, 1936 pg. 2] “State to Rest Case Against Alleged Slayer” [S]- Sept 10, 1936 pg. 2] “Marijuana Grows Wild” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 23, 1936 pg. 12] “Criticizes Campaigns Against Marijuana” pro-Reason [S]- July 02, 1937 pg. 2] “Check Use of Drugs By Wausu Students” [S]- Aug 2, 1937 pg. 1] “Report Increased Use of Narcotics” [S]- Dec. 02, 1937 pg. 3] “Attend Board Meeting” (womens club) [S]- Feb. 01, 1938 pg. 3] “Woman’s Club Meets” [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb. 22, 1938 pg. 14] “Wild Rose Briefs” (womens club) [S]- Feb 25, 1938 pg.1] “Chief Discounts Rumor Marijuana being sold here” [S]- Sept 1, 1938 pg. 1] “Arrest Couple With Marijuana Supply” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept. 07, 1938 pg. 8] “Large Quantities of Marijuana harvested In Racine County” [S]- Sept 10, 1938 pg. 2] “Former Racine Teacher Tells of Dope Sales” [S]- Sept 17, 1938 pg. 1] “Gets Sentence for Sale of Marijuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept. 23, 1938 pg. 4] “the Deadly Weed” [S]- Sept 30, 1938 pg. 1] “Sentenced, fined On Narcotics Charge” [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct. 07, 1938 pg. 6] “Acres of Marijuana Reported at Rapids” [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct. 22, 1938 pg. 3] “Neighborhood Social Items” Almond Woman’s Club [S]- Oct. 28, 1938 pg. 4] Radio short [N.W.R.] [ ]— November 02, 1938...uneasy suspicion that the use of MARIJUANA must be Increasing. [S]- Jan. 05, 1939 pg. 7] “Marihuana is New U.S. Drug Menace” [S]- Jan 24, 1939 pg. 8] “Reconsideration of Catlin Labor Bill Refused, 55 to 39” [N.W.R.] [S]- Jan. 24, 1939B pg.8] “Asks Teachers’ Tenure Law Be Repealed” ? Date [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb. 22, 1939 pg. 8] “Eradicate wild hemp is Demeaned” [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb. 22, 1939B pg. 1] “Remove Plants of marihuana Growing Wild” [S]- April 14, 1939 pg. 10] “Order 3d Reading of Bill to Prohibit Selling Below Cost” [N.W.R.] [S]- April 26, 1939 pg. 12] “Governor Signs bill to Eradicate Noxious Weeds” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 22, 1939 pg. 8] “Marijuana” short article [S]- Aug. 21, 1939 pg. 7] “Smoking Out the Marihuana Habit” [S]- Aug. 22, 1939 pg. 1] “Remove Plants of Marihuana Growing Wild” picture [S]- Sept 15, 1939 pg. 7] “Neighborhood Social Items” (womens club) [S]- Oct 14, 1939 pg. 7] “Amherst Woman’s Club” [S]- Oct 19, 1939 pg. 7] “Amherst Woman’s Club” [S]- Dec 19, 1939 pg. 4] “Opium Traffic in china” [N.W.R.] [ ]— July 17, 1940...100 times as effective as the drug MARIJUANA have been isolated by some.. [S]- Aug. 31, 1940.pg. 1]..”Driver is Charged with possession of marihuana” [S]- Sept. 11, 1940 pg. 1] “Riley Bound Over On Federal Charge” [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct 17, 1940 pg. 14] “Receives Sentence” [N.W.R.] WAUKESHA DAILY FREEMAN - Waukesha Wisconsin [S]- June 11, 1945 pg. 5] “Noxious Weed Notice” [S]- June 14, 1947 “Legal Notices – Weed Notice” [ ]— January 08, 1948...Heifer Fags Common He said the use of MARIJUANA cigarettes was even more.....the city, about as many people smoke MARIJUANA cigarettes as smoke ordinary.. [ ]— September 01, 1948...and gone on home." He had a "mild MARIJUANA flurry when he was a he said.....Ford, and Mirs Leeds had lighted MARIJUANA "reefers" In Aclr hands.. [ ]— September 02, 1948...Psychiatrist Says MARIJUANA Used in Hollywood for Romantic.....trapped them in a surprise raid on a MARIJUANA "den" In the Hollywood hills.. [ ]— September 03, 1948...Grand Jury to Investigate Hollywood MARIJUANA Ring By Virginia MacPherson.....Hollywood personalities arrested on MARIJUANA charges may get a chance to.. [ ]— September 04, 1948...his side after police trapped him in a MARIJUANA raid, defended her husband.....that. "Yes, she led me because of this MARIJUANA business. She'd heard stoiles.. [ ]— September 21, 1948...to two felony counts, possession of MARIJUANA and conspiracy to possess.....and three co-defendants, arrested at a MARIJUANA party Sept. 1, were arraigned.. [ ]— October 01, 1948...Ford and Miss were smoking MARIJUANA clgnrets. Miss Kvans to have the MARIJUANA charge di.smisscd on grounds.. [S]- Oct 7, 1948 pp 3] San Diego Reports Jump In Marijuana Smoking” [ ]— October 11, 1948...Walter A. Klllrg, who seized 8.871 MARIJUANA planis growing wild in various.....to bis office to find a fotirj foot MARIJUANA plant thriving In i the jail.. [S]- Oct 26, 1948 pp2] “Girls Sob Details of Sex Orgies in Juvenile Court” [S]- Oct 27, 1948 pp 2 ] “Marijuana Addict, Youth’s Life Shattered” [S]- Dec 24, 1948 pp2] “Son of School Official Is Given Probation for Smoking Marijuana” [ ]— February 11, 1949...day sentence for conspiracy to possess MARIJUANA, in Los Angeles county jail.. [ ]— March 11, 1949...cull to good 9.00 Vickie Jrvons of MARIJUANA Charges in Mitchum Dope Case.....Dancer Vickie Evans was free today of MARIJUANA charges on which, actor Robert.. [ ]— May 24, 1949...Youth Admits Making His Own MARIJUANA KENOSHA ... [ ]— June 07, 1949...recently sent to jail in the MARIJUANA case and was later n.. [ ]— August 24, 1949...supplied the street corner agents with MARIJUANA, heroin and other drugs.....leaves into cigarets and sell them for MARIJUANA "reefers" at cut rates. Many.. [ ]— September 01, 1949...street corner peddlers who dealt in MARIJUANA, heroin and other narcotics.. [S]- Sept 6, 1949 pp 3] “Marijuana Field Raided in Illinois” [S]- Jan 12, 1950 pp 3] “Chicago Police Raid Swank Home, Find Marijuana and Call-Girls” [S]- Mar 18, 1950 pp 2 ] “2 Sent to Boys’ School for Smoking Marijuana” DAILY TRIBUNE - Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin [--Aug. 02, 1937 pg. 10] “Warns of Increase of narcotic Use Within Michigan” [--Sept. 10, 1937 pg. 1] “Arrested at Dells for Possessing Drug” [--Sept 17, 1937 pg. 3 ] “Not NYA Employee” [--Oct. 12, 1937 pg. 7] “Federal Men Start War on Giggle Smoke” WISCONSIN RAPIDS DAILY TRIBUNE - Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin [S]- March 22, 1928 pg. 6] “The Canary Murder Case” a fictional novel [ ]— July 01, 1930...The treasury today designated Harry J. ANSLINGER as acting director of the new. [ ]— August 21, 1930...The MARIHUANA Habit Increased Use of Drug.. [ ]— August 22, 1930...purpose of state laws regulating the MARIHUANA traffic. MARIHUANA Eradicated.....Continued on page REMOVE PLANTS OF MARIHUANA GROWING WILD Dangerous Weed.. drug, marihuana, also spelled MARIJUANA, is made. It is also known as.. [ ]— September 15, 1930...Roll call, noxious weeds. Frog talk on MARIHUANA, by Helena kleaon. November 7.. [S]- June 9, 1932 pg. 1] “Indict 3 for Gun Smuggling” Gore File ; TYLCZAK [S]- July 20, 1935 ] “Giving your feet a Holiday” (cannabis) [S]- Jan 20, 1937 pg. 3] “State Trooper is Found Shot on Lonely Road” Gore File [S]- Jan 21, 1937 pg. 3] “Former Convict Slays Captor” Gore File [S]- Feb. 01, 1937 pg.4] “The Value of a State Police Force” Gore File [S]- Aug 2, 1937 pg. 10] “Warns of Increase of Narcotic Use within Michigan” [S]- Sept 10, 1937 pg. 1] “Arrested at Dells for Possessing Drug” [S]- Sept 17, 1937 pg. 3] “Not NYA Employe” short [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct. 12, 1937 pg. 7] “Federal Men Start War on giggle Smoke” (Wm Walker, Gomez) [S]- Dec 11, 1937] short – [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb 10, 1938 pg. 1] “Girl Bandit Blames Dope” [ ]— February 23, 1938...caffeine, anesthetics, antiseptics, MARIJUANA and insecticides. Daphnia can.. [S]- Feb 24, 1938 pg. 4] “Reefers go to School” Editorial [S]- Mar 9, 1938 pp 1] Short – “Probe Dope Sales” [S]- July 12, 1938 pp 7] “Find Marijuana Weed Growing Near Beloit” [S]- July 22, 1938 pg. 2] “Dopey Weed” short [S]- July 27, 1938 pg. 7] “Man Sentenced to Prison for Robbery” [S]- Aug 12, 1938 pg. 6] “Local Delegation of 50 to attend Legion convention” American Legion [N.W.R.] --- [S]- Aug 15, 1938 pg. 1] “State Legion asks strict neutrality” [N.W.R.] AM. Legion [S]- Sept 1, 1938 pg. 2] “Confiscated marijuana in Raid Near Beloit” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 2, 1938 pg. 4] Editorial [S]- Sept 3, 1938 pg.1] “Asks WPA Project ot Eradicate Marijuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 7, 1938 pg. 1] “Find Evidence of marijuana Harvest” [S]- Sept. 10, 1938.pg. 1] “Arrested at Dells for Possessing Drug” [S]- Sept 17, 1938 pg. 10 ] “Woman Sentenced for Sales of Marijuana” short [S]- Sept 22, 1938 pg. 2] “Harper Declares No Marijuana Menace Exists” [S]- Sept 30, 1938 pp 10] “Pair Sentenced for Possessing Marijuana” [S]- Sept 30, 1938 pg. 4] “Marijuana Menace” [S]- Oct 06, 1938 pp 1] “Find Marijuana Weed in City” (Kiwanis) [S-Oct 07, 1938 pp 10 ] “Marijuana Weed ‘Near City,’ Says Lathrope” [S]- Jan 26, 1939 pg. 8] “MarihuanaHoax” short [S]- Feb 22, 1939 pg. 6] “Urge Eradication of Marijuana in State” Women’s Clubs; PTA [ ]— March 09, 1939...et S'' vehicles, prohibit the use of MARIJUANA for smoking or beverage.. [S]- April 24, 1939 pg. 3] “Ban on Ragweed is Boon to Hay fever victims” [S]- May 11, 1939 pg. 4] Nightmare – short [ ]— May 13, 1939...Here's Fogle's list: "Shillelagh, MARIJUANA, misogynist, plebeian, plaguy.. [ ]— August 21, 1939..The MARIHUANA Habit Increased Use of Drug... THE SMOKING of MARIHUANA in the United States has.. [ ]— August 22, 1939...purpose of state laws regulating the MARIHUANA traffic. MARIHUANA Eradicated.....Continued on page REMOVE PLANTS OF MARIHUANA GROWING WILD Dangerous Weed.. [ ]— September 13, 1939...accepted duction. cocaine, morphine, MARIHUANA, paraldehyde, everyone except.. [ ]— September 15, 1939...Roll call, noxious weeds. . . on MARIHUANA, by Helena kleaon... [ ]— October 07, 1939...for cities other than Milwaukee. MARIJUANA, the 'smoke weed, was banned.. [S]- July 19, 1940 pg. 2] “Message to Garcia” short [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug 26, 1940 ] “Public Enemy doubled” short [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug. 31, 1940 pg. 1] “Arrest Musician for Possessing Marihuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 05, 1941 pg. 11] “Weed Notice” an Ad [S]- Aug 4, 1942 pg. 3] “Toni Henry, Sentenced to Death for Murder, Tells Story of Crime” [S]- Dec 31, 1942 pg. 3] “Plant Marijuana Weed to Produce Rope-Making Fiber” [S]- Jan 23, 1943 pp 7 ] “Soldier Indicted for Running ‘Reefer’ Dive” [S]- Feb 26, 1943 pp 2] “Novelist on Trial” short [ ]— May 18, 1943...immediately. Jail Bandsman Krupa On MARIJUANA Count San Francisco Gene Krupa.....inducing a minor to transport narcotic MARIJUANA cigarets, would be brought to.. [S]- June 3, 1943 pp 9 ] Short [S]- June 11, 1943 pp 10] “Suspect Drugs in Zoot Riots” [S]- May 5, 1945 pp 8] “Hemp Growers Protest Government Measure” [S-Mar 3, 1947 pp6] “The Doctor Says: By William O’Brien MD [S]- Aug 12, 1948 pp 11 ] “Short about an arrest in el Paso TX. [S]- Sept 2, 1948 pg. 3] (pix’s of Robert Mitchum) [ ]— September 08, 1948...yesterday on two counts --possessing MARIJUANA . [S]- Oct 7, 1948 pp 6] “Once upon a Time” [S]- Oct 15, 1948 pg. 12] “Teen-Ager, Negro Case is Being Probed” [S]- Oct 26, 1948 pp10] “Policeman’s Son Traps Pair For Sale of ‘Reefers’” [S]- May 24, 1949 pp 2 ] “Youth is Jailed on Narcotic Charge” [S]- July 26, 1949 pp 2] “Hold Third Member of Orchestra on charge of having Narcotics” [S]- Sept 16, 1949 pp 12] Short about a Hog A PROPER WEBSITE FOR THE STATE OF WISCONSIN IS COMING -- ONE OF THESE DAYS: We wish that we had the ability to run a complete website on this state, but due to limited resources, this is not a possibility at this time. For now, we hope that this partial material will be of some help to students of the Reefer Madness Era. ---- (Hint) if you make a financial donation to the museum it might help to speed things up a bit. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE