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(The Great American Fraud) 1917 - - - REPORT OF INVESTIGATION IN THE STATE OF TEXAS EDITORIAL COMMENT: It appears that right from the very beginning’s of the 'War on Blacks,' the DEA (then known as the Bureau of Chemistry) was making use of 'Junk Science Reports and Studies' as a means of backing up their (ah) less than honorable agenda. And true, while many parts of this report appear almost laughable to us today. We must remember that in 1917, not much was known by the general public about this new drug menace being termed ‘Mexican Opium’ or Maria-Huana. In fact, just about everything known was limited to occasional newspaper articles coming out of Mexico. Mostly dealing Mexican Banditos or how (according to the Federalista’s), the rebels dissidents (under its influence) were raping, burning, pillaging etc. Thus yet another reason why the U.S. Government had to give its full support to the Federalista’s, etc. So who was not to believe an official government document such as this. And although this report was only circulated within selected circles, its influence was whilespread. Example According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch: “the physical attack of marijuana upon the body is rapid and devastating. In the initial stages the skin turns a peculiar yellow color, the lips become discolored, dried and cracked. Soon the mouth is affected, the gums are inflamed and softened. Then the teeth are loosened and eventually. If the habit is persisted in, they fall out. “ ---- St. Louis Post Dispatch: April 8, 1934Which makes one wonder where exactly they got that one. Now, as per Dr. DeGanseca (pg 30 of the report) we know: “On recovery from the effects of the drug the victims remember nothing of what happened while they were under its influence. . . . and their gums may become painful and swollen and sores may appear in their mouths.But no matter, the following presents the facts (or the lies actually) as we see them: 1- THE RACE FACTOR: With statements such as ‘mostly used by Mexican’s’, ‘Negro’s’ , Sports Club Women’ , ‘Whites of the Lower Classes’, etc., being used so frequently. It’s obvious that someone is making use of the race card instead of objective science to build his case. And with good reason; ---The President of the United States at the time being none other than Woodrow Wilson, probably the most racist of racists president this nation has ever had. ![]() U.S. President Woodrow Wilson (March 4, 1913 -to- March 4, 1921) To quote Dylan Matthews: “Woodrow Wilson was extremely racist — Even by the standards of his time.“ Overseeing: `The segregation of various federal government agencies, even going so far as to mandate separate (and very unequal) washrooms, and lunchrooms within government buildings. Fired or demoted black government workers, not to mention the reality that blacks were now (in many cases) purposely excluded from new hiring. Even, political decisions were now guided by his racist viewpoints. Black groups, even those who had supported him during the election were now shown the door when racial injustices were brought up. Simply put, on racial maters, American was never perfect BUT Wilson was by any measure (even for his day), a racist pig if ever there was one. Which now brings us back to 1917, and given the obvious conditions at the time, it is obvious why the race card makes its way into this report. Given the times it surely doesn’t hurt any to have Marihuana being used mostly by: Mexicans, Negro’s, sports club women, and a few whites of the lower classes. No, not at all, but it does make for lousy factual science. 2- POLICE STATEMENTS USED: These consist mostly of letters written by higher ups within the El Paso Police Department. In general they say very little and make use of various bland statements, but their intentions are clear. “I will say that my experience is that any one under it’s influence (Marihuana) is very dangerous and a menace to the community in so far as the user is very prone to start trouble, seems to be insensible to pain and shows marked bravery when confronted with real danger. “ --- W, Simpson Sgt. of PoliceAnd while these letters come from actual (Higer-Up) police officials (city of El Paso), still one can’t help but be reminded of a newspaper article out of California: Billy Club Fails To Stop Attack Of Marijuana-Filled MexicanHere we leave it up to the reader to believe what was true and what was false. To us these statements seem somewhat fanciful, almost as if their wording was being taken directly from the syndicated newspaper stories coming out of Mexico City at the time. Stories which appear NOT to have come from direct observations, but via hear-say which probably originating from Mexican officials about the rebels and their activities. 3- SUSPICIOUS NUMBERS: Throughout the report, mentions made by Drugstore owners, managers, clerks, etc., are made. Yet ALL OF THEM without exception are quoted as making negative statements about Medical Cannabis. A situation which brings up an interesting question; --Are we to believe that ALL DRUGSTORES interviewed by this report just happened to have made negative statements? If there is one thing that all sociologists as well as statistical accountants can tell you is that numerical statistics, or human nature for that mater, ARE NOT one-hundred percent anything. Thus we should all pick up our ears when a report, any report or investigation shows just that. Museum Conclusion: That the report ONLY included those statements made by druggists which were negative and consistently excluded those which simply didn’t fit in. The following is provided as proof: 4- EXAMPLE OF SELECTIVE DATA USE: The following two tables (A, B), give the name of those Houston establishments visited/made reference of within the report (pages 73 -80). All of them were quoted as having negative things to say about Medical Cannabis: [1]
The following (modern-day) map [2] shows the location of those establishments located close to the downtown Houston area. ![]() Those incased by a circle were interviewed on Monday March 19, 1917 The reader should observe the map for a while and if possible try to imagine the most likely path(s) Mr. Smith used to reach each one of the interviewed establishments. 701 San Jacinto being the location of the Federal Building at the time (from which we can presume he was probably operating out of)should be marked as the starting point. ------ HOWEVER the following table (using information taken from the 1917 Houston City Directory. [3] It lists numerous non-mentioned drugstores also within the downtown area visited by Mr. Smith, the author of this report.
This next MAP (below) shows the geographical location of BOTH the interviewed as well as non-Interviews drugstores (denoted by letters) within the downtown area. Again the starting point should be considered the Federal building located at 701 San Jacinto St. ![]() Also (not shown) the reader should note that Mr. Smith also visited a drugstore just south of the mapped area close to main st., so he would have noticed the drugstores (D,E,A,C) located down main st., at the time. Here the reader is asked; ---How was it possible for Mr. Smith to have visited the drugstores mentioned in the report, WITHOUT passing by and/or noticing the others. The answer we feel is obvious, he did notice and he did interview. But without getting the answers that he wanted, he simply left them out of the report. 5- POWDERED VERSUS BULK CANNABIS: Probably the most damning piece of evidence that established it as Junk Science is how it meticulously walks around the obvious. That being that at the time the report was being put together there were (very literally) thousands of medicines which contained Cannabis as one of their key ingredients. Thus reasoning why the term; “Cannabis in its Herbal form,” keeps being repeated, over and over again. As most Cannabis Medicines at the time, made use of Cannabis in it’s tincture or aquatic-liquid or granulated or powdered forms, the phrase ‘In the Herbal Form’, was obviously nothing more than verbal slight of hand gimmicks to get around this fact. But even then, we must examine the expression in more detail, by asking the reader; ---What’s the difference between ‘Cannabis in its Herbal Form’ and Cannabis in its 'Powdered Form?' Or is there even a difference? EXAMPLES:
Are not BOTH products being sold for use in Herbal/Medical Tea’s? Or as an easy to digest additive (soups, soft/bland foods, etc.), for medical purposes. So again, what’s the difference, or is there any? The answer is simple, if one is thinking about medicines, the difference is none, but if one is thinking in terms of the ‘War on Blacks’, then there's a big difference. One which the unscrupulous were more than eager to take advantage of. CONCLUSION: Referencing the 1917 Report:
=========== FOOTNOTES: [1]- Some translator errors are very possible. All information was taken from the report or from www.Ancestry.com ; a paid Internet service not affiliated with this museum, but well worth it. [2]- Map obtain via yahoo maps. [3]- ibid 3/16/17 Houston Drug Co., Wholesale Druggist, Houston Mr. R.T. Gibbs, vice president of this firm stated in substance as follows: “We buy Cannabis indica in ounce packages from Allaire Woodward & co., Peoria, Illinois, at $3.00 a pound and sell it for $3.50 a pound. We bought 10 pounds on June 30, 1916, and have bought 10 pounds so far the percent year. We use to buy this before the war at 60 cents a pound. We buy direct from the manufacturer. We have on hand 15 pounds. We have very little call for this product and sell only to a few drug stores in 2 and 3 ounce lots. We use some of our stock for the preparation of tinctures. I believe that Cannabis indica should be controlled under the Harrison Narcotic Law.” 3/16/17 Southern Drug Co., Wholesale Druggist, Houston Mr. B.B. Gilmer, president of this concern stated in substance as follows: “We never sold any great amount of Cannabis indica. We found that drug stores known to be handling narcotics extensively were the ones calling for Cannabis indica and we stopped the sale of it. We have not sold 5 lbs in 5 months.” Inspection of this establishment showed that they had less than a pound on hand. This was in loose form and they had no ounce packages on hand. Mr. Gilmer believes that Cannabis indica should be controlled under the Harrison Narcotic Law. Mr. W.A. Schaffer of this firm stated in substance as follows: “I have been located here for 5 years and have never carried any Cannabis indica in herb form. We have very few calls for this, probably not more than one a year. Five years ago before I took over this store I was employed in another drug store in town and we sold quite a little Cannabis, mostly to Mexicans and negroes. Cannabis in the herb form is never prescribed by physicians and druggists do not use it in the preparation of medicine. It should be controlled in all its forms under the Harrison Narcotic Law.” 3/16/17 City Drug Store, Houston Mr. J.P. McDaniels, proprietor of this firm stated in substance as follows: “I have been engaged in business at this place for 1-1/2 years, during which time I have not handled any Cannabis indica. I used to work at the Seawall Pharmacy, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and in drug stores in Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Redlands, California, and sold Cannabis indica in ounce packages. I also worked in San Antonio for five years at F. & A. Chapa’s Drug Store and at Cupple’s Drug Store. We sold the herb there in bulk form. We have calls for it here 2 or 3 times a month. My predecessor used to keep it in stock, but knowing that it was used solely for smoking purposes with resulting bad effects I decided not to put it in stock. I believe that Cannabis indica should be controlled by the Government in all of its forms. We do considerable business over the telephone and have calls form prostitutes in the district for Marihuana.” Mr. W. L. White, manager of the above firm, stated in substance as follows: “We purchase Cannabis indica from the Houston Drug Co., put up by Allaire Woodward & co. We sell about one ounce package per week. Current sales are mostly to negroes. Some whites buy it. I have one white customer that buys this from time to time. We do most of our business over the telephone with the sporting houses. We sell this to a colored sporting house located at no. 1114 Chambers Street, Houston. Cannabis indica in the herb form is never prescribed by physicians and is not used by druggists in the preparation of medicine, it being purchased solely for smoking purposes. It should be controlled under the Harrison Narcotic Law.” A visit was paid to the above mentioned sporting house and it was ascertained that they had one inmate who smoked Marihuana whenever she got drunk. The person interviewed stated that the party when under the influence of Marihuana became mean, ugly, and hard to handle, and that when in this condition it took a half dozen people to handle her to get here in bed. 3/16/17 Acme Drug Store, Houston Inspection of this store showed that they had 10 packages of Allaire, Woodward’s Cannabis indica on hand and 2 packages of Parke, Davis”. Mr. R.W. Roof, clerk at this store stated in substance as follows: “I have been employed here for four months. All of our business is over the telephone with the sporting houses. We sell about three packages a week and deliver the goods. I cannot tell you now to whom the Cannabis indica is sold. We buy it all from the Houston Drug Co. Physicians never prescribe Cannabis indica in the herb form and Acme Drug Store, Houston (Continued) Druggists do not use it in the preparation of medicine. Its sale should be controlled under the Harrison Narcotic Law.” 3/16/17 Herbert’s Drug Store, Houston Mr. Herbert of this concern stated in substance as follows: “I have been at this stand for 3 years and have never kept any Cannabis indica in stock. I used to have frequent calls for it until people found out that we did not keep it. These calls were from Mexicans. We have had no calls for it now for about two or three months. It is never prescribed in the herb form by physicians and is not used by druggists in the preparation of medicines. Twelve years ago I worked at Willburn’s Drug Store in Houston. We would buy 2 or 3 pounds a week from the Houston Drug Co. I think it should be controlled in all its forms under the Harrison Narcotic Law.” 3/16/17 Hoencke’s Pharmacy, Houston Mrs. gates, prescription clerk and wife of the proprietor of this store stated that they never had handled any Cannabis indica in herb form, that they never had any calls for it and that they did not have any Mexican trade. She said that she did not know that the herb was sometimes used for smoking purposes. Inspection of the above store showed that they had eight one ounce packages of Parke, Davis & co.’s Indian hemp on hand. Mr. W.W. Cunningham of this concern stated in substance as follows: “We purchase indian hemp in package form from Parke, Davis & Co., and from the Houston Drug co. On august 3, 1916 we had on hand 3 pounds, which was part of a 5 pound order purchased from Parke, Davis & Co., direct. We have only purchased two pounds since. We sell about a package a day on the average to American and Spanish sporting women, and to well-dressed American men, who I would judge are the type of men known as gamblers, ‘hop heads’, and pimps. We used to sell to quite a few Mexicans but I have noticed lately in the last year that the trade in this article has changed and that we selling fewer Mexicans and more whites. We sell an ounce package for 40 cents. This is an article that a physician never prescribe and is of no use to a druggist in the preparation of medicine. I believe it should be controlled under the Harrison Narcotic Law.” 3/19/17 Rexall Drug store, Houston Inspection of this drug store showed no Cannabis indica in the herb form in stock. Mr. H.J. Placin of this firm stated in substance as follows: “We have not had any Cannabis indica in the herb form on stock for over a year. Formerly we used to have a call for it two or three times a week. Then we could sell it for 10 cents a package; now it is way up in price. We bought it form Parke Davis & Co. Now we seldom have a call for it; perhaps about once a month on the average. All our calls are from Mexicans. It might be a good idea to have the drug controlled, especially as it is being used by persons who do not know its dangerous effects. It is never prescribed by physicians and is not used by the druggist in the preparation of medicine. Mr. Abbott Cockerell, proprietor of this store states in substance as follows: “I have been in business here for 26 years and never at any time kept Cannabis indica in the herb form. We do not come in contact with the Mexican trade and have no calls for Cannabis indica. I would not sell it for the reason that I have never cared to sell a habit forming drug. I remember some years ago, when we had a race meeting in Houston, there was a large demand for Cannabis in liquid form from race horses people, who, I understand, gave it to their horses as a stimulant. It is never prescribed by a physician and is never used by the druggist in the preparation of medicine. It should be added to the list of narcotics controlled under the Harrison Narcotics Law” 3/19/17 Burgheim’s Drug Store, Houston Inspection of this store showed that there were four packages of Allaire Woodward & Co.’s Indian hemp in ounce packages on hand. Mr. W.R. Karn, prescription and sales clerk for this concern stated in substance as follows: “We have very few calls for Cannabis indica in package form, probably not more than one a month; from Mexicans mostly. I cannot say when we bought this last lot as our invoices are destroyed every thirty days. It is a product that is never prescribed by physicians and is never used by druggists in the preparation of medicine. Its only use is for smoking purposes and a law should be passed to put this drug on the narcotic list and have it controlled along with the other habit forming drugs. “ Mr. S. Roucse, proprietor of this store, stated in substance as follows: “I have been at this store for about 3 years and during that time have never sold any Cannabis indica, nor had any on stock. Several years ago, when I was located in another store, I kept a small amount of the herb in package form. I had calls for it exclusively from Mexicans. Now at this store I have a call about once a month for Indian hemp, but the demand seems to come more from white people, such as ‘hop heads’ and pimps, who probably are having difficulty in obtaining their usual supply of dope. Cannabis indica in herb form is something that the doctors never prescribe and a druggist never uses it in the preparation of medicines. It should be controlled in all of its forms under the Harrison Narcotic Law.” 3/19/17 Radford’s Drug Store, Houston Mr. J. M. Rucker, manager of this firm, stated in substance as follows: “I have been employed in this store for 5 years and we have not had any Cannabis indica in the herb form in stock for about 2-1/2 years. We were advised by some Government representative to discontinue selling it. We have a call for it now about once a month, mostly from Mexicans. Sometimes, although not often, we have a call for it from white persons, who I would say were addicted to the use of narcotics. Cannabis indica in the herb form is never prescribed by physicians and is a product never used by druggists in the preparation of medicines. It is always sold in the original package to the consumer. It should be added to the list of narcotics controlled by the Harrison Narcotic Law.” Mr. G.W. Gates of this firm stated in substance as follows: “We have not kept any Cannabis indica in the herb form in stock for over two years. We have a call for this product every few days, mainly from Mexicans and from whites who I would say are addicted to the use of narcotics. I have noticed that there seems to be an increase lately in the number of white people asking for it. Cannabis indica is never prescribed by physicians and is not used by a druggist in the preparation of medicine, and should be added to the list of narcotics controlled under the Harrison Narcotic Law.” WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE