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by John Pechey: ![]() ![]() The complete herbal of physical plants by John Pechey: CONTAINING All such English and Foreign Herbs, Shrubs and Trees, as are used in Physick and Surgery. And to the Virtues of those that are now in use, is added one Receipt, or more, of some Learned Physician. The Doses or Quantities of such as are prescribed by the London-Physicians, and others, are proportioned. ALSO Directions for Making Compound-Waters, Syrups Simple and Compound, Electuaries, Pills, Powders, and other Sorts of Medicines. MOREOVER, The Gums, Balsams, Oyls, Juices, and the like, which are sold by Apothecaries and Druggists, are added to this Herbal; and their Virtues and Uses are fully described. Page 100 - Hemp, in Latin Cannabis sativa. "The Seed of it boyl'd in Milk, is good for a Cough: And five or six Ounces of it taken, cures the Jaundice: An Emulsion of the Seeds does the same. The Juice of the Herb, and of the green Seed, cures Pains and Obstructions of the Ears. 'Tis suppos'd by some, that it extinguishes Venery; but the Persians use it now-a-days, fried, and mix'd with Salt, to provoke the same. The Oyl of the Seeds, mix'd with a little Wax, is excellent to take out the Pain and Fire in Burns. Galen reckons, that the Virtues of Hemlock and Hemp are much the same. WANT TO KNOW MORE: Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format.