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Thesaurus chirurgiae : the chirurgical and anatomical works of Paul Barbette ... composed according to the doctrine of the circulation of the blood, and other new inventions of the moderns : together with a treatise of the plague, illustrated with observations / translated out of Low-Dutch into English ... ; to which is added the surgeon's chest, furnished both with instruments and medicines ... and to make it more compleat, is adjoyned a treatise of diseases that for the most part attend camps and fleets ; written in High-Dutch by Raymundus Minderius. Published Date: 1687 By (author) Paul Barbette ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Medicines in Burning. Roots of White Lillies, Liquoras; Leaves of Bete, Coleworts, Hemp, Onions, Garlick, Henbane, Tabacco, Leeks, St. John's-wort; Flowers of Camomile, Melilot, Elders; Seeds of Quinces, of Line; Camphire, Myrrhe, Olibanum, Soot, CHAP. VII. Of all sorts of Fluxes; as also the Tenasmus, or vain endeavour of going to stool; and the Haemorrhoid or Piles, and Marisca's or sore Fundaments. . . . Yet must you not put in any greasie Fat, or any Oyl of Olives, because they hinder healing; and all Oyl, except that of Linseed, Poppies, Hemp and Almonds, is very sharp; and you will find, that if any drop of Oyl of Olives should chance to fall into your Eye, no Juyce of Oranges or Limons is so strong as to exceed the acrimony of that Oyl. But of this Oyl more will be said in the next Chapter, to which I therefore refer you. If you would have your Clyster yet milder and more sanative, you may beat a yolk or two of new-laid Eggs, and mix them with it; though I have contented my self with the Ingredients before mention'd, and found great benefit thereby. Else you may in this case use for a Clyster the Cremor hordei, mixt with yolks of Eggs beaten in it; which is also very good to wash out the bowels. -- page 76 CHAP. IX. Of the Chirurgical means of staunching blood, of Wound-balsoms and plaisters, of Wound-drinks, and remedies for Burnings. Item, take Cumphrey well cleansed, cut it small, add to it one or two of the Vulnerary Herbs, such as you may meet with in the field, as Pyrola or Winter-green, Yarrow, Plantain, Fluellin, Orpin, Consound, Sanicle, Bugle, &c. Boil this in Linseed-oyl and a little Wine, until the Wine is boiled away; and this being strained, put to it some raw Honey and one or two well beaten yolks of Eggs, (according to the quantity you make) and a little Turpentine, and so thrust it, with some Hemp or Flax dip in it, into the wound. Our thanks to EEBO [Early English Books Online] for much of the enclosed material. WANT TO KNOW MORE: Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format.