Chapter 3 - (2nd Edition)

The Eureka Axe Murderer
Anslinger's Great Cover Up!

So far we have only shown that William G Walker (the head of the California State Narcotics Bureau) was NOT a very honest man.   And while we believe that the shown newspaper articles/Editorials provide us with a smoking gun – establishing that there WAS NO Eureka Axe Murderer.   However, this is done solely by implication --- Walker said such and such at a press interview and later on he admitted to having (ah), invented a few things along the way.

NOTE that the retractions (or critical Editorials if you will) DO NOT actually mention the Eureka Axe Murder by name.   Thus there is still some probability factor that Walker was only lying about subjects A, B, and C., but was telling the truth about the Eureka Axe Murderer.   Hey, after all, not even the Narc’s cann't lie to us all the time, can they?

Which brings us to the subject of what Harry Anslinger (American’s first National Drug Czar) himself knew about the subject.   After all, it was one of his Gore File Cases, and was he not allowing it to be used by newspaper reporters as an example of the horrible effects of Medical Marihuana, the weed of Madness.

WHAT DID HARRY ANLINGER know, and when did he know it?
  1. The answer is that he should have known all along. [late 1933]
  2. Had he not known, he most assuredly knew by late 1936
  3. Afterwards he instigated a nationwide cover up, one that would last until well after his death.
Let us look at these three fact’s, one by one.

Let’s begin by once again, looking at the original mention of the Axe Murderer.
“One is Harry D. Smith, chief of the Federal narcotic division, the other William G. Walker, head of the State bureau. . . . "Here is a case of a man who actually decapitated his friend with an axe recently up in Eureka, and then, coming out of the effects of the drug [of Medical Marihuana], was as horrified as anyone else over what he had done.” -- S.F. Examiner Nov. 7, 1933 pp4.
Note that the article also mentions that A Federal Narcotics agent, ‘Harry D. Smith’ was also in the room during the press interview.   It is thus logical to assume that he would have informed his boss in Washington about the matter.   And indeed this seems to have been the case – Documents found in the National Archives (College Park, Md.) consisting of newspaper clippings, etc., taken from old Bureau of Narcotics files, clearly show that Anslinger was well aware of the firestorm that had occurred.

Thus (unless Anslinger was a total idiot, and believe me he wasn’t), there is no way he could not have put two and two together.

--- Enters Mr. Holiday , who for Harry Anslinger, truly was HARRY ANSLINGER’S

Much will be said of Mr. Holiday at a later time (we are planing a special webpage just for him).   For now it is enough to know that in Sept 17, 1936, he wrote a letter to the Bureau of Narcotics asking for specific information, allowing him to identify various Gore file cases.

Part of this letter reads as follows:
“The writer is engaged in a study of the drug cannabis sativa.   Your Commissioner, Mr. Anslinger, is thoroughly familiar with my work.

I will very much appreciate it is your Bureau will consider the attached pamphlet.  [a Leaflet by the International narcotic Education Association]   Its origin, etc., are obvious.   I do not know its author.

Your will note that the pamphlet, under the sub-head “some concrete Examples”, cites five marihuana cases which are assertedly(sic) “Taken From the Records of the Federal Narcotics Bureau”.

Four of these cases record homicides of rather sensational natures.   I have no record of them in my news files and would very much like to fill the vacancy.   If you will inform me as to where these crimes occurred, and on what dates.   I can secure the proper newspapers and whatever information they may contain. “
For the reader’s reference – the reference part of the pamphlet is shown below: [3]


(Taken from the records of the federal Narcotics Bureau)
  1. It happened in Florida: “A young boy who had become addicted to smoking Marihuana cigarettes, in a fit of frenzy, because, as he stated while still under the Marihuana influence, a number of people were trying to cut off his arms and legs, seized an axe and killed his father, mother, two brothers and a sister, wiping out the entire family except himself.”
  2. It happened in Michigan: “Sometime ago the silence of the state prison at Marquette, Michigan, was shattered by the sound of fusillade of pistol shots and an hour later a kindly prison doctor lay dead and beside him lay the trusty who had given his life trying to save his friend, the doctor.   An investigation developed that arms and ammunition had been smuggled into the prison in the false bottoms of herring containers and that the MARIHUANA from which Tylczak, the murderer of the doctor and trusty, had derived his demoniac courage, had also been smuggled into the prison.”
  3. It happened in Colorado: “In Denver, Colorado, agents of the Federal Narcotic Bureau had made arrangements with one Halloway for a purchase from a “plant” of stolen cocaine.   It was generally known that Halloway was addicted to Marihuana and that a short time before, in a restaurant, he had made an unprovoked assault upon a policeman in full uniform who had entered to get a cup of coffee and who had to club Halloway into unconsciousness.   Nevertheless, the night before a purchase of cocaine was to be completed, Halloway AGAIN RESORTED TO THE USE OF MARIHUANA, ran amuck, attempted to shoot his wife, mortally wounded her grandmother and, after shooting it out with police officers, finally killed himself.”
  4. It happened in California: “A man under the influence of Marihuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone over what he had done.”
  5. It happened in Georgia: (Statement of an 18-year-old boy showing the reactions of a beginner)
    “While walking up around the curb market in Atlanta, Georgia, I passed the stand of the hot tamale man who asked me, “Do you want any hot tamales?”   I said, “don’t your have anything stronger?”   He said “Yes” and sold me two Marihuana cigarettes for twenty-five cents.   I have never seen this kind of cigarette before. . . . .[more]

It is this letter and the resulting (internal Bureau of Narcotics) investigation that led Anslinger to begin (what we at the museum term), THE GREAT EUREKA AXE MURDERER COVERUP!   One that would successfully last until well after Harry Anslinger’s death.

Proof That Anslinger KNEW THE TRUTH

If the reader is interested, feel free to request an actual scan copy of the pamphlet, it can be sent to you via email.


Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed.   If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum.   All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format.  

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