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CALIFORNIA PHARMACEUTICAL (CALIFORNIA) MANUFACTURERS: The problem with California is simple, until the gold rush that brought in the forty-niners (1849) there really weren’t that many people over there. And “Few People” equates to “Few Medicines” and few Drugstores, and fewer drug manufacturers, etc. And while today it is (population wise) a large state, this was (relatively speaking) not to be the case until the early part of the 20th Century. In addition, California suffered from the curse of isolated geography. Recalling that before the first transcontinental railroad was built in 1869 all goods had to be shipped around the horn of South America. Etc. A situation that made it all but impossible for anyone setting up a drug manufacturing company in this state. However, as the state was also the central hub of commerce in the pacific, it was also natural that major wholesale firms would set up shop in the state, especially around the San Francisco area. Below is a partial list of (mostly) wholesale firms known to have had a Medical Cannabis history. CALIFORNIA
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