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CHILD RAPE ![]() What the Narc’s were claiming 1939 California - Male 20 Raped 7-year old girl Life, San Quentin, no parole. -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1939 - California - M - 20 - Raped 7-yr. girl. - Life, San Quentin, no parole. -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Santa Cruz Evening News: [Wanted]- February 23, 1939 pg4 - “Reunited After Kidnapping Scare” [Wanted]- May 5, 1939 - Page 16 Santa Cruz Sentinel: [Wanted]- May 5, 1939 pg16 - Player Guilty, Jury Decides - Child Stealing, Morals Count Against Pasadena Man The Bakersfield Californian: [S]- 1939-02-20p8 - “Bakersfield Organist Hunted in Kidnapping of Child, Age8” [Wanted]- February 28, 1939 - P1 [Wanted]- April 28, 1939 - Page 6 [Wanted]- April 13, 1939 - Page 27 [S]- 1939-03-02p1- “Father Attacks Kern Organist” Oakland Tribune [S]- 1939-02-21p1 - “Kidnap Suspect, Child found” Berkeley Daily Gazette [S]- 1939-02-20p1- “Organist Sought As Kidnapper of Lost Schoolgirl” [S]- 1939-02-21p1- “Police End flight of Organist Schoolgirl” ARCADIA TRIBUNE [S]- 1939-02-20p1- “Pasadena Kidnap Hunt Swings to Border” The San Bernardino County Sun: [Wanted]- May 5, 1939 - Page 2 [Wanted]- March 3, 1939 - Page 2 [Wanted]- March 28, 1939 - Page 2 [Wanted]- February 21, 1939 - Page 2 The Times : (San Mateo, California) [Wanted]- February 20, 1939 - Page 1 [Wanted]- May 23, 1939 - Page 11 Santa Ana Register: [Wanted]- February 20, 1939 - Page 1 Ukiah Dispatch Democrat: [Wanted]- May 26, 1939 - Page 5 THE TOWNSEND DAVIES CASE: There are numerous problems with this case. First, this is one of the few “Official” Federal Gore file cases (allegedly taken from the Bureau of Narcotics) mentioned of by James Munch, for which the name of the perpetrator is not mentioned. Next, a quick check of San Quentin Prison records (year 1939 and early 1940), show that with the exception of John Navaro, no one else readily fits that description. And John Navaro (to the best of our knowledge), was indeed 20 years old at the time, but only raped adult women. And then there is the fact that California’s narcotics police put together a written report (Denoted here as, “Calif --Dept. Penology, Report for the year 1939”), with absolutely no mention of such an incident. An odd situation as the purpose of the report was to make mention of “Bestial Crimes” allegedly committed while under the influence of Marihuana during that year. All of which leads one to question whether or not this whole case was simply a total fabrication? However, leaving all that aside, we feel that Mr. Munch’s statements make reference to one Townsend Davies and for the following reasons. First, “GRANTED”, Townsend Davies was 40 yr-old at the time, whereas the unnamed individual in question (according to James Munch) was only 20 years old at the time. And due to Mr. Davies’s mental state, he was not sentenced to San Quentin prison, but instead was sent to a mental institution for his crimes. However, he did abduct a 7 year old girl from Pasadena in a (he was stopped at the Arizona border), which as can be seen from the newspaper references, made quite a stir in the press. And additionally, in the headline of one newspaper article: “Player Guilty, Jury Decides - Child Stealing, Morals Count Against Pasadena Man”. So he did stand trial and it was probably only after his trial that he was declared insane and thus unfit to go to prison. Thus it is possible that he was the one in question. THE CASE GETS SPOOKY: Almost by shear happenstance (while doing research into this case), we ran into this guy’s (Herbert Dorsch's) prison file. This was due solely to the fact that his middle name was Townsend, and for no other reason. However, take a look at his picture, if one didn’t know any better, one can easily mistake him for Townsend Davies, he looks that much alike to me. Additionally, note that he is serving time for violating Sec. 288 (and prior) of the states Penal Code. Which translates into having sex with minors. Coincidence? Maybe, but it sure is spooky. ![]() ![]() [Key-finder - Case#CA25]
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