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(Reefer Madness Era) NEWSPAPER HEADLINES ![]() MICHIGAN NEWSPAPER INDEX (Last updated - Oct. 20, 2016) NO, this index of (what may or may not be) Reefer Madness Newspaper articles is NOT COMPLETE and in fact is anything but. At best it should be thought of as a starting point for historical scholars doing research into the origin of the anti-Medical Cannabis laws. ANN ARBOR [S]- AnnArborNews1967-08-21p13 “Marijuana Weed Found Near Chelsea” [S]- AnnArborNews1967-08-21p13 “Running Man Hit on I94” Gore File BENTON HARBOR [S]- BentonHarborNewsPalladium1928-03-06p8- “Dope Traffic Horror Grows, Kiwanis Told” [S]- BentonHarborNewsPalladium1930-04-11p19- syndicated - New York, [nwr] [S]- BentonHarborNewsPalladium1938-05-11p1- short [S]- BentonHarborNewsPalladium1938-06-22p2- [S]- BentonHarborNewsPalladium1965-12-11p12 - “Pair Face Murder Charge” *** GET FIRST PAGE BESSEMER [S]- BessemerHerald1938-06-24p4- “Police Ask Public Help to Stamp Out Marihuana” [S]- BesswemerHerald1939-09-30p4- short CASE CITY CHRONICLE [S]- CaseCityChronicle1938-09-02p1- “Marihuana Found Growing in Wells” [S]- CaseCityChronicle1938-04-08p3- “Marihuana Creates a Very Serious Social Problem” [S]- CaseCityChronicle1938-06-24p7- “Michigan Police Chiefs Urge Citizens to be on Lookout for Marihuana Dangerous Weed” [S]- CaseCityChronicle1940-06-14p6 - “Olander Seeks State-Wide Aid to Stamp Out Marihuana” CHELSEA STAND [S]- ChelseaStand1937-09-2p1- “Destroy Marijuana On Farm In Lyndon” DETROIT FREE PRESS [S]- DetroitFreePress1937-07-16p3 - “Examining Part of City Narcotics Harvest” Pix [S]- DetroitFreePress1937-07-16p1 “Big Marijuana Crop Found in Lots After Arrest of Trio” [S]- DetroitFreePress1938-02-12p1- “Girl Is Kidnaped by Auto Thieves” [note only names of victims are mentioned] [unofficial Gore File Case] [S]- DetroitFreePress1938-03-19p9 “Dope Deadens Thug’s Memory of Crime Orgy” [unofficial Gore File Case] [e]- October 6, 1943 - Page 12 - “Evader Admits Smoking dope to Foil Test” Gore File ESCANABA [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1924-04-03p4- short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1928-02-01p2- “Seek to Bar Sale of Mexican Drug” (AP) [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1928-02-03p2- “Present Ordinance to Prevent Sale of Mexican Drug” (AP) [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1928-07-28p9- “18 Doctors in U.P. Addicts” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1929-01-15p1- short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1929-01-26p6- short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1929-02-18p1- “Detroit Has First Ordinance Against Sale of Narcotics” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1929-05-09p2- short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1931-05-05p2- “Use of New Drug Spreading In U.S.” (AP) [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1933-10-24p3- “Doings in New York” short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1934-04-07p8- short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1934-09-29p2- “Dope Weed Destroyed” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1934-10-17p2- “Possessed Marihuana” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1936-09-29p1- “300 Persons Arrested by Gov’t Agents” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1937-04-28p1- “Tax On Marihuana cigarettes urged” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1937-08-15p8- “Michigan In Washington” short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-02-16p1- “Woman Holdup Pair convicted” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-02-23p4- “Reefers Go To School” Editorial [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-03-08p9- short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-03-10p1- “Cleanup Made On Marijuana” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-03-20p1- “Head of marihuana Ring Is Sentenced” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-03-27p1- “Marijuana Valued At $25,000 Taken In Detroit Raids” Detroit (AP) [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-05-11p1 “Big Marijuana Patches Found” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-09p3- “Marijuana Worth $200,000 Seized By State Police” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-12p1- “Harris Indian Held For Marihuana Sale” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-12p2- “Harris Indian Is Arrested Had Marihuana” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-12p3- Movie Ad [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-12p6- Movie Ad “ “ [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-12p9- - Movie Ad “ “ [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-13p4- Editorial “Marihuana Menace” MARIHUANA MENACE[S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-13p5- “Local Officer Spots Drug” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-13p7- Movie Ad [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-14p9- Movie ad, short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-16p3- “Indian Held Under Bonds” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-26p3- short [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-07-26p12- “Harris Indian Pleads Guilty” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-08-13p2- “Reefers Peddled to Schoolchildren” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-08-23p5- Radio program In the playlet field the “ Attorney at -Law” program over NBC red a t 7:30 in t he evening will deal with the evils of the Marijuana weed. [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-13p4- “War On Marihuana” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-15p1- “Here’s How Marihuana Looks” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-16p2- “Marihuana Found In Escanaba” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-16p5- “Large Planting of Marihuana Destroyed by Escanaba Police. [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-20p9- “Marijuana Is Located Here” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-24p4- Editorial - “ [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-25p1- “Marijuana Smoking---The Only Safe Way” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-25p3- “Marijuana Worth $5,000 Destroyed By Police As Escanaba Campaign ends” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1938-09-29p16- “Early Actress Is Assembly Speaker” Early Actress Is Assembly Speaker[S]- EscanabaDailyPress1939-02-08p2- “Marijuana Found” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1939-02-12p16- “Harris And Indiantown Cleanup Planned by Menominee Authorities” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1939-06-23p7- short “Kiwanis Club Work Outlined” [S]- EscanabaDailyPress1939-09-13p1- short Holland Evening Sentinel - Holland, Michigan [Gore File Case] -- Joseph Bouchie -- Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct 29, 1967---A man pulled Into a drive-in parking lot and, without provocation, shot and seriously wounded four patrons. The suspect was under the influence of marihuana at the time of this shooting and has a long record of habitual marihuana use. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968 [S]- Feb. 7, 1967 ] “Police Seek Two Suspects In Slayings” [S]- Feb 13, 1967 ] “Authorities Hold Two Men In Slayings” [S]- Feb 14, 1967 ] “Two Men Face Charges in Slayings” [S]- Feb 15, 1967] “Suspect Came From” [S]- May 22, 1967 pg. ] “Officer Slain Assailant Hurt In Gun Battle” [S]- Oct 9, 1967 ] “Man Convicted” [S]- Oct 30, 1967] “Seek Young Man, Girl Friend in Shooting of Four” IRONWOOD TIMES [S]- IronwoodTimes1938-06-10p6- “Increase In Use of Marihuana Among Students” [S]- IronwoodTimes1938-08-12p2- short Ironwood Daily Globe - Ironwood, Michigan [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1932-06-09p1- “Indict 2 inmates in Gun Smuggling” Gore File [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1932-07-14p2- “Hold 3 Men charged with Doctor’s Murder” gore file [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1932-08-17p7- “Murder Trial Opens” Gore File [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1932-08-23p1- “Prisoner is Found Guilty of Murder” Gore File [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1933-08-19p4 - “In New York” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1934-03-10p5- “Charge Prison Guards Sold Liquor and Dope” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1934-03-31p4- “In New York” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1934-12-10p1- “Arrest 791 In Narcotic Drive” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1935-02-26p4- “War On Narcotics” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1935-05-09p4- “In New York” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1936-01-07p1- “Grimm Repdiates his Confession of Murder” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1936-04-23p11“$100,000 Worth in One Dope Haul” BLUE MOUNTAIN Gore File. [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1936-08-14p7- “Our State” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1937-01-21p1- “Trooper’s Abductor Faces Trial” gore file case [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1937-08-02p6- “See Increase in Use of narcotics” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1937-08-05p7- “Peninsula News - 20,000 Addicts In State” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1937-11-03p9- “Out State” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1937-12-10p5- short [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-02-10p1- “Blames Narcotic for Crime Career” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-02-10p5- “Gone—1400 Acres of Dreams” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-02-19p8- “Escapes Chair” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-02-22p4- “Reefers Go to School” Editorial” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-03-10p9- short [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-04-11p4- Editorial [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-04-23p2- [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-06-15p4 - “Editorial “Up to Parents” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-07-01p4- “The Family Doctor” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-07-02p4- “The Family Doctor” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-07-12p1- “Indian Arrested for Sale of Marihuana” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-07-25p4- “The Family Doctor” By Dr. Morris Fishbein [NWR] [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-07-27p1- “Lansing Youth given Term in Marquette” [S]- IronwoodDailyglobe1938-08-15p1- ] “Legion Votes Against War” [resolution against marihuana] [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-08-31p2- “Government Campaign Will Eradicate Weed” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-09-03p2- “Asks for Projects to Eradicate Marijuana” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-09-07p1- “Marijuana In Racine” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-09-12p5- “Marijuana in Common Use” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-09-20p7- “Find Marihuana” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-09-22p9- “Find Marijuana Plants” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-09-27p9- “Destroy Marijuana” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1938-12-08p6- “In Hollywood” Film” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-02-15p7- “Indians Investigated” Potawatomi [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-03-16p3- short [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-07-11p5- movie ad [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-07-12p3- movie ad [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-07-13p11- “MARIHUANA' ADULTS ONLY” Film [NWR] [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-11-08p7- “Possessed Marihuana” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-11-18p9- “Possessed Marihuana” [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-11-28p10- cartoon sort of [S]- IronwoodDailyGlobe1939-12-19p5- New Books Received at Public Library” EARLE ROWELL; [S]- July 7, 1951 pp.6] “Medical Marihuana case” [S]- July 20, 1951 pp1] “Huge Marijuana Patch discovered” [S]- Jan 24, 1952 pp2] “Dreaks Up Teen Age Dope Rings” [S]- Oct 30, 1967 pg. “Police Seek Parolee, 24” (Gore File Case) LUDINGTON [S]- LudingtonDailyNews1928-01-31p5- “Would Have Ban Placed on Mexican Narcotic” (AP) [S]- LudingtonDailyNews1929-12-16p1- “Young New York Man Dies After Smoking Cigarettes Made from Mexican Weed” [Neil Moore 21] [S]- LudingtonDailyNews1934-10-11p4- “Home Grown Dope” [S]- LudingtonDailyNews1939-08-08p3- “Freesoil Marijuana Found” [S]- LudingtonDailyNews1939-08-24p4- “Smoking Out the Marihuana Habit” [S]- LudingtonDailyNews1939-09-05p3- “Woman Crusader Uses New System” short [S]- LudingtonDailyNews1939-12-19p4- “Opium Traffic in china” short MARIE [S]- EveningChronicle1936-05-01p2- short [S]- EveningNews1937-10-20p8- “100,000 Marijuana Addicts in Michigan” [S]- EveningNews1937-12-09p14- “Sentence For Dope Suspect Is Suspended” Detroit [S]- EveningNews1938-03-08p2- “speech Contest Held On Friday, At High School” short [S]- EveningNews1938-03-09p7- “Nine Arrested At Detroit For Peddling marijuana Cigarets” [S]- EveningNews1938-03-26p1- “$25,000 Marihuana Seized; 10 Nabbed In Michigan” [S]- EveningNews1938-04-04p4- “Health and hygiene - The Assassins Drug” [S]- EveningNews1938-04-07p2- short [S]- EveningNews1938-04-16p1- “$20,000 Worth of Marihuana Is Confiscated” [S]- EveningNews1938-05-10p2- short [S]- EveningNews1938-05-11p1- “WPA Workers to Destroy Marijuana” [S]- EveningNews1938-06-08p2- short [S]- EveningNews1938-06-09p8- “Marihuana---Its origin - Murder of State Policeman Brings On Campaign Against Weed” MARIHUANA—ITS ORIGIN[S]- EveningNews1938-06-16p1- short DETROIT (if)—The Michigan Association of Police Chiefs Is preparing bulletins on marihuana to be distributed to boy and girl sdl{sic} be distributed to Boy and Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, churches, libraries and other such agencies in an effort to stamp out use of the weed. [S]- EveningNews1938-06-16p4- “Marihuana -- Known by Many Names” [S]- EveningNews1938-06-21p9- “Destroy This Weed” [S]- EveningNews1938-06-22p4- “Marihuana It is Unpredictable” [S]- EveningNews1938-06-25p5- “Marihuana Is Growing Wild Near Detour” [S]- EveningNews1938-07-12p1- “Marihuana Plants Seized at Menominee” [S]- EveningNews1938-08-02p7- Cows Browse on Marijuana Crop, Go High Jumping” [S]- EveningNews1938-12-03p2- short - Sault Ste. Marie District Michigan Nurses association [S]- EveningNews1938-06-03p2- short MARSHALL [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1931-08-19p6- short [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1936-05-01p2- short [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1937-02-18p4- “Bed Posts Field Cache” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1937-08-24p1- “marijuana Weed Found in County” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1937-10-08p1- Marijuana Weed Found Near Marshall” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1937-11-03p6- “Had 26 Bushels marijuana” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-04-07p8- short [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-05-09p1- Convention is held here by WCTU” short [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-06-23p5- Serial Novel - Fiesta [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-06-29p2- short [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-07-09p1- “Million dollar’s in Marijuana Destroyed” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-07-19p1- “More Marijuana Found at Coldwater” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-07-20p1- “Marijuana Found Near Homer Tues.” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-07-23p1- “Marijuana on Enos Farm in clarendon” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-08-01p2- “Hastings Man’s Cow Affected by Marijuana” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-08-06p6- short [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-08-10p1- “Four Arrested on Marijuana charges” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1938-08-17p2- “NYA to Help Eradicate marijuana” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1939-01-05p7- “Marihuana Is New US Drug Menace” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1939-08-15p6- “Marijuana On US Land” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1939-08-21p1- “Insane man Runs Amok At Adrian” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1939-08-21p4- “Smoking Out the Marihuana habit” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1939-09-14p6- “Cows on Marijuana Spree” [S]- MarshallEveningChronicle1967-12-02p1- “Three Grand Rapids men Are Charged With Mudre-Kidnaping” SAGINAW [S]- SaginawNews1966-03-15p4b- “Round the Clock” [S]- SaginawNews1966-03-16p2- “Man Who Hit Wife Sentenced” Traverse City Record Eagle - Traverse City, Michigan [S]- TraverseCityRecordEagle1923-04-18p6- “A Million in Drugs Destroyed” [S]- TraverseCityRecordEagle1937-12-07p14- “Marihuana War Begun in Texas” [S]- TraverseCityRecordEagle1938-06-29p9- “30-Century Use of Marihuana” [S]- TraverseCityRecordEagle1939-03-29p6- short WCTU [S]- TraverseCityRecordEagle1945-02-21p1- “Slayer of Mother Smoked Marijuana” [S]- Sept 20, 1945 pg. 9] “Narcotic Charge” [S]- Oct 31, 1945 pg. 6] “WCTU Program” – short [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec. 20, 1945 pg. 8] “Fruit Pickers had marijuana” [S]- Aug 13, 1947 pg. 1] “Singer Starts jail Term” [S]- July 3, 1948 pg. 2] “Find Death Gun in Chicago Bar” [S]- Dec 3, 1948 pg. 2] “Delinquency on Decrease Among the Juveniles” [S]- Dec 24, 1948 pg. 4] short [N.W.R.] [S]- March 30, 1949 pg. 5] “Mitchum Ends jail Sentence” [N.W.R.] [S]- April 6, 1949 pg. 1] “Detroit Starts Drive to Stamp out Marijuana” [S]- June 14, 1949 pg. 9] “Detroit Boy was Narcotic Peddler” --- [S]- July 28, 1949 pg. 5] “Krupa to Fight Dope Smokers” [S]- Aug 23, 1949 pg. 13] “Find Dope Ring in Milwaukee” [S]- March 8, 1951 pg. 9] Film – The Devil’s Weed” [S]- TraverseCityRecordEagle1968-11-27p15- [S]- TraverseCityRecordEagle1967-12-02p1 Herald Press - Saint Joseph, Michigan [S]- Aug. 12, 1943 pg. 14] “Nature Lover” [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb 22, 1944 pg. 8] “Sidney Jerome, Former Actor who once lived in St. Joseph, Succumbs” Press: (Pontiac, Michigan) Editorial - Feb 26, 1937 Detroit News - – Index exists 1873-1940 - Public library DETROIT TIMES (a hearst paper) [ ]- Sept 11, 1935 - Editorial WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE