![]() So, it would appear that they would have had us believe that Doctors, who had been prescribing Medical Marihuana for decades had ALL failed to notice that their patients were ALL running around grabbing axes and chopping people to death. Or so they would have had us believe. And this despite that fact that some of America’s major pharmaceutical firms were at the time located within the State of Michigan. [ see our section on Michigan medical manufacturers] Due to lack of material resources, we were not able to go into any individual case in any great deal of length. However, because some of these cases are of (ah) no small interest, it is our hope to one day do so. [hint, donations are accepted] But (again) due to lack of resources this will be a long while. For now we hope that the following material will be of some help to historians doing research in the area.
Name: Alcide Benoit / (Victim) Richard Hammond - Location: - Michigan - Date: - Jan 22, 1937 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: GETTYSBURG TIMES - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [S-Jan 22, 1937 pg. 2] (Picture of ALCIDE Frenchy" BENOIT) gore file [S-Jan 23, 1937 pg. 5] “Slayer of Trooper Sentenced to Life” Gore File [ See Reefer Madness Newspaper Index pamphlet for more references ] [Key-finder - Case#MI01]
Name: Walter Tylczak - Location: - Marquette State Prison Michigan - Date: - June 9, 1932 What the Narc’s were claiming "Sometime ago the silence of the state prison at Marquette, Michigan, was shattered by the sound of fusillade of pistol shots and an hour later a kindly prison doctor lay dead and beside him lay the trusty who had given his life trying to save his friend the doctor. An investigation developed that arms and ammunition had been smuggled into the prison in the false bottoms of herring containers and that the MARIHUANA from which Tylczak, the murderer of the doctor and trusty, had derived his demoniac courage, had also been smuggled into the prison." --- The pamphlet "the Drug Demon" 1940NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: HELENA (Daily) INDEPENDENT - Helena, Montana [S-Dec 1, 1933 pg. 2] “Open Season is On in Detroit” Tylczak – Gore File WISCONSIN RAPIDS DAILY TRIBUNE - Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin [S-June 9, 1932 pg. 1] “Indict 3 for Gun Smuggling” [ See Reefer Madness Newspaper Index pamphlet for more references ] mbr< [Key-finder - Case#MI02]
Name: Tony Chebatoris - Location: - Midland MI. - Date: - Oct. 1937
NOT A FEDERAL GORE FILE CASENEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Hammond Times - No Mention Of Marihuana is made?? Oct 28, 1937 pp5 – “Bank Bandit is Identified” Oct 20, 1937 pp4 – Federal Jury Indicts First Robber-Killer Under New U.S. Law” Nov. 4, 1937 pp18 – Federal Jury Indicts First Robber-Killer Under New U.S. Law” Dec. 1, 1937 pp2 - APPLETON POST-CRESCENT - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania July 8, 1938 pp.2 – Federal Execution of Robber-Killer Is First in Michigan in 108 Years. THE CHARLEROI MAIL - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Oct 29, 1937 – pp1 – “Suicide Try by County Man in Michigan Jail” DAILY TRIBUNE – Wisconsin Rapids Oct. 29, 1937 pp3 – “Bank Robber Tries Suicide” Nov. 3, 1937 – pp3 – “Justice Dep’t. in Quandary Over Robber’s Execution” HELENA INDEPENDENT – Wisconsin Rapids July 9, 1938 – pp1 “Execution in Michigan Held Despite Protest” EVENING SENTINEL – Holland Michigan Feb. 3, 1937 pp9- “Michigan Was First To Abolish Death Penalty” IRONWOOD DAILY GLOBE – Ironwood Michigan Nov. 9, 1937 pp1. “Find Chebatoris Could Be Put to Death in Michigan” Nov. 10, 1937 pp1. “Robber Is Given Death Sentence” Nov. 1, 1937 pp1 “Chebatoris is Taken to Detention Farm” [Key-finder - Case#MI03None]
Name: Eddie Gaines - Location: - Saginaw MI. - Date: - May 1967 What the Narc’s were claiming Saginaw, Mich., June 6, 1967---Two Saginaw patrolmen stopped at a local restaurant to obtain food. One officer entered the restaurant while his partner waited in their scout car. A man followed the policeman into the restaurant and, without provocation or comment, shot the officer three times In the back killing him on the spot. The defendant was killed by the officer's partner in an ensuing gun battle. A companion of the murderer stated that he and the dead defendant had parked across the street from the restaurant and smoked a number of marihuana cigarettes. When the police car pulled up in front of the restaurant, the murderer announced he was going to kill one of the officers for kicks. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Holland Evening Sentinel – (Holland, Michigan) [May 22, 1967 pp. 5] “Officer Slain, Assailant Hurt In Gun Battle” [Oct. 9, 1967 pp7 ] “Man Convicted” [Key-finder - Case#MI06] Name: Joseph Bouchie - Location: - Ypsilanti MI. - Date: - Oct. 1967 What the Narc’s were claiming Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct 29, 1967---A man pulled Into a drive-in parking lot and, without provocation, shot and seriously wounded four patrons. The suspect was under the influence of marihuana at the time of this shooting and has a long record of habitual marihuana use. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: IRONWOOD DAILY GLOBE [Oct 30, 1967 pp3] “Police Seek Parolee, 24” HOLLAND EVENING SENTINEL – (Holland, Michigan) [Oct 30, 1967 pp 16] “Seek Young Man, Girl Friend in Shooting of Four” VAN WERT TIMES – (Ohio) [Oct. 31, 1967 pp1] “Former MP Resident Is Shot In Detroit” [Key-finder - Case#MI04] Name: William Eddington, Ronald L. Johnson -- Dr. Archie Claytor (Victim) - Location: - Saginaw MI - Date: - Feb. 1967 What the Narc’s were claiming Saginaw, Mich., January-February 1967--- Two men robbed two elderly women at gunpoint. On February 2, 1967, one of these men and another companion forced their way into the home of a doctor. The suspects sexually assaulted the physician's 65-year old wife, then bludgeoned the doctor and his wife to death with a hammer. They shot both dead bodies several times and left them lying in the house. The original two criminals were arrested. One admitted using marihuana to get up his nerve before both of the above crimes, the other admitted using marihuana, just before the armed robbery. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: HOLLAND EVENING SENTINEL (Holland, Michigan) [Feb 7, 1967] “Police Seek Two Suspects In Slayings” [Feb 14, 1967 pp.1] “Two Men Face Charges in Slayings” [Feb 13, 1967 ] “Authorities Hold two Men In slayings” [Feb 15, 1967 pp.10] “Suspect Came From Split Home” THE POST-STANDARD (Syracuse N.Y.) [Feb 3, 1967 pp.1] “Find Physician and Wife Slain” [Key-finder - Case#MI05] Name: (victim) Alfred Jones - Location: - Detroit Mich. - Date: - Mar 1952 What the Narc’s were claiming During March 1952, four youths, the youngest sixteen, robbed and murdered a filling station attendant at Detroit, Mich. When three of the youths were later arrested at Kirkwood, Mo., 23 marihuana cigarettes were found in their possession. They admitted having smoked marihuana just prior to committing this atrocious crime. During the trial for murder in December 1952, a defense effort was made to show that they should not be found guilty because they were so strongly under the influence of marihuana that they didn't know what they were doing. The jury refused to accept this as a defense found them all guilty of murder in the first degree. The person who was their source of supply for marihuana was apprehended by agents of the Bureau of Narcotics and later convicted. -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1952)NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: TRAVERSE CITY RECORD EAGLE [S-Mar 24, 1952 pg. 1] “Nab Trio in Robbery Spree” [S-Dec 17, 1952 pg. 9] “Mother of Accused Killer Goes on TV” [S-Dec 18, 1952 pg. 20] “Life Terms for Four Youths” HOLLAND EVENING SENTINEL [S- April 2, 1952 pg. 1] “Wants to Charge Youth With Murder” [S- Dec 12, 1952 pg. 10] “Model Son Held As Burglar Suspect” HERALD PRESS [S-Mar 22, 1952 Pg. 1] “Hunt Gang in Brutal Killing” [S-Mar 25, 1952 Pg. 2] “Youths Admit Dope Slaying” [S-Dec 19, 1952 Pg. 9] “Given 4 Youths Terms of Life” [Key-finder - Case#MI08] Name: - Location: - Chelsea MI - Date: - Aug 26. 1937 What the Narc’s were claiming CHELSEA, MICH. - On August 26, 1937, a narcotic officer and State officers destroyed approximately 25,000 marihuana plants from 6 to 12 feet in height growing on a farm near Chelsea. Mich. There was no evidence that any of the tenants of the farm recognized the weed until a guest identified it as marihuana. From the appearance of the patches the marihuana had evidently been planted by a former tenant.NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: CHELSEA STANDARD [S]- Sept 2, 1937 pg1 - “Destroy Marijuana on Farm in Lyndon” [Key-finder - Case#MI07] Name: Isaak Somershein - Location: - Ann Arbor, MI. - Date: - Aug 20, 1967 What the Narc’s were claiming Michigan - Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug 20, 1967----A hitchhiker jumped in front of an oncoming car in an attempt to commit suicide. He was later arrested and admitted he had been under the influence of marihuana at the time of this suicide attempt. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: ANN ARBOR NEWS Aug 21, 1967 p1 sec2 – “Running Man Hit On I-94” [Key-finder - Case#MI09] Name: - Location: - Highland Park MI - Date: - Feb 11, 1938 NOT A FERDERAL GORE FILE CASENEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: DETROIT FREE PRESS [S]- Feb 12, 1938 pg1 “Girl Is Kidnapped by Auto Thieves” [note only names of victims are mentioned] [e]- Tuesday, April 5, 1938 - Page 3 - “Three Youths Tell of Attack in Auto” Three Youths Tell of Attack in Auto[Key-finder - Case #MI10] Name: John Sienkiewicz - Location: - Detroit, MI - Date: - March 18, 1938 NOT A FERDERAL GORE FILE CASE What the Narc’s were claiming What Robert Devine was claiming:NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: DETROIT FREE PRESS [S]- Mar 19, 1938 pg 9b “Dope Deadens Thug’s Memory of Crime Orgy” [Key-finder - Case#MI11None] Name: Lillian Matuskenicz - Location: - Detroit, MI - Date: - Feb. 27, 1937 What the Narc’s were claiming A fifteen-year-old girl was arrested in a marihuana "den" in Detroit to which she had been lured by her male companions. – Survey Graphic (Magazine) April 1938NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: ESCANABA DAILY PRESS [s]- EscanabaDailyPress1937-02-28p2 - “Muskegon Girl Is Found In Detroit Marihuana House” [Key-finder - Case#MI13_RunawayGirl ]
Name: Hope Morgan - Location: Lancing, MI - Date: Dec 1936 What the Narc’s were claiming A college graduate, allegedly crazed by the continued use of marihuana cigarettes, brutally murdered her closest friend by pumping five bullets into her breast. Voluntarily giving herself up, she would offer no reason for her premeditated, cold-blooded act. Psychiatrists sought in vain to pierce her sullen silence by repeated interviews with her in her cell. To a schoolgirl friend she is alleged to have given the clue which science failed to secure. "Leave cigarettes alone, kiddo, and, whatever you do, never, never smoke 'reefers'; see what they have done for me? Nobody will ever know how often I have wanted to kill my Dad. I've got the best Dad in all the world, girlie, but I've had to fight myself for months to keep from killing him." Two days later she committed suicide in her cell! -- “Assassin of Youth” (Book) 1954 By Robert DevineNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Lansing State Journal [S]- LansingStateJournal-1936-12-09p1- New Step in Probe of Killing; Captain Visited Fiancee's Slayer" [S]- LansingStateJournal1936-12-09p9- "Impulse Slayer" [S]- LansingStateJournal1936-12-10p- "Holding Funeral For Slain girl" [S]- LansingStateJournal1936-12-10p1- "Holding rites Today for Girl Friend Killed" [S]- LansingStateJournal-1936-12-11p1- "Girl Slayer's Insanity Plea Raises Doubts" [S]- LansingStateJournal-1936-12-11p- "Plea of Insanity Is Raising Doubt" [S]- LansingStateJournal-1936-12-12p1- "Slayer Reads in Cell as Victim is Buried" "Hope Morgan, Impulse Slayer Speculates on Sanity Report" [S]- LansingStateJournal-1936-12-13p- "Hope Morgan Faces First Sunday Behind Jail Bars" [S]- LansingStateJournal-1936-12-14p1- "Find Weapon Hidden in Cell of Girl Slayer" [S]- LansingStateJournal-1936-12-14p- "Hidden Weapon found in Hope Morgan's Cell" [S]- LansingStateJournal-1936-12-15p1 - "Hope Morgan Leaves Solution of Crime Jealousy of Chum, As She . . [Key-finder - Case#MI14_HopeMorgan ]
Name: various - Location: - Detroit, Mi. - Date: - Jan 15, 1968 What the Narc’s were claiming Michigan - Detroit, Mich., Jan 15, 1968 ---- Seven men were charged with the rape of a 19-year-old girl after an all night drinking and Marihuana Party. When police raided the home where the party had been held, they found a number of marihuana cigarettes as well as a jar of marihuana. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Detroit Free Press January 15, 1968 p 3 GIRL “HELD IN HOUSE”[Key-finder - Case#MI18_Gang Rape ] Name: Harry Broyles - Location: - Grand Rapids, Mi. - Date: - Dec. 1967 What the Narc’s were claiming Michigan -Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug 27, 1967 ---A 19-year old habitual marihuana user was arrested for kidnapping and murder. He admitted he had used marihuana just prior to the incident. He also confessed to several unsolved breaking and entering cases, and vicious assaults all committed while under the Influence of marihuana. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968MUSEUM NOTE: While we have not be able to find a Marihuana link. Note-thing that there are not that many 19 yr-olds who go around committing acts of Murder and kidnapping (within the given time frame), we are thus about 98% certain that this is indeed the case as mentioned. -- note that in Aug of 1967 he had been arrested for some other thing. NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: TRAVERSE CITY Record Eagle [ ]- 1968-11-27P15 - “Pair Guilty of Murder” [ ]- 1967-12-02p1 - “Body In Gataway Car Trunk” MARSHALL EVENING CHRONICLE [ ]- 1967-12-02p1 - “Three Grand Rapids Men Are charged With Murder-Kidnaping” HOLLAND EVENING SENTINEL [ ]- 1967-12-02p1 - Trio Faces Murder, Kidnaping Charges” [ ]- 1967-12-08p8 - “One Man Released In Murder Case” [ ]- 1968-12-03p10 - “3 Grand Rapids Men Sentenced to Life in Prison” [Key-finder - Case#MI19_MurderKidnapping ] Name: Gad Sam Holland - Location: - Detroit, Mi. - Date: - Oct. 1943 What the Narc’s were claiming Michigan - In October 1943 in Detroit, Mich. , Prison sentence given for claiming use of marihuana to evade military service, Gad Sam Holland was sentenced in Federal Court to 5 years' imprisonment on a charge of attempting to evade induction into the Armed Services by smoking marihuana cigarettes to make him physically unfit before appearing for his examination, and by giving false statements that he was addicted to the use of marihuana. - After Holland was rejected by his Selective Service Board because he informed them of his use of marihuana, narcotic agents investigated his case which resulted in the conviction. -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1943)NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: DETROIT, MI [S]- Detroit Free Press - 1943-12-22p11 - “EVADER ADMITS SMOKING DOPE TO FOIL TEST” [Key-finder - Case#MI16_DraftDodger ]
Name: Alee Mohammed - Location: - Detroit, Mi. - Date: - October 24, 1935 What the Narc’s were claiming MICHIGAN - Detroit On October 24, 1935, acting upon information that several marihuana peddlers were selling marihuana cigarettes to soldiers at Selfridge Field, Michigan, Narcotic Agents at Detroit, accompanied by an Army Corporal observed one Ose Abraham,NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: DETROIT FREE PRESS [s]- Dec. 14, 1935 p - “Two Sell Dope to Army Fliers” [Key-finder - Case#MI12_AleeMohammed ]
Name: Ronald D. Pickard - Location: - Detroit, Mi. - Date: - Nov 1967 What the Narc’s were claiming Michigan - Detroit, Mich., Nov 8, 1967 ---A 19 year old man was arrested for murdering his 3-month old daughter. His wife told homicide detectives her husband was a constant marihuana user and had been under its Influence when he beat their Infant daughter to death with his hands. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Detroit Free Press - Nov. 11, 1967 P3- “Father Is Arraigned In Slaying of Infant” “Father Is Arraigned In Slaying of Infant”[Key-finder - Case#MI17_Child Murder ] Name: none - Location: - Detroit, Mi. - Date: - July 1937 What the Narc’s were claiming DETROIT, MICH. - Between July 15 and August 9, 1937, the Detroit Police Department destroyed several tons of marihuana found growing partly wild and partly under cultivation in various vacant lots and back yards in the city of Detroit, the amounts in the several plots ranging from 20 to 3,360 pounds.NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: DETROIT FREE PRESS [S]- July 16, 1937 - Page 1 + 3 [S]- July 25, 1937 - Page 10 - “More Marijuana Found in Detroit” More Marijuana Found in Detroit[S]- July 27, 1937 - Page 4 + 11 [Key-finder - Case#MI15_Detroit Yards ] ![]() MICHIGAN'S UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES SALES MICHIGAN - Flint On January 1, 1936, Police at Flint, Michigan, arrested Louis Morales for possession of 48 grains of marihuana. Morales will be prosecuted. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION MICHIGAN - Saginaw On January 10,, 1936, Oscar Williams was arrested at Saginaw, Michigan, for possession of 4 marihuana cigarettes. He pleaded guilty and was placed on probation for three years. On the same date Saginaw Police arrested one Irios for possession of 4 marihuana cigarettes. He was hold for prosecution. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore BACKYARD MARIHUANA MICHIGAN - Detroit. - On September 17 1936, 2,500 pounds of marihuana found growing in the backyards of various houses were confiscated under the Michigan State narcotic law. The marihuana was burned on an order from the prosecuting attorney of Flint County. No arrests were made. --- The Traffic In Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs 1936 BACKYARD MARIHUANA Michigan - GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. - On September 23, 1937, narcotic and police officers destroyed about 2,000 marihuana plants growing, on a vacant lot. It was alleged that a person whose name was unknown was obtaining the drug from this lot and selling cigarettes, but since the lot was being used as a playground by children of the neighborhood it was deemed advisable to destroy the plants immediately rather than leave them and attempt to apprehend the person responsible for their growth. -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1937) LOUSY TEEN DRIVER NOT AN OFFICAL FEDERAL GORE FILE CASE Michigan - [between 1935-1938] In Grand Rapids, Michigan, Sheriff Blacklock, an ardent crusader against the weed, told us of a boy who, after school hours, drove a truck as a part-time job. One afternoon, while intoxicated with marihuana, he started after a group of his high-school friends, trying to run them down with his truck. They ran frantically for the sidewalks; he followed them, jumping the truck over the curb. As they ran through the gate and up on the porch of a house, he followed just behind and crashed through the fence into the porch, narrowly missing them. --- On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle Rowell In Grand Rapids, Michigan, I learned of a high school boy who was a truck driver. He smoked marihuana and suddenly had an over-powering urge to kill his high school friends who were then walking on the sidewalk. He ran his truck onto the sidewalk in pursuit of them. They run screaming into nearby stores. The police took the boy to jail. -- Marihuana – The Weed of Madness/Killer Weed (1938) by Earle Rowell FARMERS FENCE NOT AN OFFICAL FEDERAL GORE FILE CASE In Flint, Michigan, we learned of a farmer who had a tall hedge about his large chicken yard. So many young people were plucking branches from his hedge that it was in a fair way to be destroyed. So he called the police. They were amazed to find that his hedge was worth several times the value of his farm. It was marihuana! The farmer didn't know what it was. He was forced to destroy it all, with a stern admonition not to let it grow again. -- On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle Rowell INSANITY NOT AN OFFICAL FEDERAL GORE FILE CASE The sheriff in Flint, Michigan , told us of a businessman there who, after smoking marihuana for only three days, thought he was a millionaire. He started passing out five- and ten-dollar bills to everybody on the street. The newsboy on the street got a five-dollar greenback for his three-cent paper; the bootblack, ten dollars for his ten-cent shoeshine; and so on, until, in three days, the man had passed out $2,700 - every cent he had. He had to be committed to the state asylum, for he had become completely deranged by marihuana. -- On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle Rowell INSANITY Michigan A colored man by the name of George Dryer, 38 Pearl Street, Battle Creek, Michigan, was selling marihuana cigarettes to soldiers at Camp Custer, Michigan. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail. After being there one week he went violently insane due to the use of marihuana and was committed to the Criminal Insane Asylum at Ionia, Michigan. -- PenState_Box9_File30 HIGH SCHOOL GAME NOT AN OFFICAL FEDERAL GORE FILE CASE A Michigan publication dealing with juvenile crime printed a story to the effect that two high school football teams had been "pepped up" for their final games by the use of marihuana cigarettes smoked by the members of the teams. It has been impossible to obtain confirmation of this startling statement, though the publication carrying it is considered dependable and authoritative. -- “Assassin of Youth” (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine A Michigan publication dealing with juvenile crime printed a story to the effect that two high school football teams had been "Pepped up" for their final games by the use of marihuana cigarettes smoked by the members of the teams. It has been impossible to obtain confirmation of this startling statement, though the publication carrying it is considered dependable and authoritative. -- Moloch Of Marihuana (1945) Robert James Devine ROTTON PERSON Michigan - Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 1964 ---A panderer became angry with one of his prostitutes. An argument followed and he severely burned her with a hot electric iron on both upper legs and the lower abdomen. During the trial he confessed he had smoked two marihuana cigarettes just prior to the argument. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968 ROBBERY Michigan - Kalamazoo, Mich., November, 1965 ---Three men robbed and murdered a co-worker . All defendants, by their own admission, were under the influence of marihuana at the time the murder occurred. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968 BAD DIVORCE Michigan - Saginaw, Mich., March 16, 1966 ---A man entered the home of his estranged wife, who was in the process of obtaining a divorce. He raped her three times in front of their young child. As he left the house he said he would return, again rape his wife, and kill the entire family. He returned about one hour later, began shouting obscenities as he attempted to force his way into the house. He was shot and killed by his wife who later was found not guilty in a court of law. The man was a chronic user of marihuana and witnesses stated he had been smoking the day of his death. -- Congressional Record -- April 4, 1968
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