(Reefer Madness Era) NEWSPAPER HEADLINES ![]() NEVADA's NEWSPAPER INDEX [Last update April 26, 2016 ] Although Nevada didn’t have any actual Gore File Cases to call it’s own, as can be seen from the Headlines below, their newspapers made numerous mentions about those that did occur elsewhere. Something which given Nevada's unique standing (even back then), should make ones ears pick up. Why no local cases? In fact the whole situation is a bit reminiscent of those tales about the fairies. Oh, yes, fairies do exist, but they always seem to be just one camp fire down the road; Never here. Or in our case, yes, boys are grabbing axes and (while under the influence of Marihuana) chopping people to death. It's just that for some reason, it's not happening here, it's always one state down the road, . . . etc. But be that as it may, one thing is certain, Navada's newspapers did Harry Anslinger and his Reefer Madness campaign proud.
NEVADA STATE JOURNAL - Reno, Nevada [S]- April 25, 1924 pg.8] “Mexican to Answer Narcotic Charge” [S]- April 26, 1924 pg. 8] “Mexican Sentenced to Term in Prison” [S]- May 8, 1930 pg. 1] “Marihuana Peddler Sentenced to Prison” [S]- June 16, 1930 pg. 8] “Elko robbers Get Penitentiary Jolt” [S]- Feb 14, 1931 pg. 2] “Narcotic Bill is Presented” [S]- Feb. 25, 1931 pg.3] “Narcotics Seized by S.F. Officers” short [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb 26, 1931 pg. 2] short marijuana law [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb 27, 1932 pg. 5] “Dr. Clendening’s Daily Column of Advice on Health” (Treating Corns) MD [S]- May 7, 1932 pg. 1] “Drug Grower Held” – short [N.W.R.] [S]- July 29, 1932 pg. 8] short [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec. 01, 1932 pg. 6] “Drug Producing plant grows Freely in Calif.”(picture) [S]- Sept 9, 1933 pg. 1] “marihuana Grower is Given 60 Days in Jail” [S]- April 1, 1934 pg. 6] “4 Charges are Placed Against Arrested Youth” [S]- April 26, 1934 pg. 4] “Narcoitcs Used at Relief Camps Director Asserts” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 02, 1934 pg. 5] “Poison Law Charge Brings Sentence Here” [S]- June 7, 1934 pg. 2] “Marihuana Case Will Be tried Here June 25” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 24, 1934 pg. 6] “Marihuana Case will be Tried” [S]- June 26, 1934 pg. 3] “New Mark Set For Justice inPoison Law Case” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 24(or 27), 1934 pg. 2] “Narcotics Charge Puts Man in Jail” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 25, 1934 pg. 1] “Marihuana Raiser to Serve One Year in Jail” [S]- Oct 17, 1934 pg. 1] “Marijuana Seller Gets 1 to 4 Year Sentence” [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec 15, 1934 pg. 3] “Alleged Smuggler of Dope Quizzed in Crime Club” [S]- Jan 31, 1935 pg.3] “Alleged Marihuana Peddler Released” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 18, 1935 pg.12] “War Against Narcotics” [S]- July 28, 1935 pg.3] “Find Marihuana Patch in S.F.” (picture) [S]- Aug. 11, 1935 pg.10] short [S]- July 31, 1936 pg.1] “Marihuana Cigaret Case in Reno Court” [S]- Oct 4, 1936 pg. 1] “2 Acres of Marihuana Found in Baltimore” [S]- Oct 14, 1936 ] “Narcotics Ring is Smashed in Mexico” [S]- Dec. 02, 1936 pg. 8] short [S]- Jan. 23, 1937 pg. 1] “Slayer of Michigan Trooper Gets Life” Gore File [S]- March 31, 1937 pg. 1] “Drug Addicts Pay Extra for Catnip” [N.W.R.] [S]- April 30, 1937 pg. 7] “Alleged Kidnaper of Girl is Held in Denver jail” [S]- Sept. 29, 1937 ] What Nevadans are thinking” [S]- Feb. 16, 1938 pg. 3] “Two Young Girls Convicted of Murdering Bus Driver in East; Jury of Men Recommends Mercy” [S]- Feb. 20, 1938 pg. 8] “Crime “ [S]- March 01, 1938 pg. 2] “Crime” Marijuana the Assassin [S]- March 03, 1938 pg. 3] “Marijuana Talk Made” short [S]- April 07, 1938.pg. 1] “Girl Slashed Because she won’t Use Drugs” Maureen O'SHANNON, Gore File Case [S]- April 28, 1938 pg.2] “Two Los Angeles Girls Held on dope Charges” [ ]- April 28, 1938B pg.1] “Therories Clash over Motive of Attackers” [S]- April 29, 1938 pg. 2] “Marijuana Syndicate Leaders Are Indicted” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 08, 1938 pg. 2] “Marijuana Cheaper Than Booze, so He Smokes it 3 Years” [S]- July 08, 1938 pg. 4] “Marijuana by the Acre” [S]- July 11, 1938 pg. 1] “Reno Police Seize narcotics – Officers Nab Marijuana in Surprise haul” --- [S]- July 14, 1938 pg. 3] “Grand Jury convenes in Carson city Today” [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug. 28, 1938 pg. 1] “Theories Clash over motives of attackers” [S]- Nov(or Aug). 13, 1938 pg. 12] “Six-Month parole for young Phil Kennamer may revive oklahoma’s famous Society Scandal” [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec 11, 1938 pg. 15] “Recipe for Longevity Revealed as marijuana” [S]- Jan 8, 1939 pg. 1] “Prison Run Like Summer Resort, Ex-Warden Says” [S]- Jan. 17, 1939 pg. 3] “Evils of Marihuana Shown” Film [S-Jan. 17, 1939B pg. 2] Film ad [ ]- Jan. 21, 1939 pg. 11] “marihuana Case Investigated Here” [N.W.R.] [ ]- Jan. 26, 1939 pg. 3] “Collins Information is filed Wednesday” [N.W.R.] [ ]— April 07, 1939...is now where the tea-smokers collect MARIJUANA, of course The Beverly Theater.. [S]- June 7, 1939 pg. 2] “Liquor to Indian Charge Filed Here” short [S]- Sept 10, 1939 pg. 2] “Cows on Marijuana Spree” [S]- Sept. 10, 1939B pg. 3] “Federal Court Docket Heavy” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 16, 1939 ] “Winchell on Broadway” [S]- April 4, 1940 pg. 4] “Winchell on Broadway” [S]- Sept 5, 1940 pg.4] “Reno Revue” [S]- Sept 7, 1940 pg. 4] “Reno Revue by Gladys Rowley” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 7, 1940B pg. 12] “Narcotic Weed Declared to be Thistle Variety” [S]- Oct. 21, 1940 pg. 2] “Dope Den Raid” [S]- Feb 19, 1941 pg. 12] “Many Attend Police School” [S]- Feb 27, 1941 pg. 6] short marijuana law [S]- Oct 30, 1941 pg. 1] “Wells Trial Nears Close” a murder [S]- July 3, 1943 pg 10 - “Man Arrested on Marihuana Sale Charges” RENO GAZETTE - Reno, Nevada [ ]— November 13, 1924...s cabin under the influence of MARIJUANA, n mexiean nareoUe, nnd also.. [S-July 27, 1928 ] “US Delegates to Attend Meet” (anslinger) [N.W.R.] [S-Oct. 14, 1936 pg. 8] “Narcotics Ring is Smashed in Mexico” RENO EVENING GAZETTE - Reno, Nevada [S]- Jan. 15, 1881] “Wickedness Caused By Disease” Cannabis mentioned [S]- Aug. 30, 1923 pg. 8] “Man with Drugs, Pistol arrested” [S]- July 29, 1924 pg. 6] “Tonopah Mexicans Using Marihuana” [S]- Nov 13, 1924 pg. 10] “Freed of Murder but jailed again” [S]- Feb 20, 1925 pg. 7] “Drug Crazed; Kills Six” [S]- Feb 8, 1926 pg. 3] “Hashish Habit Attacks West” [S]- Aug 14, 1926 pg. 1] “Andrew is Back and is pleased with result at London” (anslinger) [S]- Aug 19, 1926 pg. 8] “Robber Suspect Held by Police” [S]- Dec 16, 1927 pg. 9] “Marihuana sale causes inquiry” [S]- March 06, 1929 pg. 10] “Police Seeking Marihuana King” [S]- Dec 20, 1929 pg. 1] “MaddenedMan Kills soldiers” [S]- June 11, 1930 pg. 8] “Four are Hurt by Crazed Man” [ ]— July 30, 1930...at Leavenworth. Kans. Harry J. ANSLINGER. acting director i of the.....other prisoners were not announced. ANSLINGER said the narcotics were I.. [S]- Dec 3, 1930 pg. 1] “Hoover submits his appointees for action by senate” [S]- Feb 14, 1931 pg. 2] “Hearings Called on Gambling Measure” [S]- Feb 26, 1931 pg. 2] short marihuana bill [N.W.R.] [S]- March 24, 1931 pg. 2] short marihuana bill [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept 12, 1931 pg. 8] “Wrong Spelling noted in court” [S]- -Aug. 20, 1932 pg. 1] “Crazed Man Kills Three” [S]- June 21, 1933 pg. 10] “Two are jailed for Investigation” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept. 07, 1933 pg. 10] “Garden of Plants for Drug and Opium Den Raided” [S]- Sept. 08, 1933 pg. 2] “Marihuana Raiser Given Term in Jail” [N.W.R.] [S]- Mar. 21, 1934 ] “Matron is Slain During Family Quarrel ” (Gore File Case) [S]- May 21, 1934 pg. 10] “District Attorney Leads narcotic Raids” [S]- June 01, 1934 pg. 2] ”Sold Marihuana Officers Charge” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 6, 1934 pg. 12] “Marihuana Case to be first one before jury here” [N.W.R.] [S]- -June 23, 1934 pg. 12] “Marihuana Trail to Start Monday” [S]- June 25, 1934 pg. 10] “Marihuana Trial Started Before Jury” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 26, 1934 pg. 12] “Verdict Found in quarter Hor in Narcotic Case” [N.W.R.] [S]- June 27, 1934 pg. 12] “Term in Jail for S. Brown” [N.W.R.] [S]- Oct. 08, 1934 pg. 4] short [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec 10, 1934 pg. 1] “Narcotic Arrests Mount with 791 persons jailed in great federal drive” [S]- Feb 25, 1935 pg. 2] “Bill is Aimed at Marihuana” [S]- March 22, 1935 pg. 2] short – marihuana bill [N.W.R.] [S]- April 03, 1935 pg. 7] “short marijuana bill [N.W.R.] [S]- June 29, 1935 pg. 8] “Tea Replacing Drug Addiction” Russell Pasha [S]- July 9, 1935 pg. 4] “New york Day by Day” [N.W.R.] [S]- Dec. 26, 1935 ] “Nephew is Held in Death Case” (Gore File Case) [S]- Dec. 26, 1935 ] “Slaying Charge Faced By Man” (Gore file Case) [S]- April 28, 1936 pg. 16] “$100,000 Worth in One Dope Haul” BLUE MOUNTAIN [S]- July 31, 1936 pg. 16] “Narcotic charge May face Estip” [N.W.R.] [S]- Feb. 18, 1937 pg. 7] “School drug Ring in Salt lake Found” [S]- June 19, 1937 pg. 4] “Marihuana is Out” [S]- Sept. 09, 1937 pg. 5] “Federal Control of Marihuana is Near” [S]- Oct. 30, 1937 pg. 5] “Federal Men War on Weed” [S]- Nov. 02, 1937 pg. 4] “Marihuana Fight Starts” [S]- Dec. 27, 1937 pg. 7] “Flea Policemen Used in fight on Drug” [S]- May 17, 1938 pg. 18] “Trial is started in slot machine case” [N.W.R.] [S]- May 18, 1938 pg 2 - “Prison Parties Are Revealed” - Gore [S]- June 27, 1938 pg. 4] “New York” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 11, 1938 pg. 16] “Three S.F. Men Held on Drug Charges” [S]- July 12, 1938 pg. 16] “Three S.F. Men Face U.S. Drug Charges” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 15, 1938 pg. 20] “Three S.F. Men Indicted for marihuana” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 18, 1938 pg. 9] “Liquor Traffic Shows Decrease” [N.W.R.] [S]- July 23, 1938 pg. 2] “Couple Sentenced in Marihuana Case” [S]- Oct. 06, 1938 pg. 9] “Narcotic Crop Is set Afire” [S]- Nov 2, 1938 pg. 11] “Decrease noted in Addiction to Drugs” [S]- Nov 7, 1938 pg. 4] “New York” [S]- Dec 29, 1938 pg. 11] “Convict Reveals Tale of Blast which Killed companion” [S]- May 12, 1939 pg. 11] “Rigid Narcotic Laws Urged by Speaker” [S]- May 18, 1939 pg. 2] “Prison Parites are Revealed” [S]- Aug 3, 1939 pg. 7] “Narcotic Weed in Back Yard is Destroyed” [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug 7, 1939 pg. 16] “Marihuana Sale Charged to Negroes” [S]- Oct 19, 1939 pg. 2] “Negro Pleads Own Case in Federal Court” [S]- Nov 25, 1939 pg. 4] “The War on Marijuana” [S]- May 23, 1940 pg. 4] “Prison Population” [S]- Aug 21, 1940 pg. 9] Ancient Skeleton is found in Churchill” [N.W.R.] [S]- Sept. 04, 1940 pg. 10] “Marihuana Plant Displayed here” [S]- Sept. 04, 1940B pg. 16] “Marihuana Found in Many Places Here” (picture) [S]- Feb 6, 1941 pg. 18] “Welliver Plans Police School Feb 17” [S]- Feb 21, 1941 pg. 14] “Police School Continues Here as Officers Study Law Enforcement Problems” [S]- Sept 4, 1941 pg. 10] “Marihuana Plant displayed here” [N.W.R.] [S]- Jan 13, 1942 pg. 12] “Drug Peddling ring Indicted” [S]- March 4, 1942 pg. 5] “Trial Opened in Elko Court” [N.W.R.] [S]- March 5, 1942 pg. 12] “Elko Man Guilty on Narcotics Charge” [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug 6, 1942 pg. 9] “Slayer Sentenced to Die – Tells what she thinks about” [S]- Oct 21, 1942 pg. 11] “Marihuana Case Appeal Denied” [N.W.R.] [S]- Aug. 10, 1943 pg. 13] “Krupa Appeals Jail Sentence” [S]- Nov. 11, 1943 pg. 1] “Crowd Attacks Slayer’s Home” Gore File [ ]— January 27, 1944...investigation, two were jailed on a MARIJUANA charge, according to police.. [S]- May 23, 1944 pg. 18] “Marijuana Peddler Being Sought Here” [S]- Aug 17, 1944 pg. 7] “Marijuana Case Taken to Court” [ ]- Nov. 27, 1944 pg. 2] “Man Confesses Slaying Woman” Mrs. Georgia Castenada – Gore File Case [S-Dec 1, 1954 pg. 1] “Two Are Killed In Gun Battle” gore file SJOLANDER, WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE