![]() So as not to add insult to injury, the states listed below are not arranged in any particular order. ![]() Having so few Gore File cases, one would think that Indiana would have been grateful for small favors. However, despite having ONLY ONE official Gore File Case, (and a couple of maybes) a look over our pamphlet index section shows that Indiana’s State government was responsible for more Reefer Madness literature than many of the major States. You figure! Name: Louis Dupee - Location: - Fort Wayne, IN - Date: - July 20, 1936 What the Narc’s were claiming Indiana - 1936 A fifty-year-old dope peddler was murdered in July 1936, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. His police record included sentences for crimes ranging from petit larceny to murder, and he was killed by an assailant who cracked the peddler's head with a table leg, during an argument which developed when he accused two acquaintances of cutting into his dope racket. He had been convicted twice for selling narcotics. Approximately 4 pounds of MARIHUANA were seized from him and another man previous to his murder. -- The Union Signal (WCTU) Jan. 30, 1937NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: LOGANSPORT PHAROS TRIBUNE [S]- July 20, 1936 p3 - “Dope Peddler Slain; Search for Suspect” DOPE PEDDLER SLAIN; SEARCH FOR SUSPECT[S]- July 21, 1936 p4 - “Suspect in Murder Wins His Release” [Key-finder - Case #IN01] Name: Frank Contres and Albert Galban - Location: - Bluffton, IN - Date: - Oct 1935 What the Narc’s were claiming INDIANA - Bluffton On October 3, 1935, Frank Contres and Albert Galban, Mexican beet workers, were sentenced to serve thirty days at the Indiana State Penal FarmNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: The Waterloo Press (Waterloo, Indiana) [e]- October 10, 1935 - P1 - “SOLD TO PUPILS” (title may not be complete) SOLD TO PUPILS[Case#IN02_Two Mexicans] UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES & INCIDENTS: NOT AN OFFICIAL FEDERAL GORE FILE CASES INSANITY CAUSED BY Another high school boy is in the insane asylum at Madison, Indiana, a raving maniac never more to breathe the fresh air and feel the sunshine of the farm, just because he joined a smoking party and got into the "habit." -- KIWANIS MAGAZINE – Oct. 1938 A young man in Fayette county, Indiana, has gone insane from the use of marijuana or "dope" cigarettes. He is now a crazed, wild boy gazing out of the windows of Madison Insane Hospital, his mind destroyed. But for the coaxing of a vicious marijuana peddler, this boy would be working in the sunshine and the green fields of the home farm. His life is broken, and he is only one of thousands being ruined in Indiana, Illinois and the Middle West by heartless, money-grabbing "dope" rings. -- The Prairie Farmer - July 30, 1938 MUSEUM COMMENT We have only been able to track down the following about the case and nothing more. [ Was initially called the ‘Southeastern Hospital for the Insane’] YET MORE INSANITY Connersville, Indiana Another boy of a good family in the same county is serving a term in the state penal farm for a crime he committed while crazed from smoking this death weed. "He knew little of what he had done when he came out of his daze," said Night Captain William Harris of the Connersville police. "When we arrested him, he was so excited we could hardly manage him, and crying, hysterical and violent ---The Prairie Farmer - July 30, 1938 MUSEUM NOTE We have been able to establish (via old phone directories) that there really was a police Captain William Harris of Connersville, Indiana. But nothing more about the incident.
![]() Hawaii, probably due to its geographical isolation, simply didn’t have any real (BLOOD AND GUTS) Gore File cases. In a way, it’s a good example of; “The fairies are just beyond that ridge, at that next campfire down the road” syndrome. A situation where, people are saying that this or that is happening. But for whatever reason, it’s always happening somewhere else, somwhere down the road, etc. However, in the case of Hawwaii, (again due to geography) there simply was no, “down the road location” for any real Reefer Madness incidents to be occurring. Thus (as we suspect) the real reason why Anslinger made almost no mentions of Hawaii. Below is the only mention made for that state by Anslinger’s Bureau of Narcotics, and not that’s it’s really nothing more then a simple arrest for possession case. UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES & INCIDENTS: POSSESSION / SALES HAWAII - HONOLULU - On January 20, 1936, Lloyd R. Evans was arrested at Honolulu for posession of 1 marihuana cigarette. No action was taken against the prisoner, as he aided police -in making a case against Joseph A. Sylva, the peddler from whom he purchased the marihuana. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File HAWAII - HONOLULU - On January 25, 1936, Joseph A. Sylva was arrested at Honolulu following the sale of 3 marihuana cigarettes to Narcotic Agents and local police. He was held for trial by the Honolulu Police authorities. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File MUSEUM COMMENT: Previously, we had listed the above as having been two distinct cases. However upon closer examination we see that both statements are actually referencing the same case. Note that at this time we have NOT been able to confirm that this case really took place. ![]() Kentucky historically was known as a major grower and producer of Industrial Hemp for our nation. Thus, it should come as little wonder that it has so few Gore File cases – Two many people knew the truth etc. Name: Calvin Tate and Willard Hall - Location: - Kentucky - Date: - Jan 17, 1936
What the Narc's were claiming Still another center is Louisville, for the good reason that Kentucky is one of the largest hemp-growing states in the Union. And, certainly, marihuana was blamed for one of the most wanton murders Louisville has known in the last five years. In this crime, twenty-year-old Calvin Tate, with three accomplices, attempted to hold up a filling station operated by an elderly man. Their plans failed, a boy pulled a gun and the station owner was killed. In their rush for freedom, they killed two other men, neither of whom attempted to halt them. The first was standing on a corner outside the station waiting for a bus. The second, attracted by the shots, was walking in his front yard when Tate and the only other gunman in the quartet, Willard Hall, ran past. Captured, Tate admitted being at the station with Hall during the holdup but said he was “muggle-headed" at the time. This was his defense to police. It wasn't enough and a jury sent him, with Hall, to the electric chair. -- DESIGNS IN SCARLET By Courtney Ryley Cooper 1939NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: STEVENS POINT DAILY JOURNAL [Jan 17, 1936 pp12] “Two Electrocuted For Killing Three in Holdup in Kentucky” HAMMOND TIMES (Hammond Indiana) Jan. 14, 1936- “Two men are put to death” NEVADA STATE JOURNAL [Jan. 17, 1936 pp2] “Two Electrocuted” [Key-finder – Case#Ky01_CavinTate] MUSEUM COMMENT: Did Medical Marihuana have really anything to do with these crimes? – We will allow the reader to decide. Name: Harry Bridewell - Location: Newport, KY - Date: Feb. 24, 1938 What the Narc’s were claiming NEWPORT, KY. On Feb. 24, 1938, police officers of Feb. 24, 1938, Feb. 24, 1938,., arrested Ralph Bridowell for the possession of stolen property. While searching his premises they found a total of 8 kg. 306 gm. of marihuana, to which he acknowledged ownership and claimed to have purchased it from a man whose name he did not know. On February 25, 1938, his brother, Harry Bridewell, was arrested for the sale of marihuana cigarettes. Both pleaded guilty and each was sentenced to serve a term of 5 years in the Penitentiary. Each had previously served a penitentiary term for violations of the liquor laws.NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: COSHOCTON TRIBUNE [S]- Feb 27, 1938 p - “Marihuana Cache Found at Newport” MARIHUANA CACHE FOUND AT NEWPORT[Key-finder - Case#KY02] Name: Carl Rochae - Location: KY - Date: June 10, 1935 What the Narc’s were claiming KENTUCKY - Covington On July 12, 1935, two men, ages 23 and 25, were bound over to the Hamilton County Grand Jury in Cincinnati Municipal Court on a charge of possessing marihuana cigarettes, or "muggles". The two men were picked up in Newport, Kentucky. One of the men, Rochae is said to have purchased the marihuana on Lower Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore FileNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: KENTUCKY POST [S]- June 10, 1935 p1 - “Muggles Sold Here is Claim” MUGGLES SOLD HERE IS CLAIM[Key-finder - Case#KY03] Name: JAMES McBAIN - Location: Bourbon, Ky. - Date: Oct 1941 What the Narc’s were claiming AS PER A COMPLETE MAGAZINE ARTICLE ; THE ANSLINGER COLLECTION, PEN STATE UNIVERSITYNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: CINCINNATI ENQUIRER [S]- Nov 27, 1938p15 - “Held On “Muggles” Charge” [S]- Dec 01, 1938p14 - “Held On Muggles Charge” THE COURIER JOURNAL (Louisville, Kentucky) [s]- Friday, October 31, 1941 P37 - “Bourbon County’s ‘Ghost Man’ Is Arrested For Having $25,000 w Arrested Worth of Marihuana” “Bourbon County’s ‘Ghost Man’ Is Arrested For Having $25,000 Worth of Marihuana” Paris, Ky., Oct. Of mystery surrounding Bourbon County’s “ghost man” was punctured Thursday by Paris Police Officers and federal narcotic agents when they arrested swarthy, 52-year-old James “Mexican Jim” McBain for possessing and transferring marihuana -- an estimated $25,000 worth. MmBain pleaded guilty to charges of possessing and transferring the narcotics before United States Commissioner William Hays at Lexington later in the day. He was held to the federal grand jury under $2,000 Bond to await trial at the Richmond term of court. Unable to furnish bond, he was remanded to the Fayette County Jail. For the last six years, the swarthy man has been seen around Paris. He always carried a small burlap sack. Nobody knew where he lived or what his name was until Thursday. Several weeks ago Chief of Police A.B. Lovell and Patrolman Fred Link Became suspicious of the odd character and, believing he might be a dealer in some kind of narcotics, notified federal agents at Lexington. Five of the agents immediately came to Paris and went to work to see for themselves what this “ghost man” business was all about. Tenants on a farm off the Peacock Road, approximately four miles from here told agents and police that the man often had been seen walking along the railroad near the farm. On three consecutive nights they lay in the tall grass in a cemetery on the farm watching and waiting for the man to appear. Meanwhile the officers found a small amount of marihuana in a weather-beaten shed in a thicket on the farm. But they saw nothing of the man. So the agents returned to Lexington. Says He’s Carrying Tea. Thursday morning, two days after the agents left, Chief Lovell and patrolman Link saw “Mexican Jim” walking along the railroad near the farm. Link and Lovell asked “Mexican Jim” was carrying in his sack. “It’s tea.” The man replied. The officers discovered the contents were marihuana. Then the federal agents rejoined the Paris officers in another searching foray at the Peacock Road farm. This time a large quantity of Sifted Marihuana --- enough, they said, to manufacture approximately 100,000 “muggles” worth close to $25,000 at current prices --was found in a carbide can underneath the shed. The officers also found a metal strainer, a small postal scale graduated In ounces, a quantity of wrapping cord and a number of Burlap Sacks. The police party then went to a cave located in a “cut” along side the railroad tracks to complete the investigation. They previously had been told by residents of the neighborhood that the Stranger often was seen entering this cave. In it they found a straw bed, over which had been spread newspapers. Several small pieces of marihuana also were discovered in the cavern. At the jail, “Mexican Jim” told the officers he had visited Paris and Bourbon County numerous times within recent years “selling herbs and catnip to the ladies of the homes.” McBain said he had “about Twenty pounds of the stuff (marihuana) stripped, cleaned and rubbed down in that shed out there. I intended to take it over into Virginia and sell it” “I was sent up from Cincinnati in 1939 on a marihuana charge. I served the sentence, a year and a day in the federal prison at Atlanta, Georgia. I used to sell Marihuana in Cincinnati, but I aimed to take the stuff and sell it in Virginia.” [Key-finder - Case#KY4GhostMan]
![]() The state of Idaho (blessed by the lord and/or the good Lady upstairs) did not have any actual Gore File cases on its soil. Thus it was spared much of evil that occured elsewhere. However it did have one hell of a Mayor (that's a literal not a figurative) who was quoted as stated the following: The Mayor of Boise, Idaho, is quoted as follows: "The Mexican beet-field workers have introduced a new problem-the smoking in cigarettes and pipes, of Marihuana or Grifo. Its use is as demoralizing as the use of other narcotics, and Idaho has no law to cope with the use and spread of this dangerous drug". --- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY– May-June 1932/Mar.-Apr., 1933 ![]() Tennessee lucked out and only had one of Anslinger’s Gore File cases, and that one was related to a simple Marihuana Farm which just happened to have taken place there. Name: Mary Jones/ Joe Lang, Orlando Hodge - Location: Tunica, Miss /Memphis TN - Date: Oct 13, 1938 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: CHICAGO DEFENDER [S - Oct 15, 1938 pg 1] - Mississippi Marijuana Farms Raided; 2 Tons of Weed Taken” [Key-finder - Case#TN01] UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES & INCIDENTS: NOT AN OFFICIAL FEDERAL GORE FILE CASES Note that these case come out of Earl Rowells classic -- On the Trail of marihuana , the Weed of Madness, and thus are NOT thus not an official Case. INSANITY CAUSED BY In one state where there was no law governing marihuana, an ordinance to control it had been drawn for adoption by the city council of the second largest city in the state. The reason for the ordinance lay in a near tragedy. A high-school boy had smoked marihuana, and then gone berserk. He wanted to kill someone - anyone would do. As he had no gun or knife handy, he stole an automobile and ran it hilariously and recklessly about the city, trying to run over someone and kill him. He did eventually run down an old man, broke his legs, and was careening down the streets in search of another victim when he was finally arrested by the police. In jail, he said he did not know what he had been doing, except that he was filled with an uncontrollable desire to commit murder. He pleaded with the public to do something to prevent other youth from getting reefers, and, through a newspaper interview, he appealed to the youth never to smoke them. The proposed city ordinance was the result of this incident. We were asked to appear before the city council in favor of the bill. What amazed us was the callous indifference of the council to the whole matter. The bill was defeated by three arguments: first, the chief of police stated there was no marihuana problem! Second, it was the state's business anyway; and, as there was no state law on the matter, why should the city pass one? Third, a state official said it was not a state matter but a Federal; and, as Uncle Sam had no law on it, why should the state bother! --- On the trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness 1939 Nashville, TN -- pre-1939 A young Boy in Nashville, after smoking a few of these cigarettes, developed an urge to kill just for the sake of killing. He jumped into the first automobile he could find and started down the street to run people down. He went viciously after anyone in sight, and succeeded in running over an old man, braking both his legs, before the police could stop him. -- Marihuana – the Weed of Madness, the killer weed 1938 ![]() Rhode Island was another that also lucked out and only had one of Anslinger’s Gore File cases, which relates solely to some black guys who found a patch of hemp growing somewhere in that state. But boy did it make news in a lot of newspapers. Name: (a negro)* - Location: R.I, - Date: Jan 1935 What the Narc’s were claiming Providence, R.I.: Nearly a ton of marihuana was found growing here by local police following the arrest of twenty tramps in possession of some of the weed. The men stated they gathered it along the waterfront and after drying it, ground it in small coffee mills and rolled it into cigarettes. As a result of this discovery a bill was introduced into the Rhode Island Legislature requesting an appropriation to be used in exterminating marihuana throughout the state. -- Oakland Tribune (Newspaper) Oct. 11, 1936 “Don't be a MuggleHead”Newspaper Accounts: PROVIDENCE JOURNAL [s]- Dec 10, 1934 p 1 - “Police Undcover DOPE FARM on Municipal Land” OKLAHOMAN [s]- 1935-03-13p10 - “marijuana in Rhode Island” BOSTON GLOBE [S]- Jan 20, 1935 pA2 – “Plans War on Hashish Drug” – Rhode Island Aims to Wipe Out Mexico Weed” [Key Finder - Case#RI01] ![]() Talk about lucky, Nevada didn't have a signal acutal Gore File Case; --- well actually it did, but they were so fake that even anslinger didn't make any use of them. Name: - Location: Close to Reno, NV. - Date: August 1938 ![]() ![]() CRUCIFIXION THAT NEVER WAS after the “Holiday of Horror’s Affair” (the reporter’s name sounded a lot like Mr. Holiday), Anslinger, who didn’t want to get caught flat footed again, started conducting actual investigation, demanding documentation. With the results being that very few new (gory) gore file cases being added after this point. The following investigation, presented in chronological order, provide a good example of why there were so few new such cases. - - [All photographs, were obtained via the National archives (College Park, Md), have been doctored for faster download times. – If needed, feel free to ask for our copies of the originals] ![]() September 13, 1938. To which (after the investigation), Anslinger received the following reply. ![]() September 24, 1938 ![]() Mr. Joseph A. Manning NOT AN OFFICIAL FEDERAL GORE FILE INCIDENT: Nevada - At a Reno party a girl thrust a pistol in the waistband of her slacks and called to another teen-ager: "Go ahead and have a good time. If a cop comes to that door, I'll blast him." --- Fortnight Newsmagazine Aug 20, 1951
![]() Oregon also seems to have been blessed with being a one shot wonder. And note that this wonder occurred in 1960. Name: Vincent M. Mullen - Location: - Portland Or - Date: - Sept, 1960 What the Narc’s were claiming Portland Oregon, M 19 – Raped 16-year old high school girl; beat, broke jaw, knocked out upper teeth, in wooded area after beatnick party. Arrested -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: NEWS REVIEW (Roseburg, Oregon) [S]- September 13, 1960 - Pg3 - “Portland Youth Draws Long Prison Sentence” [Wanted]- September 24, 1960 - Page 2 OREGON STATESMAN (Salem, Oregon) [Wanted]- September 13, 1960 - Page 2 HERALD AND NEWS (Klamath Falls, Oregon) [Wanted]- September 14, 1960 - Page 18 [Key-finder - Case #OR01] ![]() "Blesset Be" South Dakota had one and only one Gore file case. And it was a simple arrest at that. Boy did those guys ever luck out. MARIHUANA ARREST Pierre, S.D.: Two men were apprehended by the local police and found to be carrying a quantity of marihuana. When taken into custody the men stated that they had seen the weed growing along the highway and gathered it, not knowing its possession was against State statutes. -- Oakland Tribune (Newspaper) Oct. 11, 1936 “Don't be a MuggleHead” SOUTH DAKOTA - Pierre On October 7, 1935, two citizens of Pierre were stopped by a police officer when he saw the men carrying a suspicious looking box. Examination showed he box to contain marihuana. The men were taken to City Hall, whee they stated they saw the weed growing along the highway and gathered it, not knowing its possession was against the State statutes. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File ![]() Although being one of the major Industrial Hemp growing areas (especially during the Second World War), it seems that this same State didn’t figure in very much into Harry Anslinger’s Gore File. Below are the only Gore File cases that we've been able to find for that state. Name: Eitel Guthman - Location: - Winona, Minn. - Date: - Sept 24, 1938 What the Narc’s were claiming Minnesota - 1938---Minnesota - 1938 Winona, Minn. - Male - Smoked marihuana for years; held up 3 taxi-cabs. Sentenced, 10 years -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: BRAINERD DAILY DISPATCH [S]- Sept 24, 1938 p3 - Marijuana Is blamed for Theft of Three Taxicabs” “Winona, Minn. (UP) Authorities today said Eitel Guthman had marijuana cigarettes to blame for the up to ten year prison sentence he received yesterday for third degree robbery charges in connection with the theft of three taxicabs. Attorney M.J. Oten said Gutinman committed the crimes while under the influence of marijuana. He plead guilty to the robberies described as motiveless and almost profitless.” [Key-finder - Case#MN01_EitelGuthman ] ![]() What the Narc’s were claiming Illinois - 1936 - William Barnett of Chicago, ILL., was arrested for the possession of marihuana. At the time of Barnett's arrest he was in possession of a letter from Pete Gurralo, alias Joseph Fierro, of Mankato, Minn., offering to furnish marihuana in any quantity from 1 pound up. On Sep. 22, 1936, Balli, alias Tom Gurrola, killed a man at Albert Lea, Minn. Following the murder he escaped from prison and fled to the farm of his father. He was identical with the man who offered to supply marihuana to Barnett. When the officer went to the farm to apprehend him, he found 6 or 7 bushels of marihuana contained in a sack and two cardboard boxes, and concealed under a haystack -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1936)NEWSPAPER ARTICLES: EVENING TRIBUNE - Albert Lea, Minn [S]- AlbertLeaEveningTrib1936-09-23p- "Mexican Shoots to Death Luis Contreras Druing Battle near Hollandale" [S]- AlbertLeaEveningTrib1936-09-25p3-"Still Eludes Officers of Law" [S]- AlbertLeaEveningTrib1936-09-26p7- "Still Working On Case" [Key-finder - Case#MN02_AlbertLea ] UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES & INCIDENTS: MURDER . . . a man in Minnesota puts a bullet thru the head of a stranger on the road; -- Chicago Tribune Jan 17, 1962 pg 5 -- “Reefers: A Fast Road Downhill” by Harry J. Anslinger; Will Oursler ROBBERY & MURDER NOT AN OFFICIAL FEDERAL GORE FILE CASES Minnesota - In St. Paul, Minn., in February, 1950, a young 16-year-old lad was shot and killed and his father seriously wounded at the hands of a bandit who attempted to rob them. The father was able to identify the bandit, who, when arrested, readily admitted himself to be a marihuana addict. He had smoked a "reefer" just prior to the killing, to bolster his courage for the hold-up. The murderer was "out on parole" from a previous sentence for marihuana addiction! -- “Assassin of Youth” (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine
MORE WEBSITES COMING -- ONE OF THESE DAYS: We wish that we had the ability to run a complete website on all these states, but due to limited resources this is not a possibility at this time. For now, we hope that this partial material will be of some help to historians doing research into the Era. ---- (Hint) if you make a financial donation to the museum it might help to speed things up a bit. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE