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![]() Cover - Dept. Of Prisons, 1986 Yearly Report 10.0 – REPORT CONCLUSIONS: No doubt there will be those who will claim that this report (put together by pro-Medical Cannabis individuals) was biased from the get go. That its findings were already well pre-determined; --- This however was not the case. At every turn we have followed where the facts and the mathematics lead us, not the other way around. Wherever the mathematics has forced us to make interpretive choices, we have endeavored wherever possible to follow the path of caution; ---Not the path that suited any particular agenda. In addition, when such interpretive choices were made, we have endeavored (at every turn) to inform the reader as to our logic, our reasoning as well as the mathematics behind those choices. ---- Again, this report followed where the facts lead, not the other way around. 10.1 – THE COSTS OF MARIHUANA INCARCERATION: -- A SUMMATION: In summation, the state of Oklahoma is spending a little over thirty-three million dollars ($33-Million) dollars per year solely to incarcerate state prisoners under the Marihuana laws. This figure is inclusive ONLY of the costs of the actual incarceration and does NOT include other associated costs such as:
10.2 – DRUG CRIME STATISTICS: From the various statistical data-files reviewed for this report, we have been able to ascertain the following:
10.3 – FINANCIAL IMPACTS OF MARIHUANA LAW INCARCERATION: This subject can and must be subdivided into two sub-sections, those being:
10.3.1 - THE IMMEDIATE FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Just from the one-hundred (100) prisoners (taken at random from the prison files) that are presently under incarceration “SOLELY FOR POSSESSION OF MARIHUANA”, at an incarceration costs to the taxpayer of $15,167 each. [ $15,167 x 100 = $1,516,700 ] Means that the Oklahoma taxpayers will immediately be saving over a million and a half-dollars per year; --- Each and every year from there-on in. And that’s only from that one short list that we were able to quickly identify. Given the fact that approximately 5% of our entire state prison population is presently under incarceration SOLELY for Marihuana or Marihuana Law related crimes. Meaning that if the Marihuana, of-and-by-itself, had not been illegal in the first place, then neither would any of the other associated crimes (possession of drug paraphernalia, etc), would also not have been against the law either. And as noted before 5% of our prison population is a figure that equates to a savings of over twenty-million ($20,000,000) dollars per year (Sec. 8) in savings. And again, that is each and every year from there-on-in. ($20,203,961 actually, see Sec. 8) Additionally, many “PARTIAL MARIHUANA PRISONERS”, those who are being incarcerated for multiple crimes to which Marihuana was but one of them, constitute yet another 11% of our present day prison population. And while many, maybe most of them will still stay in prison, still their sentences may be reduced to reflect the legal changes, so some cost savings will still follow. As we have determined that (by statistically averaging) that such individuals can be financially counted as ¼ (one-fourth) of a regular prisoner. We can therefore state that: [ 26,642 x 0.25 x 0.11 x $15,167 ] = $11,112,178 ] Meaning that it is costing us $11,112,178 per year in additional dollars to incarcerate this grouping of individuals. A total present day cost to the taxpayers of: $11,112,178 + $20,203,961 = $31,316,139 And again, these costs are being incurred, each and every year. AND additionally, we have calculated some other costs that while not normally associated with prison costs, still do impact our state finances due to incarceration.
And we can ONLY GUESS at what it is costing us to maintain children of “Marihuana Using” parents in our foster system. 10.3.2 - THE RESIDUAL (Long Term) IMPACT: Although we would like to think of the savings as being immediate, the reality is that such thoughts may be a bit premature as in almost all such cases the authorities in power are most reluctant to make such prison releases. And at times go to great lengths just to prevent such mass releases, irregardless of the facts. And if history proves us right, we can expect such immediate mass releases will be hampered (remember, the prison guard industry is feeding off these prisoners), or extremely slow in coming. --- However, recalling that NO NEW MARIHUANA prisoners will be added to the prison rolls, it will eventually take place, just not overnight. In addition, the Foster Care System will loose one of their excuses to take children away from their parents, meaning yet more long term costs savings will start taking place. HOWEVER, the real long term savings can be expected through the shear fact that the criminal system will “FROM HERE ON IN” stop arresting and thus ruining young peoples lives by giving them criminal records. And here it cannot be understated that the prison database files are very clear on this point. THERE IS A VERY CLEAR pattern behind that first Marihuana arrest and a life of crime thereafter following. (Sec. 7.2) Quite literally, once prohibition ends, the Gateway element to crime will also be closed. As well the gateway toward hard drug use; -- Again, many individuals FIRST started their drug use INSIDE the state prison system. 10.4 – CONCLUSION THE CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: -- YES IT DOES EXIST: We have been told that nothing makes a speaker (or author) look more like a nut case than to use words such as “Conspiracy” or “Evil” in their talk. Yet what choice have the authors of this report been given? Are we really to believe that NO ONE ANYWHERE WITHIN the whole of the State KNOWS the answer to our one simple question: "How many prisoners are under State Incarceration for Marihuana?" How one might ask, is that possible that no one, no state agency knows? The obvious answer is that IT’S NOT. The official excuse, used by Oklahoma’s Dept. of Corrections, is that the Court Clerks are simply jotting down CDS (Control Dangerous Substance) on their incoming documents. Making no mention of what the EXACT CDS was, and thus (being forced to work with imcomple information) their own incoming records are incomplete. BUT, while it is true, it is also true that:
So are we to accept massive incompetence as the reason why no one knows the answer. The very nature of the Peter Principle (something about Incompetence being able to rise only to its greatest level of incompetence) would see to it that it is not. Also as has been shown, the accounting tricks used to cover up the figures show anything but incompetence. Thus this report is left with but one logical conclusion; -- That an active CONSPIRACY to hide, what is obviously an embarrassing set of statistics, is actively taking place. Quoting Darth Sidious the evil emperor from Star-Wars: “Rulers seek to control information." "The powerful will do anything to hoard their power," "and if something is forbidden, it is likely a thing worth knowing” ---Darth Sidious 10.5 – SUGGESTIONS FOR CHANGE: There’s an old expression; “If it ain’t broken, then don’t fix it.” Well it’s broken real good and we had better fix it soon. -- The following are this report’s specific recommendations for change: 1. INCREASE THE SALARIES OF THE PRISON GUARDS: Simple logic and reason dictate that public employees that aren’t paid very well have a higher tendency to go corrupt. It’s a simple matter of human nature. Now, recalling that many individuals are introduced to (and begin their) DRUG USE WITHIN our state prison system. ---- A factor collaborated by the fact that for certain statistical groups, there are more prisoners presently serving time for Drug offences than were originally sentenced for such. Meaning they were caught with drugs within the prison. And with some Corrections Officials making less than $9 dollars an hour, it’s little wonder that DRUGS ARE FREELY FLOWING throughout our whole state prison system. Thus, (in the shear interest of public safety) we must INCREASE their salaries PERIOD. While at present we have no statistical proof, it appears obvious that the costs associated with prison employee salaries increases, can easily be offset by ending the incarceration of (those now viewed as) Marihuana Law violators. 2. DRUG FORFEITURE ASSET LAW CHANGES: With regard to Drug forfeiture Asset Laws, it is obvious that the laws (whatever their original intention were) are now being used solely as a means of obtaining revenue (similar to traffic citations) by the various governmental agencies, but primarily local municipalities. Which while being beneficial to local communities are forcing the state taxpayers to bare the much greater burden of incarceration. Thus it is recommended that the State legislature enact legislation requiring ALL such funds seized via drug forfeiture to go DIRECTLY to the state general fund; to be spent solely on state-wide projects, with none of it earmarked for return to the local community of origination. --- This we feel will put an end to the financial incentives presently encouraging the large number of incarcerations. 3. CHANGING INTERNAL PRISON ARRESTS REPORTS: While our prison system can blame (external) County Court Clerks for not noting down the exact CDS in question. They can make no such excuse when it comes to the subject of “PRISON CONTRABAND,” cases dealing with CDS arrests WITHIN the prison system itself. And to which they also are (just like those external court clerks they are blaming) ALSO just noting down “Generic” and very vague statements with NO MENTION of what the EXACT CDS in question was. (See Sec. 4.3.1) Thus, the Dept. of Corrections should and MUST be instructed to end this practice and start listing the exact information as per the arrest. 4. MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK REPORTS: At the present time, Oklahoma’s Department of Corrections is making the claim that they themselves DO NOT KNOW exactly how many people incarcerated for drug crimes are there for Marihuana. Said reason being that the County Court Clerks (whose information they themselves are depending upon to fill out their own paperwork) are themselves (in turn) NOT providing these details in their own generated paper work. Thus (according to them), it’s not their fault at all that they don’t know. It’s the fault of those local Court clerks,----And in truth it is. The statistical data that we were able to extrapolate from the prison data files (Sec. 4.3.4), show that well more than 50% of ALL CDS offenders are there for “CDS’s UNKNOWN”. In other words the County Court records did not mention what the exact CDS was. Thus a logical reason to require (by law if necessary) ALL municipal/state court clerks to actually list the exact CDS substance in question. Additionally, the Dept. of Corrections should be instructed to NO LONGER accept any paperwork not making mention of the exact CDS substance in question. 5. CHANGES IN POLICING CDS REPORTS: At present MOST initial police reports (see example below) for CDS crimes, use simple wording such as; "arrested for CDS" or "possession of CDS's", etc. Without any mention of what the actual CDS in question was. And unfortunately, it is these initial written reports that are being used to then generate local crime statistics as well as by the local newspapers as the source of their articles. BUT WAIT ---THE INFORMATION IS NOT COMPLETE! A situation that has frustrated numerous scholars doing research on the subject, forcing them to spend countless hours of work searching over numerous courthouse records; ---A very time consuming (we can assure you) situation. As well as a situation that has lead to various conspiracy theories and begs the question, WHY? Is someone, somewhere trying to hide something. Why is the public not being allowed to know how many arrests for Medical Marihuana are taking place? Thus, our reasoning for recommending that all initial police CDS arrest reports, SHOULD and MUST make mention of the exact CDS substance in question. In a similar manner as many cities require that the race of the drive now be noted on all traffic stops. ![]() An Initial Crime Report (heavily censored), giving no indication as to what the CDS in question was 6. GOVERNMENTAL TRUTH IN PUBLIC SPEAKING ACT: Oklahoma’s state workers or pubic servants should be viewed as just that; “The Servants of the Public.” As such, whatever else their job functions actually are; One of those functions should NOT BE LYING to the public. Nor should it include, deliberately taking part in conspiratorial cover-ups of vital information. In our case, deliberately hiding the number of Marihuana prisoners and the associated costs of their incarceration. In violation of (at least the spirit of) Oklahoma’s Open Records Act. As such, it is recommended that Oklahoma’s State Legislature implement, either through the passage of legislation or adopting new governmental work rules, AIMED SPECIFICALLY at preventing State workers from lying to the public AND from engaging in conspiratorial actions aimed at Impeding the public’s right to know. * * Granted there is some stuff that maybe should be kept secret, (troop movements during wartime, etc.), but here we’re not talking about that. In fact, the number of those incarcerated for Marihuana provides a good example of what we are talking about. 7. CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION REFORM: Granted, it’s expensive to run for office, it’s expensive to get your message out to the public. HOWEVER, it is obvious that major corporations, such as Oklahoma’s private prison system, obviously want something in return for its heavy political contributions. And from all outward appearances, they have many of our local politicians, very beholding to them; ---some would even say they have them in their hip pocket. So what is the solution? This report does not have one. On paper, it would be easy to say, “Let’s outlaw all political contributions from the Private Prison Industry.” But in actual practice there probably isn’t a realistic way of writing up such legislation (closing down all the loopholes), without destroying the constitution. Still the problem must be acknowledged. 8. CHANGES TO OKLAHOMA’S OPEN RECORDS ACT: Like our Federal Governments, Freedom Of Information Act, Oklahoma’s Open Records Act, was established to allow for more transparency in Government. To make government more open to the public, and prevent (what we can only see as) government shenanigans. However, as we have seen, there are those who have taken advantage of a major loophole in the legislation, which literally allows them to hide some very, very embarrassing prison numbers. Simply put, if they don’t have or keep the information, you don’t have to give it out, AND there is NO RULE under the act that requires them (no matter how simple it would be) to generate the requested info. Thus, through a very cleaver and well thought out conspiracy, those now running the prison system deliberately set up the rules in such as way so that the data is never actually stored anywhere. And, thus their legal inability to provide us with the required information. THEREFORE we are of the opinion that this loophole should be closed, by specifically forbidding the purposeful efforts on the part of State public servants to deliberately not keep or hide information from the public. 9. CLEANING UP DRUG ARREST RECORDS: As brought out earlier, NOTHING creates criminals and sets young people down the road to crime more than a Marihuana arrest conviction. It creates a situation where, through limited work and education opportunities, almost dictate that young person’s future career. And while little or nothing can be done about the injustices of the past, we can do something about future generations. We recommend that ALL MARIHUANA arrests records be cleared and null-and-void. This will give (at least those recently arrested) a clean slate to start with, and prevent them from travelling down the road to crime. 10. RE-EXAMINING OUR MARIHUANA LAWS: Not very many people today believe that Marihuana makes one turn to violence. That under its influence, young scantly clad co-eds are jumping out of fifth story windows, that young boys are grabbing axes and chopping people to death. Etc. BUT THAT IS exactly how and why the anti-Marihuana laws were passed in the first place. The Narcotics police were telling us this, and thus the laws were passed to “PROTECT THE PUBLIC” from these horrors. BUT IT WAS ALL A LIE, and it’s time for all of us to admit this. To para-quote President Obama: “MARIHUANA IS A LOT SAFER THAN ALCOHOL.” Thus this report feels that legalization is something that should very seriously be considered. Simply put, these laws make no sense.