Below is the museums list of Reefer Madness Comic Books, displayed in chronological order. It was created solely as a finding aid to historians and a few selected comic book collectors and as such not recommended for general use. [For general use, see the Alphabetical Title Index]
However, be that as it may, the chronological index does seem to show some interesting patterns. First note that the first [actual] Reefer Madness comic books story seems to appear on Oct 1937; which by coincidence is also the same date that the Marihuana Tax Act (affectively outlawing Medical Marihuana) took effect. This has leads many to assume (maybe with some justification) that comic books of-and-by-themselves played no role in the actual creation of the anti-Medical Marihuana laws. However, this ignores the fact that comic books (as we conceive of them today) did not exist until around this date. Before this time, comics (for the most part) were nothing more than reproductions of newspaper comic strips. But in any case, as can be seen from this chronological listing, comic books seemed to have played a big role in maintaining the hysteria against its use.
The golden age of comic books started around 1937 and came to an end in 1955 with the creation of a self censorship code known as the Comics Code Authority (CCA), which among other things ended any mention of Medical Marihuana.
Thus it is no accident that with the exception of a few publishers like "Dell" the Reefer Madness era of comic books also ended in 1955. By the time that comic-book code once again allowed its mention (in the late 1960's), the reefer madness era (at least the hysteria) was long over, the general public at large simply knew to much to accept the lie.
G-MAN VS. THE RED X By Stephen Slesinger,
This Big Little Book #1147; consists of 424 pages. A children's reefer madness companion.
Pub: Whitman Publishing Company
Oct 1937
MORE FUN COMICS #25: "The marijuana Racket" part 1 - a Johnny Law adventure - Note the date, this may be the first reefer madness story out there---and a horror of one it is. Story concerns starts out when a young marihuana addict shoots dead an innocent women. This puts Johnny Law on the hunt for a gang of marihuana peddlers:
"Chief, I don't care how we do it, But we must stop this peddling of dope to kids! That kid that did the shooting this afternoon was a victim of marihuana." …… "Johnnie, the marijuana peddling isn't an ordinary rocket, it isn't done by organized crime but by small time racketeers" Needless to say, Johnny thinks differently, --- will he stop the gang? We will have to wait until we can get a copy of "More Fun comics #28" where the story continues.
Pub: Detective Comics - St. Louis, Mo.
Jan 1938
[Wanted - The Museum Does not have and is looking for a copy]
"The marijuana Racket" part 2 - a Johnny Law adventure
Pub: Detective Comics - St. Louis, Mo.
Pub: Detective Comics - St. Louis, Mo.
Jan 1939
ACTION COMICS #8: "The Marijuana Farmers" [Not recommend for reading] No one knows exactly where the story title came from (none is to be found in the comic). The plot has five star reporter, Scoop Scanlon, following-up on a tip (given to him by the G-men) investigating the strange goings on, out in the country. Soon the action begins as someone shoots his car tires etc. In time Scoop see a field of “Maruuana” etc., etc. Again, this story (while included in the museums CD-rom) is not recommended for reading - honest its a total zero.
Pub: DC
June 1939
ADVENTURE COMICS #39: Highly recommended. This episode of the “Federal Men” (by Siegel and Schuster, the creators of Superman) has Ace G-Man Steve Carson tracking down a school janitor who's selling Marihuana to innocent high school kids. The case begins after a group of youngsters rob and kill a gas station attendant and then drive off weaving haphazardly and hit an innocent pedestrian - all under the influence of Marihuana (the weed of madness). This leads Steve Carson to a high school where he matches wits with a dope-peddling janitor. Great unforgettable story lines such as: “Marihuana the drug that causes the smoker to lose all moral restraint-then this case comes under federal jurisdiction!” Must reading for all reefer madness fans.
Pub: Detective Comics. Inc. 420 De Soto Ave. St. Louis, Mo.
Jan 1940
DETECTIVE COMICS #35: - Hypo-cover - Not a drug comix, it’s just that the cover has a hypo on the cover - big deal, I wouldn’t even bother to read it. However, by accident there is a story "Speed Saunders - Ace Investigator and the Voodoo Vengeance" that mentions “HEMP” in it.
April 1940
SMASH COMICS #9: Holy Cow! I forgot to mention that there's a pot / marijuana story in this issue. Clic Carter, crusading reporter, busts a ring of pushers peddling "doped marijuana cigarettes." Definitely of interest as a period piece...and it's not a bad story, either!
Fall 1940
The BLUE BEETLE #4: The Blue Beetle must stop a gang of marihuana dope peddlers that seem to be selling marihuana to high school aged young people. The story seems to follow the same one that was used in the blue beetle radio program (see radio plays). But here the word marijuana is used more than once.
Pub: Fox Feature Comics
Fall 1940
Teen-Age Dope Slaves as exposed by Rex Morgan M.D [Note: this is an anti-drug comic book, Not a reefer madness story] marihuana is mentioned only in 2 or3 panels and only by the name of weed. - Only the first 7 seven pages (of over 20) are excluded on CD-ROM/
Pub: Eclipse
Winter 1940
The GREEN MASK #3: "Gang Buster Robinson" The comic does have a marihuana mention story in it, but it's not a "Green Mask" story, instead it’s a "Gang-Buster" Robinson (By Harold Vance) story. The story involves a newly appointed prosecutor who battles against a Gang of dope peddlers. Needless to say the dope is medical marihuana. Not really a reefer madness story, but worth reading. Reprinted: from WONDER COMICS #1
Pub: Fox Features syndicate
March 1941
All-AMERICAN COMICS #24: [Not recommended] Title: The Green Lantern -The Slave Racket [This story has nothing to do with Medical Marihuana, but the slaves are forced to carry/load around bails of Hemp unto ships].
Pub: DC
August 1941
WEIRD COMICS #17 : [The Pushcart Drug Pusher] "marijuana story
Pub: Fox Publications
Nov 1941
POLICE COMICS #4 : Issues #4, 5 - The evil “Madam Brawn,” the head of an extortion racket that is terrorizing the city, captures poor Plastic Man and forces him to smoke reefers. The next panel shows him running around in a drug dazed state, shooting a gun up in the air saying, “Whee!! I’m a Killer,” etc, etc. All effects of the reefers, of course. Must reading.
Pub: Comics Magazine Inc. S. Lord St., Buffalo, N.Y.
Dec 1941
POLICE COMICS #5 : Issues #4, 5 - The evil “Madam Brawn,” the head of an extortion racket that is terrorizing the city, captures poor Plastic Man and forces him to smoke reefers. The next panel shows him running around in a drug dazed state, shooting a gun up in the air saying, “Whee!! I’m a Killer,” etc, etc. All effects of the reefers, of course. Must reading.
Pub: Comics Magazine Inc. S. Lord St., Buffalo, N.Y.
May 1942
[ Wanted - The Museum Does not have and is looking for a copy]
Marijuana Story in "Swing Session begins,” I had a chance to look over the story. It’s about a night club owner that sells reefer cigarettes on the side. Well actually he does more than that etc.
Pub: Quality comics Group Buffalo, N.Y.
May 1942
[ Wanted - The Museum Does not have and is looking for a copy]
Hello, Thank you for your interest yes this book mentions Marihuana.
May 1944
WONDER COMICS #1: Gang-Buster Appointed By Gov. Harmon -- Same As Green Mask #3
Oct 1945
(see DARING ADVENTURES #11) Marijuana story - A YANKEE BOY story about an evil Marijuana dealer "The Reefer King--a sinister salesman of cigarettes that kills off the smoker's souls!"
Pub: Holyoke, Mass. : Dynamic Publications
July 1947
JUMBO COMICS #101: Story Title ZX-5 (Reefer Racket!)
"I'm Just an Old Song and Dance Man"* (ZX-5) - [In all honesty, I don’t know if one can recommend this story to the reader. It concerns Agent ZX-5 who, for whatever reason, puts on some back face paint (except the lips, those are white) and joins a Song/Dance Troop. Well you guessed it, someone in the carnival is selling reefers to medical marihuana addicts etc. Again, it’s not that good of a story, with many others out there that are much better.]
July 1948
Originally published as a Newspaper comic strip series, later reprinted in comic book format. The last few pages form a part of an ongoing anti-Marijuana story, contained in issue #10.
Pub: Harvey Enterprises, Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis T, Mo.
Sept 1948
Two-part of a Marijuana story - Kerry smokes Marijuana -- A truly evil story about the evils of Marihuana in which both Ace investigator (for the DA) and his young sidekick, Curly, accidentally smoke the WEED of Madness. Panels show: Distorted illusions, false exhilaration, distorted distance and time frames. Must be seen to be believed -- Must reading.
Pub: Harvey Enterprises, Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis T, Mo.
“Assassins! Mad Slayers of the East!" The story of “Hassan Ibn Saban” (aka the old man of the mountain) and how he used marihuana to drug his assassins into killing for him. Note: This was a favorite Harry Anslinger (former drug czar) story, but alas a fake. Marco Polo (to whom all refer) clearly stated that the drug in question was opium, not Marihuana.
Pub:Magazine Enterprises, 11 park Place, New York 7, N.Y.
May 1948
Marihuana is only briefly mentioned on the first and second pages. The story (mostly about some gangsters and smuggling) does include a panel with the commissioner of the bureau of narcotics, but He looks nothing like H. Anslinger. -- Not worth reading.
Pub: Toytown Publications Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo.
July 1948
Classic Golden Age PRE-CODE CRIME comic with a MARIJUANA mention story. - A short (2 page) story about Vincent Pellicer, a marihuana peddler. The story is about a trunk bought at an action that had medical marihuana in it. Soon the DEA gets into the act etc… I believe it is the same story as that described in a true detective magazine. The story ends with a ---"If you know his location, notify Commissioner H.H. Anslinger, Bureau of Narcotics." comic book story is not worth reading. See Leading Detective Magazine - May 1947 [ Museum magazine section ]
Pub: Toytown Publications Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo.
Sept/Oct 1948
ROUNDUP (Western Crime) #2:
"Wise Guy of the Prairie" -- Although the word Marihuana is never mentioned (only dope) it is clear what the dope has to be. The story concerns smuggling the stuff across the border. Not worth reading.
Pub: D.S. Publishing Company, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y.
Feb 1949
The story “Satan's Cigarettes,” based on actual police files (would the police or the publisher lie to us?), was also re-released as “The No. 1 Enemy” in a later issue. The story starts as follows: ---- “Do you want to buy Madness, Pain, and Horror? Do you want to join the ranks of pitiful fools who have blazed the trail to destruction? Then come closer and have a cigarette. A SPECIAL kind of cigarette…” The plot revolves around an honest, hardworking (tobacco) shopkeeper who is tricked into selling “a special kind of cigarette” to Marihuana addicts. The story's dialogue would make even Ross Potts (the Dare Guy) proud. Examples:--- “Today the menace of Marihuana is being combatted by every law enforcement agency in the United States… It is a vicious racket.” …My favorite scene has the underworld gang leader saying: -- “Marihuana is for SAPS and spineless jellyfish! It makes you GOOFY WEAK UPSTAIRS! Let the weaklings smoke it - We get rich on it see?” “Nobody knows what a poison it is like we do.”
Pub: Toytown Publications Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo.
March 1949
The publisher offers a $100 reward for information leading to the capture of Joe Dentico, wanted by the commissioner of narcotics. According to one panel, “Detico’s crime is one of the most bestial and degrading known to humanity!” Note, the drug sold is never mentioned and (while it could be) it most likely is not Medical Marihuana.
Pub: Toytown Publications Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo.
April 1949
"I Was A Racket Girl," - A young aspiring actress and her boy friend gets involved in a marihuana selling racket. Lots of stereotypes words etc., must reading.
Pub: Magazine Village, Inc. 114 East 32nd St., New York 16, N.Y.
July 1949
Front cover - “Case of the Marijuana Racket” Story is about a marihuana ring that operates out of an Amusement park.
Pub: Various Publishers
"Thrill Crazy" Marijuana story - (same as Realistic Romance #16)
Jan 1950
“THE DOPE KING”- The police are baffled, Marihuana is showing up. But where is it coming from? None of the big time underworld gangs are behind it ---- The story of Johnny Larrone, a guineas of crime
Pub: Toytown Publications Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo.
March, 1951
UnderWorld Crime #5:
"River of Blood"---Not a reefer madness comic. Although the subject marihuana does come up (in a negative way), the story is more about some Mexican (undocumented workers) than anything else.
Pub: Fawcett Publications, Inc. Fawcett Pl., Greenwich, Conn.
July 1951
"The Horror weed" - The first few pages are pure reefer madness, (under the influence of marihuana, a robber becomes a cold blooded killer etc.,) but soon the story turns into a boring cops and smugglers theme etc. Can't really recommend nor not recommend a read.
Pub: Toytown Publications Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo.
Aug 1951
[ Wanted - The Museum Does not have and is looking for a copy]
"The Most Terrible Menace"- 2 page drug editorial- This tells of the "Drug Pusher" giving away free Marijuana and then getting them started on the harder drugs.
Pub: Cross Publications
Nov 1951
Drug cover + 2 page drug editorial "No time lost."
Pub: Cross Publications, Inc., 9 West 57th Street, New York 19, N.Y.
Nov 1951
BOY (illustories) COMICS #71:
"The High Cost of Dying - Yes, spelled wrong as Marajuana a couple of times, bad guy mentions it, gets a kid to smoke a "Mexican cigarette". A must read.
Pub: Lev Gieason Publications, Inc., 114 e. 32nd St., New York 16, N.Y.
Nov 1951
"Hopped Up Killer" - The true story of 'Wallace Reagan,' a small time punk until a gun moll introduced him to Marihuana! The evil cigarettes made him into a cop killer. Lot's of reefer madness stereotypes. If you only read one reefer madness comic book, this is the one to read.
Pub: Story Comics Inc., 7 E. 44th. St. Ny 17, N.Y.
"The Death of Rex Fury!" Loco Weed (the western term for Medical Marihuana) is used by a couple of villains to get them “high” just before committing their crimes.
Pub: Magazine Enterprises, 11 park Place, New York 7, N.Y.
Dec 1951
MISTER UNIVERSE (Professional wrestler) "Dope Menace" A gang of (adult) marihuana peddlers, is using (high school) teen-age gangs to sell the weed of madness to other high school students. Can Mr. Universe (pro wrestler) stop them and their diabolical plot?
Pub: Media Publications, Inc., 1775 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y.
(See Teen-Aged Dope Slaves/Reform School Girls)
Anti-Medical Marihuana, anti-Drug education comic. Prepared by “the Committee on Narcotics - N.Y City,” and distributed at public schools. - Bill Jones, a clean-cut, high-school kid, is conned (in the boys restroom) into trying Marihuana. It’s all downhill for him after that. His schoolwork suffers, he gets into fights with his parents, etc. And while his girlfriend, teachers, etc., try to help, soon he moves on to hard drugs. (Medical Marihuana = starter drug - everyone knows that.) Only after he is arrested and put in jail does he come to his senses. Note: This is a “white people only” comic book, not a single non-white in the place. A must read.
Pub: Columbia University Press
Jan 1952
BOY (illustories) COMICS #73:
Contains one of the “Frazetta” - Anti-Drug Ads (short one-page comic stories), “We Can Stop the Enemies of Youth.” While Medical Marihuana is not actually mentioned, there is no question exactly what the “Dope” is. Part of the ad reads: “All young men and women should report Dope peddlers to their parents, their clergymen, their teachers, the police . . etc. “
Pub: Lev Gieason Publications, Inc., 114 e. 32nd St., New York 16, N.Y.
Jan 1952
Comic contains the same “Frazetta” Anti-drug ad “We Can Stop the Enemies of Youth” as “BOY ILLUSTORIES #73."
Pub: Lev Gieason Publications, Inc., 114 e. 32nd St., New York 16, N.Y.
Feb 1952
“The No. 1 Enemy” - Re-titled story from issue #18, (then titled) “Satan’s Cigarettes.”
Pub: Orbit Publications, Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo.
March 1952
"Dope Teen-Age Menace" A one page anti-Dope Ad or Story: (boy starts out on reefers goes on to heroin from there on) --Note, this is not the "Frazetta” Anti-drug ad, found on numerous Lev Gleason comic books. Should be read.
March 1952
Not a reefer madness story. Marihuana is only mentioned once and then only under the word Weed, In "Janita Perez - the gypsy killer." The story seems to be about a bad girl who started early and committed every kind of crime possible. Even running a dope ring. In one of the seen(s) she says " You wanted out -- But your can never get away from the WEED habit. -- It eats into you--You've got to have it!" -- Not worth reading.
Pub: Avon Periodical/Realistic Comics
April 1952
“Narcotics The Deadly Menace of The Death Drug” - While the story is about a New Kind of Plant Drug (Zombie), Marihuana is mentioned, in one panel which reads: “What’s a new kind of DRUG got to do with us, monk? We got lots of customers for Heroin, and Marijuana and the usual stuff!” But in general, the story is not worth reading.
Pub: Comic Favorites, Inc., 163 Pratt St. Meriden, Conn.
May 1952
“Monkey on Her Back.” A classic: An orphaned college girl goes with her sister to a dinner and dance party. There her sister introduces her to some friends, one of whom is a (handsome) “Marijuana user.” Later on, she learns her sister is a drug addict. Sobbing, she learns how her sister started on medical marihuana (the starter drug) and moved on, Sob, Sob etc. Great dialogue, with sentences like: “Why, that’s marijuana!! Oh No., I couldn't! Haven't you been reading about Dope in the papers?” -- Note a few pages are missing -- story not complete. - Also note that Overstreet claims story is the same as "Shock SupenStories No. 12." but as can be seen this is not the case.
Pub: Youthful Magazine, Inc. Holyoke Mass.
July 1952
This cool vintage pre-code Horror comic was published by Trojan back in 1952. Classic A. C. Hollingsworth cover on this one, with a terrific crime tale concerning a "reefer" distribution ring at the local college
Pub: Trojan
Aug 1952
“The Knife in the Night!” One of the villains “Weedy Smudgeon” (a hopeless Loco Weed smoker) robs a visiting opera singer. His purpose, to obtain more smokes from his boss and controller, the villainous undertaker Amos Drizly. But fear not, the Ghost Rider is soon on the trail.
Pub: Magazine Enterprises, 11 park Place, New York 7, N.Y.
Aug 1952
The opening page of this comic says the following... "Junk! That is the underworld name for the narcotics that are seeping in ever increasing quantities into America's blood stream! Junk is a fitting name, for in it's clutches, junk is what human beings become...The picture beside this caption shows two young adults smoking what most likely is Marihuana. -- Note not really a reefer madness story, Marihuana in not actually even mentioned. - Not worth reading.
Marijuana Murders -1 page text story - "a white, sand-like powder poured. It glistened in the light of the street lamp. When the cop on the beat came running up to the body---- he recognized right away that the stuff was marijuana." etc.. [- Copyright states -- All names in this periodical are entirely fictitious and no identification with actual persons is intended.]
Pub: Avon Periodicals, Inc., 878 Madison Ave., New York 22, New York.
Oct. 1952
"The return of the Phantom Fakir" (from the Orient). A strange mental weakness has stricken an entire community, leaving them defenseless and unable to fight against slave raiders etc. News of this causes “Emir- The Phantom Fakir,” to investigate. Soon he hears that it is none other than the evil “Mustapha Kemall” who is behind the strange mental malady. After freeing a beautiful slave girl, he flies on a magic carpet to the stronghold of the evil Kemal. There after defeating both guards and the Kemal himself, he discovers the secret of the strange malady. An urn who’s vapors: --- “Are narcotic, not unlike the smoke from the HEMP weed. It drugged him with false courage, but he used the drug’s contrary effects to enslave the minds of his followers! ShaH-Ri Hasheesh! Destroy this evil urn” --- And the people are saved. It should be noted that Medical Marihuana is not mentioned by name, only by implication
Pub: St. John Publishing Company, 454 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y.
Dec 1952
“Holiday of Horror,” A classic -- The true story of Larry Newson, a hopeless drug addict. Although the story deals more with Heroin, it has some great (Marihuana the starter drug) panels in it. Must reading.
Pub: Orbit Publications, Inc., 420 DeSoto Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo.
"The Most Terrible Menace"- 2 page drug editorial- This tells of the "Drug Pusher" giving away free Marijuana and then getting them started on the harder drugs. National Institute of Mental Health - Public Health Services - US Department of Health, Education and Welfare
Pub: Cross Publications
March 1953
"Gang Girl" - This is NOT, repeat, NOT a reefer madness story. It is however, a good example of how an Internet auctioneer can drum up business. Despite the sales description: "Classic headlights cover, hypo panel, marijuana + drug use panels in 'Gang Girl': "Enjoying yourself, baby? Here take a drag on this! It'll pep you up! It's got a kick like nothing else! Ha, ha, ha." - But other than that one panel -- nothing -- no actual mention of medical marihuana.
Pub: Harwell Publication, Inc., 500 4th. Ave., New York.
April/May 1953
MAD #4:
"The FLOB WAS A SLOB" The story of Ramona Snarfl, a typical American girl, who had to choose between two lovers. One a fat slob and the other a handsome male. The choice at first was obvious, but after a few nights out with him, she started to notice a few odd things, like where did he get his money etc. So she goes back to the fat slob. However in the end she sees the light and the last panel shows her selling reefers to grammar school kids. The captions reads, “I was no fool! It’s the night clubs for me! Hey kids wanna buy some weeds, cheap? C’mon look, fork over your lunch money! C’mon before the teacher comes.. . . It’s hard to take MAD magazine seriously.
Pub: Educational Comics, Inc., 225 Lafayette St., New York 12, N.Y.
Aug 1953
Junkie story Yup -- called "reefer" -- the boy gets in with a gang, they urge him to smoke, it soon leads to "stronger stuff" and he gets the electric chair in the end. That's what smoking the stuff does to ya, you know!
Pub: EC comics
Sept 1953
[sort of has a few references to reefers, but not really a reefer madness story. 1st. app. Johnny Dynamite the Wild Man from Chicago, Drug Story, Girl using Marijuana and Heroin Shot Pusher in face at close range.
Pub: New York, NY Allen Hardy Associates, Inc.,
Nov 1953
"Dread Past" - Unless your into girl romance etc., the story is not worth reading. Something about a nurse who goes wrong and messes up during an operation. Anyway, the word Marihuana never actually comes up, only words like weed, tea etc. Again, not worth reading.
Pub: Harwell Publication, Inc., 500 4th. Ave., New York.
Dec 1953
“The Monkey.” The story of a young, clean-cut, high-school kid Eddie Anderson, who is talked into using Marihuana by a dope peddler. The 2nd cigarette wasn’t for free (anymore), it cost him plenty. Eddie thereafter goes on to harder and harder drugs, etc., enough said. Moral of the story - Marihuana is a starter drug.
Pub: EC comics
Oct 1954
"THE HOT ROD GANG" dope crazy kids - The title says it all, “Dope Crazy Kids and soaped up Hot Rods means DEATH ON WHEELS!” Of course the Drug is Marihuana (reefers), a good juvenile delinquent story -- Must reading.
Pub: Lev Gieason Publications, Inc., 114 e. 32nd St., New York 16, N.Y.
July 1954
Marijuana Cover Story - Something about the border patrol. - Publication: New York, N.Y. A. Hardy Associates.
Pub: Comic Media/ Allen Hardy Assoc.
June 1954
A Heroin story, the only mention of Medical Marihuana is as follows: “St Louis knew the kid all right, her name was Mella Trebs as a lark, she’d started on reefers in high school. At 16 Mella was already on Horse (heroin) when the cops first picked her up.” Sort of a Medical Marihuana as a starter drug, etc. - Not worth reading.
Pub: Feature Television Productions, 480 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y.
July 1954
NUTS! #3:
Drug "reefers" mentioned (but only as part of a joke, not a reefer madness article), not worth reading.
Pub: Premiere
July 1954
PANIC (EC) Comic #3:
Old King Cole smokes marijuana - This is only a 3 panel story; Panic magazine (sort of like MAD) also treats it as a joke. But this is among the first (let’s get real) stories ever put to print. We only have the cover and (Old King Cole) story page.
[same story found in Romantic Love #6] Story is titled “My Scandalous Affair!” The story of a fast and easy girl, but one day she goes too far, to a reefer party. --- “The taste was bitter and it choked me….the room began to spin …. I inhaled a few more puffs and began to grow deathly sick!” --- Her boyfriend (also under the influence of marihuana) tries to kill her etc. And after a few months she ends up in a mental institution where she sees first hand the effects of the evil weed. One plate has a doctor saying: -- “That girl is only five years older than you. She started the way you did and went much further, and now it’s too late!” [Picture shows a very elderly looking woman, in a haze] --- But fear not, romance comic book fans, she recovers from her addiction and gets together with her old boyfriend. A happy ending.
Pub: Avon Periodicals, Inc., 573 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y.
March 1954
“I was a Musician’s Girl,” Louise, a young girl, must choose between two boys. One is “Drummer,” a “POD” (marihuana) smoking musician who flourishes in the dark shadows of cellar clubs. The other is Todd, a clean-cut handsome music writer. After a lot of “POD” and nightclub action, etc., Louise finally comes to her senses --- A happy ending.
Pub: Charlton comics Group. Charlton Building, Derby, Conn.
[OverStreet (an industrial price guide) states the following - #8- Teenagers smoke reefers. Well maybe, their are some teens smoking something, but for all we know it may be [God forbid] tobacco.
May 1954
TRUE LOVE CONFESSIONS #1:Pub: Premier Magazines, Inc., 11 East 44th Street, New York 17, N.Y.
Jan 1955
"Shakedown" - Jan 1955 - The story starts as a marijuana peddler is killed (by other crooks) so that they can take over his territory. Some reference to the reefer addicts, but most of the story is about the drug dealers (+ police) themselves.
Pub: Charlton Comics Group. Charlton Building, Derby, Conn.
Feb 1963
“Terror at 59 West" - A criminal punk (for lack of a better word for him), addicted to Marihuana and Heroin, named “Creep Canova” (the character's real name), causes a lot of trouble. And although the story only mentions Marihuana, still, how can one forget one of the panels, which reads: -- “I thought that smell was familiar. ‘MARIJUANA!’ Imagine. A young kid like this on the stuff!”
Pub: Dell Publishing Co., 750 3d Ave., New York 17, N.Y.
Reprint of DYNAMIC COMICS #16-(different cover)- #11- “Sorry - No Cigarettes Today.” Teen-age crime fighter “Yankee Boy” battles the “Reefer King” in a story titled “Sorry - No Cigarettes Today.” The plot involves: -- A Cigarette salesman, talked into using his shop to sell reefers. -- A young boy (after smoking a reefer) becomes a robber. -- A kindly police officer (the kind that gives candy to lost children) guards over a schoolyard. OK, one gets the picture. Must reading.
Pub: Super Comics, Inc., 62 West 47 St., New York 36, N.Y.
They're Wild! They're Wanton! They're Willing! They're Teen-Aged Dope Slaves & Reform School Girls out for Kicks! Or at least that’s what the ad (on E-bay) says. The comix contains reprint stories from late 1940's and early 1950's, mostly from two titles, “Teen-aged Dope Slaves” and “Reform School Girls.” Stories include "The Deadly Needle," Trapped," and "Teen-Aged Dope Slaves" .
To the best of our knowledge, all given information is correct, however, mistakes do happen, typos do happen. If you spot any mistakes please do contact us.