Although the congressional Record is full of numerous reefer madness references, this section (reproduced here without modifications) was chosen for inclusion because of its late date "1968," indicating that additions to Anslingers' Gore file were still being made at that time. In fact, documents show that the DEA was still claiming a link between "Violent Crime" and the use of Medical Marihuana all the way up until the mid-1980's.
CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- April 4, 1968 - Extensions of Remarks pp 9122
Mr. WYMAN. Mr. Speaker, on Thursday, February 29, 1968, Commissioner Henry L. Giordano, of the Bureau of Narcotics, U.S. Treasury Department, in testimony before the Appropriations Subcommittee, gave graphic examples of crime and violence in the United States associated with the use of marihuana. I believe this testimony and particularly these examples are of value in considering whether or not to lessen or remove existing criminal penalties for use, possession and sale of this drug. It seems to me that there is compelling reason not to remove these penalties. . .
Mr. Speaker, I hope that everyone will read the following examples and take the warning to heart. In particular I hope that parents who are faced with the sometimes difficult task of explaining to their youngsters why marihuana is "bad," will find these examples to be useful in this educational war against the spreading threat of drugs in this country.
The material referred to follows:
SEATTLE, WASH., July 8, 1967.---At a fair grounds a man accidentally bumped into another, spilling coffee on him. The individual who was bumped began swearing and took a log chain with which he proceeded to beat the startled victim. When arrested for assault, officers found the suspect to be in possession of and under the influence of marihuana.
HONOLULU, HAWAII, September 2, 1966,----The combination of two marihuana cigarettes and some wine made a sailor "high" and "homesick". Attempting to force his way into a United Air Lines jet loading for Los Angeles, he drew a stiletto-type knife, held five passengers at bay and then struggled with the airport police. He was finally subdued by the officers.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., December 24, 1967.----A 20-year old man and a juvenile worked to-together in an armed robbery of a local tavern. When arrested, both suspects stated they never would have committed the crime except that they had been smoking marihuana.
ASBURY PARK, N.J., May, 1965.----Two men boxed playfully together in the street. One participant was knocked to the ground. He came to his feet with a knife in his hand. His opponent started to retreat. The angered man chased and caught his companion. He slashed the frightened man's throat and, in a frenzied state, repeatedly stabbed the helpless man. The murderer then calmly folded his knife and walked away. He is still a fugitive. Just prior to the Incident, the two men had smoked marihuana together.
GARDEN CITY EAST, N.Y., February 5, 1967---An 18-year old youth was arrested at the scene of a burglary. He later admitted smoking a marihuana cigarette immediately before the crime was committed.
CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C., October 2, 1967---A young Marine attempted suicide by swallowing open safety pins. He admitted using marihuana and LSD before the incident.
DETROIT, MICH., November 8, 1967---A 19 year old man was arrested for murdering his 3-month old daughter. His wife told homicide detectives her husband was a constant marihuana user and had been under its Influence when he beat their Infant daughter to death with his hands.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., August 20, 1967.----A hitchhiker jumped in front of an oncoming car in an attempt to commit suicide. He was later arrested and admitted he bad been under the influence of marihuana at the time of this suicide attempt.
KALAMAZOO, Mich., November, 1965.---Three men robbed and murdered a co-worker . All defendants, by their own admission, were under the influence of marihuana at the time the murder occurred.
SAGINAW, Mich., January-February 1967--- Two men robbed two elderly women at gunpoint. On February 2, 1967, one of these men and another companion forced their way into the home of a doctor. The suspects sexually assaulted the physician's 65-year old wife, then bludgeoned the doctor and his wife to death with a hammer. They shot both dead bodies several times and left them lying in the house. The original two criminals were arrested. One admitted using marihuana to get up his nerve before both of the above crimes, the other admitted using marihuana, just before the armed robbery.
COVINGTON, OHIO, May 1, 1967.----An Armed bandit robbed a pharmacy of its narcotic drug stock. Without further reason he killed the pharmacist and clerk. The murderer was known to always fortify himself with marihuana prior to committing a robbery.
SAN ANTONIO, TEX., November 13, 1966.---After smoking marihuana for several hours, two defendants decided to settle an argument with a mutual acquaintance. They pistol whipped, beat, stabbed, and finally shot and killed the other man. Police later learned the two murderers smoke marihuana until they became "vicious" then immediately went to "beat" the victim.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., March 19, 1967.---An individual was arrested for beating and seriously injuring his mother. Officers found a partially smoked marihuana cigarette in the suspect's car.
SAN JOSE, CALIF., 1967.---During an armed robbery two teenagers, ages 15 and 17, shot and killed the owner of a beverage shop. After they were arrested, the two juveniles admitted they used marihuana before committing the robbery.
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO., August 19, 1967.---Three youths attended a marihuana party. After the party they went to a local cemetery, dug up the body of a 90-year old woman and attempted to cut off the head. Unable to carry out their morbid task, they discarded the body, which authorities found later.
NEPHI, UTAH, December 16, 1967.----A man under the influence of marihuana attempted to murder his common-law wife, by cutting out her heart with a piece of broken mirror. He stabbed her several times in the back and then cut his own abdomen with the makeshift weapon, causing his intestines to protrude. Authorities indicated the suspect continued to act in a "frenzied manner" even after he was handcuffed and in a critical condition from his self-infected wounds.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., 1966.----While on patrol, radio car officers spotted a vehicle which fit the description of one used in a robbery a short time before. Officers stopped the vehicle and, upon interrogation, the driver admitted he had been involved in the robbery. A Search of the vehicle disclosed a partially burnt cigarette on the floor board. Under the seat officers found a large bag of marihuana. The suspect stated he was a marihuana Smoker and had smoked two marihuana cigarettes that day.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., December 8, 1966.---Three persons were arrested for burglary. One suspect later Confessed that he had smoked marihuana just before the crime and he believed the marihuana had caused Mm to commit the crime.
FRANKLIN SQUARE, N.Y., February 17, 1967.---A teenage youth became wild and unruly in a local restaurant and assaulted one of the customers. Arresting officers found the suspect in possession of marihuana which he had admitted smoking prior to the incident.
SAGINAW, MICH., March 16, 1966.---A man entered the home of his estranged wife, who was in the process of obtaining a divorce. He raped her three timer in front of their young child. As he left the house he said he would return, again rape his wife, and kill the entire family. He returned about one hour later, began shouting obscenities as he attempted to force his way into the house. He was shot and killed by his wife who later was found not guilty in a court of law. The man was a chronic user of marihuana and witnesses stated he had been smoking the day of his death.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., 1966.--- Officers responding to a radio call learned a suspect had been earlier ejected from a bar for causing a disturbance. Fifteen minutes later the suspect returned and fired several gun shots from the street outside the bar. He then fired at the patrons of the bar as they quickly emerged into the street. His shots struck one of the patrons in the leg. Numerous shotguns, rifles, and pistols were found in the suspect's home when arrested. A large quantity of marihuana was also found in a closet. The suspect admitted he had smoked marihuana that day, as well as on numerous other occasions.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., 1966.----Local police received a call regarding a family dispute. The officers were met by the suspect's wife who stated that she and her husband had argued and she threatened to leave with the children. The suspect became violent and struck her several times in the face. When she fell down, he kicked her in the ribs. The suspect dragged his victim to a staircase and pushed her down officers could smell the odor of marihuana emitting from the room where the suspect had locked himself. After the suspect was arrested, a quantity of cigarette paper and a pipe filled with marihuana were found in his bedroom.
DETROIT, Mich., January 15, 1968.----Seven men were charged with the rape of a 19-year-old girl after an all night drinking and Marihuana Party. When police raided the home where the party had been held, they found a number of marihuana cigarettes as well as a jar of marihuana.
ANN ARBOR, MICH., August 27, 1967.---A 19-year old habitual marihuana user was arrested for kidnapping and murder. He admitted he had used marihuana just prior to the incident. He also confessed to several unsolved breaking and entering cases, and vicious assaults all committed while under the Influence of marihuana.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., 1966---A victim reported to the Police that she had been kipnapped and robbed during the early morning hours. She stated that the abductor had held a knife at her throat and forced her into his car. The suspect then removed $30 from the victim's purse and forced her out of, the car. The arresting officers located the suspect's apartment and, at the time of the arrest, officers found a partially smoked marihuana cigarette in an ashtray and a large bag of marihuana in a closet.
ANN ARBOR, MICH., October 29, 1967.---A man pulled Into a drive-in parking lot and, without provocation, shot and seriously wounded four patrons. The suspect was under the influence of marihuana at the time of this shooting and has a long record of habitual marihuana use.
AUSTIN, Tex., December 13, 1966.----A neighbor noticed two men enter an unoccupied house and begin to take out the furniture. She approached the men and asked their purpose. They assaulted her, fracturing her jaw, and pulled a pistol threatening to kill her. When arrested, the two admitted being "high" on marihuana.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., 1966.----Officers observed a suspect driving a stolen vehicle. When they pulled alongside and identified themselves by showing their badges, the driver increased his speed and forced the police vehicle into the curb. The officers continued their pursuit and the subject vehicle narrowly missed oncoming traffic. On several occasions during the pursuit, the offender attempted to force the police vehicle off the roadway. He was eventually stopped when officers shot out his rear tires. When the police searched the suspect's home they found several marihuana cigarettes. The suspect's wife stated her husband had smoked a marihuana cigarette before leaving the house.
ROOSEVELT, N.Y., March 9, 1966.----While smoking marihuana at home a man became violent. He brutally assaulted his wife and terrorized his two children, continuing to smoke marihuana throughout the Incident.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., 1966.----Officers responding to a radio call were met by a man and a woman, each claiming they were victims of an assault by the other. Both parties showed evidence of injury. The female suspect stated that they had smoked two or three marihuana cigarettes. Then she said, "He looked at me with a weird look in his eyes and called me a profanity. I picked up the ice pick and hit him with it. I am high now.,' It was noted that the man had been stabbed three times. A search of the house disclosed marihuana debris in several ashtrays.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., 1966. ---While on patrol, officers Observed a vehicle traveling in excess of 110 mph. Due to heavy traffic, officers were unable to overtake the vehicle and had a roadblock set up. When the vehicle was finally stopped, three suspects emerged from the vehicle and the heavy odor of marihuana was apparent. A marihuana cigarette was found smoldering In the ashtray along with two other marihuana cigarettes. Several others were found throughout the car.
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 19, 1967.---The defendant "picked up" a woman from her place of employment and drove her to his apartment where she watched him roll and smoke three or four marihuana cigarettes. While In the room the woman was forced, at the point of a gun, to submit to sexual acts with the defendant.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., January 1965, ---Three subjects crashed a party and threatened the party-goers with tire Irons and a baseball bat. Several persons were struck with these weapons. Subjects were arrested and about one ounce of marihuana was found in their vehicle along with two marihuana cigarettes.
SAGINAW, Mich., September 1964, ---A panderer became angry with one of his prostitutes. An argument followed and he severely burned her with a hot electric iron on both upper legs and the lower abdomen. During the trial he confessed he had smoked two marihuana cigarettes just prior to the argument.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., March 12, 1967.---Three young men were arrested for a charge of rape. They had used a shotgun to force their victim to submit. A search of the room In which the attack occurred uncovered a quantity of marihuana and dangerous drugs.
HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. November 14, 1967.----An undercover police officer was in a car with two men in their early twenties for the alleged purpose of buying a gun. The suspects were "high" on marihuana. One pulled a knife on the officer forcing him to leave the automobile. Both then chased him through a residential area, where he was caught, disarmed, and assaulted. Attempting to kill the officer, one defendant pointed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger. Fortunately, the gun was only a starter's pistol. Both subjects were later arrested.
ANNAPOLIS, MD., June 12, 1967---A 19-year old college student from California fell or jumped from a third story window shortly after using marihuana and tranquilizers.
Los ANGELES, CALIF., September 3, 1966.---Three young men entered the home of a female acquaintance and began smoking marihuana. When she objected, the men attacked and beat her. They were apprehended as they fled the residence.
PETO, Mexico, February 5, 1967.---A farmer at Peto, State of Yucatan, Mexico suddenly became deranged and began brandishing a machete. He decapitated his father who had been sleeping in a hammock, cut off his mother's hands, and seriously wounded his brother who tried to calm the raving man. The farmer was under the influence of marihuana when he committed the atrocities.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA., September 13, 1967.---An armed man entered and robbed a finance company of $687. The suspect later admitted he had used marihuana frequently for approximately eight years, because "It's a stimulant to the mind". He stated he had smoked marihuana shortly before he committed the robbery.
CAMDEN, N.J., January 1968.----Three men heldup a toy store in Camden. All three suspects left the store, got into their car and smoked marihuana. They then returned to the store and killed the store attendant with a revolver.
ELGIN, ILL., February 18, 1965.---During an attempted robbery, two men attacked their victim with a baseball bat, Making him at least ten times on the head. Later, when the suspects were arrested, one stated they both had smoked marihuana just before attacking their victim,
ATLANTA, GA., December 1967.---Two marihuana users argued over one man's wife. One was shot through the neck and killed with a .22 caliber pistol. The murderer we, allegedly under the influence of marihuana at the time of the shooting.
CANTON, Ohio, December 18, 1963.---Canton police arrested six male subjects involved in armed robberies of private homes and 30 breaking and enterings of business places. Investigation showed that three of the culprits Used marihuana before committing these crimes.
SAGINAW, Mich., June 6, 1967.---Two Saginaw patrolmen stopped at a local restaurant to obtain food. One officer entered the restaurant while his partner waited in their scout car. A man followed the policeman into the restaurant and, without provocation or comment, shot the officer three times In the back killing him on the spot. The defendant was killed by the officer's partner In an ensuing gun battle. A companion of the murderer stated that he and the dead defendant had parked across the street from the restaurant and smoked a number of marihuana cigarettes. When the police car pulled up in front of the restaurant, the murderer announced he was going to kill one of the officers for kicks.
KALAMAZOO, Mich., November 15, 1967.----A Kalamazoo physician hired a neighborhood girl to care for his children while he and his wife were out for the evening. The girl invited almost 50 teenagers to the doctor's home for a drinking and marihuana party. The doctor's home was completely destroyed and a number of valuable articles were stolen.