WHY THIS CHAPTER: What is now known simply as "Anslingers' Gore File," was originally put together at the bequest of then Drug Czar H.J. Anslinger. The reasoning for its origin is by now obvious . . .
10.2.2 - THE GORE CASES - (Part 1):

AXE MURDER - KILLS WHOLE FAMILY: A seventeen-year-old boy in a Southern state smoked a marijuana cigarette handed him in a poolroom. When he arrived home, he imagined that his family had been conspiring to dismember him. To forestall this, he hacked his father, mother, sister and two brothers to death with an ax . . .
10.2.3 - THE GORE CASES - (Part 2):
LESBIAN LOVE - WOMEN STABBED TO DEATH: 1938 - F 28 Prostitute stabbed Mrs. M. O'Shannon for not cooperating Lesbian activities. --- "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 . . . .
10.2.4 - Gore Cases - (Part 3) :
In New Jersey, a young woman recently confessed that she and a girl companion lad held up and coldly murdered a bus driver. She had been smoking marijuana cigarettes or "reefers," she said and didn't know what she was doing. -- The CHRISTIAN CENTURY - June 29, 1938. . . .
10.2.5 - Gore Cases - (Part 4) :

CHILD RAPIST: Recently in Baltimore a young man was sent to the electric chair for having raped a girl while under the influence of marihuana. -- Mr. Anslinger 1937 Congressional Testimony. . .
10.2.6 - Gore Cases - (Part 5) :

POLICE TROOPER KILLED: Then again, the case of the young desperado in Michigan who, a few months ago, caused a reign of terror by his career of burglaries and holdups, finally to be sent to prison for life after kidnapping a Michigan state policeman, killing him, then handcuffing him to the post of a rural mailbox. . . .
10.2.7 - Gore Cases - (Part 6):

MURDER / HITCHHIKING : The recent hitch-hike robbery and murder of an innocent citizen involving a young 18-year-old girl and her 15-year-old companion, who admitted she was under the influence of marihuana, . . .
10.2.8 - Gore Cases - (Part 7):
MURDER - SUICIDE : One Eleutero Gonzales, allegedly while under the influence of marihuana, shot to death two women and then committed suicide by literally slicing himself to bits about the abdomen, around the heart and throat, in a manner which indicated that he was bereft of all reasoning. Law enforcement officers believed that Gonzales was under the influence of marihuana . . .
10.2.9 - Gore Cases - (Part 8):
RUTHLESS SLAYER: After first smoking two marijuana cigarettes, he burst into the hotel room, beat guest to death, then jumped through window 30 feet to pavement, breaking both legs; didn't remember actions. . . .
THE UNSOLVED CASES: We seek help in finding any information about the following Gore File Cases. Try as we may, we simply have not been able to locate anything relating to them. There is of course the possibility that some of them are totally fictitious, but for now, we are assuming that some actual event,
incident etc., actually took place. . . .
10.2.11 - FAKE GORE CASES (total phantoms):
Fantom Gore File Cases -- They never happed It is a relatively simple thing to prove that "It Happened," one single newspaper article will do. But what if it never happened in the first place? What if the crime or case file (allegedly committed while under the influence of Medical Marihuana), was a phantom in the first place? How does one prove that? . . . .
The Congressional Record Although the congressional Record is full of numerous reefer madness references, this section (reproduced here without modifications) was chosen for inclusion because of its late date "1968," indicating that additions to Anslingers' Gore file were still being made at that time. In fact, documents show that the DEA was still claiming a link between "Violent Crime" and the use of Medical Marihuana all the way up until the mid-1980's. . . .
10.2.13 - THE L.A.P.D. FILES:
L.A.P.D. Gore Cases "Violent behavior has long been associated with the abuse of marijuana. There is little question that this occurs . . . In 1966 the Los Angeles Police Department conducted a survey into the relationship between marijuana and criminal behavior. Hundreds of cases were documented during a one-year period in which marijuana was involved as a factor of criminal behavior. . . .
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