EXECUTION BLOTTER (State of Maryland) What the Narc's were claiming "A young man in Baltimore was sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault on a 10-year-old girl. In his plea of not guilty he testified that he was temporarily insane from smoking marihuana cigarettes. -- Oakland Tribune (Newspaper) Oct. 11, 1936 "Don't be a MuggleHead" 1967 -Admitted attacking girl, 10. while "crazy" from marijuana. -- The Truth about Marijuana - STEPPING STONE to DESTRUCTION June 1967 1936 - I. Perez - M - Raped 10-yr. girl; previous arrest for possession marihuana. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 1935 - A. Perez - M - 30 - Assaulted 10-yr. old girl; admitted being under influence marihuana, so "crazy"; convicted in court trial. Hanged - June, 1936 -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 Recently in Baltimore a young man was sent to the electric chair for having raped a girl while under the influence of marihuana. -- Mr. Anslinger 1937 Congressional Testimony "A man 25 years old, charged with criminally assaulting a 10-year-old girl, entered a plea of not guilty because of insanity. He was convicted and sentenced to death." -- SIERRA EDUCATIONAL NEWS - Nov 1938 (California Teachers Association) COMMISSIONER ANSLINGER: We have observed two cases of sex crimes where we have been able to prove the connection with Marihuana. A boy named Perez, in Baltimore raped a ten-year-old girl, and of course he blamed it on Marihuana. It so happened that, just a year before that, Perez had been picked up by the Baltimore police for the sale of 2,500 grains of Cannabis, and got three months in jail. This sex offense happened the following year . . . In the case of Perez, we do not know what else might have been wrong with him, but he was definitely a user and a seller of Marihuana. --Marihuana Conference -Held Dec. 5, 1938 A young man in Baltimore was sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault upon a ten-year-old girl. His plea of not guilty was based upon his claim that he had been driven temporarily Insane from smoking "reefers. -- Cosmopolitan - May 1938 A young Maryland lad, sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault upon a ten-year-old girl, pleaded "not guilty" saying he was insane from marihuana. -- Book (1939) Enemies Of Youth A boy named Perez, in Baltimore raped a ten-year-old girl, and of course he blamed it on Marihuana. It so happened that, just a year before that, Perez had been picked up by the Baltimore police for the sale of 2,500 grains of Cannabis, and got three months in jail. This sex offense happened the following year. Dec. 1938-Marihuana Conference Such was the defense of a young Baltimore, Maryland, lad, sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault upon a ten-year-old girl. In his plea of "not guilty" he testified that he had been smoking marihuana cigarettes and was temporarily insane at the time the act was committed. -- "Assassin of Youth" (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine Such was the defense of a young Baltimore, Maryland, lad, sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault upon a ten-year-old girl. In his plea of "not guilty" he testified that he had been smoking marihuana cigarettes and was temporarily insane at the time the act was committed. -- Moloch Of Marihuana (1945) Robert James Devine In Maryland, a boy was recently electrocuted for rape and murder. -- On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness (1939) By Earle Rowell Reports of the bureau of narcotics list stores of murders and other crimes committed by marijuana addicts. In Baltimore, a young man, sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault on ten-year-old girl, testified that he had been temporarily insane from smoking marijuana cigarettes. -- THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY - June 29, 1938 "To these incidents should be added ... that police in Baltimore were called to investigate the selling of 'muggles' to high-school boys and girls; that the defense of a Maryland killer, sentenced to hang for the rape of a ten-year-old child, was that he was crazed from smoking marihuana cigarettes. On and on goes the gruesome story." -- Courtney Ryley Cooper, in a book entitled HERE'S TO CRIME A young man in Baltimore, Maryland, was sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault on a ten-year-old girl. In his plea of not guilty he testified that he was temporarily insane from smoking MARIHUANA cigarettes. -- The Union Signal (WCTU) Jan. 30, 1937 1935 - Baltimore, MD. M 30 Assaulted 10-year old girl; admitted being under influence marihuana, so " crazy "; convicted in court trial. - A young man in Baltimore, Md., was sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault on a 10-year-old girl. In his plea of not guilty he testified that he was temporarily insane from smoking marihuana cigarettes. Augusto Perez, age 22 -- [incident] A young man in Baltimore, Md., was sentenced to be hanged for criminal assault of a 10 year old girl. around sent to Maryland Penitentiary Nov. 22, 1935. Hanged June 12, 1936. -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1936 - M Raped 10-year old girl, previous arrest for possession marihuana. -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 Here is a case in Baltimore, where a young man committed rape while under the influence of marihuana. He was hanged for it. Last fall, about September, we uncovered a field of several acres, growing right outside the city limits of Baltimore. Those men were selling it to New York, sending it all over the country, at $20 a pound. -- Mr. Anslinger 1937 Congressional Testimony A few years ago a young marihuana addict was hung in Baltimore for criminal assault on a ten-year-old girl. -- DETECTIVE WORLD - Dec. 1947 MAGAZINE ACCOUNTS: See Inside detective Nov. 1937 Name: (victim) Alfred Jones Date: Mar 1952 Location: Detroit Mich. What the Narc's were claiming March 1952, four youths, the youngest sixteen, robbed and murdered a filling station attendant at Detroit, Mich. When three of the youths were later arrested at Kirkwood, Mo., 23 marihuana cigarettes were found in their possession. They admitted having smoked marihuana just prior to committing this atrocious crime. During the trial for murder in December 1952, a defense effort was made to show that they should not be found guilty because they were so strongly under the influence of marihuana that they didn't know what they were doing. The jury refused to accept this as a defense found them all guilty of murder in the first degree -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1952) NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: TRAVERSE CITY RECORD EAGLE [S-Mar 24, 1952 pg. 1] "Nab Trio in Robbery Spree" [S-Dec 17, 1952 pg. 9] "Mother of Accused Killer Goes on TV" [S-Dec 18, 1952 pg. 20] "Life Terms for Four Youths" HOLLAND EVENING SENTINEL [S- April 2, 1952 pg. 1] "Wants to Charge Youth With Murder" [S- Dec 12, 1952 pg. 10] "Model Son Held As Burglar Suspect" HERALD PRESS [S-Mar 22, 1952 Pg. 1] "Hunt Gang in Brutal Killing" [S-Mar 25, 1952 Pg. 2] "Youths Admit Dope Slaying" [S-Dec 19, 1952 Pg. 9] "Given 4 Youths Terms of Life" Name:Matt Seminary Date: Oct 15, 1926 Location: Baton Rouge La.
(state of Louisiana) What the Narc's were claiming NEW ORLEANS --The general public knew nothing of marijuana until a New Orleans prizefighter entered a streetcar in 1910 and shot his sweetheart and the man at her side. When his trial was called, he pleaded that he didn't know what he was doing as he was under the influence of marijuana. The jury hanged him, and the case initiated an investigation that roared across America and revealed some startling facts. -- TRUE STORY (Magazine) Dec. 1948 [note date is off a little] In fact, the first I ever heard of it [Medical Marihuana] was in connection with a sensational murder trial in New Orleans in 1925-A prize fighter jumped on a streetcar and shot and killed his sweetheart and the man she was with. His defense was that he was insane at the time from marihuana smoking. He was hanged. But the case stirred up a great deal of excitement. Women's organizations took up the issue and the newspapers, especially the New Orleans Item, waged a campaign against the marihuana menace. -- Narcotic Agent: by Maurice Helbrant (book) 1941 Still another, becoming enraged at his wife, killed her in the street before many witnesses. -- American Journal of the Medical Sciences - 1938 pg 351 One of the most notorious New Orleans examples of the effect of marijuana was the slaying in October 1926, of pretty Lillian Hoyle and Ralph Sturdy by the drug-crazed Matt Seminary, known in the prize ring as Joe Nelson, "the iron man." More than two years before the killing, Seminary and Lillian Hoyle were sweethearts, and a child was born of their love. When the child was 17 months old, Lillian deserted the ex-pug for Sturdy, a tree surgeon and fledging short-story writer. Seminary, often described as the "ape man" because of his long arms, bowed knees, high sloping forehead and out-thrust lower jaw, went to pieces. He paced the streets in a daze, talking to himself. His jealousy grow into an exaggerated and maniacal rage, fed by marijuana. One night as he boarded a street car he saw Lillian and Ralph sitting together, and shot both to death. -- St. Louis Star Times - Jan 28, 1935 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Bee (Danville VA) [S-Feb 9, 1928 pg. 2] "Death Warrant for Boxer Signed" "Baton Rouge. Feb. 9 - (AP)-March 9 is execution day for three alleged slayers in Louisiana, with the signing by Gov. O.H. Simpson of a death warrant for Matt Seminary, 39, alias Joe (Battling) Nelson: The pugilist was convicted of the murder of Ralph Sturdy, in New Orleans October 15, 1926. Sturdy was slain aboard a street car in company with Dolor[ ] Bevins, of Seminary, who was also killed."[S-March 10, 1928 pg. 6] "Man Hanged After Trying to End Life" Name: Felipe Rios, Joaquin Rodriquez, Jose Crus /George Booris (Victim) Date: July 1954 Location: Camden New Jersey.
POLICE EXECUTION BLOTTER: (state of New Jersey) What the Narc's were claiming 1954 Chicago -- Male 27 Shot and killed G. Booris, 69, in lunchroom in Camden, N. J., during holdup for $21; then with R. Joaquin, also under influence, F. Crus threatened to shoot him. -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1954 - F. Rios, - Chicago - 27 - M - Shot and killed G. Booris, 69, in lunchroom in Camden, N.J. during holdup for $21. Then with R. Joaquin, also under influence F. Cruz threatened to shoot Rios. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Gettysburg Times [S- July 1, 1954 pg. 2] "3 Puerto Ricans in Holdup Get Death Penalty" Name: Juan Moya Date: Oct 12, 1937 Location: Denver, Colo. What the Narc's were claiming In Denver, Colo., Juan Moya, alias Juan Valley, was arrested while under the influence of marihuana and fought the officers so savagely that it took four 200-pound men almost 10 minutes to subdue him. At the time of arrest, the defendant attempted to eat the contents of a can of marihuana he was trying to dispose of. He succeeded in eating about one-half of the can before the officers could take the balance away from him. - Moya was convicted and sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment and fined $500. - He has had numerous convictions for the use and sale of drugs, and is alleged to be a habitual user of marihuana. He usually resists violently when arrested, and on one occasion escaped from arresting Federal officers under gunfire, after making three sales of drugs. Moya has also been arrested several times for forgery. -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drug (1937) NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: THE DENVER POST [Oct 12, 1937 pg. 17] "Arrest of Four Aliens Reveals Denver marijuana Sales Ring" Name: John Navarro Date: Oct 1939 Location: San Leandro Ca. ![]() What the Narc's were claiming 1939 San Leandro, California -- Male 20 Arrested after raping 5 women while under influence -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1939 - J. Navarro, - San Leandro, Cal. - M - 20 - Arrested after raping 5 women, while under influence. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: SAN LEANDRO REPORTER [e Oct. 27, 1939 pg. 1] "S.L. Youth Admits Attacking Women" [e Nov. 3, 1939 pg. 1] "Grand Jury Hears Attack Victims Of San Leandro Cannery Worker" [e Dec. 1, 1939 pg. 1] "Navarro Sentenced to Life Imprisonment" OAKLAND TRIBUNE [** Oct. 25, 1939 pp 1] Bay Youth Admits Attacking Women" [** Nov. 28, 1939 pp 1] "Attacker of women gets life term