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AND THE COMING OF THE ANTI-MEDICAL MARIHUANA LAWS ![]() 1950 - A SECOND TIME TO FORGET At this point the war was already well over and with it the need to grow Industrial Hemp in the United States. At first glance one would think that this would be a carte blanche to re-energize the Reefer Madness campaign, but this was not to be, and for two good reasons.
But in any case (as can be seen below) even Anslinger would have trouble trying to stop what he himself had created. WARNING: For the most part we have NOT actually seen the films mentioned below and are relying on the words of others. Thus some of these movies, newsreels etc., may NOT EVEN have any reefer madness content associated with them. In addition (as in other cases) no pretense is made that this listing is in any way complete. In fact it should be seen solely as a starting point for scholars of the era. 1951 - THE MARIJUANA STORY (a.k.a. -- El Tabaco Negro del Diablo) ![]() THE MARIJUANA STORY Directed by Leon Klimovsky Cast: Pedro Lopez Summary: The title may lead you to believe this is an exploitation item, but it's not. In fact, this Latin American import tells of a man's struggle against drugs, which claimed his wife's life. The further he gets involved with drugs, the more apparent it becomes that he will be a victim, too. Pedro Lopez Lagier stars. In Spanish with English subtitles. [Possible Reefer madness Film] 1952 - BIG JIM McLAIN ![]() BIG JIM McLAIN Big Jim McLain is a 1952 political thriller film starring John Wayne and James Arness as HUAC investigators hunting down communists in the post-war Hawaii organized labor scene. Edward Ludwig directed. The film has developed something of a cult following due to a perceived now-campy red scare theme. In some European markets the film was retitled as Marijuana and dispensed with the communist angle, making the villains drug dealers instead. This was achieved entirely through script changes and dubbing. Its publicity slogan was: "He's A Go-Get'Em Guy for the U.S.A. on a Treason Trail That Leads Half-a-World Away!" -- [Wording as per -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Jim_McLain ] June 24, 1955 – TELENEWS [Vol. 8, issue 125] ![]() MUSEUM COMMENT: The following info is taken directly from the OCLC (InterLoad Library System) Excerpt. Marine flame-throwers destroy marijuana crop--Chicago, Illinois]. Publisher [1955-06-24] Note Incorporates the following Hearst production footage: Marine flame-throwers destroy marijuana crop--Cook County, Illinois, D33454, HTDv8n125 (cuts destroyed). Roll number 1416. Rights held by UCLA Film and Television Archive. Note "Marine reserves are called in to destroy bumper crop of marijuana with flame-throwers"--Hearst index card. Includes footage of Cook County, narcotics. Shot description: Men hacking at ragweed (long shot). Sheriff and another man (medium shot). Same (close-up). Hacking weeds (angle shot). Marines walking on to field (long shot). Same (another angle). Marine using flame thrower (long shot). Same (another angle). Same (another angle). Marines and group watching (long shot) (Hearst index card). UC Los Angeles FilmTV VA13918 M Circ status 1 videocassette of 1 (VHS) (33 sec.) : si., b&w ; 1/2 in. Non-circulating Research and Study Center study copy NOTES: Slate title: Narcotics, tape 4. Third on 28-minute videocassette with 13 other newsreel segments. VA13918 M 1958 - HIGH SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL ![]() HIGH SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL An all-star cast highlights this campy midnight special, a campy flick. The film opens as Jerry Lee Lewis (played by himself) rolls into town, perched on the back of a flat-bed truck, punching out tunes on an upright piano. Tamblyn, who is actually undercover narcotics agent Mike Wilson, takes the identity of typical high school student Tony Baker, who convinces fellow students that he seeks some fun with drugs. Evil drug lord Mr. A. (played by Jackie Coogan) is his main target, and he tantalizes the locals, including "jive-talking king daddy-o" in order to get the proper introductions. -- Sound Track: - High School Confidential - Lewis, Jerry Lee Great Balls of Fire 1958 - THE COOL AND THE CRAZY ![]() THE COOL AND THE CRAZY A number websites state the following: "This over-the-top '50s juvenile delinquency melodrama has developed a cult following for its rabid anti-marijuana message and a thoroughly enjoyable performance by teen-pic icon Dick Bakalyan as one of the teenagers gone bad. A reform-school graduate turns some long-in-the-tooth high schoolers onto the loco weed; before long, they're hopelessly addicted, with crime, insanity, and death the inevitable results. The Cool and the Crazy was shot on location in Kansas City, where Dick Bakalyan actually spent a few hours in jail when local cops thought he was a for-real bad guy and not just acting."Other website state the following: "Marihuana was so notorious that this film wouldn't even utter the word, referring to the weed throughout simply as "M." A teenager fresh from reform school enrolls at a Kansas City high school intent to open a drug trade. The action commences when he convinces some of his new classmates to try the demon weed. Before you know it, the "Gateway" has opened and soon they're addicted to the drug, going on crime sprees, going insane and dying. The film lives up to its ad; "Seven savage punks on a binge of violence!" 1958 - THE NARCOTICS STORY ![]() http://www.moviepostershop.com/the-narcotics-story-movie-poster-1958 THE NARCOTICS STORY (1958) Semi-documentary on how marijuana dealers lure small-town teenagers into heroin use and prostitution and how the police help to fight it. The reefer addict. The heroin junky. The pushers, the wholesalers, the lives destroyed... what goes on in the seamy underworld of illegal drugs? And what is law enforcement doing to stem the ever-increasing flow of drug traffic in your home town? Find out in The Narcotics Story: a vintage motion picture produced in cooperation with both law enforcement and actual addicts. This unflinching look at the dirty business of dealing and the brutal consequences of drug addiction is not easily forgotten! 1959 - THE GENE KRUPA STORY ![]() THE GENE KRUPA STORY Drummer Gene Krupa, one of the jazz greats of the 50's, is portrayed by Sal Mineo ("Rebel Without A Cause"), one of the teen acting greats of the 50's. The film combines them into a classic depiction of a young jazz drummer obsessed with following his muse and proving himself to the world. Although entirely factual, marihuana is given the role of antagonist when Krupa begins his slide down the dark side of the abyss when offered the demon weed. Not tempted enough to try it, he is later slipped a reefer by a singer when he asks for a cigarette. Discovering after one puff that it is the deadly weed, he takes another puff, and thus begins his troubles. After a concert he is accosted by detectives in his dressing room, who have found some marihuana cigarettes (37!) in his dressing room. They arrest him, which causes him to be blackballed from the jazz world. The film's soundtrack features some excellent pieces recorded by Krupa himself. The film also breathed new life into Krupa's career, and soon his career is reborn. According to Krupa, a friend wanted to give Krupa a gift, and gave him some marihuana. The police were tipped off and began searching the theater where Gene's band was playing. Krupa said; "I suddenly remembered the stuff's at the hotel where they're going next. So I call up my new valet and say, 'Send my laundry out. In one of my coats you'll find some cigarettes. Throw them down the toilet.' But the kid puts them in his pocket and the police nail him on the way out, so I get arrested. The ridiculous thing was that I was such a boozer I never thought about grass. I'd take grass, and it would put me to sleep. I was an out-and-out lush. Oh, sure, I was mad. But how long can you stay mad? So long you break out in rashes? Besides, the shock of the whole thing probably helped me. I might have gone to much worse things. It brought me back to religion." After a gig, Gene Krupa (Sal Mineo) is confronted by a guy with a cigarette case full of reefers. “Reefers?” he asks. “Wheat, the tender weed.” The guy says. “So that’s what they look like.” Responds Gene. Later, after a party, a singer corrupts Gene by slipping him a reefer when he asks for a cigarette. He takes a drag and realizing what it is takes another. “Don’t diddle it.” The lady says. At the end of a concert, Gene is greeted by detectives in his dressing room. “These two envelopes, one of them contains 37 marijuana cigarettes, reefers. The other containing two, one half smoked, found in your coat pocket.” Gene is arrested, jailed and black balled in the jazz world. There are also some great classic newspaper headlines in this movie. --- Source: Marijuana in the Movies (booklet). 1960 - TELENEWS [Vol. 13, issue 22] ![]() Excerpt: Anslinger tells Senators he's not pressed in curbing narcotics traffic--Washington, D.C.] Title: Telenews. [Vol. 13, issue 22--excerpt. Anslinger tells Senators he's not pressed in curbing narcotics traffic--Washington, D.C.]. Year: 1960 Contents: Committee (long shot). Thomas Hennings (medium close-up). Anslinger (medium shot). With group at table. Anslinger (medium close-up). Committee. Anslinger (Hearst index card). Note(s): Roll number 265./ Rights held by UCLA Film and Television Archive. Accession No: OCLC: 155382690 1961 - SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT All that we know about this movie comes to us via: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0260351/mediaindex "Jeanette, a pretty high school student, is looking for "kicks." She starts hanging out with a wild crowd, and begins popping "bennies, uppers" and other pills. Soon she graduates from barbiturates to (gasp!) marijuana, which of course means that she is immediately turned into a heroin addict. Pretty soon Jeanette is stealing to feed her marijuana and heroin habits, then descends even further, and becomes a streetwalker." 1961 - FIEND OF DOPE ISLAND Harold Odell Productions. Distributed by Essanjay Films. ![]() 1961 - FIEND OF DOPE ISLAND The film follows the exploits of Caribbean drug lord and sadistic maniac Charlie Davis, who maintains his power by exploiting the natives, growing marihuana and gun running. Charlie arranges for his chief gunrunner, Captain Fred, to import entertainer extraordinaire Glory La Verne to the island. Played by former Yugoslavian Olympic swimmer Tania Velia (Queen of Outer Space - 1958), her suspicions soon lead her to discover Charlie's evil ways. But not to fear, she has already fallen in love with Charlie's assistant, Davey, and they conspire in sabotage as they lead a native revolt, blow up the ammunition dump and trap Charlie in the canteen. Charlie escapes, but Davey catches him at the dock where they struggle for survival. As luck, and Hollywood, would have it, Charlie tumbles into the water where he is torn apart by sharks, and Glory and David live happily ever after. 1964 - THE YEAR THE (Reefer Madness) PARTY WAS OVER ![]() By this point the truth was beginning to seep out; --- Granted ever so slowly, but still, it was beginning to come out. The war in Vietnam was forcing everyone to reevaluate much of what they had taken for granted in the past. As one writer so well put it: --- “The generation that had passed the anti-Medical Marihuana laws believed . . . and thought of themselves as the generation that had saved the World from the forces of fascists nazis. But the Vietnam generation was different. They had found out that their very own government had been lying to them and as such could not be trusted.” Thus the (if we can still call them that) Reefer Madness movies made after this point can be thought of as simply “cheesy exploitative films” plain and simple. With both the producers as well as the movie viewers knowing that this was the case. However, even we have to admit that some of the best posters came out of this era. [WANTED- Possible Reefer madness Film] 1968 - SMOKE AND FLESH ![]() File courtesy http://wrongsideoftheart.com/category/exploitation/drug/ Release date:23 August 1968 Plot Outline: Turk, a "cool swinger", throws a wild sex and drugs party, but has trouble when three hoodlum friends of his crash the party and Turk resorts to drastic measures to remove them from the festivities. God bless Something Weird Video for digging up any old films in people's vaults, basements, trash bins, etc., and unleashing them again for a new generation of discriminating viewers who appreciate the subterranean qualities of "fringe cinema". (Now if only they would find some more Phil Tucker films... hint hint) SMOKE AND FLESH sounds like a title for a Tennessee Williams play, but is instead a near-plotless account of a sex and drugs party gone awry. This is the SCORPIO RISING of the 60's softcore sex film-- on the surface it is a campy piece of trash, but hindsight reveals it to be a scathing portrayal of 60's liberation gone straight to hell. This film is cheerfully bereft of any pesky things such as character development. It seemingly operates as a simple exploitation picture-- if all you want is people getting high and rolling in the hay, well, that's all you're gonna get! Even so, this study of mankind's primal activities shows just how much less civilized we are than the beasts. The long opening scene shows this dude in leather on a motorcycle going through alleys, parking his hog, going up a fire escape, hopping over into another building, and finally, into someone's apartment to buy some dope for tonight's big party. That's the crux of this whole picture: the extremities people will go for some pleasure. And what ensues in this party is a non-stop laugh riot up until its bizarre third act. There's enough steamy sex and campy laughs to keep you interested. Most memorable is the guy making love to a beautiful woman (with generous amounts of whipped cream for good measure), and the 50-ish professor who encourages these hippie studs to make love to his wife for some research he's doing! Wilheim Reich, eat your heart out. The movie turns sour when bikers crash the party and begin to have their way with the booze and the women. The stoned-out hippies retaliate by putting acid in their beer! So much for "peace and love", man! Sure this campy romp ends on an ugly note, but this is not necessarily a flaw. What is this picture but a sobering look at the outrageous limits of a supposedly liberated society. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063616/ [WANTED- Possible Reefer madness Film] 1968 - HUMO DE MARIHUANA (SMOKE OF THE MARIHUANA) ![]() http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0155751/ Directed by Lucas Demare Release date:17 May 1968 (Argentina) Plot Keywords Remake / Drug Addiction Humo de Marihuana (1968) de Lucas Demare es una cinta argentina que no es otro producto que un remake de Marihuana (1950) de León Klimovsky, aparecida en la 2 parte de esta serie de posts. Parece ser que no habían suficientes guiones como para que la industria cinematográfica decidiera modernizar la lucha del Dr. Urioste contra la adicción de su mujer. Lo más curioso es que para algunos círculos de la crítica este film está considerado como una de las mejores películas argentinas de la historia. http://monstruos-invisibles.blogspot.com/2010/04/planteamientos-curiosos-marihuana-mon_19.html http://www.abandomoviez.net/indie/pelicula.php?film=19797 POSTER [WANTED- Possible Reefer madness Film] 1968 - MARYJANE ![]() http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063281/ Plot Outline: A teacher trying to break up a local drug ring is framed and arrested for possession of marijuana. The film was good and it made you realize how much times have changed. Attitudes about marijuana are not nearly as close minded as they were back then. A teacher admits to smoking pot once in his life and he gets called a "dope fiend" by the chief of police. The principal and the coach won't even talk to this man in the hallway anymore because he admitted this. They hold secret meetings about spying on students to catch the dope dealers. Nowadays, schools could care less if a kid or a teacher has smoked pot. Just as long as it isn't interfering with their work, it's ok. All in all, the movie is worth watching if you can find it. There are good twists and good characters in this film. Fabian's role has too much going on for me to find it realistic, but the other characters are pretty real. It's a teen drama. I wish there had been trippy pot scenes, but they just barely touch on that.
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