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HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL FILM INDEX A listing of High School Educational Films, News Reels, movie house serials, and a place to list a whole host of odds and ends from the Reefer Madness Era. Museum Index of short film(s) – NOTE: The following is a list of Possible Reefer Madness (short films) Many of which we have not seen and as such we do not know that much about. In other words, they may or may not have a Reefer Madness content associated with them. Also note that this list is far from complete and represents ONLY those short films that we have been able to locate. There are probably a lot more of them out there. -- Last note, some of the wording was taken directly from other websites and thus might have copy-right protection. 1914 - Opium Destruction, San Francisco [Not Reefer Madness - Just Odd] ![]() Government agent’s burn confiscated opium near unfinished San Francisco City Hall, along with other confiscated Chinese drugs. Crime and police Narcotics Drug abuse Chinese Americans Chinatown - Silent, B&W - Creative Commons license: Public Domain Although I'm sure there's an intriguing story behind this, the film really doesn't look that great. A couple of guys throw a match into a pile of wood, and we see shots of it burning. Flames don't look nearly as exciting in black and white. [can be downloaded for free at] http://www.archive.org or https://archive.org/details/0208_Opium_Destruction_San_Francisco_1914_03_49_12_02 1957 - Assassin of Youth Inter Library Loan, Accession Number: 0007524 Abstract: Tells how marijuana is harvested and peddled in cigarette form among youth. Shows experiments on white mice and describes the effects upon the human brain. Presents the gospel as the only solution, both as prevention and cure. Media Type: 16 mm film, optical sound Producer Name: New Life Films Foundation; See FFCA / 1223 W Wilcox St North Eden Rd; Elmwood; IL; 61529; USA Distributor Name 1: Unknown Special Features: B&W Length: 33 Minutes - Entry/Verification Date: 19750101 In addition we also have the following: 193? - ARRANGE NOW FOR YOUR COMMUNITY TO SEEMUSEUM COMMENT: Note that there is something wrong here. WorldCat (the inter library loan index), list the production date as 1957, but the book being quoted was from the year 1945. 1951 - The Story of a Teen Age Drug Addict Depicts the gradual stages of how a young man becomes a drug addict. He starts by getting in with the wrong crowd, smoking marijuana, and eventually becomes a heroin addict. A stay in the hospital for heroin withdrawal and help from social workers enable him to start a new life. 1 film reel (22 min); sd., b&w; 16 mm. Young America Films; - 1951 - audience, high school. 1951 - Subject Narcotics ![]() [Medical Marihuana is only one of many drugs talked about] De-classified police orientation and training film. Dramatized sequences of drug addicts in shooting galleries and committing crimes in downtown Los Angeles. Originally restricted from public viewing, this film portrays violence and actual drug use from rolling marijuana joints to cutting heroin to cooking opium in a spoon. Shows excellent footage of the "old" streets of downtown Los Angeles complete with thugs and strung out prostitutes. Produced and directed by renowned filmmakers Denis and Terry Sanders. Producer: Anti-Narcotic League of America, D/T Sanders - Run Time: 21:01 Minutes Marijuana is still "a powerful excitant" that produces "unpredictable emotional results" Produced for police orientation and training, this film presents drug addiction not simply as a crime but as a deep seated social problem. With dramatized sequences of addicts in shooting galleries and excellent footage of pre-renewal downtown Los Angeles, a neighborhood now lost. [can be downloaded for free at] http://www.archive.org or http://www.archive.org/details/SubjectN1951 1951 - The Terrible Truth ![]() Classic 1950's film portraying marijuana use as a stepping stone to heroin addiction. Phyllis is a beautiful teenage girl who tells us that when you smoke a marijuana cigarette "everything speeds up to 100 miles an hour!". After she meets a "peddler" named Chuck, she starts wearing makeup, becomes addicted to heroin, commits crimes, goes through withdrawal symptoms and eventually reforms. Ends with a judge claiming the Russians are behind the American drug trade and the following newspaper headlines... "Ask Death Penalty for Dope Peddlers" ... & ..."America's Teen Age Dope 'Fad' Ending!" CONTENT ADVISORY: Portrayal of psychedelic drug use and withdrawal. [can be downloaded for free at] http://www.archive.org or http://www.archive.org/details/Terrible1951 1951 - Drug Addiction ![]() Uses animated drawings to explain the derivation of various drugs and the harmful reactions of marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. Related the story of a high school boy who tries heroin as an "Experiment," steals in order to purchase more, and becomes a grave liability to society. Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc. – 1951 Film 1 film reel (22 min); sd., b&w; 16mm LC: HV5824.Y68 Drug Addiction - Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc. Classic "slippery slope" narrative of post-World War II stoned slackerdom. [can be downloaded for free at] http://www.archive.org or http://www.archive.org/details/DrugAddi1951 1952 - Narcotics and You Describes the nature and origin of opium, cocaine, and marijuana; indicates medicinal uses of narcotics; emphasizes the physical and mental deterioration which results from drug addiction; and surveys the laws which have been enacted to prevent illegal drug traffic. 2 filmstrips (41, 48 fr.); col.;; 35 mm; 2 teachers guides. – 1952 Young America Films OCLC 7558290 OR DATABASE: Library of Congress Online Catalog Narcotics and you. Part 1 [Filmstrips] LC Control Number: fi 53001053 [n.p.] Young America Films, 1952. p. 41 fr., color, 35 mm. 1955 - Pusher: A documentary showing re-enacted case histories of victims of drug addiction taken from the files of narcotic enforcement agencies. The Pusher / Social Service Pictures (sd., 1955, 16 min.) 1961 - Narcotics: the Decision Author: United Research and Training Productions. Publisher: [New York : Association Films], 1961. Edition/Format: Film : Film : Partial animation Visual material : English Database: WorldCat Summary: Pictures the effects of barbiturates, marijuana, and opiates on humans. Shows how a teen-age girl of a good family becomes addicted. OCLC Number: 9268058 1966 - Narcotics and Health Abstract: Discusses the source, production, uses, and effects of various narcotic drugs--cocaine, marijuana, caffeine, and belladonna. Examines the relationship between narcotic addition and crime. Explains government regulations regarding the labeling of patent medicines. Description: 1 filmstrip (40 fr.) :; col. ; 35 mm. +; 1 guide. Corp Author(s): Eye Gate House, inc. Series: Alcohol, narcotics, and tobacco ; [no. 4]; Variation: Alcohol, narcotics and tobacco.; no. 4. Standard No: LCCN: fia 66-2556 Class Descriptors: LC: RC566 - OCLC: 14637469 1967 - Narcotics: Pit of Despair ![]() 1967 Narcotics: Pit of Despair (Parts I and II) Dark vision of drug use and its effect on American youth. Abstract: Describes how an average boy begins to use barbiturates to help him through his studies and how he gradually becomes addicted to marijuana and heroin. Emphasizes the psychological dependence of the addict on drugs, even after extensive treatment. Class Descriptors: LC: RC566 - OCLC: 6314362 Tells the story of a boy from a good home who begins using narcotics 'JUST FOR KICKS' and later becomes addicted to the point where he is dropped out of school and eventually arrested. [can be downloaded for free at] http://www.archive.org or http://www.archive.org/details/Narcotic1967 http://www.archive.org/details/Narcotic1967_2 1968 - Marijuana Plot Summary: Sonny Bono appears onscreen to tell kids that marijuana is a "bummer" that turns you into a "weedhead" and will make you "trip out" (the fact that... more Author: DWD-3 from Tulsa, Oklahoma This silly, ridiculous, unintentionally hilarious and at times disturbing "public awareness" short will leave you wondering what Sonny Bono was thinking. This film is full of "pro/con viewpoint" discussions, but lacking in substance (pardon the pun) and that F-word that everybody hates: facts. With a poorly written narration, Sonny Bono comes off as the weird guy next door who knows little to nothing about drugs or any surrounding issue -- the damaging effects of THC weren't even discussed -- the "facts" presented are extremely superficial (thank you, Sonny, for telling us that a big danger of getting high is a bad bummer). But what do I know? Perhaps Marijuana/drug research was behind in those days and the science behind these stupid drugs wasn't available. Who knows? In any case, the acting is awful, the film is a pandering, patronizing waste of time, and if you watch it, don't expect to learn anything. In short: absurd. Standard No: National Library: 9510782 Abstract: Sonny Bono explores the reasons often given to justify use of marijuana and other drugs. This program includes dramatized presentation of fact and opinion designed to provoke discussion, but leaves decisions to viewers. Class Descriptors: NLM: HF1924; QV 77.7 OCLC: 33076613 [can be downloaded for free at] http://www.pottv.com/archive/shows/pottvshowse-2492.html 1966 - Edge of Discovery In Database: A-V Online 2007/01 Abstract: Explores what it is like to be a certain kind of young person. Features a girl who is living with a man and using marijuana, but points out that the problems that concern her are basic human problems such as how to get along with her neighbors, and how to be happy with her boyfriend. Descriptors: Life-skills; Culture-and-social-processes; Group-and-interpersonal-processes; Human-behavior; Human-relations; Social-issues Media Type: 16 mm film, optical sound Producer Name: University of Pennsylvania; 3440 Woodland Ave; Philadelphia; PA; 19104; USA Distributor: University of Pennsylvania; 3440 Woodland Ave; Philadelphia; PA; 19104; Special Features: Accession Number: 0034731 1968 - Marijuana: A Foolish Fad Corp Author(s): Cathedral Films. Series: Drugs in our society,; no. 5; Variation: Drugs in our society.; no. 5. Standard No: LCCN: fi 68-2075 Abstract: Discusses the history of marijuana, its increased use as a hallucinogen, the physical and psychological effects of the drug, and current laws concerning the use of marijuana. Note(s): In LC collections./ With study guide and script by Richard S. Scott. Class Descriptors: LC: HV5822.M3; Dewey: 613.8 - OCLC: 5648781 1969 - Keep Off The Grass ![]() Tom gets in trouble when his mother finds a joint in his room. Instead of punishing Tom, his father challenges him to learn more about marijuanas evil effects on society. Nobody gets killed in this Sid Davis film, yet Tom still learns a harsh lesson after being mugged by druggies and learning that his best friend sells pot to school children [can be downloaded for free at] http://www.archive.org or http://www.archive.org/details/keep_off_the_grass 1969 - Drug Abuse: The Chemical Tomb ![]() Interesting anti-drug film criticizing drug use as an inhibitor of necessary social change. Director: Alan Kishbaugh. Narrator: Chuck Bowman. [can be downloaded for free at] http://www.archive.org or http://www.archive.org/details/DrugAbus1969 1960's HIGH Description --- This 60's Canadian "trainspotting for potheads" drug propaganda film follows a love triangle gone wrong as hippies experiment with sex and drugs, leading to theft, fraud, prostitution, and ultimately, MURDER! -- Thanks to Flash Gordon More info: http://www.pottv.com/archive/shows/pottvshowse-2841.html 1970 - Marijuana --- Don't Try It Corp Author(s): Curriculum Studios, inc. Publication: Westport, CT :; Curriculum Studios, Inc. Description: 30 frames :; sd., col. ;; 35 mm.; 1 sound disc and teacher's guide. Abstract: "The purpose of this film strip is to dissuade 8 to 11 year old children from trying marijuana. ... It includes only the reasons young children can understand, and only the reasons necessary to achieve the purpose of keeping them from trying marijuana." --- Teacher's guide to the script. Note(s): Sound disc and teacher's guide have same title as filmstrip./ Sound disc is CO 3258 and has audible signals for manual equipment. Class Descriptors: LC: HV5824.C45 - Material Type: Filmstrip (flm) - OCLC: 27131506 1970 - Marijuana: the Great Escape Corp Author(s): Bailey-Film Associates. Description: 20 min.; sd. color.; 16 mm. - Standard No: LCCN: 71-708044 Abstract: Presents a situation in which a successful drag racer persuades his girl friend to join him in using marijuana. Designed to stimulate discussion of the use of marijuana and drugs by young people. Note(s): With study guide. - Class Descriptors: Dewey: 613.8 Responsibility: Producer, J. Gary Mitchell. Material Type: Film (mot); Adolescent (shs) Document Type: Visual Material - OCLC: 6443481 1970 - [WANTED] - Drug Inserts (RP 25-0 [June 1970]) Author: United States DC LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DLC Record for Item: "Drug inserts. / (RP 25-0 ..Availability: Check the catalogs in your library. Title: Drug inserts.- (RP 25-0 [June 1970]) Corp Author(s): United States.; American Forces Radio and Television Service. ; AFRTS Collection (Library of Congress) Publication: [Los Angeles] : American Forces Radio and Television Service, Description: on 1 side of 1 sound disc :; analog, 33 1/3 rpm ;; 12 in. Standard No: LCCN: 2004-651013 Contents: Drug offense penalties / Dr. Donald Luria (2:03) -- Marijuana and the law / Jack Perkins (2:51) -- Drug usage / Alex Drier (2:12) -- Stamp out LSD / Dr. Donald Luria (1:45) -- Who are the drug users? / Charles Kuralt (3:04) -- Hollywood and pot / Ralph Story, host ; Michael Arrain, guest (1:34) -- Combatting import of marijuana / Dr. Joyce Brothers (2:20) -- Drug abuse and legislative control / Sen. Harold Hughes (3:48). SUBJECT(S) - Descriptor: Radio programs. Genre/Form: Public service announcements -- Radio. Note(s): Original radio series produced by AFRTS; contains public service announcements./ Title from matrix area./ Previously shelved under: NCP 75./ Issued with: Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Class Descriptors: LC: LPB 60685 Material Type: Non-musical recording (nsr); LP recording (lps) Document Type: Sound Recording - OCLC: 54024502 MUSEUM COMMENT: - This appears to be an audio tape and should not be in the Ed. Film index? 1971 - Social Seminar With Bunny ![]() Portrays a young college student who smokes marijuana from time to time, usually with friends, for social relaxation. Raises such questions as why does she turn on, how does she view the drug culture and to what extent does the occasional use of marijuana effect her lifestyle, ambitions and self-perception Can be downloaded for free at http://www.archive.org/details/SocialSemina_2 1972 - Brink of Disaster (part I & II) ![]() How 1960s activism "threatens" American moral, religious and ethical principles. Film opens with montage of scenes of student protest. Credits occur over this sequence. Loosely structured as a narrative in which John Smith (a college student) is visited by his great great great (etc.) grandfather John Smith (from 1776), this film works to educate a young audience on the "breakdown of moral, religious, and ethical principles" in the US. With the help of a history professor, John Smith (1776) explains how he gave his life to build the USA and nowadays a "bunch of young houligans" are working to destroy it. Though fairly banal visually (the whole film is set in a library which the "weirdos" have threatened to torch) there are tons of amazing sound bytes regarding student movements (SDS as "students for a dirtier society"), religion, marijuana, sexuality, freedom of speech ("freedom of speech has become freedom of filth"), pornography ("filthy books that no decent people would read"). There is discussion of H. "Rap" Brown (accompanied by archival footage) calling upon student bodies to carry guns. There is also footage and discussion of the riots, burning, and looting done by student activists. The film ends as the student radicals break their way into the library--the image freezes and a title card reads: "will you let this be THE END?" Can be downloaded for free at http://www.archive.org/details/BrinkofD1972 http://www.archive.org/details/BrinkofD1972_2 Marijuana & Alcohol http://www.pottv.com/archive/shows/pottvshowse-3432.html Running Time: 5 min - Description - High school narrators lead middle school students through drug-specific sections by asking them "true-false" questions. Middle schoolers respond, giving narrators the opportunity to dispel myths, give truths, and encourage younger students to choose a drug-free lifestyle now Physiological-effects-of-alcohol; Driver-education; Narcotics-Medications Media Type: 16 mm film, optical sound Producer Name: Chevrolet Motor, Division of General Motors Corporation; General Motors Bldg; Detroit; MI; 48202; USA Distributor Name 1: Modern Education Services - Modern Talking Picture Service; Customer Service Ctr, PO Box 17620; Clearwater; FL; 34622; (800)243-6877 (813)532-0706 (800)237-7143 Special Features: Color Length: 34 Minutes -- Entry/Verification Date: 19750101 Accession Number: 0057809 http://web5s.silverplatter.com/webspirs/start.ws?customer=ucb&databases=AVOL I QUIT In Database: A-V Online 2007/01 Abstract: Shows how bulk marijuana is distributed by an adult pusher to student hustlers who roll the marijuana into 'STICKS' and sell them in school. Grade and Audience Level: H C Media Type: 16 mm film, optical sound Special Features: Color - Length: 15 Minutes Accession Number: 0057809 1978 - Reading, Writing, and Reefer [motion picture] / a Films Incorporated presentation; [presented by] NBC News. Author(s) Films Incorporated. Subject(s) Marijuana Abuse , Adolescent , Child , Infant Publisher [United States] : National Broadcasting Co., c1978. Description 2 film reels (52 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm. Notes (Producer) The chronic use of marijuana by children and teenagers is explored through interviews with the children, their parents, and medical experts. The psychological, social, and educational impact on the young people is portrayed. Possible beneficial, as well as harmful uses of marijuana are discussed. Location HMD Collection-Copy may not be available for immediate use Call Number WM 276 MP16 no.1 1978 1991 - Marijuana and the Mind [videorecording] : intoxication & addiction [presented by] AIMS Media. Author(s) Meyers, Michael J. ; Burns, Marcelline. Length: 16 minutes Description: This informative program shows how marijuana works in the brain to cause intoxication. It provides forthright media support for Health and Life Skills units on alcohol and drug education, personal health and decision-making. Students gain understanding of the consequences of behavior choices as medical experts present findings from studies demonstrating how marijuana inhibits brain function. THC, the chemical property found in marijuana, is discussed, and the areas of the brain in which it concentrates are effectively illustrated. The correlation between unsafe behaviors such as marijuana use and physical well-being is further shown through demonstration of significant changes in test subjects' reflexes, judgment, memory, and perception while under the influence of marijuana. Grade Level: Grades 6 - 12, Adult - VHS $99.95 1994 - Marijuana and You Author: Educational Video Network, Inc Publication: Huntsville, Texas :; Educational Video Network, Inc., Inc., Description: 1 videocassette (vhs) (24 min.) :; sd., col. ;; 1/2 in. +; 1 sheet of study instruction. Abstract: Scientists are just now getting their first look at the effect of long-term marijuana usage. Note(s): Educational Video Network, Inc. series No. 261 Class Descriptors: LC: HV 5822.M3 OCLC: 30836325 1999 - Marijuana the Escape to Nowhere Author(s) Hazelden Foundation. Blue Moon Productions. Drugs of Addiction Video Series - Video, 1/2" VHS, 40 min, cc Item: 4067 - Publisher: Hazelden - Published Year: 1999 List Price: $149.00 Each - Your Price: $149.00 Each Description: - Marijuana The Escape to Nowhere Video challenges myths about marijuana by clearly stating that marijuana is addictive and use results in physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences. It also explains to clients in simple language the pharmacology of today's more potent marijuana and shares the hope and healing of recovery. Hazelden Bookstore 1-800-328-9000 customersupport@hazelden.org Copyright 2007, Hazelden Foundation ONCE MORE this list is far from complete and represents only a short listing of Educational films that we have been able to locate. In addition (as we have not actually seen some of these films), some of them might not even contain a Reefer Madness content.
WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. Please contact: antique_andy@catholic.org |