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CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA – IN A LEAGUE ALL TO ITSELF There is Reefer Madness and then there is Reefer Madness, and then there is California; in a league all to itself. --- During the Reefer Madness Era, CALIFORNIA (acre for acre, person for person) had MORE Gore File Cases than any other state in the union. There are many reasons for this:
* It is an ugly truth that Japan in its war with China in the 1930’s used Opium addiction as a weapon of war. This subject is way beyond the topic of conversation, here the reader should just note that there was great sympathy at the time toward the plait of the Chinese. WOMAN STABBED TO DEATH Name: - Miss Frances Woods - Location: - Los Angeles - Date: April 6, 1938 ![]() What the Narc’s were claiming 1938 - F 28 Prostitute stabbed Mrs. M. O'Shannon for not cooperating Lesbian activities. -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1938 - F. Wood - F - 28 - Prostitute stabbed Mrs. M, O'Shannon for not cooperating Lesbian activities. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 One of the places where marihuana is prevalent is Los Angeles, with its huge Mexican population, where there are numerous of robbery, holdup, suicide and murder directly traceable to the weed; one woman recently slashed another to death with a pocketknife merely because the victim had expressed disapproval of her friend's interest in marihuana. -- DESIGNS IN SCARLET By Courtney Ryley Cooper 1939 Los Angeles Times:--April 7, 1938 Pg.2BNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Los Angeles Times [Apr 7, 1938. p. A2] Nurse Seized in Stabbing; Waitress Near Death and Woman Held; Row Over Marijuana [Apr 16, 1938 p.6] Woman Dies Of Stabbing In Quarrel Over Marihuana Gore File [Apr 19, 1938. p. A8] Nurse to Face Murder Charge; Woman Remanded to Jail Following Stabbing Inquest [Apr 24, 1938. p. A2] “Slaying Charged” [Apr 25, 1938. p. A10] “Nurse to Face Slaying charge” [Jul 13, 1938. p. A2] “Nurse to Plead Self Defense” [Jul 15, 1938. p. A1] (2 pgs).”Jury Discharged in Girl-Slaying Case” [Jul 19, 1938. p. A1] Nurse Gets New Trial in Marihuana Slaying [Aug 31, 1938. p. A8] Nurse to Face New Trial Today; Marihuana Slaying Case Slated for Second Hearing [Sep 14, 1938 p.11] “Nurse Again Goes on Trial in Fatal Stabbing Case” [Sep 15, 1938. p. A3] Dying Threat Told at Trial; Stabbing Victim's Wish to 'Get Even' With Nurse Recounted Fresno Bee [S]- April 19, 1938 p9 - “Former Kern Nurse Held on Murder charge”
MUSEUM COMMENT: MS. WOODS WOULD EVENTUALLY BE FOUND NOT GUILTY BY A JURY OF HER PEERS. [See Reefer Madness Newspaper Index pamphlet for more references] [Key-finder - Case#CA10] MARIHUANA RANCH Name: - Leo Garcia - Location: - Yolo County, Ca. - Date: - April 1939 What the Narc’s were claiming In April, 1939, the Division of Narcotic Enforcement was asked to investigate a situation at Woodland, California. Three young men had been arrested for extortion, grand theft and robbery. One of the defendants in the case informed us that they had conspired to high-jack a cache of Marihuana on a certain ranch located in Yolo county. Inspectors of the Division visited this ranch, early in the morning, and there arrested two Mexicans (Lee Garcia and Jose Guiterez), who had marihuana cigarettes in their possession. The three young men were sentenced to San Quentin Prison. – All of who’s had admitted that they had smoked Marihuana cigarettes. In this investigation it was uncovered that in 1937 a young man, 29 years of age, had shot another man in a controversy over Marihuana. The assailant escaped at the time, but was later apprehended at Fresno by State authorities and returned to Woodland, where he was convicted and sentenced. --- MARIHUANA - State of Calif. Dept. of Penology, Narcotic Enforcement (excerpt from report for the year 1939) NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: SACRAMENTO BEE [S]- Jan 5, 1940 p5 “Garcia Is Freed By Yolo Jurors”
[Key-finder - Case#CA35] Name: - Leo True Renfro - Location: - Bakersfield Ca. - Date: - Oct 11, 1939 What the Narc’s were claiming 1939 - Bakersfield California. – a Negro was apprehended who was driving a car through the center of traffic at more than fifty miles an hour and was finally brought to a halt by officers firing six shots into his automobile. This man was found to be “high” on Marihuana and to have in his possession Marihuana cigarettes, - which he stated he had brought with him from St. Paul, Minnesota. (He was convicted and sentenced to San Quentin Prison). -- Calif ; Dept. Penology, Report for the year 1939 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, California) [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-10-09p1 - “Shots Halt Suspect in Dope Case” [e]- Oct 10, 1939 p9 - “ Dope Charge Is Faced by Suspect” Leo True Renfro 34-year-old Negro from St. Paul, Minn., who was arrested early Sunday Morning on a charge of possession and transportation of narcotics, was to be arraigned in the sixth Township Justice Court of Judge Steward Magee late today, according to Inspector Robert Knight of the city police department. Renfro was arrested by Officers B.M. Vanderpool,. Vernon Furry and Clarence McGraw after an attempted escape from East Bakersfield, the police records show. First suspected of causing a disturbance in an East Bakersfield cafe shortly before 2 a.m. Sunday, Renfro sped away from officers when they asked to see the registration on his car. Six bullets were fired by the officers during the flight which ended at Eighteenth and Union as Renfro’s car was forced to the curb. Nearly 60 grains of marijuana found in Renfro’s car, police records indicated. Inspector Knight declares that his evidence indicates that Renfro may be connected with Marijuana and white slave traffic in many states of the union. An investigation has been launched by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Renfro has already been under surveillance of the state board, Knight states [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-10-11p15 - “Dope Suspect is Arraigned on Charges” [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-10-20p9 - “Leo Renfro Bound Over to Superior Court on Charge” [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-11-09p1 - “Renfro Pleads Not Guilty to Charges” [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-11-30p1 - “Police Brutality charges Are Dismissed” [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-12-07p1 - “Trial of Negro Musician Gets Under Way” [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-12-08p1 - “Mayor Witness in Leo Renfro Dope Trail” [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-12-09p1 - “Jury’s Quick Verdict Finds Renfro Guilty on dope Count” [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-12-12p8 - “New Trials Are Sought Here in Renfro and Ratterman Cases” [s]- BakersfiedCal1939-12-18p1 - “Prison Sentence Is Meted to Renfro” [s]- BakersfiedCal1940-05-31p1 - “Officers Cleared in Felon’s suit on Beating” [s]- BakersfiedCal1940-06-25p8 - “Effort to Reopen Renfro Case Fails”
Name: - John Picadura - Location: - Oakland, Ca. Date: - March 25, 1940 What the Narc’s were claiming 1940 - M 33 Forced his landlady, Mrs. M. Delisle to smoke marihuana, and frequently raped her. Arrested -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1940 - J. Piadura - M - 33 - Forced his landlady, Mrs. M. de Lisle, to smoke marihuana and raped her frequently. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: Oakland Tribune [S]- March 3, 1940 p - “Marijuana Crop Leads to Arrest” “The Window box greenery that John Picadura, 33, dreamy-eyed guitar teacher, lavished such tender care upon, got him into trouble. [S]- Aug 16, 1940 p16D - “Jury Acquits Guitar Instructor on 2 Counts” “A jury of six men and six women in San Francisco Superior Court today acquitted John Picadura, 33, guitar instructor, of charges of statutory assault and possession of narcotics. The jurors debated only 20 minutes on the story of Mrs. Walter De Lisle that Picadura had seduced her after blowing marijuana smoke down her throat.
MUSEUM COMMENT: MR. PICADURA WAS EVENTUALLY EXONERATED AND FOUND NOT GUILTY BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS. [Key-finder - Case#CA18] Name: - Otis Martin Fisk - Location: - Modesto, Ca. - Date: - Aug 10, 1939 What the Narc’s were claiming ![]() 1939 Modesta, California - Assaulted a housewife. Sentenced, 50 years -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1939 - Modesta, Calif. - M - Assaulted a housewife. Sentence 50 years -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 On August 9th, 1939, one of the inspectors of the Division of Narcotic Enforcement was sent to San Quentin Prison to interrogate a young man of twenty-one years of age, who had been committed there for a term of fifty years for criminal assault upon a young housewife at Modesto, California. He readily admitted that just previous to this assault he had smoked two marihuana cigarettes and could give no other explanation for his dastardly deed than that he did not know what he was doing, because of the influence of this drug. --- MARIHUANA - State of Calif. Dept. of Penology, Narcotic Enforcement (excerpt from report for the year 1939) NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: MODESTO BEE [S]- Aug 10, 1939 p 5 - “15 Previous Arrests of Sex Attacker Are Bared” [Was arrested 15 times previously since mar 1934 on charges of robbery, rape, driving drunk, forgery and indecent assault --- claims he had been drinking and had smoked two marijuana cigarets on the day he assaulted the Modesto woman” -- “If I had not been under the influence of liquor and the drug,” he said, “I never would have done it.” [S]- Aug 3/8, 1939 p 5 - “Marijuana Hunt is Aftermath of Brutal Attack” [S]- Aug 7, 1939 p1 - “Sex Attacker of Modesto Mother Caught At Ceres” - Pix [S]- Aug 7, 1939 p7 “Chowchilla Man Is Sent To Prison For Attack” [S]- Aug 10, 1939 p 5 - “15 Previous Arrests of Sex Attacker Are Bared” Fresno Bee [S]- Aug 11, 1939 –editorial “Marijuana is to Blame for Another Vile Crime”
[Key-finder - Case#CA07] Name: - (none) - Location: - Eureka Ca. - Date: - Pre-Nov. 1933 What the Narc’s were claiming ”It happened in California. A man under the influence of marijuana actually decapitated his best friend. Then, coming out from the effects of the drug, he was as horrified as anyone could be at what he had done.” -- Heath Magazine Oct 1938 “One is Harry D. Smith, chief of the Federal narcotic division, the other William G. Walker, head of the State bureau. . . . "Here is a case of a man who actually decapitated his friend with an axe recently up in Eureka, and then, coming out of the effects of the drug [of Medical Marihuana], was as horrified as anyone else over what he had done.” --- S.F. Examiner Nov. 7, 1933 pp4. ”In California a young man who indulged in these convivial cigarettes went berserk, grabbed an ax, and decapitated his best friend. ---[Book] Narcotics: America's Peril by Will Oursler (1952) “In Eureka, California, an addict under the influence of marihuana decapitated his best friend. Coming out of his drugged condition, he was horrified at what he had done.” ---Inside Detective (Magazine) Nov 1937 “. . . the unfortunate boy at Eureka, Ca. who, insane from the drug, seized a butcher's cleaver and cut off the head of his best friend. They found him---or rather he found himself--when he regained his senses, with the decapitated face staring up at him from the floor of his blood-smeared room!” --- Real Detective (Magazine) - April 1935 California. A man while under the effects of Marihuana decapitated his best friend, then corning out of the influence of the drug was amazed and horrified to see what he had done. --- Finger Print & Identification Magazine March 1938 pp3 “A California, frantic with the stuff, actually decapitated his best friend.” --- The EAGLE MAGAZINE Nov. 1941 “The weed acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and renders users capable of various acts of violence; a California man decapitated his best friend while under the violent spell of the smoke, . . “ --- News Week August 14, 1937 "A man under the influence of Marihuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone over what he had done." --- 1940 Drug Demon “Practically every article written on the effects of the marihuana weed will tell of deeds committed without the knowledge of the culprit, while he was under the influence of this drug. There are many arguments for and against this statement, and many cases reported which uphold it, and still others which contradict it. Our opinion is that both arguments for and against are correct because of the inconsistency of the action of this drug on individual victims. The reactions resulting depend to a large extent on the innate characteristics of the individual. The person who is so unfortunate as to come under the influence of this drug, in many cases, becomes the unwilling offender of the law because the central nervous system has become affected, as is the case with other habit-forming drugs. As a representative case, note the tragic predicament of this Californian. "A man under the influence of marihuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone over what he had done" ---[Quoting - W. G. Walker, Chief, Division of Narcotic Enforcement, San Francisco, California, July 1, 1934] --- 1937 Congressional Testimony --- Marihuana - A More Alarming Menace To Society Than All Other Habit-Forming Drugs The chief of the narcotic enforcement bureau in California reports: “Marihuana has a worse effect than heroin. It gives men the lust to kill, unreasonably, without motive ---- for the shear sake of murder itself. In Eureka, Calif., a man under the influence of marihuana actually decapitated his best friend and then coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone else over what he had done.” --- Denver Post – Feb 24, 1935 Sec 3 page 2 “The Chief of the Narcotic Enforcement Bureau of California in a report to the Federal Bureau gave an interesting example of this "Marijuana", he wrote, "has a worse effect than heroin. It gives men the lust to kill, unreasonably, without motive - for the sheer sake of murder itself. In Eureka, California, a man under the influence of marijuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was as horrified as anyone else over what he had done." ---Health Officer - Dec. 1936 WHY WE BELIEVE IT'S A FAKE: Here are the facts the way the museum sees them:
2- To the best of our knowledge, first mention of the story was made by Narcotics Chief William G. Walker on Nov. 7, 1933, and that the words, "recently occur" were used. 3- While the story changes a bit, (according to the teller), a ghastly decapitation/murder was involved, close to or in Eureka California. Reference Department Humboldt County LibraryIn addition, various Humboldt County governmental groups: Coroner, Sheriffs office, etc., have also been contacted. Most did not respond, but those that did simply stated that they knew nothing about the case. SMOKING GUN: However, the reason we are fairly sure that this case is a phantom, lies with the following newspaper Editorial, which constitutes a sort of smoking gun. San Francisco Chronicle - Nov. 13, 1933 pg. 8 [Editorial Section]Recall that the original source of ALL information related to this was none other than the chief of narcotics, William G. Walker himself. In addition note the Editorial date: Only seven days after Walkers first mention of the case. [Key-finder - Case#F86] http://reefermadnessmuseum.org/chap03B/Eureka/EurekaAxeMurder.htm LINK WILL TAKE YOU OFF SITE - MAKE SURE YOU CAN GET BACK Name: - (none) - Location: - Los Angeles Ca. - Date: - Pre-Nov. 1937 What the Narc’s were claiming ”A boy seventeen years of age shot and killed a policeman in Los Angeles, California. Inasmuch as the officer had been his best friend, the boy's action was difficult to understand until it was discovered he was "high" on "reefers" when he committed the crime.” --- “Assassin of Youth” (Book) 1954 By Robert Devine “A boy seventeen years of age shot and killed a policeman in Los Angeles, California. Inasmuch as the officer had been his best friend, the boy's action was difficult to understand until it was discovered that he was "high" on "reefers" when he committed the crime.” --- Moloch Of Marihuana (1945) Robert James Devine “I am reminded of a Los Angeles case in which a boy of seventeen killed a policeman. They had been great friends. Patrolling his beat, the officer often stopped to talk to the young fellow, to advise him. But one day the boy surged toward the patrolman yellowish flame, and the officer fell dead. “Why did you kill him?” the youth was asked. “I don’t know,” he sobbed. “He was good to me. I was high on reefers. Suddenly I decided to shoot him.” --- American Magazine “Marijuana, Assassin of Youth” By H.J Anslinger - July 1937 MUSEUM COMMENTS: What makes this case so unbelievable is that Harry Anslinger (America’s first drug czar), himself was known to have quoted it. HOWEVER; After extensive research on the subject, which included going through numerous back issues of Los Angeles Times, AND quite literally searching over each and every LAPD officer (including Sheriffs deputies etc) killed in the line of duty, we have been unable to locate any such incident. Below are the facts as I/we see them:
2- We have examined numerous other police slaying, that occurred near the city of LA, as well as other law enforcement groups (example, Sheriffs Deputies), and again, no matches. 3- We have contacted various governmental groups [LAPD, city of Los Angeles etc.], historical groups, including police memorial groups -- again nothing, no matches. THE SMOKING GUN: While we have no smoking gun, due to the shear fact that there were only so many LAPD Officers that were killed [on or off duty] and as we have checked over every last one of them, we feel that the onus of proof now falls on the narc’s to prove that the Gore Case in Question is real and not a figment of “anti-Medical Marihuana Propaganda." Note, (without proof) given the date, we believe that Wm. G. Walker (Head of California's Bureau of Narcotics at the time) may have been responsible for the creation of this fabricated gore file Case. [Key-finder - Case #F87] THE GREAT RAILROAD CULTIVATION STORY What the Narc’s were claiming: A big railroad official in San Francisco was astounded a short while ago when I told him he had eighty acres of Marihuana planted on his country estate in Telama (Tehama ) county. . A Mexican caretaker and confederates planted the “hempseed,” ostensible to supply food for wild ducks on the official’s hunting preserve. “ . The owner himself had no inkling of the true purpose, I am certain. It took fourteen men three days to uproot and burn the stuff, and cost the official $1,400 to get it out. . “More chance gave us the tip. The Mexicans had boldly hoisted a white flag on the lodge, a signal that the Marihuana was ripe for harvest and sale to the weed addicts, and this caught the eye of one of my agents traveling along the river. ---San Francisco Examiner (Newspaper) Nov 14, 1933 MUSEUM COMMENTS: We are of the opinion that this whole story consists of a total fabrication by one William G. Walker (then head of Calif., state narcotics police), and for the following reasons. First (based upon the description, there is ONLY one community (geographically located in Tehama county, by a river and railroad tracks), and its local library (which we feel conducted a good faith newspaper archival search for that time frame) came up empty. . As did its local county historical society, etc. Next, the sole mention of this story seems to appear in the S.F. Examiner (11-14-1933), in the same article that was later on discredited. Even Mr. Walker was later on forced to admit that he had fabricated some of the stories in order to gain sympathy (as well as additional funding) for this narcotics police. A CLEAR CASE OF SMUGGLING What the Narc’s were claiming: CALIFORNIA - San Ysidro On July 15, 1935, Federico de la Vega, a Mexican, was arrested at San Yeidro, California, as he attempted to bring 5 grains of cocaine and 4 marihuana cigarettes into the United States from Tia Juana, Mexico. The case against him was dismissed by the Grand Jury. ---ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File MUSEUM COMMENTS: How this one got to be one of Anslinger’s Official Gore Gile cases is a mystery to many. The one and only mention ever made of the cases clearly states that Mr. DeLaVega was not even held for trial. Thus we can only presume that the case was without merit from the get-go. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE