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HARRY ANSLINGER'S GORE – COLORADO COLORADO - TEMPORARY WEBSITE – LOCATION OF FUTURE WEBSITE ![]() Due to lack of material resources, at the present time we can only post this temporary website dealing with the STATE OF COLORADO during the Reefer Madness Era. It is our hope to have a full website for the state running sometime in the future. But (again) due to lack of resources this will be a long while. For now we hope that this quickie will be of some help to researchers into the era. Dan Holloway, who shot to death his own grandmother.All of whom were acting under the influence of Marihuana, “The Killer Drug”. Below is a list of those Gore file cases that we have been able to Identify. NOTE: - Once again, a lack of resources prevents us from having a complete website. At this point it is enough to say that the museum has examined some of the cases shown below and have reached totally different conclusions from those reached by Anslinger's 'Bureau of Narcotics'. Name: Sheriff Claud Swift - Location: - Huerfano County, Colo - Date: - Sept. 1935 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: WORLD INDEPENDENT - Walsenburg, Colorado [S Sep. 03, 1935 pg. 1&4] “Man’s Skull Is Fractured by Blow in Attack [S Sep. 11, 1935 pg. 1] “Sheriff Starts Drive On Marijuana Growers After Serious Crimes In County” [S Sep. 21, 1935 pg. 1] “Griego And Cruz Attack Case Filed In District Court” [S Oct. 11, 1935 pg. 1] “Civil Suits Come before Court Next Week; Moser Asks $9200 Damages in Victor Bain Wreck” [S Feb. 20, 1936 pg. 1] “Jury Returns Verdict of Guilty of Simple Assault Today in Ben Griego Case” [Key-finder - Case #3] Name: Vance Henderson - Location: - Denver Colo. - Date: - Oct. 1935 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: RENO EVENING GAZETTE - Reno Nevada [Oct. 26, 1935 pp1] “ Nephew Is Held In Death Case” [Oct. 28, 1935 pp2] “Slaying Charge Faced By Man” [Key-finder - Case #45] Name: Lee Fernandez - Location: - Alamosa Colo. - Date: - Aug 1936 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: ALLAMOSA DAILY COURIER: [S-Aug 21, 1936 p2] “Ex-Convict Named as Brute Who Attacked Alamosa Girl; Victim Recognizes Assailant” [S-Aug 22, 1936 p1] “Brute Ex-Convict who Mauled Girl was Dazed Drunk” [S-Aug 22, 1936 p2] “Editorial” [S-Aug 26, 1936 p1] “Victim of Sex Fiend Shows Sign of Rally From Mental Shock” [S-Aug 31, 1936 p1] “Police Blame Marihuana For Majority of Murders and Sex Outrages in Valley” [S-Aug 31, 1936 p2] “Editorial” [S-Sep 1, 1936 p1] “Law-Enforcement Groups Combine to Combat Weed Termed Menace to Valley” [S-Sep 1, 1936 p2] “Editorial” [S-Sep 2, 1936 p2] “Editorial” [S-Sep 4, 1936 p1] “Officers on Guard Against Smuggling of Drug in Valley” [S-Sep 4, 1936 p2] “Editorial” [Key-finder - Case #47] Name: Donald Holloway - Location: - Denver Colo. - Date: - March 1934 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: RENO EVENING GAZETTE – (Reno Nevada) [March 21, 1934 pp.5] “Matron is Slain During Family Quarrel” DENVER POST – Denver, Colorado: [S Mar. 21, 1934 pg. 1&5] “Denver Man Shoots Woman And Himself” [S Mar. 21, 1934 pg. 5] “Girl Blames Liquor For Man’s Shooting Of Woman and Self” [S Mar. 22, 1934 pg. 5] “Grandmother Shot By Jealousy-Crazed-Man May Recover” [Key-finder - Case #48] For those wishing to know more about this incident, the following webpages might be of interest: http://reefermadnessmuseum.org/chap06/RM_Halliday2.htm http://reefermadnessmuseum.org/chap06/RM_Halliday3.htm Name: Juan Moya - Location: - Denver Colo. - Date: - Oct 12, 1937 What the Narc’s were claimingNEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: DENVER POST – Denver, Colorado: [Oct 12, 1937 pg. 17] “Arrest of Four Aliens Reveals Denver marijuana Sales Ring” [Key-finder - Case #63] EDITORIAL NOTE: This incident is very similar to one that happened in the State of Texas. A situation that is the cause of much confusion. If making references to the Gore File, please note that these are indeed two distinct cases. ![]() COLORADO'S UNSOLVED GORE FILE CASES POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver - On November 27, 1935, Police at Denver arrested Andrew Chavez and seized 150 pounds of marihuana. The defendant was held for prosecution. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On November 27, 1935, Denver, Colorado, police seized 6 pounds of marihuana from Henry Lopez and Joe Sarate. The defendants were held for prosecution. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On November 28, 1935, Ruben Cordova was arrested at Denver for possession of 43 marihuana cigarettes. He was held for prosecution. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On November 29, 1935, Phillip Angeles was arrested by Denver police for possession of 11 marihuana cigarettes. He was fined $300.00 and costs. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On December 14, 1935, William Lucero and Frank E. Wasson were arrested by Denver Police while smoking marihuana cigarettes. One tin containing 2 ounces of marihuana was found in their possession. They were each fined $100.00 and costs, and an additional $25.00 each for vagrancy. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On December 18, 1935, Denver police arrested Ralph Lopez for possession of 24 marihuana cigarettes. He was held for prosecution. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On December 18, 1935, Miguel Chavez was arrested at Denver for possessing 11 marihuana cigarettes. He will be prosecuted. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On December 30, 1935, Pete Garcia 'was arrested at Denver when he 'was found in possession of 12 marihuana cigarettes. 12 additional marihuana cigarettes were seized from his room. He was fined $300.00 and costs. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On January 4, 1936, Frederico Olive was arrested on the streets of Denver with a tobacco tin containing 2 ounces of marihuana in his possession. At the time of his arrest he was attempting to sell the marihuana to a 16 year old boy. He was fined $150.00 and costs for violation of the City Narcotic Ordinance and $150.00 and costs for vagrancy. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On January 9, 1936, police officers at Denver, acting upon information that Nick Flores was selling marihuana, went to his room and found one tobacco tin containing 2 ounces of marihuana. Flores was fined $25.00 and costs and sentenced to serve 90 days in the County Jail. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On January 13, 1936, Charles Hernandez and Jose Dominguez were arrested at Denver for possession of 100 marihuana cigarettes and 22 ounces of marihuana in bulk. Hernandez was fined $300.00 and costs. Dominguez was released. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On January 18, 1936, Henry Gregory and Charles Haigood were arrested at Denver for possession of 6 marihuana cigarettes. Gregory was fined $100.00 and costs. Haigood was already on probation on a charge of grand larceny. It is probable that his probation will be revoked. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On January 22, 1936, Joe Hernandez, Trinidad Hernandez, Felix Lavero and Joe Raise were arrested at Denver for possession of 31 marihuana cigarettes and 60 ounces of marihuana in bulk. Joe Hernandez was fined $300.00 and costs; the others were fined $100.00 (each) and costs. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On February 6, 1936, police at Denver arrested Louis Morales for possession of 2 marihuana cigarettes. He was fined $100.00 and costs. On the same day they arrested Victor Ruiz for possession of 2 marihuana cigarettes and Clinton Emmert for possession of 2 marihuana cigarettes. Ruiz was fined $100.00 and costs, while Emmert was fined $50.00 and costs. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On February 12, 1936 Denver police officers seized 5 marihuana cigarettes from Fred Sanchez. The defendant was sentenced to 90 days in the County Jail and fined $100.00 and costs. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On February 29, 1936, police at Denver seized 2 marihuana cigarettes from Anthony Martinez and Andy Alexander. Martinez was fined $300.00 and costs, while Alexander received a fine of $25.00 and costs. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On March 4, 1938, Denver Police arrested Frank Arguello and Abe Trujillo, each being in possession of 1 marihuana cigarette. Both were sentenced to 30 days in jail. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On March 7, 1936, John Garcia was arrested in Denver for possession of 14 marihuana cigarettes. He was sentenced to 90 days' imprisonment on the narcotic charge and fined $25.00 and costs for vagrancy. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Walsenburg On September 12, 1935, following a series of crimes in Huerfano County, attributed to marihuana smokers, chief of which was an attack on Sheriff Claud Swift by a marihuana addict, which nearly resulted in his death. Sheriff Swift pulled up 75 pounds marihuana weed from a plot owned by Rito Parra. Another haul of 25 pounds was made on West 8th Street and about 10 pounds was pulled up on a ranch near Gardner. The total haul made by the Sheriff's office was approximately 200 pounds. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Pueblo Park On September 26, 1935, an alleged marihuana ring consisting of 5 persons, 3 of whom were said to be "buyers" from New York City, and the others 2 farmers of Fowler, on the Santa Fe Trail, were arrested. Fifty pounds of marihuana seed was seized. A consignment of 150 pounds was reported to have been sent via railroad. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File POSSESSION COLORADO - Denver On November 29, 1935, three men were jailed and a quantity of marihuana was confiscated in a police drive against the sale of narcotics in the lower section of Denver. Police who were in their prowl car observed the men acting suspiciously and jumped from their car and seized a satchel which one of the men carried, and which contained a quantity of marihuana. An additional quantity of marihuana was found in the room of one of the defendants, Henry Lopez. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File MUSEUM NEWSPAPER INDEX: ![]() NO, this index of (what may or may not be) Reefer Madness Newspaper articles is NOT COMPLETE and in fact is anything but. At best it should be thought of as a starting point for historical scholars doing research into the origin of the anti-Medical Cannabis laws. ALAMOSA DAILY COURIER - Alamosa, Colorado [s/e Aug. 21, 1936 pg. 1] “Ex-Convict Named as Brute Who Attacked Alamosa Girl; Victim Recognizes Assailant” (Gore File Case-Alamosa Daily Courier articles relating to the Lee Fernandez assault. Mentioned by Anslinger in his July, 1937 American Magazine article “Marijuana, Assassin of Youth” pg. 150, in Floyd K. Baskette letter read by Anslinger during the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act hearing held April 27 through May 4, pg. 32 etc…) [s Aug. 22, 1936 pg. 1] “Rapist Facing Ten Years In Pen Blames Drink For Sex Madness” (Gore File Case-Lee Fernandez) [S Aug. 22, 1936 pg. 2] “Justice With a Purpose” (Gore File Case-Lee Fernandez- Editorial-Quotes from Alamosa lynch mob with Black Legion leanings saying “get a rope”.) [S Aug. 26, 1936 pg. 1] “Victim of Sex Fiend Shows Sign of Rally From Mental Shock” (Gore File Case-Lee Fernandez) [S Aug. 31, 1936 pg. 1] “Police Blame Marihuana For Majority of Murders and Sex Outrages in Valley” (Gore File Case-Lee Fernandez) [S Aug. 31, 1936 pg. 2] “Marihuana, A Curse to the Valley” (Gore File Case-Lee Fernandez-Editorial) [S Sep. 01, 1936 pg. 1] “Law-Enforcement Groups Combine to Combat Weed Termed Menace to Valley” [S Sep. 01, 1936 pg. 2] “This Is Marihuana!” [S Sep. 02, 1936 pg. 1] “Marihuana Sample Is Put On Exhibit In Alamosa Today” [S Sep. 02, 1936 pg. 2] “Steps to Curb Marihuana” (Editorial) [S Sep. 04, 1936 pg. 1] “Officers on Guard Against Smuggling Of Drug in Valley” [S Sep. 09, 1936 pg. 2] “Action Is Needed” (Editorial) [S Nov. 25, 1936 pg. 1&8] “Alamosa Sheriff Thwarts Attack Of Marijuana Crazed Ex-Prisoner” [S Nov. 25, 1936 pg. 5] “Young Businessmen Vote on Resolution Assailing Marijuana” [S Dec. 05, 1936 pg. 6] “Delinquency is Topic Before Rotary Club; Marijuana Attacked” [S Dec. 07, 1936 pg. 1] “Alamosa Businessmen Fight Marijuana Peril By Passing Resolution” [S Nov. 25, 1936 pg. 2] “Federal Action Needed on Marijuana” (Editorial) [S Dec. 01, 1936 pg. 2] “A Law Colorado Needs” (Editorial) HOLLY CHIEYTON - Telluride, San Miguel county [S]- Oct 21, 1937 pg 1] “Menace as Great as Opium Looms on Mex. border” THE GREELEY REPUBLICA -Greeley Colorado [S]- Oct 7, 1937 pg 14] “U.S. Prosecutes On Marijuana” THE CANON CITY DAILY RECORD --- [S]-Oct 9, 1937 pg3] Two Sentenced To Federal Prison On Marijuana Charges” DAILY JOURNAL - Telluride, Colorado [S Aug. 24, 1904 pg. 4] “Dangerous Mexican Weed to Smoke” [S Aug. 16, 1921 pg. 1] “Menace as Great as Opium Looms on Mex. Border” DENVER DEMOCRAT - Denver, Colorado [S Oct. 23, 1937 pg. 3] “Marijuana Use Must Be Ended For All Time” (Briefly mentions Moses Baca and Samuel R. Caldwell convictions. According to state and federal records all newspaper reports are inaccurate.) [S Mar. 26, 1938 pg. 3] “State Board of Health Fights The Dread Evils of Marijuana Traffic” DENVER EXPRESS - Denver, Colorado [S Mar. 27, 1924 pg. 1] “Invisible Government” (List of KKK members including Carl S. Milliken-See also Rocky Mountain News, Dec 27, 1931 pg. 16 "Milliken Lays Increasing Crime to Marijuana Drug".) DENVER POST - Denver, Colorado [S/E Nov. 28, 1921 pg. 8] "Narcotic Weed Believed Cause of Fatal Shooting" [S Apr. 27, 1922 pg. 1&17] “Dope Ring Perils School Girls To Create More Drug Addicts” [S Jan. 29, 1926 pg. 1&11] “‘Criminals Get No Mercy In My Court By Pleading Guilty,’ Is Symes’ Warning” (Article on Judge J. Foster Symes.) [S Feb. 18, 1927 pg. 21] “Smuggling Of Mexican Drug Into Pueblo Schools Charged” (Representative Ray Talbot attributed the death of high school student to marijuana and then he pleaded for legislation resulting in Colorado’s 1927 law. Pueblo high school yearbooks contained only one death, a John S. Porter, for the time period in question. A search through the Pueblo Chieftain newspaper from Oct. 22, 1926 through Feb. 22, 1927 only yielded his Oct. 25th & 27th death and funeral articles, which say nothing about how he died.) [S/E Feb. 21, 1927 pg. 14] "Marihuana Evil is Growing In Colorado Says George Collins" (Briefly mentions Pueblo high school students already addicted to marihuana.) [S Dec. 30, 1928 pg. 6] "A Home-Grown New Drug That Drives Its Victims Mad" (Syndicated article in Magazine Section of Denver Post about Greenwich Village, NY, from International Feature Service Inc. Great Britain.) [S Apr. 07, 1929 pg. 1] “Father Beats Child To Death With Poker” (Mexican who killed baby boy of white girl-story keeps going on day after day.) [S Apr. 08, 1929 pg. 15] “Posses Hunt Man Who Beat Child To Death” [S Apr. 16, 1929 pg. 1] “Fiend Slayer Caught in Nebraska, Mexican Confesses Torture of American Baby” and sub-headed “Prisoner Admits to Officer He Is Marihuana Addict” [S/E Apr. 17, 1929 pg. 1] "Heavy Guard Put Over Fiend in Wheatland jail" [S/E Apr. 19, 1929 pg. 1] "Fiend Enters Plea of Guilty and is held without Bond." (AP story) [S/E Apr. 21, 1929 pg. 13] "Fiend Plans Insanity Plea To Dodge Noose" [S Feb. 24, 1930 pg. 09] “Man Jailed For Marihuana Sales” [S Feb. 24, 1930 pg. 15] “Slayer Of Child To Accept Life Term In Prison” [S/E Nov. 24, 1933 pg. 28] "Marijuana Ring Is Broken By Arrest Of Five At Longmont" (The card catalog in the Denver Public Library (DPL) as well as bibliographies in several publications add “dope” and “Mexicans” to the title and incorrectly cite this article as “Marijuana dope ring is broken by arrest of five Mexicans at Longmont”.) [S Mar. 21, 1934 pg. 1&5] “Denver Man Shoots Woman And Himself” (Gore File Case- Donald Holloway-Mentioned by Anslinger in his 1961 book “The Murderers” pg. 38) [S Mar. 21, 1934 pg. 5] “Girl Blames Liquor For Man’s Shooting Of Woman and Self” (Gore File Case-Donald Holloway) [S Mar. 22, 1934 pg. 5] “Grandmother Shot By Jealousy-Crazed-Man May Recover” (Gore File Case-Donald Holloway) [S/E Dec. 11, 1934 pg. 3] “Young People Warned Of Danger of Marijuana" [S/E Feb. 24, 1935 pg. 2 s. 3,]"‘Killer Drug’ – Marihuana Blamed for Violent Crimes" By Kenneth Clark (Gore File Case- Washington Correspondence-Article mentions Donald Holloway shooting in Colorado and Florida Murders committed by Victor Licata, etc.) [S/E Jan. 10, 1937 pg. 11] "Uniform State Dope Law Has Aided Colorado" [S/E May. 02, 1937 pg. 16] "State and City Unite In Drive on Marijuana" [S Aug. 05, 1937 pg. 16] “Sheriff Confiscates $5,000 In Marijuana” (See also World Independent Newspaper, Walsenburg, Colorado Aug. 4 through Oct. 7, 1937.) [S Aug. 06, 1937 pg. 14] "Colorado Department Waging Winning Fight Upon Marijuana, New Agency Battles to Destroy Narcotic That Leads To Eventual Insanity After Making Beasts of Its Victims” [S/E Aug. 08, 1937 pg. 3] "U.S. Narcotics Bureau Plans Marijuana War" By Bert Hanna [S Aug. 10, 1937 pg. 3] “Post Pictures Of Marijuana Expose Scheme” [S Aug. 14, 1937 pg. 8] “Marijuana Maker Is Sent To State Asylum After Wild Outbreak” [Elroy Carabahal case] [S/E Sep. 10, 1937 pg. 4] "US To Aid Rocky Mountain States Fight Marijuana" (AP) [S Oct. 03, 1937 pg. 18] “U.S. Maps War On Marihuana As New Law Goes Into Effect” [S Oct. 07, 1937 pg. 1&4] “Denver Banker Among 36 Indicted By Federal Jury” (Briefly mentions Moses Baca and Samuel R. Caldwell indictments. According to state and federal records all newspaper reports are inaccurate.) [S Oct. 08, 1937 pg. 8] “Denver Court Imposes First U.S. Marijuana Law Penalties” (Gore File Case-Mentioned in “Traffic In Opium And Other Dangerous Drugs” for the year ended Dec. 31, 1937 under “Illicit Traffic In Marihuana” pg. 54 & 57. Article about Judge Symes sentencing Moses Baca and Samuel R. Caldwell under America’s first federal marijuana law. Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Narcotics Bureau, attended and spoke afterwards. According to state and federal records all newspaper reports are inaccurate.) [S Oct. 10, 1937 pg. 2] “Slugger Is Facing Prosecution Under Anti-marijuana Law” [S Oct. 10, 1937 pg. 11] “Federal War On Marijuana To Be Widened” [S/E Oct. 12, 1937 pg. 17] "Arrest of Four Aliens Reveals Denver Marijuana Sales Ring" (Gore File Case-Juan Moya arrest mentioned in “Traffic In Opium And Other Dangerous Drugs” for the year ended Dec. 31, 1937 Under “Illicit Traffic In Marihuana” pg. 54. This Article also mentions the arrest of Angelina Hernandez for possession of marijuana. Her arrest, so soon after the federal tax act went into effect, suggests she may have been the first woman convicted under U.S law.) [S Oct. 13, 1937 pg. 3] “Judge Urges Deportation Of All Alien Lawbreakers” (Article on Judge J. Foster Symes.) [S Oct. 13, 1937 pg. 18] “Three Plead Guilty To Violating U.S. Marijuana Law” (Gore File Case-Juan Moya.) [S/E Oct. 21, 1937 pg.8] "Two Denver Cooks Arrested In U.S. Marijuana Drive" [S Nov. 04, 1937 pg. 13] "U.S. Agents Crush Dope Ring Selling Marijuana In Hawaii" [S May. 23, 1938 pg. 1] “Narcotics Foe Takes Up Her Work In Denver” (Elizabeth Bass article.) [S Sep. 30, 1939 pg. 5] “Sale Of Marijuana To Children Scored As 17 Are Arrested” (Federal court article about Judge J. Foster Symes stating a majority of his cases are marijuana offenders.) [S Aug. 18, 1940 pg. 12, s. 4] “War’s Cut Into Narcotic Supply Forces Addicts To ‘Take Cure’” (Elizabeth Bass article that briefly mentions marijuana.) [S/E Jan. 12, 1941 pg. 1&8] "Dope Raiders Jail 15 Colorado Suspects" [S Sep. 20, 1944 pg. 8] “Narcotic Official Sent To Chicago” (Elizabeth Bass article.) [S Jun. 12, 1946 pg. 1] "Big Marijuana Crop Is Seized At Mead, Colo." [S Jun. 13, 1946 pg. 4] "Part Of The $40,000 Marijuana Catch At Farmers Home At Mead, Colo.” [S Jul. 11, 1947 pg. 1] “Denver Marijuana Sales Ring Smashed” [S Jul. 23, 1947 pg. 17] “Arrest Bares Marijuana Traffic at Fitzsimons” [S Apr. 09, 1948 pg. 1] “Dope Selling Ring Smashed” [S Apr. 10, 1948 pg. 1] “U.S., City Officers Push Drive on Marijuana Ring” [S Jul. 18, 1948 pg. 1 s. C ] “Peddlers of Marijuana Lead Youths to Crime, Harvest Near For ’48 Crop” (Gore File Case-Report of Victor Licata escape. Article also mention’s the use of marijuana by zoot suit gangs.) [S Nov. 05, 1949 pg. 1] “Raid Bares Huge Marijuana Cache” [S Dec. 19, 1949 pg. 1] “Denver Dope Ring Smashed” [S/E Feb. 12, 1950 pg. 3A] "WAR ON DOPE, U.S. Rates Marijuana America's Greatest Narcotic Menace" (Article contains Anslinger’s quote “devil weed of the Rocky Mountain Empire”.) [S Aug. 05, 1950 pg. 2] “Vandalism ‘Reefers’ Linked” [S Dec. 17, 1950 pg. 7AA] “Narcotic Arrests Up 65 Per Cent” [S Feb. 16, 1952 pg. 2] “Suspect Linked To Jewel Theft” (Gore File Case-Armed robbery by Roy Pratt, mentioned in “Traffic In Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs” for the year ended December 31, 1952, under “Narcotic Drugs and Crime” pg. 9) [S Feb. 15, 1952 pg. 36] “Two Ex-Cons Held In $7,000 Stickup”(Gore File Case-Pratt) [S Apr. 18, 1952 pg. 31] “Stickup Suspect Escapes”(Gore File Case-Roy Pratt) [S Jul. 02, 1952 pg. 16] “16-Year Crime Figure Comes Home in Casket” (Gore File Case- Roy Pratt) [S Oct. 07, 1997 pg. 3B] “Peddler of pot first to be sentenced in U.S.- in 1937” (Gore File Case-Mentions Baca and Caldwell cases. The article “Hemp In History In Memory of Samuel R. Caldwell” was rewritten as a 60th anniversary article and sent to the Denver Post, resulting in this article and the following correction.) [S Nov. 18, 1997 pg. 2B] “Corrections” (Gore File Case-Source of Caldwell research, beyond that of 1937 newspaper accounts, and grave photo) [SEE ALSO--------] (Special Correspondence, The New York Times, DENVER, Sept. 13, 1934 pg. 16] “Use Of Marijuana Spreading In West” ( “Non-Official” Gore File Case-Colorado correspondence article was later quoted in publications like the December 1935 American Mercury article entitled “The Menace Of Marijuana” on page 488.) [Wanted ARTICLES - These are articles the museum has not seen and is trying to locate] [ Apr. 21, 1929 pg. ] (Governor signs anti Marihuana law- Approved April 18, 1929-marihuana made him kill.) [ Feb. 04, 1935 pg. ] (Editorial +/- a few days) [ Jan. 03, 1938 pg. 7] "Use Causes phenomena and illusions" (The Denver Public Library ‘DPL’ card catalog lists this article, however it cannot be located on the page cited for the story.) DENVER TIMES - Denver, Colorado: [S Apr. 27, 1922 pg. 1&2] “Drugs Sold To Denver High School Pupils, U.S. Grand Jury Reports” LAS ANIMAS LEADER - Las Animas, Bent County, Colorado [S Oct. 13, 1937 pg. 1] “Marijuana Is Found On Mexican Worker” PIKES PEAK HEMP COALITION - Colorado Springs, Colorado [S Summer, 1993 pg. 6&7] “Hemp In Colorado’s Hidden Past, Revealed” (Article about Fitz Hugh Ludlow, writer of The Hasheesh Eater, while in Colorado accompanied by landscape artist Albert Bierstadt. This story also mentions the memorial Library named after Ludlow.) [S Fall, 1994 pg. 5] “Hemp In History In Memory of Samuel R. Caldwell” (Gore File Case-Source of Caldwell research, beyond that of 1937 Newspaper accounts, and grave photo. The conviction part of this story was based on inaccurate newspaper accounts before the author obtained state and federal criminal records on Baca and Caldwell.) [S Jul.-Oct., 1996 pg. 3, 6, 8, 12]“Colorado Reefer Racism and the Advent of National Marijuana Prohibition” (This story contains an anonymous interview with a long time Denver resident, regarding marijuana use in the 1930’s, under the subtitle “MR. X REMEMBERS”. After MR. X’s death in 2002 his widow granted permission to release his name. MR. X was actually Alexander Rahoutis who lived from August 9, 1916 to May 9, 2002.) PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN - Pueblo, Colorado [S Oct. 25, 1926 pg. 5 c. 1] “Popular Member Of Central High Dies” (Death of high school student, a John Porter, mentioned in Denver newspapers on Feb. 18, 1927 as reason for passing state marijuana law. No cause of death mentioned in Pueblo Chieftain newspaper.) [S Oct. 25, 1926 pg. 5 c.3] “PORTER, John S.--Marriages, Births, Deaths, Funerals” (Death announcement.) [S Oct. 27, 1926 pg. 4] “PORTER, John S.--Marriages, Births, Deaths, Funerals” (Funeral) [S Nov. 17, 1926 pg. 2] “Colorado Leads In Deportation Of Alien Convicts From Prison” [S Oct. 07, 1937 pg. 2] “Raids Reveal Narcotic Ring Roundup” (A.P.) [S Oct. 08, 1937 pg. 1&12] “Three Dozen Are Indicted” (Article briefly mentions Moses Baca and Samuel R. Caldwell indictments. According to state and federal records all newspaper reports are inaccurate.) [S Oct. 08, 1937 pg. 11] “Vigorous Federal Drive Planned Against Sale Of Marijuana Here” RANGE LEDGER - Hugo, Colorado [S Mar. 31, 1917 pg. 1] “Agree Upon Dry Bill” (A brief mention of Colorado passing first marijuana law.) ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS – Denver, Colorado [S Feb. 18, 1927 pg. 7] “Charges Marihuana Weakening Pueblo High School Morals” (Representative Ray Talbot attributed the death of High School student to marijuana and then pleaded for legislation resulting in Colorado’s 1927 law. An examination of Pueblo high school yearbooks contained only one death, a John S. Porter, for the year in question. A search through the Pueblo Chieftain newspaper from Oct. 22, 1926 through Feb. 22, 1927 only yielded his Oct. 25th & 27th death and funeral articles, which say nothing about how he died.) [S/E Mar. 27, 1929 pg. 13] "Amended Bill Hits Traffic In Marijuana" (Source for Denver City chaplain Val Higgins quote “The use of marijuana came into the state with the Mexicans migrating here for agricultural work.” Senator Ray Talbot of Pueblo brings about his second change in Colorado’s marijuana law.) [S/E Sep. 27, 1931 pg. 16] "Milliken Lays Increasing Crime to Marijuana Drug" (Mentions that “Marijuana By Jack Carberry … has been used almost exclusively in this state by the Mexican population employed in the beet fields.” Carl S. Milliken was a Member of the KKK. See Also: “Invisible Government”, from the Denver Express, pg. 1, March 27, 1924 & “KKK In Colorado”, from Time Magazine, pg. 6, Aug. 3, 1925. Suggested book reading: “The Ku Klux Klan In The City” by Kenneth Jackson, United Press 1967.) [S/E Dec. 11, 1934 pg. 8] "Marihuana" (Editorial) [S/E Dec. 20, 1934 pg. 2] "Marijuana Growing Wild In Denver’s Front Yards" [S Feb. 04, 1935 pg. 8] “For a Uniform Drug Act” (Editorial) [S/E Mar. 21, 1936 pg. 7] "Habit-Forming Marijuana Grown In Great Quantities in Colorado" (The card catalog in the Denver Public Library (DPL) and bibliographies in several publications substitute “drug” for “marijuana” and incorrectly cite this article as “Habit-forming drug grown in great quantities in Colorado".) [S/E Aug. 06, 1937 pg. 1] "Bumper Crop of Marijuana Maturing in Colorado" [S/E Aug. 08, 1937 pg. 1&4] “Marijuana In Denver? Sure, Plenty of the Stuff” (part 1) [S/E Aug. 09, 1937 pg. 1&3] "Marijuana American Hashish; School Children Buy Drug" (part 2) [S Aug. 10, 1937 pg. 2 S3] “Marijuana Syndicate Hinted; Blow at Farmers Urged” (part 3) [S Aug. 13, 1937 pg. 1] “Marijuana ‘Farm’ Seized In Denver” [S Aug. 14, 1937 pg. 3] “600 Pounds Of Marijuana Burned” [S Aug. 17, 1937 pg. 16, c. 6] “Weeds Called ‘Health Menace,’ Parks Chief Told to Cut Them” [S Aug. 17, 1937 pg. 16, c. 8] “Marijuana Seed On Sale In Stores” [S Sep. 02, 1937 pg. 3] “Inspectors Get No Guns, Health Employes Drop Marijuana Drive” [S Oct. 08, 1937 pg. 1] “2 Indicted In Drive On Marijuana” (Indictment articles regarding Moses Baca and Samuel R. Caldwell. According to state and federal records all newspaper reports are inaccurate.) [S Oct. 09, 1937 pg. 3] “New Marijuana Law Sends 2 To Pen” (Article about sentencing Moses Baca and Samuel R. Caldwell. According to state and federal records all newspaper reports are inaccurate.) [S Oct. 14, 1937 pg. 5] “Marijuana Drive Pushed” (Gore File Case-Juan Moya) [S Dec. 06, 1937 pg. 1&3] “Dope Ring Operations Bared By Arrest Of 8” (Mentions deporting George Rahoutis back to Greece-See 1996 Pikes Peak Article with subtitle “MR. X REMEMBERS”) [S May 24, 1938 pg. 1] “Women to Direct War Against Dope in Denver” (Elizabeth Bass article-only woman supervisor in the Narcotics Bureau.) [S]- [Aug. 9, 1938 ] “Federal Grand Jury to See Growing Marijuana Plant” [S Sep. 09, 1938 pg. 3] “Federal Grand Jury to See Growing Marijuana Plant” [S Jan. 12, 1941 pg. 1&2] “17 Held as U.S. Agents Claim Smashing Of Dope Ring That Prayed on Boys, Girls” (Mentions Alex Rahoutis- See 1996 Pikes Peak Article with subtitle “MR. X REMEMBERS”) [S Mar. 10, 1943 pg. 8] “Opium Addicts Hit Hard As War Halts Illicit Traffic” (Briefly mentions substitution of marijuana in last paragraph.) [S Jun. 13, 1946 pg. 6] “$60,000 Marijuana Confiscated And Alleged Wholesaler Arrested” (Mead, Colorado farm bust.) [S Aug. 14, 1946 pg. 23] “Marijuana King Pin Gets 18-Mo. Term” (Mead, Colorado farm bust.) [S Feb. 02, 1947 pg. 12] “Federal Men Nab Alleged Reefer Ring” [S Aug. 07, 1947 pg. 13] “Reefer Peddler Given Three Years” (Judge J Foster Symes still handing out stiff sentences for marijuana.) [S Mar. 31, 1948 pg. 5] “Mail Order Traffic In Marijuana Halted” [S Apr. 09, 1948 pg. 1] “Four Arrested In Denver Narcotics Raid” [S Apr. 10, 1948 pg. 5] “Marijuana Raid Shatters Haven of Drug Addicts” [S May. 23, 1948 pg. 5] “2 Suspects Jailed On Dope Charges In ‘Sex Orgies’” [S Jun. 29, 1948 pg. 14] “Girl’s Tip Nabs Two In Marijuana Probe” [S Aug. 06, 1951 pg. 11] “Huge Marijuana Crop Found in Sex Orgy Probe” [S Nov. 05, 2005 pg. 1A, 4A, 10A]”Pot considered ‘murder weed’ in 1937” (Gore File Case-Marijuana article that mentions Moses Baca and Samuel R. Caldwell convictions. According to state and federal records all newspaper reports are inaccurate.) THE WORLD INDEPENDENT - Walsenburg, Colorado [S Jan. 19, 1935 pg. 1&4] “Dope-Crazed Men Terrorize Two Girls in Beauty Parlor” [S Sep. 03, 1935 pg. 1&4] “Man’s Skull Is Fractured by Blow in Attack Saturday [S]- Aug 7, 1937 pg 1 -- “Pair Guilty of Growing Marijuana” [S]- Aug 9, 1937 pg 8 -- “U.S. Narcotics Bureau Plans War on Marijuana” [Wrong Case] Night” (Gore File Case-Account of Ben Griego’s supposed attack on Huerfano County Sheriff attributed to marijuana. Accounts of the case can be found in the Traffic In Opium And Other Dangerous Drugs for the year ended Dec. 31, 1936 under “Marihuana Crimes” pg. 65 and in the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act hearings held from April 27 through May 4 1937, Anslinger, pg. 23. [S Sep. 11, 1935 pg. 1] “Sheriff Starts Drive On Marijuana Growers After Serious Crimes In County” (Gore File Case-Ben Griego) [S Sep. 21, 1935 pg. 1] “Griego And Cruz Attack Case Filed In District Court” (Gore File Case-Ben Griego) [S Oct. 11, 1935 pg. 1] “Civil Suits Come before Court Next Week; Moser Asks $9200 Damages in Victor Bain Wreck” (Gore File Case-Ben Griego) [S Feb. 20, 1936 pg. 1] “Jury Returns Verdict of Guilty of Simple Assault Today in Ben Griego Case” (Gore File Case-Ben Griego) [S Aug. 04, 1937 pg. 1] “U.S. Narcotics Bureau Plans War On Marijuana” [S Aug. 04, 1937 pg. 8] “Marijuana Seized In Raids” [Sheriff Confiscates $5,000 Worth of harmful Dope Weed” [S Aug. 05, 1937 pg. 1&8] “Local Dope Raids Continue” [Officers Locate New Fields In Western Part of County] [S Aug. 11, 1937 pg. 1] “Two Are Jailed For Growing Marijuana Weed” [S Oct. 07, 1937 pg. 1] “Pair Guilty Of Growing Marijuana” A COLORADO WEBSITE COMING -- ONE OF THESE DAYS: We wish that we had the ability to run a complete website on this state at this time, but due to limited resources, this is not a possibility at this time. For now, we hope that this partial material will be of some help to students of the Reefer Madness Era. ---- (Hint) if you make a financial donation to the museum it might help to speed things up a bit. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE