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![]() HARRY ANSLINGER'S GORE - PENNSYLVANIA THE UNSOLVED CASES MARIHUANA GROWER [NOTE that this case, while not related, has been linked together with another such case that also took place around the same time. The one in question here took place near HOWELLVILLE, PA.] PENNSYLVANIA - Malvern & Howellville During the Spring of 1935, reliable information was received to the effect that a field located on the Lincoln Highway near Malvern, and another one located on the Swedeboro and Paoli Road near Howellville, were under cultivation for The field discovered at Swedeboro and Paoli Road near Howellville was found to be under control of a Mexican named Michael Ruiz, who operates a truck garden on his property but was apparently cultivating a quantity of marihuana as a side line. Ruiz had about an acre and a half planted with marihuana. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File PENNSYLVANIA -Howellville On July 16, 1935, Police found a field of about one half acres used for raising marihuana located near Howellville, Chester County, Pennsylvania. The marihuana had not been planted in uniform rows. The growth indicated the seed had been scattered or sown and had not been cultivated to increase production. The marihuana was seized, cut down and destroyed by burning. The officers estimated the amount destroyed usable for smoking to have been about 100 pounds. The man who was reported to the officers as being the owner of the field was never apprehended or arrested. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File FARMER PENNSYLVANIA -Quarryville On August 22, 1935, information was received that marihuana was being raised in a field near Quarryville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The officers made an investigation and located the field, as reported, but saw on arrival that someone had destroyed the marihuana several days before by cutting it down and burning it. The remaining part of the plants or stalks in the plot, . . . indicated the marihuana seed was sown and not planted in uniform rows. The owner of the field could never be located. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File FARMER PENNSYLVANIA -Goosetown On November 11, 19.35, a field of about 5 acres used for raising marihuana was located in the mountains near Goosetown, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Upon investigation the officers found part of the marihuana had been harvested and part of it destroyed by plowing it under. It was planted in uniform rows of corn and well concealed. -- On searching the small sheds near the field the officers found about two pounds of marihuana prepared for smoking and about two pounds of marihuana seed in glass jars. The seeds were seized and destroyed by burning. --- ILLICIT TRAFFIC IN MARIHUANA - aka Gore File DRIVING Pennsylvania - 1936 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - M Arrested for driving auto in reckless fashion; also possession marihuana. Arrested -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 1936 - T. Goodwin - Philadelphia, Pa. - M - Arrested for driving auto in reckless fashion; also possession marihuana. - Arrested -- 6th conference report - INEOA 1965 SALES COATESVILLE, PA. -- 1937 Acting on information that Joe Gracia was selling marihuana in Coatesville, Pa., narcotic officers assisted by local officers made purchases from him totaling approximately 2 pounds, then arrested Gracia and seized from the basement of his home one large trunk containing 487 ounces of marihuana and one small wooden drum containing 328 ounces of marihuana. Gracia was tried, convicted, and sentenced to serve 3 years in a Federal penitentiary. -- The Traffic in Opium and Other Dangers Drugs (1937) VACANT LOT PHILADELPHIA, PA. - On Oct. 22 and 23, 1937, two plots of marihuana were found in the heart of the city of Philadelphia. The marihuana---about 3,000 plants on one plot and 3,500 plants on the other---was cut and burned by Federal and State officers. DANCEHOLD Philadelphia - (From mag. Dated may 1934) -- NOT AN OFFICIAL GORE FILE CASE From Philadelphia recently the papers reported the following story: An alleged "hop joint," fitted out with cheap bunks wherein addicts could lie and hide their troubles behind clouds of marihuana smoke was uncovered recently by Captain Kronbar and a squad of men when they raided a place on Juniper Street, below Lombard. Approximately $10,000 worth of marihuana was seized and two women and two men, were arrested. The seizure of the drug, which was outlawed by Pennsylvania last September, is the largest ever made here. More than one hundred pounds of marihuana, some of it rolled into cigarettes, some packaged apparently for delivery, still more in the plain weed state, were seized. Recently a number of arrests were made in Pittsburgh's "Hill" district, breaking up a ring of marihuana peddlers and addicts. Three Mexicans and one Negro were arrested in one of the raids and a quantity of marihuana was confiscated. HARRY ANSLINGER'S GORE FILE IN PENNSYLVANA
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