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PENNSYLVANIA - ODDS AND ENDS ![]() The following consists of a few of incidents that the reader might find of interest. A copy of the museum’s Pennsylvania newspaper index is also included. THE MYSTERY TOWN OF PENNSYLVANIA ----------------------------------------------- The whole narcotic program of the U.S. would be set back a long ways, if the women who formerly wasted the family fortune on laudanum (an opium tincture) which was formerly the drug of addiction in this country, should learn how to be just as much of a blight on her family and community through the cultivation of a crop of marihuana in her perennial garden or along fences. Laudanum was widely used before federal narcotic legislation. One town in Pennsylvania having 600 inhabitants had 60 laudanum users, mostly dyspeptic old ladies. Today there is not one to be found, due to stringent regulations and strict enforcement and the cooperation of the pharmacists. --- Box9, File7 - PennState Collection --- CASE_A2 ----------------------------------------------- Here, what the reader should understand is that this story (whether true or false) along with various other such stories, were in no small part responsible for the creation of first the Harrison Narcotics Act, and then the forces that led to the Supreme Court's (1920) ruling that doctors could no longer prescribe maintenance drugs. Thus in-effect creating the Drug War that we have today. Also of interest to the reader, is the fact that this little town we are talking about, --- (well) --- how shall I say it, sort of moves around a lot. Example: “One of the earliest narcotic cases I solved took me to a small town in Kentucky, less than 150 miles from Louisville, where I learned that one drugstore in eighteen months’ time had dispensed 200 ounces of morphine. The biggest hospital in Chicago, one of the largest institutions of its kind in the world, was using only 20 ounces a year. This store filled 5,000 prescriptions over the eighteen-months period. This figure equaled the population of the city.So here the story (with some minor modifications), changes its geography from Pennsylvania to Kentucky somewhere. Either that or the whole country was going to pot (no pun intended), and these small towns could be found just about everywhere, which I seriously doubt. --- But in any case, due to the number of small towns which fit the given description, I’ve never been able to physically ID, the little Pennsylvania town in question. WHO WAS JOSEPH M. SCHMUCKER Unless you live in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, you might never have heard of this guy. But to students of Reefer Madness-ology, he was a legend in his own day. According to the Gazette Bulletin (Dec. 22, 1938) "PUBLISHING PAMPHLET ON MARIHUANA"Unfortunately, try as we may, this museum has never been able to obtain a copy of the actual pamphlet. We've contacted the Williamsport (Pa.) police department, local libraries, etc., and nothing. The following is all we know about it: 1938 - The Marihuana MenaceWHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT HIM From newspaper accounts, we know that he was very active in public events, police fraternal organizations etc. But by far (as the section below from a High School year book shows), his major interest was in young people.
He was also politically astute, running for and elected county Sheriff. ![]() A pity, if only he (and a few others like him), had been on our side there is a good chance that the anti-Medical Cannabis laws would have never gotten on the books. WHO WAS THOMAS GOODWIN From the narcs we know the following: Pennsylvania - 1936 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - M Arrested for driving auto in reckless fashion; also possession marihuana. Arrested -- Article by James C. Munch; "UN Bulletin on Narcotics"-1966 Issue 2 Alright, so let's see what happened here; on either July 7th or 8th of 1936, a colored man by the name of Thomas Goodwin, got stopped by Philadelphia Cops, allegedly for reckless driving. At which point (after an examining the car), officers found small amounts of Marihuana on him. --- Okay, at this point maybe a question is in order; Can anyone tell me just HOW and WHY did this guy got into the Gore Film? I mean granted, for Mr. Goodwin this probably was a major and very traumatic point in his life, however in the overall scheme of things, as a Gore File Case, this just doesn’t seem to cut it. I mean where is the Marihuana crazed ax murderer, the serial killer, the young girl jumping out a window, etc.? So again, just how did this guy get into the file? --- Who knows, maybe is was just a slow/boring day for the gore file, and someone needed to add something that day? We'll probably never know, but with that said, we’ve not been able to find out very much about the case. No Newspaper reports, no crime case reports, nothing. Below is all that we know about the case. In fact, about the only thing that we ---------------------- According to Ancestry.com (and the 1930's census tracks), there is one individual who fit the description of Mr. T. Goodwin:
MUSEUM NEWSPAPER INDEX: NO, this index of (what may or may not be) Reefer Madness Newspaper articles is NOT COMPLETE and in fact is anything but. At best it should be thought of as a starting point for historical scholars doing research into the origin of the anti-Medical Cannabis laws. ADAMS COUNTY NEWS [S]- Nov. 13, 1909] “Home Course In Live Stock Farming” Med. ALTOONA MIRROR [ ]- "Retirement of Robert Anslinger." 30 November 1926. [ ]- "Urge Altoonan As Narcotics Chief " 20 December 1930. [ ]- "Senate Confirms Harry Anslinger," 20 December 1930; [ ]- "Expect Altoonan Will Be Retained." 28 March 1933. [ ]- "Native Altoonan Handles Big Job Combating Dope." 26 June 1939. [ S]- "Obituary of Martha Anslinger." 10 September 1961 [ ]- "H. J. Anslinger Honored at Hollidaysburg Picnic." 9 August 1963 [ ]- “H. J. Anslinger Plaque Placed in Courthouse." 16 August 1963. [ ]- "Commissioner Sued For Libel" 29 January 1965. [ ]- "Ex-Narcotics Commissioner Sued For Libel." 30 January 1965 [ ]- "Anslinger Suit Trial Shifted to Pittsburgh." 14 May 1965. [ S]- “Aug 27, 1968 - “Anslinger’s Fight Against Pot Reviewed by Esquire” [ S]- "Obituary of Harry J. Anslinger." 15 November 1975. BEDFORD ERA – Bedford, Pennsylvania [ S]- Aug 31, 1945 pp14] “16 Are Arrested in Probe of Marijuana Sale” [ S]- Oct 26, 1946 pp 13] “Charge Pair Sold Marihuana to G-Man” [ S]- June 9, 1947 pp2] “Boy Tells of Buying Mariahuana(sic), Selling It to Other Pupils” BEDFORD GAZETTE – Bedford, Pennsylvania [ S]- Dec 10, 1909 ] “Home Course In Live Stock Farming” Cannabis Mentioned, [NWR] Med [ S]- Apr 27, 1945 pp6] “Bedford W.C.T.U. Holds Institute” [ S]- July 27, 1945 pp1] “WCTU Holds Garden Party” [NWR] [ S]- Sept 23, 1948 pp2 sec 2] “Salute to Youth” Editorial [NWR] [ S]- Feb 24, 1950 pp7] “New Paris WCTU Holds Program” BUCKS COUNTY GAZETTE - Bristol, Pennsylvania [ S]- Feb 2, 1893 pg. 1] “A Pick Me up for Jaded Horses” (Cannabis) CHESTER TIMES - Chester PA [ S]- Dec 30, 1942 pg 12 - “State Moves to Protect Troops Against Dope” CHARLEROI MAIL - Charleroi, Pennsylvania [ S]- July 2, 1908] “The Tragic Loco Weed” [ S]- Oct 24, 1910 ] “Smoking That Maddens” [ S]- Feb 19, 1916 ] “Wonders Worked by Federal Drug Law” Cannabis mention, [NWR] [ S]- June 19 or 13), 1932 pp6] “Carl, Back in Old Home Town, Safely Locked up in Cell” [NWR] [ S]- July 23, 1932 pp1] “Officers Destroy Narcotic Growing Garden In county” [ S]- Oct 21, 1933 pp4] “Marihuana Used In Harrisburg” [ S]- Jan 5, 1934 pp5] “Use of Loco Weed Growing Rapidly” Wm. Walker [ S]- Jan 8, 1934 pp2] “Use of Loco Wed Growing Rapidly” (Wm Walker – same as above) [ S]- Dec 21, 1934 pp11] “Charge Avella Man Had Mexican Dope” [ S]- Aug 14, 1935 pp1] “Loco Weed is Found in County” [ S]- May 23, 23, 1936 pp6] “Take Steps to Halt Drugs in High Schools” [ S]- Jan 21, 1937 pp1] “Convict Forestalls Penitentiary Trip Pleads Not Guilty” (Gore File Frenchy Benoit) [ S]- Jan 21, 1937 pp8 ] “Michigan Killer of State Trooper Headed for Prison” [ S]- May 1, 1937 pp2] “Blames Alcohol, Wine Marihuana In Maniacal Beating of Waitress” [ S]- July 15, 1937 pp5] “Parents Urged to Assert Authority in Order to Save Younger Generation” [ S]- July 17, 1937 pp1] “Believe Doped Cigarets Sold in Fayette Co.” [ S]- July 21, 1937 pp8] “CIO Denies Strikers Had Smoked Marijuana” [ S]- July 21, 1937 pp4] “Beware of Doped Cigarets” Editorial [ S]- Aug 3, 1937 pp4] “Marihuana Racketeers” Editorial [ S]- Oct 1, 1937 pp6] “State Drive Against Spread of Marihuana Helped by Federal Aid” [ S]- Nov 19, 1937 pp14] “Judge Orders Marihuana Use to be Stamped Out” [ S]- Nov 20, 1937 pp6] “Marijuana Origin” [ S]- Nov 26, 1937 pp10] “Attributes Career of Crime to Marihuana Cigarettes and Liquor” [ S]- Feb 9, 1938 pp8] no title – malay myth [ S]- Mar 18, 1938 pp16] “Motor Police to Wipe out Source of Poison Weed” [ S]- Mar 19, 1938 pp4] short Editorial [NWR] [ S]- Mar 21, 1938 pp6] “Warn Parents of Marihuana Health Peril” [ S]- April 7, 1938 pp4] “Assassin” Editorial [ S]- April 21, 1938 pp3] “Charleroi Club Women Return from Convention with Laurels” [ S]- May 7, 1938 pp4] “Marijuana Menace” Editorial [ S]- May 9, 1938 pp8] “Action of Marijuana” [ S]- May 10, 1938 pp2] “Marijuana Pictured as Newest Menace to American Youth” Must Reading [ S]- May 26, 1938 pp5] “Smoking of Marijuana Cigarettes by H.S. Pupils Acquired in ‘Hot spot, Hideaways’” [ S]- Aug 9, 1938 pp4] “Still Find Marijuana” Editorial [ S]- Aug 16, 1938 pp2] “Marijuana, Dreaded ‘Reefer Weed,’ is fast Disappearing from Pennsylvania” [ S]- Aug 17, 1938 pp4] “Marijuana Fading” Editorial [ S]- Aug 24, 1938 pp3] “Marijuana Long in Use” [ S]- Aug 24, 1938 pp1] “Marihuana Weeds Are Destroyed by County Detectives” [ S]- Aug 27, 1938 pp2] “Jeeter Reefer Fans Blame Weed In Tilt” [ S]- Aug 30, 1938 pp4] “Marijuana in McKeesport” [ S]- Sep 2, 1938 pp 8] “See Dope Weed in Johnstown” [ S]- Sept 8, 1938 pp4] “Dope Weeders Are Paroled” [ S]- Sept 13, 1938 pp5] “Church Plans Merger Meet of Methodist” [ S]- Sept 20, 1938 pp4] “Marijuana Traffic” [ S]- Sep 22, 1938 pp8] “Accused of Selling Marijuana, man Held in Default of Bail” [ S]- Sep 27, 1938 pp2] “Has New Recipe for Longevity-Marijuana” [ S]- Oct 19, 1938 pp12] “Mexican Dope Case Pressed” [ S]- Nov 4, 1938 pp3] “Junior Athene Club Studies Woman’s Civic Obligations” [NWR] [ S]- Nov 7, 1938 pp1] “Monessen man is Picked up in Dope Raid” [ S]- Nov 8, 1938 pp4] “Students Warned Against use of Marijuana Weed” [ S]- Nov 18, 1938 pp2] “Baptist Mission Society of Belle Vernon holds Meet” [ S]- Jan 19, 1939 pp2] “Youth Crimes Held Spurred By marijuana” [ S]- Jan 25, 1939 pp4] “Public Enemies” Editorial [ S]- Jan 26, 1939 pp5] “High School Inquiry on dope, Liquor is Taken to Grand Jury” [ S]- Feb 4, 1939 pp4] “Narcotic Weed Found Growing In Hospital Grounds” [ S]- Mar 9, 1939 pp2] “Junior Auxiliary Members Hear find Talk on Marihuana Menace” [ S]- July 19, 1939 pp6] “Reefer Probe” [ S]- July 19, 1939 pp1] “Reefer Probe Made Here with State Inquiry” [ S]- Aug 12, 1939 pp5] “Knockout to Jaw Saves Patrolman in Fire Trap” [ S]- Aug 8, 1939 pp4] “War On Dope” Editorial [ S]- Sept 19, 1939 pp3] Film ad [ S]- Sept 20, 1939 pp2] Film Ad [ S]- Sept 22, 1939 pp3 “Year’s First Social Function Occurs Last Night for Y.M.C. Club” [NWR] [ S]- Oct 21, 1939 pp4] “Aiding Law Enforcement” [ S]- Nov 15, 1939-pp 2] “Uniontown WCTU in fight on Marijuana” [ S]- Dec 9, 1939 pp 4 ] “Marijuana Weed” Editorial [ S]- Jan 27, 1940 pp 4] “Marijuana’s Mystery Power” Editorial [ S]- Feb 12, 1940 pp4] “Hampered Drug Traffic” [ NWR] [ S]- Mar 7, 1940 pp 3] “Marihuana Facts and Garder Pointers make up Interesting Program” [ S]- May 20, 1940 pp2] “Narcotic-Eating Hogs” [ S]- Aug 21, 1940 pp8] “Federal Officers Search for Marihuana Fields in District” [ S]- Dec 17, 1940 pp6] “Wars on Marijuana” [NWR] [ S]- Dec 18, 1940 pp4] “Marihuana Destroyed” Editorial [ S]- May 16, 1941 pp8] “Man convicted of growing Marihuana” [NWR] [ S]- May 24, 1941 pp1] “Masontown Farmer is Sentenced on Charge of Growing Marijuana” [ S]- Oct 23, 1942 pp3] “War Cuts off Drug Supplies for Dope rings” [NWR] [ S]- May 4, 1943 ] “War Eliminating Narcotics Racket” [NWR] [ S]- May 22, 1943 pp6] “Comb Rural Areas of State in Hunt for Marihuana Weed” [ S]- July 7, 1943 pp6] “Fifth Columnists in Garden” [NWR] [ S]- Oct 13, 1944 pp 10] “Marihuana in Weeds” [NWR] [ S]- Apr 13, 1945 pp 6 ] “Marihuana Makes Mild People Wild” [ S]- Aug 5, 1946 pp5] “Clamping Down on Marihuana Growers” [ S]- Aug 7, 1946 pp 4] “Drive On Dope Rings” [NWR] [ S]- Sept 12, 1946 pp 4] “Marijuana Raids” Editorial [ S]- Oct 24, 1946 pp1] “Marihuana Peddling Suspects are Jailed” [ S]- Oct 25, 1946 pp 1 “Two Dope Peddling Suspects Owe $56,000, May Lose Homes” INDIANA GAZETE - Indiana, Pennsylvania [ S]- Nov. 01, 1899] “Trying it on the Dog” Med INDIANA MESSENGER - Indiana, Pennsylvania [ S-Jan. 11, 1871.pg.1] “Hydrophobia” (Med – Cannabis mentioned) INDIANA WEEKLY MESSENGER - Indiana, Pennsylvania [ ]- Aug. 20, 1890..paper.. CANNABIS INDICA, . . . East India.. [ S]- April 26, 1905] “Madness in plants” see Soda Springs Chieftain -- Aug. 10, 1905 [ S]- Jan 3, 1924 ] “Evil Effects of Hashish” [ --Oct. 01, 1925.pg.3]. Ad Dr. H. James CANNABIS Indica (COMPOUND) [ --Oct. 15, 1925 pg. 7] Ad Dr. H. James CANNABIS Indica (COMPOUND) [ --Oct. 29, 1925.]..Ad Dr. H. James CANNABIS Indica (COMPOUND) [ S]- Nov. 26, 1925 pg. 2] Ad Dr. H. James CANNABIS Indica (COMPOUND) [ S]- May 20, 1937 pg.3] “Gallant Crusader Against the Marijuana Weed” [ S]- Aug. 19, 1937.pg. 3] “Terror in Old Mexico” [N.W.R.] [ S]- July 14, 1938 pg. 4] “Why” Editorial but has nothing to do with marihuana!! [NWR] [ S]- Aug 11, 1938 pg.3 ] “Marijuana Cured Like Tobacco” INDIANA EVENING GAZETTE - Indiana, Pennsylvania [ --Nov 1, 1899 ] “Trying it on the Dog” [ S]- April 26, 1905] “Madness in Plants” [ S]- Nov. 30, 1920 pg.1] “What Will be Obregon’s fate as president” [ S]- Aug. 06, 1926.pg.1] “They Never Know” [ S]- May 3, 1933 pp1] “Repeats Warning on Drug Cigarettes” [ S]- Aug. 15, 1935 pg. 2] “Two Arrested on Narcotics Charge” [N.W.R.] [ S]- Jan 20, 1937 pg.1 ] “Bandit Slays Michigan State Trooper” (Gore File) [ -- Aug 19, 1937 pg.3] “Terror in Old Mexico” Adventure Story [ S]- Nov 30, 1937 pg. 2] “Negroes Held on Marihuana Charge” [N.W.R.] [ S]- Dec. 27, 1937.pg.1] “Fleas May Kill Marihuana” [ S]- Feb. 18, 1938.pg.4] “Treasury Law Enforcement Agencies” [N.W.R.]. [ S]- Feb. 23, 1938 pg.4] “Reefers go to School” [ S]- March 08, 1938 pg.10] “Anti-Dope Drive” [N.W.R.] [ S]- March 15, 1938 pg. 2] “Marihuana Film Rejected” Film [N.W.R.] [ S]- March 17, 1938 pg.1] “Mobilize Motor Police Squad to war on Marihuana” [ S]- March 28, 1938 pg.1] “Police School To Smash Reefer Smoking Racket” (Temple, Munch) Historical INFO [ S]- March 30, 1938.pg.1] “Map Drive To Destroy Every Seed Of Marijuana” [ S] -April 01, 1938.pg.3] “County W.C.T.U. Institute” [ S]- Apr 7, 1938 pp 2 ] “Marihuana Probers Work” [ S]- Oct 19, 1939 pg 2] “’Moderate Drinking’ Under Attack As Temperance Leaders Meet” [ S]- Oct. 23, 1939 pg.2] “...WCTU Delegates Expand Fight Against MARIHUANA While on Prohibition Drive.. [ S]- Aug. 2, 1941 pg. 6] cartoon [ S]- Sep. 30, 1941 pg.10] “W.C.T.U. Tells of Marihuana” 5-star Must reading [ S]- Feb 25, 1943 pp 1] “Noted Author Haled to Court” [ S]- July 30, 1943 pg. 2] “Marijuana Crop Biggest” [N.W.R.] [ S]- Feb 8, 1945 pg.16] “New Dope On Marihuana” by Jack Stinnett – [N.W.R.] [ S]- May 2, 1945 pg. 3] “Washington Twp. WCTU” [N.W.R.] [ S]- Feb 10, 1947 pg. 8] Sun Telegraph Sunday Features – about a story [ S]- Aug 12, 1948 pg. 19] “Huge Marihuana Haul Made At Mexican Border” [ ]— September 02, 1948...Narcotics Act. They were arrested at a MARIJUANA party at the home of 20-year.....Evans. 25, in what police said was a MARIJUANA smoking party in the girls.. [ ]— September 03, 1948...home after Los Angeles police raided a MARIJUANA party there and arrested her.. [ ]— September 08, 1948...was expected to arrive possessing MARIJUANA and conspircribed their.....contents as MARIJUANA. In [taians] this afternoon to.. [ S]- Sep 20, 1948.“Hollywood News (about Robert Mitchum).. [ ]— September 29, 1948...Un-American Activipopularly known as MARIJUANA. packed courtroom and the.. [ ]— October 02, 1948...on her plea for dismissal cf the MARIJUANA indictment... [ ]— December 27, 1948...with three others at an alleged MARIJUANA party. Another top headline.....arrested while digging up four cans of MARIJUANA in his back yard. Lawrence.. [ ]— January 11, 1949...Mitchum and Others Guilty, MARIJUANA Charge R.C. Canteen Sponsors.....Los Angeles of conspiracy to possess MARIJUANA. The trio will be sentenced.. [ ]— January 20, 1949...today on charges of buying and selling MARIJUANA in Philadelphia and Atlantic.....uncovered a paper bag containing 123 MARIJUANA cigarettes... [ ]— January 28, 1949...here on charges of possessing ed. MARIJUANA at a doped cigaret ing party... [ ]— February 26, 1949...Mitchum 40000 square is under quaron a MARIJUANA ... [ ]— September 06, 1949...much younge Arrest Three Men Selling MARIJUANA PITTSBURGH... [ ]— September 16, 1949..MARIJUANA PLAINVIEW, Neb., Sept 16.....leaves near the top of a lush stand of MARIJUANA plants. After destroying the.. [ ]— September 28, 1949...MARIJUANA cigarette. Why didn't the cops.....They can't speak English. But they MARIJUANA ,are still hopeful Permanently.. [ ]— November 10, 1949...Liia Leeds, who figured in the Mitchum MARIJUANA ease, leaves California for a ... ex-middleon a MARIJUANA conspiracy charge.. [ ]— March 02, 1950...State Hospital in Allegheny county. MARIJUANA Plants are Destroyed.....reported the destruction in 1949 of MARIJUANA growing on 45 and threeeights.. [ ]— April 28, 1950...by police on suspicion of possessing MARIJUANA. She, is Betty Jane Doss. 27.....Neale said he found can of MARIJUANA in a trailer occupied by Miss.. [ ]— June 03, 1949...after Blue serving 50-day terms on MARIJUANA conspiracy charges, was in.. [ ]— July 20, 1950...four men charged with selling MARIJUANA in this area. In custody were.....Yakima High School boys purchased MARIJUANA at Wapato from the pair.. [ ]— July 27, 1950...cent below a year ago. Speeder Carried MARIJUANA Cache.. [ S]- Dec 1, 1954 pg. 16] “Albuquerque Cop slain, 2nd Serious” gore file SJOLANDER WELLSBOURO AGITATOR - Wellsboro, Pennsylvania [ S]- Feb. 08, 1939 pg.5] “W.C.T.U. met Friday” [N.W.R.] [ S]- March 15, 1939 pg.1] “Deadly Weed Described” pamphlet talked about [ S]- March 29, 1939 pg. 3] “Boy robber Blames Reefers” [ S]- Aug 23, 1939 pg. 1] “Tioga County Pomona Grange”short marijuana speech [ S]- Jan 31, 1940 pg. 5] “Captain Schmucker to give talk “ [ S]- April 3, 1940 pg. 3] short – part of “Goings On in Harrisburg” [ S]- July 10, 1940 pg.1] “Penn Premier Shows coming” [N.W.R.] WELLSBORO GAZETTE - Wellsboro, Pennsylvania [ S]- Nov 26, 1925 pg. 2] “Smokers in Kansas use Mexican Weed; 3 Insane” [ S]- Dec 9, 1937 ] short WCTU meeting [ S]- Feb 9, 1939 pg. 2] short WCTU meeting [N.W.R.] [ S]- March 02, 1939 pg.5] “To Discuss Evils of marijuana at WHS” [ S]- Mar. 9, 1939 pg.1] “Check Spread of marijuana By Education” [ S]- Mar. 9, 1939B pg.9] “Check Spread of marijuana By Education” [ S]- Aug. 24, 1939 pg.1] “Pomona Grange to Convene in 2-Day Session” [ S]- Aug 31, 1939 pg. 1] “Tioga County WCTU Convenes at Westfield” short [ S]- March 21, 1940 pg. 6] “Little marsh School News” [ S]- April 4, 1940 pg. 4] short [ ]— March 09, 1950...will be made at an early date MARIJUANA Destroyed On 45 Acres, 77.....reported the destruction in 1949 of MARIJUANA growing on 45 and three.. DAILY INDEPENDENT - Monessen, Pennsylvania [ --Nov. 17, 1910 ] “Smoking that Maddess” MONSESSEN DAILY INDEPENDENT - Monessen, Pennsylvania [ S]- Nov 17, 1910 ] “Smoking that Maddens” [ S]- Jan 10, 1934 ] “Use of Loco Weed Growing Rapidly” [ S]- Aug. 17, 1935 pg.4] short, [N.W.R.] [ S]- Feb. 28, 1936.pg.3] “Do you Know” [ S]- Aug 19, 1936 pp 6] “Do you Know” [ S]- Sept. 01, 1936 pg.7] short [ S]- Sept. 29, 1936 pg.1] “990 Held After Treasury Drive to Enforce Law” [N.W.R.] [ S]- Nov 17, 1936 pg.4] short [ S]- Dec 23, 1936 pp 6] “Lights of New York” [ S]- Feb 04, 1937 pg.4] “Narcotic Addicts Reduced in Nation” [ S]- Feb 17, 1937 pg.7] “Bed Posts Yield Cache” [N.W.R.] [ S]- June 4, 1937 pp 13[ “Marijuana in Schools” [ S]- July 17, 1937 pg.1] “Doped cigarettes Flood Fayette Co.” [ S]- July 27, 1937 pg. 4] short [ S]- July 29, 1937 pg.11] “Urges War Against Marijuana Traffic” (Anslinger) [ S]- Sept 08, 1937 ] “Junior Auxiliary Opened Seasons Last Evening With Dinner Meeting At Malden” [ S]- Oct 29, 1937 pp.4] “O.O. McIntyre – New York Day by Day” [ S]- Nov. 10, 1937 pg. 8] “Marihuana War is On” short [N.W.R.] [ S]- Nov. 24, 1937 pg.1] “Raised Marihuana”.(Mexican Pete) Gore File [ S]- Feb 28, 1938 pg.3] short [ S]- March 03, 1938 pg.7] “Your Health” [ S]- May 02, 1938 pg.2] “Fight on Marijuana Launched” (picture Anslinger) [ S]- Aug. 19, 1940 pg. 7] “Midwest Wars On Marijuana” [ S]- Nov. 13, 1940 pg.1] “Man Held Here on suspicion Charge” [ S]- Dec. 20, 1940 pg.1] “Utah Wars on Marijuana” [ N.W.R.] [ S]- Dec. 20, 1940B pg.13] “State Narcotic Officers Destroy 300 Dope Acres” [ S]- Sept 30, 1941 pg. 2] “Fortune Lost in Marihuana” [ S]- April (or March) 28, 1943 pg. 6] “War Eliminating Narcotics Racket” [ S]- Aug 5, 1943 pg. 4] short [N.W.R.] [ S]- Aug 27, 1943 pg. 3] meeting Federation of Women’s clubs” [ S]- June 28, 1951 pp 12] “Marijuana Often Starts Youths in Dope Use” POTTSTOWN MERCURY - Pottstown, Pennsylvania [ S]- Feb 27, 1948 pg. 13] “Lifer may regain full Freedom Jailed Nine Years” (short friend) [ ]— September 02, 1948...after police said they broke in on a MARIJUANA smoking party in the girls.....said that both men. were .smoking MARIJUANA iila Leeds cigarettes when the.. [ S]- Sept 16, 1948 ] Movie Dope Addicts Under US Surveillance” [ S]- Sept. 30, 1948 ] “Mitchum Pleads Not Guilty” [ ]— October 02, 1948...of four persons arrested in an alleged MARIJUANA raid a month ago in which.....A hearing on her motion to dismiss the MARIJUANA charge will be held, Oct. 7.. [ S]- Oct 5, 1948 ] “The voice of Broadway” [ S]- Oct 14, 1948 ] “the Voice of Broadway” Mezz jazz [ S]- Oct 21, 1948 ] short PTA meeting GETTYSBURG COMPILER - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [ --April 12, 1905.. “Danger in Mexican Plants” see Soda Springs Chieftain [ S]- Nov. 27, 1907] “Queer Smokes” (Cannabis) [ S]- -Oct 20, 1909 pg. ] “Grecian food for Dreamers” Hasheesh [ S]- July 30, 1938 pg. 4] “Sheely Lauded for Term Given Marihuana Peddler” [ ]— August 06, 1938...Lauded for Term Sale of Fruit . . MARIHUANA Peddler Adams county... [ S]- Nov 18, 1939 pg.4] “Principals of 2 Counties Hear US Official” [ ]— November 25, 1939...and gave a talk on the evils of the MARIHUANA cigarette. She revealed the.. [ S]- April 20, 1940 pg.3] “Use and Effect of Marihuana Weed Told Lions” STAR AND SENTINEL - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [ S]- July 30, 1938 pg.4] “Sheely Lauded for Term Given Marihuana Peddler” [ S]- Nov. 05, 1938 pg.4] “President of Federation of Women’s Clubs etc.” [ S]- Nov. 11, 1939 pg.1] “Ministerium to aid in Fight on Marihuana” [ S]- Nov 18, 1939 pg.4] “Principals of 2 counties hear U.S. official” [ S]- April 20, 1940 pg.3] “Use and Effect of Marihuana Weed Told Lions” [ S]- Oct 25, 1941 pp1] “Tells Club of Drug Effects” (local Rotarians) [ S]- Apr 20, 1949 pp 3] “Use and Effect of Marihuana Weed Told Lions” THE MORNING HERALD - Uniontown PA [ S]- Sep 10, 1938 pg 9 - “Calvary Pastor Named Delegate to Unification” BRADFORD ERA - Bradford, Pennsylvania [ S]- August 31, 1945 pg. 14] “16 Are Arrested In Probe of MARIJUANA” [ S]- Oct 26, 1946 ] “Charge Pair Sold Marihuana to G-Man” [ S]- June 9, 1947 ] “Boy Tells of Buying Mariahuana, Selling It to Other Pupils” [ ]— September 03, 1948...JAIL FILM ACTOR; STARLET, OTHERS AFTER MARIJUANA RAID Robert Mitchum ...by federal narcotics agents on a MARIJUANA charge. Mitchum is seen in his.. [ ]— September 04, 1948...ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE) PRICE FIVE MARIJUANA Raid Site No Sivank Film.....shack in which the alleged MARIJUANA party was staged. At right.. [ ]— September 08, 1948...jury -Tuesday on charges of possessing MARIJUANA and criminal conspiracy. Also.. [ ]— March 11, 1949...Southern Korea. Dancer Acquitted In MARIJUANA Case Los Angeles 26-year-oid.....with 'possessing MARIJUANA" at a party also attended by.. [ ]— March 19, 1949...12 Society Editorial 8 Sports 10-11 MARIJUANA Seller Held For Grand Jury.....man testified yesterday he sold 000 MARIJUANA cigarets s. year in....the Sabbath day to Seep it holy... [ ]— February 18, 1950...Christian Bryn Mawr graduate. and MARIJUANA IN STATE MARIJUANA weed was.. [ ]— May 01, 1950...by the Central West New York HELD IN MARIJUANA SEIZURE of Barber Shop Quartet.....ARRESTED WITH A CAN. of "unmanicured" MARIJUANA in Los Angeles, Betty Jane.. GETTYSBURG TIMES - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [ S]- Oct. 18, 1910 ] “Smoking that Maddens” [ S]- July 11, 1912 ] “The Old Man of the Mountain” [ S]- March (or May) 07, 1914.pg.1] lost and found section, cannabis bottle lost. [ S]- May 16, 1914] “Weird Visions Result of Drug” [ S]- July 23, 1915 pg.4 ] Hashish [ S]- May 6, 1916 pg.4] “The Lost World” a fictional story Hashish [ S]- Nov 4, 1918 pg.3] “Hemp Tree’s Many Products” (Hashish) [ S]- April 17, 1923 pg. 4] “A Million in Drugs Destroyed” [ ]— April 17, 1930...ago there were Mexicans who planted MARIHUANA, u form of the, drug hashish.. [ S]- Aug. 01, 1931 pg. 4] “Today’s Best Editorial Talk” [ S]- Nov. 21, 1932 pg.4] “Chicago Boy Confesses to Orgy of Crime” [ S]- Aug 5, 1933 pg. 4] short [ N.W.R.] [ S]- Oct 11, 1933 Pg.5] “New Law Will Ban marijuana” [ S]- Nov 6, 1933 pg. 3] “Reefer Vendors Seek New Fields” [ S]- Feb 10, 1934 pg. 5] “Renew Drive On Doped Cigarettes” [ S]- Oct 1, 1934 pg. 3] “Drive Found Doped From Cigarettes” [ S]- Jan 22, 1937 pg. 2] (Picture of ALCIDE Frenchy" BENOIT) gore file [ S]- Jan 23, 1937 pg. 5] “Slayer of Trooper Sentenced to Life” gore file [ S]- July 26, 1938 pg.1] “Sheely Lauded for Term Given Marihuana Peddler” [ ]— November 03, 1938...of four negroes charged with selling MARIJUANA acI cidentally tore his.. [ S]- May 5, 1939 pg.1] “Gives Report on Dry Unit Groups” short [ S]- Aug. 01, 1939 pg.3] “Marihuana Weeds Being Destroyed” [ S]- Oct 23, 1939 pg.5] “W.C.T.U. Extends Fight Against Narcotic Weed” [ S]- Nov. 06, 1939 pg.1] “Ministerium to Aid in Fight on Marihuana” [ S]- April 13, 1940.pg. 1] “Health Official Will Discuss Marihuana Weed” [ S]- April 16, 1940 pg. 1 ‘ “Use and Effect of Marihuana Weed Told Lions” [ S]- Aug. 21, 1940 pg.1] “Motor Police Locate Large Marihuana Field” [ S]- Aug. 24, 1940 pg.5] “Marihuana Charge Filed” short [ S]- Sept. 13, 1940 pg.2] “Marihuana Conviction” short [ S]- Oct. 18, 1941 pg. 1] “To Address Rotarians” short [ S]- Jan 23, 1943 pg.2] “Soldier Involved in narcotics Case” [ S]- June 26, 1946 pg. 5] Jigger Moran – fictional story [ S]- Oct 6, 1948 pg. 6] Deadly Weapon – Fictional Story [ ]— March 11, 1949..."I have never smoked a MARIJUANA cigarette' in all of my 26.....of a charge of conspiracy to possess MARIJUANA the summer night she [ ]— October 31, 1949... Owner Seize MARIJUANA; Philadelphia! Held.....man charged with possessing enough MARIJUANA... WARREN EVENING MIRROR - Warren, Pennsylvania [ --Oct. 09, 1908 pg. 2] “Use for Deadly Weed” NEW OXFORD ITEM - New Oxford, Pennsylvania [ --Sept. 12, 1890] Ad for Cannabis Indica – Craddock & Co. [ S]- Dec 18, 1919 ] “A Strong Narcotics” [ S]- June 9, 1938 pg. 2] short [N.W.R.] [ S]- Nov. 09, 1939 pg.2] “To Aid in fight On Marihuana” [ S]- Nov 23, 1939 pg. 2] “Principals Hear US Official” [ S]- July 25, 1940 pg. 3] “Tells of Growing Child Dope Peril” [ S]- July 3, 1941 pg. 7] short [N.W.R.] [ S]- Dec 4, 1941 pg.1] “Teachers Will Hear Officer” GAZETTE BULLETIN - Williamsport, Pennsylvania [ S]- Dec. 05, 1910 pg. ] Smoking That Maddness” [ S]- Sept 29, 1936 pg.1] “Federal Men Conduct Drug, Liquor Raids” [ S]- March 04, 1938 pg.1] “Probing Use of Marihuana in District” [ S]- March 05, 1938.pg.4] “Fighting Marihuana” Editorial [ S]- March 05, 1938B pg.7] “Continue Probe of Marihuana” (Schmucker) [ S]- March 18, 1938 pg.10] "A Militant Crusader” (Schmucker) [ S]- March 18, 1938B pg.7] "To Banish Marijuana From State” [ S]- Nov 2, 1938 pg.7] “Guest Speaker at Meeting of Shamokin clubs” (Schmucker) [ S]- Nov 18, 1938 pg. 10] “ A militant Crusader” [ S]- Nov 25, 1938 pg.8] “Third Marihuana Talk Given in bellefonre” (Schmucker) [ S]- Dec 3, 1938 pg.2] “Schmucker Listed For 5 Marihuana Talks Next Week” [ S]- Dec. 13, 1938 pg.14] “Marihuana talk Will be Heard at Loganton church” [ S]- Dec. 21, 1938.pg.2] “Will Speak In Poller County This Evening.(Schmucker) [ S]- Dec 22, 1938 pg.2] “Publishing Pamphlet on Marihuana” )Schmucker) [ S]- Dec. 23, 1938 pg.10] “The Marihuana Menace” Editorial (Pamphlet) [ S]- Jan. 09, 1939 pg.1] “Says Planned Arrests Will solve Burglary, Marihuana Cases Here” [ S]- Jan. 17, 1939 pg.2] “Marihuana Talk to be Given in Newberry Church” [ S]- Jan 25, 1939 pg.3] “County Federation Hears Executive Board Member Discuss Roadside Beauty” [N.W.R.] [ S]- Sept 3, 1943 pp 11] Payed Ad – Schmucker for Sheriff” [ S]- Nov 6, 1943 pp 10] “Man Held for Sending Reefers to Army Camp” [ S]- Nov 19, 1943 pp8] “Schmucker’s Marihuana Drive Supported by FBI” [ S]- June 20, 1950 pg. ] “Sheriff Joseph M. Schmucker” – Editorial NEWS COMET - East Berlin, Pennsylvania [ S]- Jan. 19, 1940 pg.1] “York springs News Events” meeting about [ S]- Dec 5, 1941 pg.5] “Teachers Hear Officer” CLEARFIELD PROGRESS - Clearfield, Pennsylvania [ S]- Dec. 19, 1916 pg.1] “Mexican Laborers Shooting Dope into National Guard on Border” [ S]- March 23, 1934 pg.9] “Health” [ S]- June 15, 1934 pg.4] short [N.W.R.] [ S]- Oct. 31, 1934 pg.1] “Drive to Curb Use of Marihuana, Narcotic” [ S]- Nov. 23, 1934 pg.4] “Dangerous Drug” short [ S]- Jan. 18, 1935 pg.6] “Ma-ri-hwa-na” [ S]- June 7, 1935 pg.8] “Dangerous Drug” short [ S]- Oct 7, 1936 pg. 10] short [ ]— January 20, 1937...Ohio and Michigan searched woods for ALCIDE (Frenchy) BENOIT, alias Joe La.....until the pursuing car was ditched. MURDER and Suicide Is Coroner's Jury.. [ S]- Feb. 27, 1937 pg. 1] “Reefer Smokers Attracts Eyes of State Legislature” [ ]— January 12, 1938...were using a narcotic,. . . MARIHUANA or morphine" that, shows no.. [ S]- Feb 3, 1938 pg. 2] “gone: 1400 Acres of Dream Stuff” (picture) [ S]- Mar 30, 1938 pg. 7] “State Ready for Drive Against Marijuana Weed” [ S]- June 18, 1938 pg.4] Woman's club(s) [ S]- July 22, 1938 pg. 2] “Dope Weed” short [ N.W.R.] [ S]- Aug. 02, 1938 pg. 8] “The Marijuana Evil” Radio speech [ S]- Oct. 24, 1938 pg. 1] “Local Clubwomen At DuBois Meeting of county Federation” [ S]- Nov. 16, 1938 pg. 1] “Jr. Women Hear About Marihuana and peace League” [ S]- Nov 17, 1938 pg. 1] “Marihuana Weeds In Johnstown Garden” [ S]- Aug. 04, 1939 pg. 6] “Plant Lover” [N.W.R.] [ --Sept. 12, 1939 pg. 7] Film “ ”Assassin of Youth” [ --Sept. 13, 1939] Film “Assassin of Youth” [ S]- Sept. 14, 1939 pg. 9] “Marihuana Smoking Thrilling Picture Theme” Film [ S]- Sept. 15, 1939 pg. 8] Film “Assassin of Youth” [ S]- Oct 17, 1939 pg. 8] “Beaver Woman Is Main Speaker At Meeting” [N.W.R.] [ S]- Oct 19, 1939 pg. 3] “Moderate Drinking Under Attack at state WCTU Meeting” [ S]- Oct. 23, 1939 pg. 2] “W.CT.U. to Expand Fight Against Dread Marijuana [ --Feb 17, 1940 pg. 8] “W.C.T.U. Discuss Evils of Marijuana” [ S]- March 27, 1940 pg. 9] “Have You Met Some of These Drivers Who Lost Licenses?” [ S]- Aug. 22, 1940 pg.6] “Burn 6-Acre Tract of marihuana” [ S]- Oct. 12, 1940 pg.2] “County Club Federation Hears Pa. vice President” [ S]- Dec. 30, 1942 pg.3] “Held on Charge of Selling Dope to Pa. Soldiers” [ ]— July 30, 1943...Destroy MARIJUANA PHILADELPHIA, . . .pounds of MARIJUANA, the narcotic weed from which.. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER [ Wanted]- Feb 8, 1938, pg. 2 “Marijuana Linked to Busman Slaying” - Girl under ‘Noxious’ influence, Counsel tells jury in N.J. (AP story) [ Wanted]- Feb. 9, 1938, pg. 3 (Shol case continues) [ Wanted]- Feb. 10, 1938 pg. 3 - “State Urges Death for N.J. Gun girls” [ Wanted]- Feb. 11, 1938 pg. 2 - “Gungirls on way to battle for lives”, “Girl blames Drug in holdup-slaying” HARRY ANSLINGER'S GORE FILE IN PENNSYLVANA
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