Chapter 4 - (2nd Edition)
Section IV - The controversy goes on
The Assassin of Youth
Atlanta, Georgia
September 24, 1941
Re: “BURNING QUESTION” - Marihuana
Motion Picture.
Memorandum To Narcotic Officers, District 6
Reference is made again to efforts on the part of our Bureau to suppress and break up the showing of a marihuana movie entitled “Burning Question”. This film has been shown under titles, “Tell Your children” and “Reefer Madness”.
The only place in this district where information has been obtained as to its showing was in Birmingham, Ala.
The Bureau has had correspondence with Mrs. Judith K. Roberts, Department of Law of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Division of Motion Pictures Censorship, in which she writes the Bureau about the showing in the State of Virginia under here board’s approval of a movie “THE PACE THAT KILLS”, after a number of eliminations had been ordered in the print.
The Commissioner of Narcotics has written this office under date of September 17, 1941, to the effect that advice has been received that this picture, “The Pace That Kills” was actually shown under the title, “Marihuana Madness”. The Commissioner advises, however, that the scenes in this motion picture have no relation to marihuana and obviously the title “Marihuana Madness” was substituted in order to sensationalize the picture and attract the curious.
The above for the information of each Narcotic Officer in this District.
The Chief Coordinator for the Treasury Enforcement Agencies, Mr. Elmer L. Irey, is making extended effort towards suppressing the showing anywhere in the United States of this undesirable movie, “Marihuana Madness”, which my information is may be shown under some different but similar name. Each Officer is earnestly cautioned to keep sharp lookout about the showing of this or similar pictures and when learned about you each are urgently directed to make every possible proper effort towards its suppression immediately in your territory.
Yours very truly,
J.B. Greeson,
District Supervisor.
Cc: Bureau
Cc: Edward A. Gleason
Supevar. Customs Agent
Jacksonville, Fla.
DEA Internal Memo Sept. 24, 1941
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