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The Dramatic Story of Ohio's Fight Against Narcotics Elsewhere the Museum has a whole section devoted to comic books and the Golden Age of Reefer Madness. Here it is enough to say that in their grand wisdom the powers that be; imposed a comic book code (1955) that among other things forbid even the mention of Marihuana in anyway. Shape or form --even for educational purposes. Which in effect meant that what is probably the best educational tool to reach young people was (figuratively speaking) tossed out the window. HOWEVER, the comic book code only applied to commercial comic book publishers NOT to governmental organizations. Thus (every now and then) an educational giveaway comicbook made its way into various public school systems. As an example we selected “Crackdown Ohio's Fight Against Narcotics,” because it is all too atypical of these giveaway comics. ![]() ![]()
WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE