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“Who so ever shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
Leaving aside all the (less than honest) information that school children were offered (via their school libraries), etc., during the Reefer Madness era. We should never forget that the vast majority of written material made available to young school age students was in the form of free handouts; Either leaflets or small pamphlets. The following one (we presume it made its way into the public schools) shows an all too vivid example of the educational process at its worse. In fact it’s so sick for its time (note it was printed up in 1967, or at the very tail end of the dis-information campaign) that one at first is tempted to think that it’s a sick joke, but it’s not. The pamphlet is listed in the official 1967 Federal Registry of State sponsored literature. We will leave it up to the individual reader to determine if the subject matter was appropriate for young readers. ![]() STEPPING STONE to DESTRUCTION VOL. 1 NO. 5 JUNE 1967 THE ESSEX COUNTY YOUTH AND ECONOMIC REHABILITATION COMMISSION 39 Branford Place Newark, N. J. Martin Lordi, Director The Horrible List The crimes committed by persons under the influence of "pot" are many. Here are actual cases, taken from official files. MURDER:
![]() PERILS OF DRUG ADDICTION The Essex County Youth and Economic Rehabilitation Commission's program to prevent drug addiction among youths is heading into its second year. Marijuana represents a major pitfall that can lead to addiction and the chilling breakdown in health and morals and social adjustment that follow. Among the clues to marijuana is its odor, like burnt rope. It is readily noticeable on the breath and clothing. It is usually smoked, but there's also marijuana candy, cookies and tea . . . The Violent Trigger Marijuana can trigger a hidden desire to commit an act of violence. "The important question for society," says Donald E. Miller, the Bureau of Narcotics' chief counsel, "is not in what manner marijuana causes crime" but in how many crimes would not be committed if marijuana wasn't used. Don't think getting "hooked" is the worry of The Guy Next Door. It can happen to you. From using reefers" to "mainlining" heroin can happen quickly, and it's a one-way street leading to wrecked health, to crime, to shortened lives . . . REMEMBER, it can start with a few "innocent" puffs on a marijuana cigarette. To you, not The Guy Next Door . . . The First Step “. . . it cannot be too strongly emphasized that the smoking of the marijuana Cigarette Is a dangerous first step on the road which usually leads to enslavement by heroin." Henry L. Giordano U. S. Commissioner of Narcotics What marijuana can do is all there on the record..... on the police record. Murder . . . . . . And Rape . . . . . . . . . And Robbery . . . . . . . . . And Assault The Foolish Student "If a student is stupid enough to misuse his time here fooling around with illegal and dangerous drugs, our view is that he should leave college and make room for people prepared to take good advantage of a college opportunity." Dean John U. Monro Harvard University Discussing marijuana and LSD Is Marijuana Harmless? Don't you believe it, not for a single instant. Don't listen to the kooks, to the oddballs, to a few fuzzy-minded college professors or so-called intellectuals who smugly insist that there's no harm. No harm? Ask the Federal Bureau of Narcotics about that. Ask how the records through the years show marijuana not only becomes habitforming, but leads eventually to the use of major drugs . . . to heroin, to becoming "hooked," to becoming a dope addict. And for you future leaders, those of you who are college students or will be soon: There's too much to learn in school without taking the wrong course, one in marijuana smoking! Don't be misled. Marijuana not only is not your friend --- it's your enemy. It's everybody's enemy. Banned By All Marijuana is the only drug that is outlawed in every civilized country around the world. What Can Happen to You While Smoking Marijuana? You can go wild, that's what. The list of crimes traceable to using "reefers" is long --- long and ugly and frightening. You lose sense of distance and if you're driving it can mean a crash --- perhaps a fatal one. Your sense of judgment becomes impaired. You become nasty, confused. dangerously aggressive. And your health, physical and mental, can be damaged. In India, for example, one-third of all persons in mental institutions are marijuana users. [MUSEUM NOTE] As can be expected, many (and probably all) of the above accusations made about the use of Medical Cannabis were false. In some cases this museum has even been able to document that the whole story (from start to finish) had no bases in fact. However, without any one around to say otherwise many (impressionable) young people believed. In fact to this vary day, many still believe. EDUCATION COMICBOOK GIVEAWAYS WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format. CONTACT PAGE