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COMIC BOOK DATABASE COMIC BOOK INDEX [A] ACTION COMICS #8 [SEE MORE] ![]() DATE: Jan. 1939 STORY TITLE: "The Maruuana Farmers" STORY PLOT: Five star reporter, Scoop Scanlon, following-up on a tip (given to him by the G-men) investigating the strange goings on, out in the country. Soon the action begins as someone shoots his car tires etc. In time Scoop see a field of "Maruuana" etc., etc. CHARACTURES: Scoop Scanlon (Reporter) FOOTNOTES: [1]-[Not recommend for reading] [2]-No actual story title was given, but by mutual concesses, it is being called "The marijuana Farmers" Publisher: Detective Comics Inc. 400 Lexington Ave. New York, N.Y. ADVENTURE COMICS #39 [SEE MORE] ![]() DATE: June 1939 STORY TITLE: "Reefer Madness" STORY PLOT: This episode of the "Federal Men" (by Siegel and Schuster, the creators of Superman) has Ace G-Man Steve Carson tracking down a school janitor who's selling Marihuana to innocent high school kids. The case begins after a group of youngsters rob and kill a gas station attendant and then drive off weaving haphazardly and hit an innocent pedestrian - all under the influence of Marihuana (the weed of madness). This leads Steve Carson to a high school where he matches wits with a dope-peddling janitor. Great unforgettable story lines such as: "Marihuana the drug that causes the smoker to lose all moral restraint-then this case comes under federal jurisdiction!" Must reading for all reefer madness fans. CHARACTURES: Ace G-Man Steve Carson FOOTNOTES: [1]-Highly recommended - Must read [2]-No actual story title was given, but by mutual concesses, it is being called "Reefer Madness" Publisher: Detective Comics Inc. 420 De Soto Ave. St. Louis Mo. ALL-AMERICAN COMICS #24 [SEE MORE] ![]() DATE: March 1941 STORY TITLE: "The Slave Racket" STORY PLOT: [This story has nothing to do with Medical Marihuana, but the slaves are forced to carry and load bails of Hemp unto ships]. etc., etc. CHARACTURES: Green Lantern (Golden Age) FOOTNOTES: [1]-[Not recommend for reading] Publisher: ALL TRUE DETECTIVE CASES #3 ![]() DATE: March 1952 Reprinted - Story of: [From Gangsters and Gun Molls #3] Juanita Perez-The Gypsy Killer ALL TRUE ROMANCE #10 ![]() DATE: March 1953 STORY TITLE: "Gang Girl" STORY PLOT: - This is NOT, repeat, NOT a reefer madness story. It is however, a good example of how an Internet auctioneer can drum up business. Despite the sales description: "Classic headlights cover, hypo panel, marijuana + drug use panels in 'Gang Girl': "Enjoying yourself, baby? Here take a drag on this! It'll pep you up! It's got a kick like nothing else! Ha, ha, ha." - But other than that one panel -- nothing -- no actual mention of medical marihuana. CHARACTURES: - Generic charactures, girl, boy etc. FOOTNOTES: [1]- Not recommend for reading Publisher: Harwell Publictions, Inc., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. ALL TRUE ROMANCE #14 [SEE MORE] ![]() DATE: Nov. 1953 STORY TITLE: "Dread Past" STORY PLOT: Unless your into girl romance etc., the story is not worth reading. Something about a nurse who goes wrong and messes up during an operation. Anyway, the word Marihuana only comes up once, as those words like weed, tea etc. Again, not worth reading. CHARACTURES: - Generic charactures, Nurse, Doctors etc. FOOTNOTES: [1]- Not recommend for reading Publisher: Harwell Publictions, Inc., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. WANT TO KNOW MORE: ===================== Due to space / download time considerations, only selected materials are displayed. If you would like to obtain more information, feel free to contact the museum. All our material is available (at cost) on CD-Rom format.